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?54 The Publishers' Circular June 15, *8...
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?54 The Publishers' Circular June 15, *8...
? 54 The Publishers' Circular June 15 , * 889
JACKSON'S SYSTEM Vertical or Uprigh OF t Writing . SPECIAL NOTICE . The Publishers have much pleasure an announcing Mr . JAOKS thajt O ^ N they " ( the have Autlior made of arrangements the System witTi of Vertical or Upright Writing ) for the immediate production bf i an entirely KTew and . Comprehensive — * Series of Copy Books , the most complete yet issued , comprising Twenty Numbers , each , containing 48 Headlines , specially adapted for Board , Elementary , Intermediate , and High-Class Schools . PARTICULARS IN FUTURE ADVERTISEMENTS .
AS REQUIRED IN THE GOVERNM EN T EXAMINATIONS iEai . TJ ^ i ^ ica-iaiT leiE ifcT iMi ^ icsrs iEiE * - JACKSON'S NEW STYLE VERTICAL WRITING COPY BOOKS Iml Eiglvt Books . Price Twopence each . 1 . SMALL exercises . TEXT Bight . lines —Introductory , easy letters , 3 . ROUND simple definitions HAND . — of Loner short words and , 5 . SMALL of towns ROUND countries HAND island . s —Nam rivers « . s T-ihort and easy words . familiar words , figures . Geographical , . , , 2 . SMALL letters , easy TEXT combinations . —More , diffi difficult cult 4 . ROUND Upper lines HAND , girla . — ' Capital names ; le lowe tters r . 6 . SMALL events , with ROUND dates HAND in figures . —Various . Hi 8-words with loop letters . lines , boys' names . torlcal . 7 . SM rulings ALL on HAND each . — page Bold . size Maxims , two 8 . SMA three LL rulings HAND on . each — Finishing page . Scien size - , and Proverbs . tine definitions . bewild Throughout ering inconsistencies the entire series which one so rnuob uniform . retard style the and pupil one ' method s progreps of construction in the ordinary are systems observed of , thus writing avoiding . The books those entir have ely been New most Method carefully ' < fcc . compiled by JOHN JACKSON , F . E . I . S ., M . O . P ., Author of 'A Practical Arithmetic on an PROFESSIONAL OPINIONS . vertical « I can writing strongly /— recommend The Lord Primate Mr . Jackson of ' Ireland s new style . of ' There ia no doubt it TRttBNHnt is the best ' s system Literary now Becord in uae . . * The specimens are of great General excellence Gamble . ' , War Office . by « its Especially adoption useful a freque in nt the cause Oivil of Service disqualification Examinations would , as system ' It . ' can —Thos be . more Smith readily , Capt ., acquired H . M . Insp than ector the of orthodox Schools , be removed ( Rev . ) W . ' . S . Darlky , Diocesan Inspector of Schools . Admiralty Department . London : SAMPSON LOW ~ 1 > iTrST ^ JLimitisd , 9 St . Dunstan ' s House , Fetter Lane , Fleet Street , E . G . ~ i— -m
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 15, 1889, page 754, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15061889/page/44/