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Mgj^^ ..' - "r -^rp;r,-;rr ;;-—,~~- - ~ ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Mgj^^ ..' - "R -^Rp;R,-;Rr ;;-—,~~- - ~ ...
Mgj ^^ .. ' - " - ^ rp ; r ,- ; rr ;; - — , ~~ - - ~ ^ - ^ - | ,,-- - * --WM 4 The Publishers' Circular 30 ! ^
VERE FOSTER'S COPY-BOOKS . JUST PUBLISHED . " tti ^ n 10 Nos . 3 d . EACH . * # FOS ^ ^ N ^ PUBLIC SCHOOL * A ^ y Writing Copy-Books . ( PAIiMERSTON EDITION . ) ADAPTED TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS . SPECIAL FEATURES . books 1 . Tbe in this quali country ty of . paper is superior to that of any copy- an air 3 . All of neatness the books and are effect ruled , there in blue by and encouraging red , giving the to them pupil SSSHSSS * r £ & printin aflE g is done ^^ in the mos ? 1 ^ finished ^ manner 21 from ^ t & o ti 4 ' s dmess The ^ 8 and eIection ^ carefulness - 5 wra tenees s 5 *** i - been - — mos t carefully made - , CONTENTS OF THE SERIES . 1 . Strokes showing , Easy the elements Letters and , Short combinations Words . Also the 5 . Easy Precepts Sentences . . Maxims , Morals , and small letters . I 2 . Short Figures and . Showin Long g the Letters various combinations , Easy "Wo of shor rds , 6 „ . Sentences a Sent ^^ ences ^^ a .. Wis Proverbs e Sayings from , Quotations , Aphorisms lands . AJ 1 , 3 . Capitals « and long -. , letters Short « -l . Words tit j , Fi -i-i- gures . Showing o , ¦ 8 . Sentences a 4 . , . U *" nd e ln sentences progressively differing smal many in l writing each , book each 4 . Sentences the various combinations of Short Words capitals . Proverbs small letters and . ~ * Sentences ' word end with being out written lifting the from pen beginning . to Axioms . 10- Sentences . / " WR ™? SESooKa ™ FOOTSDMWING Mm - , Approved by the Science and Art Department . the Adopted principal by the I > nblic Londo and n and Private other Schools School in Boards the United , and Kingdom used in With VVltU - IW instructions iwrinrm ana nnrf raper Panpr to to dr rlr . - iw iw on on and in the Colonies . Populak Edition , Id . ; Supkhiou Emnox , : ) . Mechanical Exercise Uook Drawing . . X . Cqpy-Book Photkctou , lcf . . — .. _ . — .. _ . . I VERE FOSTER'S I VERE FOSTER'S MAWINfr CARDS water-colour drawing Approved by toe Science and Art Department . , Dv / L / tvO . I Pir $ t QradeySet I . — With full Instructions in i'uintitig . I Pamjuau Odjkcth . 24 Carda . 1 * . ,, . # ,. , I I * Pint * I * Grade a jo Form , Set Sek Gwmetrically II IU - ~ treated . 24 Curd * , u . Landsca Flowera . pe , in various Pepia . A By * rtinU J . Callow Six . numborH Six numbers . . * I * BuaiKXTARY •? ' Ounamekt . 24 Cards . Is . Landscape , in Water Colours . . . . By J . Callow . Six number . titty ) * q . Series o at Ca .. each , number . I vu OiuiAMirCZ » AMKN r . B t > yF n . E - » . . Hulmc n i . 18 , « Large T Gard ^ 11 » . is » . AnInmla Flowers . . Varioua By H . Weir Artists . Four . Four numbers numbe . rs . H « '' * ammals nced Series . By — > HarriBon Weir . 24 Cards . Is . 6 d . Illuminating Marine . By . Four Duncan numbers . Four . numberH . I London : BLACKIE & SON , 49 and 50 Old Bailey ; ^ L Glasgow , Edinburgh , and Dublin . ( 24 ) r ^^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 17, 1880, page 39, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_17011880/page/39/