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Tan. iS o ," i* Q « <l 4 A The Publisher...
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Tan. Is O ," I* Q « <L 4 A The Publisher...
Tan . iS o " i * Q < l A The Publishers' Circular 7 'f *
lECENTLf PUBLISHED BY W . & R . CHAMBERS . TTTflTOBJCAIi Caisar to Victoria READER . Witto Illustrations , BOOK . I . 60 Enlarged Lessons , 152 Editi pages on . . ST Price ORIES lOrf . FROM ENGLISH HISTORY—Julius TTTSTOR Maps and -ICAL Illustrations READER . 44 Lessons , BOOK , 128 II . pages ENGLAND . Price 1 * from . the Earliest Times to Edward II ., 1327 a . d . With " HISTORI Illustrations C AX . READER 59 Lessons , 192 , BOOK pages . III Price . ENG 1 * . Zd -LAND . from Edward II . to the Revolution , 1688 . With Maps and HISTORICAL and Illustrations READER . 65 Lessons , BOOK 224 IV . ENGLAN . Price Is D . 6 from d . the Revolution of 1688 to the Present Day . With Map , pages JUNIOR ENGLISH HISTORY . A complete History of England . 60 Lessons . Price Is . GEOGRAPHICAL READER FOR STANDARD I . To explain a Plan of the School and Playground . The Four Cardinal Points . The meaning and use of a Map . Price Gd . GEOGRAPHICAL READER FOR STANDARD II . 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TAUir »» TON ABITHMETIOAL „ „ Test TEST Carda for CABDS Standards . By VI . H and . Allen VII . . , 1 . * ( . 1883 Code . ) For Standards II . to VIIIn paper Six cover Packets Od . . Forty different Cards in each Packet , and two Copies of Answers . In cloth case , each , price Is . \ , Each Standard is printed on a dtffevent colour of card . THE Code ENGLISH . ) For Standards ARITHMETICAL II . to VII . In Six TEST Packets . CABDS Forty different . By T Card . B . s Eluerv in each , M packet . C . r ., Marlborougli , and two Copies . ( 188 of J Answers . In cloth case , each Each , price Standa 1 $ . ; rd paper u printed cover , on 9 < a 1 . different colour of card . ENGLISH GRAMMAR . By Professor Mkiklejohn . Uook JJook II I . . for for Standard Standard III II 3 2 rf d . . I \ Book Book III IV . . for for Standard Standards IV V . VI . VII 3 M . . In One Volume , cloth , price Is . 3 d . W . & R . CHAMBERS , L 47 Paternoster Row , London ; and 339 High Street , Edinburgh . If ^^^^^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 18, 1884, page 73, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_18011884/page/73/