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90 The Publishers' Circular jan . 15 r , 1886 , ' ' " " ' ' ¦ - — ... ¦ 1 . . , . - ¦ ¦ .. - n
I "DOOKSELLING , STATIONERY , and j ; . wanted J- > FANCY by an Assistant TRADES . well — RE acquainted -ENGAGrEMENT with the / ; Trade general . Seven routine years of the 1 experience Book , Stationery in first-class , and houses Fancy ; I good references . —Apply to No . 2001 , Publishers ' Circular Office . i
PRINTER'S ASSISTANT WANTING SITUATION , MASTER PRINTERS . —Wanted , SITUAyears last TION situation by a . News —Typo and , 7 Jobbing High Street hand , . Bnxton Eight , Derbyshire .
'THE PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR ' LIST OF TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESSES AND LONDON TELEPHONE ^ TUMBEBS , WITH REGULATIONS Jlnfc a FOR Qalenbav INLAND for 1886 TELEGRAMS . , Printed on a Broadsheet , for pasting upon the wall of Office or Warehouse . Price Twopence , or post-free Twopence-halfpenny , London : SAMPSON LOW , MA & STON , SEAKLE , & RIVINGTON .
ESTABLISHED 1837 . PUBLISHERS ' OrROTJIiAR . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . One Page ( Royal 8 vo . size 10 x 6 inches ) £ 3 3 0 XXcwxl . c *» MTd > c 4 C «•• . . *•• . • • • • • . t ••« ••> ••¦ ... X x . £ t v / la ^ UcLJrLc" lcLj £ * 2 ••• ••• ••• . ••• > . i . » ••* •¦• ••• J . x \ J An Four inch Lines across in Column Pagre 0 0 10 2 * 6 6 jr © jr i ^ ine aii / er . »» - « # ... . «¦ . «• ... .. ¦ ... .. ¦ ... u j \ o A reduction is made for a series according to the number of insertions . Special positions by arrangement . The PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR Office , Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , London .
Books For Sale. Advertisements Are Inserted Under This Heading At 3d. Per Line, Prepaid*
BOOKS FOR SALE . Advertisements are inserted under this heading at 3 d . per line , prepaid *
//. Iv. Bally Barton-On-Ffumbernear Hull...
// . IV . Bally Barton-on-ffumbernear Hull Superior secondhand books from , the Thorp Hall , Binbrook
elegant Hall , and bindings other libraries , viz . : — , in fine condition , aud many in Art p ^• . hotographs ¦• — V v The * - * r >* - ^ JV Picture " W > , 5 f vols V Gallery * . ' * O » . in 111 , 3 J 221 , ^ , XJ new * - < fine V > half J Kill permanent " -morocc JJ-1 WI » 'OVV o * Woodbury , , gilt {^ UU , } 1 4 W to / . . ,
£ 3 . lO . v . —The Second Series , 78 plates , 4 large vols . folio , Art and half Journal -morocco woodcuts , 184 , £ , U 3 28 . to 10 vols * 187 . . C ( original Low , thousands & Co green . ) . of steel cloth , engravings gilt , fresh I clean set , £ 15 .
Associated many engravings Architectural , 1850 to Society 1882 , with ' s Reports both indexes and Papers ( except , three parts ) , 32 parts , £ 3 . BeJgravia tionsvols , conducte 1 to 22 d ( first by Miss 10 in Braddon cloth ) , £ numerous 2
illustra-BaJly engravings ' s , Magazine . , vola of . 2 Sports to 37 ( 1881 and ) Pastimes except , 1 . , many part , clean fine steel and well ham bound Sketches , £ 12 . 10 * of . Statesmenfine 3 vols
Broug royal 8 vo 's . half-morocco 3 <) . s . , portraits , . Byron ' s English Bards and , Scotch Reviewers . 1 st edit . new polished calf extra , £ . 2 .
Buck ' s large Views of Bath , Berwick , Bristol , Bury St . ' Coventry Edmund ' 8 , , Derby Chester , Exeter , Canterbury , Lancaster , Chichcster , Newcastle , Colchester , Notting- , i ham ^^ n-m * OxfordPeterborough 1 RiSalisburyShefl \ eld
Scarborough . m-m . , ^ , jm . « v /» M , , j Stamford * V * \ T \* A KM * J A V , W f ^ 1 arwick I f , JLfc J | pon / v- " , and , UtIJIQ Wincheste ik / Hm ^ J , K ; UCAllv r , fresh ( U , | each and . clean , nearly all with the large original margin , 15 . ? . !
