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I jan . 15 , 1886 The rublishers Circular gj
I I Introductory Latin Reading Books . DR . MEL VESTS LATIN \ EXERCISES . I Rector As of dedicated the Grammar by the School late James Aberdeen Mei . / vin To , LL which . D . are prefixed Dissertations on , a variety of Latin I Idioms and Constructions . By the Rev . Petbb I Cau > eb , A . M ., late Rector , G-rammai School , G-ran-I town . Eleventh Edition , 8 vo . cloth , 3 s . 6 d . DR . MELVIN'S LATIN EXERCISES . Supplementary Volume , containing the Latin to the I Exercises , with English Notes and copious Index . I By the Rev . Peter Caudeb , A . M . Third Edition . I Revised by the Rev . James Pibie , M . A ., B . D . 8 vo . I price 3 s . 6 d . I * As a help to tuition , the work deserves to be I known and used . Classical teachers and tutors may I gather from them materials for useful instruction , I I Latin and for composition furnishing . ' a — variety Litebajby of lessons Gazette in . elementary DR . WOODFORD'S EPITOME of CJESAR'S COMMENTARIES . With Vocabulary , Geographical Outline , and a Map of Csesar ' s Gaul . For first reading Latin . Thirteenth Edition , I 8 mo . cloth , 2 s . Just published , 2 nd Edition . MANUAL OF SCIENTIFIC TERMS , Pro-A nouncing , Etymological , and Explanatory . Chiefly comprising Terms in Botany , Natural History , Anatomy , Medicine , and Veterinary Science . With an Appendix of Specific Names . By the Rev . J . Stobmonth , Author of the ' Etymological English Dictionary . ' Crown 8 vo . cloth , price 7 s . 6 d . Edinburgh : [ JVlaclachlan & Stewart . London : Simpkin , Marshall , & Co .
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1886, page 87, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011886/page/89/