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-^^T^" T8^^^^ ~~2_ THM TOM ^^:±^£^ == ^^...
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-^^T^" T8^^^^ ~~2_ Thm Tom ^^:±^£^ == ^^...
- ^^ T ^" T 8 ^^^^ ~~ 2 _ THM TOM ^^ : ± ^ £ ^ == ^^ " _____ ""
^^^^^ HI ^ H ^^^^^^^ H ^^^ L ^^^ Vlv . ^^^ . IS a . i ^^ H ^ IHi fl 3 RH H ^^ HSI ^^^^^^ H _ riz - ^ B ^^_ r ^ T HB ISS & Ha & h ^ h s ^^ NHKk 8 My ^ afc . ^ HMBMH !^^^^^^ WKjHm 8 W ^ WB f E ^ BBMJBMIB ^^ BBBBBBBBMiBBBOBMBi ^ MBHWBBMi ^^ MB ^ W ^^ KBBB ^^^^ B ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ M ^ M ^^^^
Ctntt ^ mewt ^ ^ Piccaaaiyv rp X HE ' CHRISTY —AU a « cl the ONLY year MINSTRELS round and . ORIGINAL Every , 8 . St . James evening co ' s mpany - Hall at 8 ; , f Ste now Wedn ^ Vaf comprises - tie sdav ShMS troupe , thirty Saturday when who -five originally it performe first , 3 appeared created rs , includi . here the . ng in reputa al 1857 the - . a single ° n-r individ company ual member of Minst of rels the in existence original company possesses . The Chri sty ou Minstrels t of London nev . er perform Propriet Frederick ors—MOORE Bvrgess & , General CROCKER Manager . .
r * ANTERBURY HALL — Grand Best V- ^ TRANSFORMATIO Sole Ballet Proprietor of " The , Haunt Mr . N W SCENE of . HOLLAND the Fairy in Eng Butter . — land The - . flies Vower Mr . - Joe or at Franks . Bro King this wn , Catche Hall the First FiUis only malivo Appearance , Miss . "—Mr Emma of . of Arthur Female Alford Miss Lloyd Acro Nell , Mr y - . , bats Sydney Sisriior Morroni , ' s -wonderful Troupe Doff . Ethard " , & c . 6 AiaiiWer d . stalls . Mr is . . J . reserved Ellis . —Open stallsis at . Seve 6 d . n . Balcony , ; , ; ,
T > OYAL MUSIC HALL , Franks - . LV Mr MR . . l at ARTHUR HOLBORN W Corri . G . ' Ross s Orig LLOY , . J inal Proprietor . G . Irish D Forde , with Mi . Mr nstrels Miss NEW . J . S Bella , . Mr SWEASEV SONGS . Sydney Master . — . Orchestra Mr Michales . P . , Corn , and Stalls Musical Paddy , 2 s , ; Di Fannin Stalls rector . — , . Pri is , . vate ; Balcony Boxes , , , 10 6 s d < . 5 — d . M notice arch i 6 . th — , . j . g . i'orde's benefit , tuesda y , holidays n . b .-an . entire change for the easter
THE LONDON PAVILION . -SONGS A NHW KY JOLLY SOWCiS * NASH B"V ARTHUR ; and NEW . LLOYD SONGS ; NEW » Y ing Har Orville Ry RicKAR Parker . i > ( negro S and co COY median LlNTON ) , and Miss every Rosalie even-Famil ( in serio addition - y comic , the to 1 Sensatio , th have e performance been nal element added of to is the > the . fully astounding ! compa realised ny in ; Fillis and the nif nnsts evolutions . 'Ht ) , iviven and of by Leroni Alrnonti the Court ( Co , D ntotttorikt el Mi evap nstrels . tii ; ' ) » ^ . ' . ' ftd ias ; : ' . The Almonti litovciy . Entertiiia - { an Gym at- - - tractive productions effusions a of nd Mr of anuisinEf . Mr ? . F . . a R nd . feature Phillips Mrs . Metz , ;> and th and e ' - ne ' 'the Mr # vo . serio Redmond burlesque -comic : the the the irid pleasing proceedings the admired Duets at Ballads of once Fredericks refreshing of Miss Barrie and 'and Miss , ijive gratifying C . a JuIIien n air to to , , spectators .
NA TIONAL ASSEMBLY p .. pacio . us ROO and MS Brilliantly , « i 8 High decorated Holborn Ball . Room The Most and tli > lM / e ncmj M Best - * backer Kan Every d . in Ev Op London enlu en at jj . — Half O Musical pen -past for Ei Director ^ Concert ht ; Close , , and Mr at . a wclve . Admission throughout , One shuling .
