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AM / JCtfS WM /? 0 < fc CO . 'S EDUCATIONAL WORKS . I CLASS-BOOK FOR CLASSICAL AND ART SCHOOLS . I THE MYTHOLOGY its use in Art . From the OF German GREECE of 0 . Seemann AND . Edited ROME b , wit . H h Bianchi special reference I Scholar of St . Peter ' s College , Cambridge . Sixty-four Illustrations y , crown 8 vo , clot , h M , Ori . A ., ginal late I I Edition , price 3 * . 6 d . I ( gp * Placed on Prize List of H . M . Department of Science cmd Art . I NEW ELEMENTARY GEOGRAPHY . I THE CHILD'S GEOGRAPHY , for the use of Schools , and for Home Tuition . I B Schools y M . * J . . Barrington With Maps - and Ward numerous , M . A ., Illustrations F . R . G . S ., Worcester . Paper board College s , , clo Oxford th back , , H . M . ; . clot Inspector h , 9 d . of I I definitions Mr . Barrington by heart , and -Ward that * 8 experience it is bad policy tells to him introduce that it is hard useless words to to get begin these with little . Easy students maps to and learn pictures set statements are his means and I I ¦ therefore and his method , a kind is of to easy bring conversational the observing lecture powers to of childre the little n , with child the to aid bear of illustrations upon the rudimentary , ' —School Board study . Chronicle His book . is ' ' I MARCUS WARD'S ARITHMETIC . To suit the requirements of the New I Assistant Educational ¦ Master Code . at B Charterhous y J . W . Ma e rshall School , . M . A .., late Scholar of St , Peter ' s College , Cambridge ; I Part I . Simple Kules . ( Standards I . and II . ) ... In Linen , id . I Pa & t II . Compound Kules . ( Standards III . and IV In Linen , U . I Part III . Practice , Bills of Parcels , Fractions , Decimals . ( Standards V . and VI . ) In Lineo , % d . I Answers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... In Linen , Sd , H Or Complete in One Volume , small 8 vo . ... ... ... ... In Cloth , Is . M . I ¦ The same " with the Answers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... In Cloth 2 s . , , The Advantages this Arithmetic possesses may be briefly summed up : I ¦ 1 . The work of a mathematician in high honours , and of an experienced teacher . ¦ 2 . No compilation , but an original treatise , written for the young . 3 . The Examples are arranged and graduated with great care . I ¦ 4 5 . . In Onl the y one Miscellaneous new difficulty Exercises at a time is the broug questions ht before are the proposed pupil . as they would naturally be H presented ¦ in actual business , and not as mere sums . 6 . A larger amount of matter than is to be found in any other book at the same price . H ¦ explanations * An ample of the supply method of exam of working ples , wel them l suited , an to I the prepare principles for the on which standard those s specified methods , together are founded with . '— clear Athenaeum and correct , H Prospectiis , with Specimen Pages of the above , will be sent post-free on application . H MARCUS WARD'S ATLASES , I Printed in Colours . B Marcus Ward ' s Universal Atlas . With Twenty-two ¦ Maps , fully Coloured . MarCUS Crown Ward 4 to . price ' s Shillin . g Atlas . Bound in durable cloth ¦ cover . Twenty-eig ht I ¦ MarCUS Maps Ward , printed ' s Home Colours . Atlas Crown . Thirty . Maps . Crown 4 to ¦ . With a complete Index , ¦ MarCUS paper Ward boards , ' s Portable . ; cloth , 2 ' s . 6 Atlas d . . Thirty Maps . Demy 8 ¦ vo . with a complete Index , ¦ ¦ MarCUS strongly Ward bound 4 to . ' s Every clot boards h , 3 - da . 6 d cloth y Atlas back . Thirty large- scale both Maps ¦ sides , and 35 . com 6 d . p lete txw JnA &» ¦ MarCUS Household Imperial ¦ Ward Reference ' strong s School Atlas . , Atlas . Thirty , printed large -scale Maps , with , Index to all the Places . Imperial 8 vo . full bound , cloth , 5 s , I A ¦ complete Catalogue of Publications sent post-free on app lication . MARCUS WARD & CO ., London and Belfast . _ J ^ . | l ^^^^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 17, 1880, page 40, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_17011880/page/40/