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1580 The Publishers' Circular Dec. 30, 1...
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1580 The Publishers' Circular Dec. 30, 1...
1580 The Publishers' Circular Dec . 30 , 1882
Messrs . MACMILLAN & CO . 'S LIST . A NEW NOVEL by an AMERICAN WRITER . Crown 8 vo . 4 * . 6 c ? . Mr . ISAACS : a Tale Of Modern India . By F . Marion Crawfobd . Crown 8 vo . 4 s . 6 d . ( Uniform with Democracy . ') 'A work of unusual ability . . . . Mr . Isaacs fully deserves the notice it is sure to attract . '—The Ath : e : n ; EUM . DR . GEORa EBBRS * NEW NOVEL . ONLY a WORD . By Dr . Georg Ebers , Author of ' The Egyptian Princess , ' ' The Burgomaster ' s Wife / & c . Translated by Cla . ua Bell . Crown 8 vo . 4 * . 6 d . { Just ready * A HISTORY Of the CRIMINAL LAW Of ENGLAND . By Sir James F . Stkphen , K . C . S . I ., & c . 3 vols . 8 vo . [ Immediately . A DIGEST of the LAW of CRIMINAL PROCEDURE in INDICTABLE and OFFF Heiibert / NCES . Stephen By Sir Jamks , I / L . B F . . Stephen 8 vo . , K . C . S . I ., Judge of the High Court of Justice , Queen ' s Bench [ Immediately Division * ; The COMMON LAW- By 0 . W . Holmes , jun . Demy 8 vo . 12 s . The ENGLISH CITIZEN . A Series of Short Books on his Rights and Responsibilities . New Volume : — THE STATE IN ITS RELATION TO TRADE . By T . H . Faurer . Crown 8 vo . 3 * . 6 <* . { just ready . ORIGINES CELTICAE ( A Fragment ) and other Contributions to the History of Britain . By Steel Edwin Plate . Guest 2 yoIs , IX . 8 . vo D . . D . C . L ., F . 31 . S ., Late Master of Gonville and Cams College , Cambridge . With [ Just Maps ready and . HOMER . —The ILIAD . Translated into English Prose . By Andrew Lang , M , i . ; Walter Leaf , M . A . ; and Ernest Myers , M . A . Crown 8 vo . 12 s . Gd . [ Just ready . LIVY- Boots XXI .-XXV . Translated Lj A . J . ' Church , M . A ., and W . J . Bkodribb , M . A . Crown 8 vo . [ Just ready . FLOSCULI GRAECI BOREALES , SIVE ANTHOLOGIA GRAECA ABEItDONENSIS . Contexuit Gulielmus D . Geddks . Crown 8 vo . [ Just ready . TEXT-BOOK of PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY and PATHOGENESIS . By Pcllow Professor and Medical Ernst Zikcjle Lecturer h , of of Tiibineren St . John . ' s Translated College , Cambridge and Edited . With by Doj numerous ^ ald MacAltster Illustrations , M . , A .. 8 vo M . . B ., Part B . Sc i ., . GENERAL AND PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY . [ Just ready . NEW BOOK BY REV . DR . MACMILLAN . The MARRIAGE in CANA . By Rev . Hugh Macmillan , LL . D ., F . R . S . E ., Author of ' Bible Teachings in Nature , ' ' The True Vine , ' & c . Globe 8 vo . 6 ^ . COMMENTARY on the EPISTLES to the SEVEN CHURCHES in ASIA . By R . Ciienevjx Trench , D . D ., Archbishop of Dublin . Fourth Edition , revised . 8 vo . Ss . 6 d . MACMILLAN'S CLASSICAL SERIES . HOMER'S ODYSSEY . —The TRIUMPH of ODYSSEUS . BookXXI .-XXIV . * Edited , with Introduction and Notes , by S . G . Hamilton , M . A ., Fellow of Hertford College , Oxford . [ Just Fcp rea . 8 dy ro . . HORACE- —The ODES- Book JV . Edited hy T . E . Page , M . A ., formerly Fellow of St . Jol"in ' s Collogc , Cambridge , Assistant Master ab Charterhouse . Fcp . 8 vo . [ Just ready . MACMILLAN'S FOUEKJN SCHOOL CLASSICS . Edited by H . E . Farnacht . 18 mo . GOETHE .-GOTZ VON BERLICHINGEN . Edited by H . A . Bujli , M . A ., Assistant Master in Wellington College . [/ n a Jew days . SCHILLER . —MAID Of ORLEANS . Edited by Josbmi GostWICK . [ Ina / evo days . MACMILLANT & CO ., Bedford Street , London , W . C . ( 956 ) A S" 4
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 30, 1882, page 1580, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_30121882/page/24/