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_^^k ^m A & ^u a jk . H
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_^^K ^M A & ^U A Jk . H
, 1404 . . The ^ Publishers _^^ k ^ m ^ A ^ ' Circular ^ u a jk _ Nw •* , - is , issl I
Interesting to Publishers . OWN INVENTION . Greatest Establishment in the World , founded 1880 . CARL REINECKE , Berlin , JV ., 58 . I REPRINTS OF ANY PRINTING MATTER OF WHATEVER AGE ( Books , Maps , Drawings , Illustrations ) , " without employing type-composing , only by chemical way . -work Guarantee are not to that be distinguished the Eeprint and from the Ori each ginal other . Prices about one-third of usual letterpress 100 printing ies Copies more . For , 4 18 v . Reprint s 6 . d . ( excluding lar , 16 er pages paper work ) , , each s including at hundred lower rates cop . , ; g Most favourable testimonials of leading Publishers in Germany , Great Britain , France , Italy , Sweden , Denmark , & c . The book-trade papers of the fore-named countries stated the enormous advantage of my invention . Specimens of Reproductions to be had of Mr . W . JJ . Kisxly , Publisher , 57 Carey Street , Lincoln ' s Inn ; this said firm receives also orders directly for me . Some London firms for which I have personally done -works : —Messrs . Bickers & Sons , Messrs . Christy & Co ., Mr . Walter R . Browne , Mr . Samuel Frencb , Messrs . Longmans . Green & Co ., Messrs . I L . Reeve & Co ., Messrs . Waterlow & Sons , Mr . I H . Sweet , Mr . E . F . N . Spon , Mr . G . W . Bacon , Messrs . Triibner & Co .
i ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SI ^^^^ V ^^ H ^ HH ^^ IM ^^^^^^ S ^ PSVs ^^ PVMBVnBIM ^^^^^^^^^^^^ H > ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^ IPVHHHImmmrShHHIH ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hfl MBS ^ mM ^ Bi ^ BSHBI ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^ ^ I
GENTLEMAN who has had some ex-A perience in the Retail Book Trade dewires to enter a first-class London Publishing-house . He , ' would be willing to invest from £ 500 to £ 1 , 000 in ; ' the same , with a view to ultimate PARTNERi SHIP ( all communications treated in the strictest confidence ) . Write , giving fullest particulars as to salary , & c , to W . L . O ., I ' ublisJiers Circular Office , 188 Fleet Street , London . fi * 2 &> : : " - ¦
- t RLIAMENTARY assorted Stock of all interesting REPORTS subjects ^ J Olyett , 5 Endell Street , Long Acre , London , Vcl
SECOND-HAND BOOKS in is V Classical now Eng read lish , and y , , containing Ori French ental , Literature German 2 , 300 articles , . Italian A An CATALOGTJi , ^ Spaniel Sa cuf ^ post and uncommon free for twopence , at verv in low Eng prices lish or . forei It , many will gn - be postaj senJ , J stamps London . , W John . Russell Smith , 36 Soho Snn qUare ^ J j
Booksellers' Assistants Wanting Situations.
BACKER and WAREHOUSEMAN ^ J- SITUATION wanted bAdvertiser * active , intelligent , and oblig y ing ; several , voue yeai ? experience , excellent references . —AddressA . E . Publishers * Circular Office , 188 Fleet Street , E . G . ' ,
ADVERTISER ( 22 ) seeks SITUATION £ * - as Forwarder , Gilder , or General Hand ; Letterpress references , and or Stationery good addresp . Go . ^ Country d workman preferre , hig d hest F . Corbin , 8 North Street , Bristol .
* TO PUBLISHERS . —A well-educated Lad , - * - just leaving school , is desirous of obtaining ENGAGEMENT at a Publisher ' s . Age 15 . —H . G ,, 76 Great Portland Street , W .
ANTED , by a Young Man , a ^ e 20 , WRE-ENGAGEMENT in the Bookselling , Stationery , and Fancy . Good experience , London and country . —Address , W . H . B ., 118 White Ladies Road , Clifton , Bristol .
BOOKSELLING , STATIONERY , FANCY . —Young Lady wants RE-ENGAGEMENT as Assistant in the above . References-L ., 2 Reighton Road , Upper Clapton , London .
«G" Electrotypes. I
MESSRS . SAMPSON LOW , MAESTO ^ , & CO . have prepared a List of Worlds from which they are willing to supply selections of Electros . This List they will be happy to forward to any bond fide purchaser . —Address , 188 Hee ^ Street , E . C .
LOW'S READING AND PROTECTING COVERS . PROTECTING COVERS for NK ^ S-1 PAPERSMAGAZINESKEVIKVT LS , » " <* advantages PUBLICATIONS of , a removable in limp bindings binding , of present a substun all tw i while character in use and . e H ffectual alf-bound ly protect roanlettered the orig g in ilt ^ """ 1 ^> over Gra Fun , hic 2 s . 2 s . 6 d . , Punch Judy , , 2 s 2 . a . Illustrated p , London News , Others , on App liciiU ° ' 2 s . 6 d . London : Sampson Low , Marston , Searle , & Bi ving ^ ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Nov. 15, 1886, page 1404, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15111886/page/46/