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—¦—¦ „* * fCov. i5> x " ou a. The Publis...
$otc£ anti ^ ctDief.
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Life Aj^D Life-Work Of Samuel Phelps. Mr...
n Hah - sent came out . The authors tell us
\ \ SCOT } / ° r i . - ' 1511 he - . ittached ^ letter l ^ f . f . Ar -i considerable and and -r oiten often i _ i _ importance said said that that j ____ the the to j __
I- \ an r ? e the r when , judiciously , introduced Tills m ^ ' wa st ? * ig iirst * 11 forced and ^ upon ^^ his to attention the language when .
^ lav Mir ; ii 111 £ * * - a > C e ^ and e lJ- * - * - ^ or il Aberdeen WWJ * n ° ^ Scotlan J . l , j especiall V * J ^ J 1 * J d - ^ IM , and * . . l y J in XIX it was the UilU ~
i tNr - here he first caught up the Scottish t-r ind met to to such suui perfection jjciice ; uiiuii that txic * u he iic ljjl often ucijl
j iftur ! ir v ' ' ' md ds , m Sir suc Pertinax ^ characters Macsycop as Bailie hant Nicol " , dei iven Scottish Q / i / n 4-+ io n oor » o ' / The I * r-i c % ' Life I , itn * is to n
L Y , 3-house for those ears interested in theatrica a l ja <_ her nd the interesting mass of information play-hills , criticisms seems to ,
iaT m , een gathered together with great dilimju ' Three portraits of the late tragedian
rt a'Vo given ; as Cardinal Wolsey , as Brutus ^ nd s himself .
C [ ristmas Annuals . —Among the Christias Annuals which have come to hand we
ote especially Mrs . Molesworth's ' Great-Fncle Hoot Toot / being the Little Folks
nnual ( Cassell & Co . ) ; ' Edelweiss , ' by the utlmrof ' Marah' being Good Words Annual ;
, Little Snowflakes , ' the Sunday Magazine Ihristmas Stories for the Young ; Misa
Bradoirs' Misletoe Bough '; « Three Pretty Maids ' Twhj Office ); Hood's Comic Annual' ( Fun
' ttice ) , and Messrs . Grant & Co . 's Christmas
hunber , entitled 'Golden Bells .
—¦—¦ „* * Fcov. I5> X " Ou A. The Publis...
—¦—¦ „* * fCov . i 5 > x " a . The Publishers' Circular j ^ cJ
$Otc£ Anti ^ Ctdief.
$ otc £ anti ^ ctDief .
3 Ir . Edwin Hodder ' s 'Life of Lord Shafteslry' is already an assured success . The first
) I press tion is . all For under a three order -volum , and e book a second this sent is a
Dpeful sign . In a — few ^ " * days ^ i ^ K ^* -w w w- ^ r will r t . ^ ^^^» be w ^ -r ^^ ^ issued k r *~* r *^ x /^ ^^ ^ , ^ c Jubilate ^^^ ^^^ t ^ j ^ k . J ± ^ - ^^ ^^ ^ w' # !'
Jubilee offering from Martin F . Tupper . t'ssrs . Sampson Low , Marston & Co . are
if iii publishers Dllblialnpra . The A ¦™ - tlienxum v " vv - '" v * - ^ - / % . \ s * M v understands «_> 1 JL JL ^ % . ^^ JL . KJ Ui / VIXV ^ KJ that V JL JLt ^ V \ J an % At JL JL im X jL A J . - itnnt
it ) ' . » f our addition monthl will y periodicals shortly be . made The readers to the Lord Lord Bvron l > yron kn know ow wp well . 11 how hnxv ^ much rrinnh interest intprpat ,
it I'L pnet 'cially took in , any when thing abroad connected , in literary with matters his old , " ^ nd mi ana and publisner publisher m in Albemarle Albemarle street Street , and and
" 1 l ' omember the well-known lines : , Tho U — pon last ^^ t h } new livii ' table Quarterly ' s ba i ze so is gr seen een
Hut where ., is th -v y liciijl new ^ ji . Magazine x j jo a \~* yjMA . , ; y My Murray ?
