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kayis, l88 5 Tiie Publisllers' Circular ...
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I J.. A, Publishers' Circular Office, 18...
„ . nr -, „ lmnbarium inmtarium Aua ., 30 bime . , or or the zae Street Pigeon rlgeon , E . C . noose House , , being oemg an an xmrroaucuion Introduction
toaNatural o 1735 ( Lon History don ) of Tame Pigeons , by John Moore , a Treatise on Domestic Pigeons , inscribed to John Mayor ,
fTrftfttise Eaa T ? an London London on Domest , , 8 8 vo vo ic . . Pigeons 13 13 engravings engravings , containing . . 1765 1765 valuable (( London London informa )) - tion tion & & cC -t 12 12 mo mo . . Folding * oiaing plate piare _ __ _ _ _
The on New Domestic and Complete Pigeons , Pigeon by Daniel Pancier G-irton , or , of Modern the County Treatise of Backs Folding plate —— . -m No — — date — - _
The date " DU ^ Complete vn ( London * . m . _ . w . ** Pigeon T ^« , Orlando - « _» o ^ _ ^ _ r <_ Fancier __>! — _« _ f _ i Hodgson _ * _ r _ i _ - ^* , pp «•_ w ^ w . , 24 O Cloth __ . Coloured 4 ** 1 j ^ Fair U _ " _«««» ) _^_ 3 plate wi _ % J »_ - _ . No T ^ T j" ^ Vew and Complete Treatise on the Art of Breeding and
a Manag . 104 ing . Coloured the Almond plate Tumbler . 1802 , ( London by an Old ) Fancier , 8 vo . Treatise pp on plate the Almond 1851 ( London Tumbler ) , by J . M . Eaton , 8 vo .
Treatise Tame Coloured Domesticated on the Art . of , and Breeding Fancy , Hearing Pigeons , , by and J . Fattening M . Eaton , 8 , Coloured plate . 1852 ( London )
vo . Treatise on the Art of Breeding and Managing Tame , Baton Baton Domesticated 8 8 vo vo . . pp pp , . . Foreign z 220 z \) . . so 30 , coloured coloured and Fancy plates plates Pigeons . , 1858 laoo , ( ii by London _ , onaon J . M )) . , ,
Mortimer Any other ' s Book Observations on the Pigeon during a Voyage in the Brig Mercury , ' 4 to . 1792 ( London )
J & Divine Cross mpfrin * ( Marshall Oblatio Miss ) Book n ( Mowbray of Co Extracts ., 4 Stationers ) . . Five Five ' copies -Hall copies Court , E . C . ' ¦ ii _ ' _ 2 ^^ nd Series ^ m
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Drummond Hanson ' s Jesus ' s Righ of History ts of Animals ! Wyllie Life , of D . Edward , & Son , Payson 167 tfmon Street , Aberdeen
Gulliok ' s Handbook for the Pictures in Westminster Palace . Two copies Statistical Sowerby ' s E Account nglish B of otany
Armstrong ' s Gaelic Dictionary Argyllshire ANTED : FIRST EDITIONSclean and
Meredith "» uncut , Kingsley j Of I « ever _____ , , Bh Thaokei rr % __ . ll _ ey •_ , » Keats y , Ainaworth _ l «__ , Lamb , , Browning Marryat < b _ , . _ p > _ . , , George _^_ Jesse _ . J Also Works Illustrated by RowlandsonLeechDoyle & c—
Charles Hutt Sec , Clement ond-band 's Catalogues Inn Gateway solicited , , Strand . , W . C .
Kayis, L88 5 Tiie Publisllers' Circular ...
kayis , 5 Tiie Publisllers' Circular 4 g
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), May 15, 1885, page 483, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15051885/page/51/