RIMMEL'S OBIENTAL ASPERSOB , For Sprinkling Scented Waters , is . 6 d . & 2 s . Gd . R I M MEL'S N E W Scrc AU - in ^ 2 n ' v ^ n - 1 i l ? anl l ' . ^ v 1 f « > y , ^ ^ »« 3 s ANl . 6 d ' > * PIi 'A B . 8 NC DUC e ,- Bomiwots mr 1 IBSSE .. ANG , , ^ as NOTIVKT . ^ od " . each ^ . I- « B , R ' ^ cjrent ^ Sf ] street 5 ! , ^; and ?* E \ ^ Cornhill ^ ernnner , London , 96 Strand ; 1 = 8
MAGIC FLOWERS DO NOT CONTAIN ANY DBLBTERlOtTfe CHEMICAL , ARE PERMANENT , AUH SUITABLE FOR THE COAT , HEAD-DRESS , OR FLOWER VASE ) iAn Immense Tumi * . nnv Amount iu . oPMBNT of Amusement -kording . In boxes cont . iiniujr «» x , is ., by post , is , id . f W"OLKSAT . U ^ . VIJ EXPORT OF _ mr L CO 01 ' . OXPOKD STKUUT , I .. ONUON .
Now ready , price One Shilling , BRITANNIA : $ C ipfrmttfilg $ & aga * mj ? , EDITED BY ARTHUR A BECKETT , ILLUSTRATED IN COLOURS AND By OTHER MATT EMINENT MORGrAN AliTIS TS , MARCH NUMBER , 1 . Falle Arthur n among j v'Bcckett Thieves . . Coloured A Novel of Illustration Interest . By 2 . Public S chool Training " . 3 . The Bvurnand Commenta . Coloured ries of Major Illustration Blake . . By V . C . 4 . The Briti Use and sh A Abuse rmy : Its of the Origin Purchase . System in the 3 . The Civil Service as a Profession . 6 . The Ruined Mill . Coloured Illustration . 7 . Electioneering Dodges . By M . Laing Meason . 8 . Venus among the Poisons . By Dr . Scoffern . o . Friar Colou Peter red ' s Illustration Confession . . By William Gilber t . 10 . Waste . OFFICE , 199 STRAND , LONDON , W . C .
^ T f ) IB A IS A W K ** EDITED BY ARTHUR A BECKETT , WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY MATT MORGAN , VOLUME Hand s omely Bound , Gilt Ed THREE ^ es , Bevulled ,, Price 8 s . IS NOW READY" . OFFICE , 199 STRAND . LONDON , W . C .
FAINT ! PAINT !! PAINT ! J \ BEST Mixed ANTI iw -CORROSIVE Oil , and JZmdy fo 3 d . per . Ib PATENT METALLIC , or at 5 6 s 3 s . . , d 60 . 6 & per . pex per lb * . gal gal , or . . EAINT— 3 as d . generaUy per lb ., or used Bs . fcy 6 d . Painters per gal , . upon Carri Post DRUMS Office a orders ire paid Orders of for to 4 one pals payable any cwt ., Railway . 32 and s to . ; upwards ditto Station , of . Cheques to in krIs Englan ., and 5 " « d > 1 Woodliam FRANCIS Works , Va JAY uxhall , Station , W . B . —Scwip London 2 c Drzo , ? S is . , E os . . 6 d . each .
INDIGESTION REMOVED . MORSON'S PEPSINE "WHSTDES , Xiiozeu ^ POWDER es , and CS- ' , lotoules , the succcKs Medical rul anil Profession popular remedies ioi Indigestion adopted . by the Sold toy THOMAS bottles and boxes MORSON from as ., with full & dire SON ctions , V ; 33 . «»<» > - ' M BOUT H AMPTON R O W , nnd RUSSELL by all Pharmaceutical SQUARE , LON Chemists DON ; > CAUTION—Sea Name on > each Bottle .