' v ^ in hear -y out that his the father present ' s project Mr . Murray , and is that going in uniary j next ^ will t » JJJ be published the uuc fi uiis rst number
1 Mitrnn t << : miiiu llt < jd --- / Dy vv s Magazine Mr lvir .. . . JUdward TCdwfirrl uu jjui , to iioiiou A A be . Arnold Arn issued nlrl a monthl t . uuiuut n « r » hew li « y ; i ,
Mi : Matthew Arnold . , nep 1 lie Fishimj Gazette subscription list for
a ^ inor ial () f Izaak Walton in Winchester lt 'H . Mlra ] , ia making good headOn
Lturda y last it amounted to £ ' 43 . way 10 * . . An II it i > i < k -i- .. l •¦ . — . _ . — _ _
' " «« i ^ a parchment scroll giving a list of
$Otc£ Anti ^ Ctdief.
the subscribers to the fund is , by permission , to be placed in the archives of the Cathedral .
Subscri JL ptions should be sent to Mr . R . B . Marston , the editor of the Fishing Gazette .
Another proposed memorial deserves more than a passing word . The Lord Bishop of
JL <_ 7 L Sarum has suggested that something should be done for the memory % / of the Rev . Willia m
Barnes , the ' Dorset Poet , * whose death we chronicled a short time ago . This appeal is
a strong one to the wide circle of Mr . Barnes ' readers , in fact to all lovers of genuine English
speech and homely English manners . The Bishop JL selects a very «/ good O examp J . le in the
following : Zoo now mid nwone ov us vorget
The pattern our vorefathers zet ; But each be fain to underteake Some work to meake vor others' gai ' n
, That we mid leave mwore good to sheare , Less ills to bear , less souls to grieve , An' when our hands do vail to rest
It mid be vrom a work , a-blest . , Mr . H . J . Moule , Dorchester , is the secretary
to the fund . The Queen has been graciously pleased to
accept a copy of Mr . Walter Montagu Kerr ' s book of travels , entitled 'The Far Interior . '
The presentation was made through Lord Frederic Kerr . —Morning Post .
The annual dinner of Messrs . W . H . Smith & Sons' staff cricket club was held at the
Holborn Restaurant on Saturday , the 6 th inst ., and a very successful affair it was . Most of
t / the heads of departments were present . The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News has
given a group of portraits of those who took a part X in the proceedings JL CJ . Some of the por A-
traits can hardly be spoken of as ' striking likenesses , ' hut , on the whole , the p icture is
very interesting . Sunday school teachers and others who
wish to purchase reward cards should certainly see those published by the Society for
Pro-Am / % J mofcing Christian Knowledge . The cards are exceptionally attractive .
On the 25 th of this month Messrs . Henry Stevens UIOTCI 1 O & \ Xj Son kJUll will VV IXL publish JJ UL IL » 1 XOI 1 . a Oi very VC 1 J interesting llllClCOtlllg
book , namely The Dawn of British Trade , as recorded in the Court Minutes of the East
India Company , 1599-1 G 03 . ' The book contains #£ an Vvv K b account WP mkw * ¦ h of the ^ h ^^ ~ ~ formation ^ m ^ . ^ ^^ m ^ k r of r m the V Com-^^ ^^^^^^ * ^^* ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^ *^^^ ^^ ^*^ ^^^ ^^ ** ** ^^
pany , the first adventure , and Waymouth ' s voyage in search of the North-West Passage .
This year Messrs . Sampson Low & Co . will publish the Christmas number of the ' Book
Buyer , ' which was so well received in 1885 . Among those who promise contributions to the
annual I—« are Miss Louisa L M . Alcott , Mr . G . P . LathropMr . Roger RiordanMiss Edith M .
Thomas , , Mrs . Burton Harrison , , who will write of the children ' s booksMrs . Schuyler Van
RensselaerMr . Hamilton , W . MabieMiss Sara Qrne , Jewett , Mr . J . D . Champ 1 . lin' , , jini O ., '
and Mr . Ripley Hitchcock . Messrs . Frederick Warne So Co . have , we
hear , arranged with Messrs . Charles Scribner ' s Sons , of New York , for the agency in the __ jOkX
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Nov. 15, 1886, page 1365, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15111886/page/7/