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.' T# P , I ^, :I«W^^T^Owcilar; : ' " V ...
. ' t # p , i ^ , i « W ^^ t ^ Owcilar ; : ' " v ::: ' : ] y . ij ^ iflK
1 E 8 SR 8 . MAsmmm & wm ^ M W ^ - LORD lENNireioMs NEVf' f Otuijl * LOCKSLEY - / HALL' : Sixty ' ¦' .. ' Tears "" . After ¦ . , & c * y 11 Is now ready , prfce Six Shillings . ' ' I FOPr / IiAB EDITION OF * ENGLISH MEN OF I « E ! ip ? BBS ^ Ed i ted by II Jobs Morley . ' 1 > ' ' - ' * ; 18 H n of Pop each ula On r volume Jnniuary Edition will of \* U be their Oytf M <* English ««« r Shilling «» . Macmtltav Men in paper of & Letters covers Co . will , . or O ixsue in 'ber fImp the vJume cloth frir * ( * finding in t Volume the ^ Series Miqb —JOHNSON tssbspjbjxce will fottoio , month h % . I / ex by & te month STftPHBNrl j . Th < e price -o / a 1 THE CHIEF PERIODS OF EUROPEAN -HISTbBY . Six I » ecWes , read in , 9 n Ffuqkman the Univer M « ity . A . ol , D Ovford . rj . T ^ LL in . D . Trinitvy , Rflcrins Term Professor , 1885 , of wit M > v <> an dArii E .- History wav on in Greek tbe Uni Cities versi im ty ier of Roman Oxford , Rule Fallow ' By of B XJrfel . A . College , Honoraiy Fellow of Trinity College . 8 vo . ' 10 iTld « , f , ' i 1 A HI & T 4 bT OP THE UITIVERSITY f OF OXFORD . From the TSarliesfc ^ iiBes Ijr 1 to Kee the per ye of * vr tli 1530 e Public . T \ y Becord H ^ O . MA 8 . ^ 8 WHit vo . 3 , 6 T ^ ^ . YTEj M . A ., F . S ^ A ., Aiithojr ,- v oe ' H istory of Etoa College , 1450-1875 ' . ; , ' , Deptdy • v J 1 THE CHEMIST A & Y NEW OF * BOOK THE BY STJK MR " . . J . By NQRMAN J . Norwant LOGKYER Lockyer . . F . B . S ., Correspondent il / i I of Demy the 8 In yo « t . ? 14 tnte s , of France , Foreign Member j of the Academy ^ of the Lyrioa of Borne , & c , <& c . With — Ulustrations . ^ . * TWO NEW GIFT-BOOKS BY THE AUTHOR OF ' JOHN HALIFAX ^ CS ^ NTLEMAN . ' 1 ABOUT j 8 vo 6 ^ MQNET y- . .: ; .. and . ) Other .. Things . . % By the , Au thor .. of ) ' John ^ Halifax r . , Gentleman ; , - ,- " . ' .-.. Crown - , ¦ ,, THE LITTLE IiAME PRINCE AWD HIS TRAVELLING CLOAK : -a Bailton Parable . 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With Hon Uffl Illust Memb rations . I . nst Cr . M own . H ., 8 Pro vo . fessor 12 » 6 < of / . Engineering and Mechanical Technology in University College . London . . ; , I Cfte enalt IRELAND— > I Itttfflottv Unknown Country mx & . ¥ m * , I The First of a Series of Important ^ Papers on IJRjEJLA ^[ iy f hy the Author of < John 1 I Ha © ttflUs lifax ^ , glU GentlentattS tzttatcb ^ Taga appears ^ tnc uncfor foV JANUART tbe title / profweel of 'AN yllliistrat UNKNOWN ^ p ^ ce PO O UNTEjr ^ in "g ^ c IL MACMItiLAKT A CO ,, ^ pi ^ dop , ' } " , - ^ " * ¦ - ¦ ^^^* " ^"> T" >*^*^*> " * ' **^^^ I ^^ W
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 15, 1886, page 1670, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15121886/page/34/