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85' ' - ——————— _ , . ; ..:.,,c s ^ 742 ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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85' ' - ——————— _ , . ; ..:.,,C S ^ 742 ...
85 ' ' - ——————— _ , . ..:.,, c s ^ 742 The Publishers' Circular June 151889 ,
1 0 / 7 «/ f // y 7 , 7889 , w / 7 / 6 e Published No . 1 of thp NEWBERY HOUSE ;¦ MAGAZINE . % UStmttjjfjr gjkfrbm ficnT % ^ Jergg anir Ifaiig ai % ( ffjntrxfr 0 f ( ittglantr . 128 pp . large 8 yo . Illustrated . PRICE ONE SHILLING . * , , ... . i ~ - _ — _ - _ g Hbe IReWben ? ibOliee / Bba ^ a ^ iUe will be issued from the Establishment founded by John Newbery in 1740 , then made famous by the publication of the works of Dr . Johnson , O . Goldsmith , Dr . Smart , and numerous other literary celebrities and divines of the la ^ t century , and carried on to-day by Messrs . Griffith , Farean , Okbden & Welsh . ILbe IFieWberE fbOUeC / mSaga ^ lne will combine articles of a scholarly nature with other Church matter of a lighter and more general character , and will thus be useful , interesting , and instructive to the Clergy and Laity . Qbe TRe \ Vbety > ibOUge jflftaflastne wiirtake its stand on the fact that the Church of England is a true and living branch of the Universal Churchy and the ancient and historic Church of this country . ZTbe ifteWbetg 1 bOUge jflfrafla ^ tne will be Scriptural in its teaching , thoroughly Catholic in its sentiments , an earnest champion of the * Faith once delivered to the saints / and will give emphatic prominence to the great central truths of Christianity . XTbe Tftewbetg TbOllge / Iftaflastne will vigorously uphold the Principles , Doctrine , and Ritual of the Church of England , and will oppose a firm ^ front to all who seek to impair her efficiency or to hinder her progress . < ' , XTbC IFleWben ? fbO \ XeC / Iftaffaatne will be bright , lively , and interesting . ! Hbe IReWberg ibOUge / Iftafla 3 ine will be a literary and a family Magazine . Its fiction will be of the best and purest . Its articles on general subjects will deal with questions on which the public seek for the latest knowledge , from the pens of the first authorities . XLbC TfteWben ? ibOUee / Ifiaga ^ ltte will contain something for every member of the family : Stories for the Young by the best Authors , illustrated by the be » t Artists , and Papers on Domestic and Household matters by well-known writers . GRIFFITH , FARRAN , OKEDEN & WELSH , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 15, 1889, page 742, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15061889/page/32/