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I««.I< 1882- The Publishers * Circular N...
I «« . i < 1882- The Publishers * Circular no *
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MR . RUSKIN'S WORKS . m , ¦ ¦» i—i ¦ j " ^ * " . " ' r ' — - ¦ - * - ^^^^ T ai ¦ ¦ - ^ ' f T-^ PUBLISHED BY AND TO BE HAD OF GEORGE ALLEN , SUNNYSIDE , ORPINGTON , KENT . Lists , with full particulars , post-free on application . DISCOUNT ALLOWED TO THE TRADE . Price 2 s . 6 d . NEWTON'S PATENT LAW AND PRACTICE . Enlarged Edition . Defining ! Patenta"ble and Non patgntable Invention and the Nature of Specifications and Claims ; showing the mode of obtaining and opposing Grants , Disclaimers , Confirmations , and Extensions of Patents , and giving all information necessary to enable a Solicitor to advne his Clients . By A . V . NEWTON . ' It is a most useful summary . '—It . E . Webster , Esq ., Q . C . London : THt ) BNER & CO ., $ 7 and 59 Pat Lud ents gate , 6 & Hill Chancery , E . C . ; Lane and . of NEWTON " - ^ & SON , the Office ( 732 ) for Three-Vol . Novels 0 . MILES'S REMAINDER LIST For this Month contains all the Popular Books in demand at the Libraries . Best Books , Original Bindings , Cheapest Prices . ¦ A- T ? : P I / X" FOE , LIST , . A-IfcTU COMPARE PRICES . I I T . MILES & CO . 826 & 05 Upper Street , London , N . MP ^*^^ , ^^ ^^ mmmma * _ M _ _ ^ « I WM « OTk ^ ^ ^ ^ i > ia ^ n > i "' ••••¦ «* P «»«**»««""*««« " ***« ' ' 1 ' -1 - " ' "' - - ¦ i ^^ - ^^ m r ** " * " ^ ' ** * r " » " ¦ " L- " - ' ¦¦ Mi ^ lBW" ¦ * ¦ f ^^^