Black woodcut Tetter titles . Certayne , 4 to . cal Sermons f , ^ ood copy an < l Homilees , £ 3 . 1 O . « ., , 2 1609 volw -70 . in 1 , Baxter £ 12 * 's 12 Works *) , edited by Drewe , 23 vols , £ 2 . 10 . ? . ( cost i
.. ... H Bunyau tions , ' large s Pilgrim 4 to . ' half s Progress -vellum , ltdition , £ 3 . lO . v de . Luxe , 100 illustra- I
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H . Butler W . Ball 's , Lives Barton of -on the -Hu Saints rriber , nea portraits r Hull— 12 cont vols inued 8 vocalf
£ 2 . 10 . ? . , , . . , Blore uncut uncu ' s t . History 115 5 ss .. of Soutli Winfield , plates , 4 to . boards ,
Black Letter , Romant de la Rosenumerous woodcutsfolio original calf , neat , clean and perfect , , £ 8 ., Paris , 1526 , . , Coleridge ' s Poetical and Dramatic WorksPickering ' s edit
3 vols . calf extra , 21 . * . , ., Church . Historians of England , 18 vols . 8 vo . cloth , 30 . * . Cussans * t-S VAiJUV ^ l MK ^ ' H * -A- istory *• J ' * - ' * J of V ^ ft . Hert Jft-AXrfJh VAW fordshire * V « UMI , A . Vt , 11 numerous UIX 1 UAUUU S fine . JUAJI ^^ plates &/ AMI V ^^ J , ^
3 vols . folio , new half-persian morocco , £ 7 . 10 . * . Catena Rivter A e , urea £ 2 . , 111 by * . Aquinas , Oxford , , wi 1842 th . notes , 0 vols . 8 vo . calf gilt , Chronicon V * 1 A WUiV ^ JU \_ Gotwicense 4 l / Vr ? IVVUOL , , y many U ^ COUJ plates fXACfctyUXY , y IM facsimiles ^ OlUUiUa , j & « . «( - ^> c # , j 2 « tf large AC * " - © ^
vols . jfolio , calf , fine copy , £# ., 1772 Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain during the quaries Middle Ages 17 vols , facsimiles ro 3 al 8 vo , & Roxburg c , edited h £ by /> eminent
anti-Cholralcy ' , s ( Sir Hugh . ) Memoirs . , only 100 , cop . ies , privately printed half 111 - \ cal / l-4 J > , f a 1787 £ <^ r 10 JL \ J ; Account of Tangiers , 17 S 7 , in 1 voL 4 t <> . M'M *^ * ^ ,
Carlyle Campbell * 8 Complete ' s Lives of Works the , Lord 37 vols Chancellors . cloth neat , , 7 £ 2 vols . 12 . * . . 8 6 < vo t . . cloth £ 4101
V **< l \/* JlM , y * Km . JL . \ fiJm .. Camden Drake ' s Society Kboracnm ' s Publications , or History , of 25 York vols . , cloth fine , portrait £ 2 . 10 . * . and full A * - * » A of V ^ A . plates j ^/ At * l / X ^ U i . This *~ L ( AhJ is ** J the k / Al \ j spendid U J ^ - ' * - ' * * * - * * KM l AC arge * Jl f ^ \/ - — paper IfWI / Vft copy ^¦ 'V ^ J ' j J , with * " »*»•*•
Perkins the arui 8 Sale in . gold Folio and , rii colours ssia gilt , which , gilt leaven sold for , £ 20 £ 25 . at the Dialect 37 part ( English s £ 510 ) * Society's Publications , 1873 to 1881 , in
, . . Di T ~\ ft letters cktnfl ' s of Pickwick *¦""* * the 1 plates ft Papers T ~* , 8 vo . , half originitl * - calf , edition £ 4 i . 1837 , proofs . ^* before «_ ^ _ . - _ Macau extra lay , gilt ' s Essays , by llayday , library , £ 2 . edition 2 s . , 3 vols . 8 vo . tree calf
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1886, page 90, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011886/page/92/