WHAT Hg sgi to l CULLETON on post IS Seal free s YOUR , 'S by Book HERALDIC Plates CHEST , and OFFICE Steel Dies and . s . for 6 d MOTTO stamping . plain ^ ; « Sketch paper r r ? » in Send 7 * Heraldic s . 6 d . Name Manual Colours of . & 7 s Kerainry . nd County « j em , 3 ^ - s rav . * < jd e . < I fTCJJfW T . CULL . ETON , 2 5 CRAJ-JBOURN BOX STREET , CORNER . OF ST . MARTIN'S CANK . JggLi l Y ^& ^ m ^^ 3 jE BfB » L I of O . Post ^ crest ream ^ ETON ana of the motto very . Monogram 'S best GUINEA paper , or and address 500 envelopes , and the of steel ( all STATIOHEHY one die or engraved three sizes , free ) , of beautifull char contain se , y on stamped receipt s VJ ^ K office order . T . CuLLETON , Seal 2 ini ? raver . < ^ S JJL 5 Km MMa * 3 $ UJS ^ ^ es / = r . Dossed VISITIIT 2 S Envelopes J * ., post G - with ree CARDS , including maiden name the by engraving , T 3 S CULLETOaT . 6 d , of T . copper CIJLLETON -plate . — - , Wedding Seal Fifty Engravers , cards best 5 ° each quality , co Bsn , charge MONOGRAMS 125 for engraving Envelopes die ; stamped . T by . CU with LLETON CTJLIiETON Monogram , Die in Sinker rich " , colours to Quarter the , Board 5 s . 5 d . of , and Trade Beam sent 25 to any Cranbou of part Paper m for street stamps Corner and . No of St . Martin ' s lane , "SV . C . , , ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ jviii » iiaunTJwfc 1 i + uitm 7 inJii
— - —' "" ' — - ¦¦* w »»^— . *» . p »^ jmer' ^ tJTtotog * : * - ** :. ^**^*^ . - »¦»»*¦ =-. * mrw , •* T ^ - ** wwsar ^~ w > 'X-m ** m . » i . M . mvwmmwm j I ^ ^^^* ^ " ^ eMi ^ fflf ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ ™ ^ J \ Af B" ¥ " sj f \ 11 ™ E * ^ ^ ^ ifi ^^ 'l \ ^ iimt ^ v iiw ^^ ^^^ iii ^ CW ! ^ f * E ? ^ &\ f ^ ' SS ^ ? f * Hsi ^ 'SsiliP ^ ^ ' *"' *^^ ^
fP ffis SrBPfP ^ fi Ei r *^ i € * H wPl R ? H P "ft Pipi B 1 * ji ^ rfufe H l & HL ® J 5 S —They received oy bates a Medal & ' patent . at the List a Exhibition ppliances . For y ir * ^ te ™ jLrjL ^ 6 ® P fff 0 IS * " ' # 1 ™ H ' mm P *»^' m -1 II % JBrtil . ' lffi SiP iWfilUfl IP «» * i ~ "" """^ i BH ^ W 3 Descriptive ^ handos street Pnmphlc , We -r ^ . sc Strand , address , Loncltjn , J . WHLLSPK . 1 NG
"" mill '' 11 Tn r * " ~~*~* "l I I "ll I iiiwntnr—rmw-nnrnm—mwniTrniirinifimiM-niirwriT ^ iiiiiiniii n imii iimmn niiiuwti i ¦ wiliMiiwiiiii ¦ imi m win— mii iwhi—wi [/ lfV ^^? ^« ' 3 r ;^ pI < iSOT ^ y ^ oo ^ vi ^ S ^* ' Oboists ^ ^ cure S anu ? rrc S ^ tnt 33 Baldness ^ . ^ in ^ ^" o ^ ^; flf ^ ^ OT £ 3 ^ ? & ^ s ^ w ' ? % m p Wif 8 S ! SS ^ ^ S ^ ' ^^ Is ^ a / perfect Hair Kestorer & Perfumers , & Drcss , m -ing 2 arg - combined o boitles . so ;/ .,, ' |^ pfii ^ jl | ^ ^^ JSS ^ 9 ^^ ( n » iii » ii « niTiiinmTlii linn mil li ¦* Trn » -ir'n K-iTnmnmirTriim hi—nir—iir *~ Tir *~ fni ii «< innn » rir » i « iiwnnnTiii m ni-mn iim imihi ¦ ii » i » i »» I
MJLTTaM & SB FOOD . j CHAPMAN & CO . 'S i PATENT Co ENTIRE ntains l / ie Phosphates WH EAT other coiisticttoiits FLOUR of the , the and Wlioat first Jnvaricls so Physicians nccessnry . STRONGLY . for the u RECOMZvlE se of crrowiniy 2 VDEI children > by j j Groce In packets r or Chemist , 3 d ., < $ d ., is ., and 3 . 1 . Order of your | CHAPMAN , & CO ., ST . JAMES'S MILLS , HATCHAM , S . E . j
WASTING rOB INBiaESTXON DISEASES , , etc . ! SAVORY & MOORE'S PANCREATINE WINEand COCOA POWDER . , j , L . a " ncet Pancrentlne . is vastly nuperlor to IVpsine , "—The j THE PANCREATIC KMULSIOISr . t Reports for 143 Consumption of New medical Bond Htviwt men , & C who and with all have every C ?» einlstn proscribed bottle . . it J NOTE , — * ' SAVORY < 'l : MOORE , " on Utc Lal » cUi . 1 ;
BI'LIOUS and LIVER COM- j of Disorrtcra Apnatite PLA of , INTS D the rowsiness , Stomach Tndfjrestfon , Giddi and , ness Sick newel , S llaa pasms s , i aJ Ui « ch , and c auick , Lo all . w y < r PILL e . tnov « OF d by H that EALTW well-known . Bold remedy hy ... 11 Medicine , I-UA . MP Vendors 1 ON i > ' and Chemists , "
( f ^ ALVANISM v . NERVOUS p V ainlessly _ JT EXHAUSTION scif-appliert l . iy is means most successfully of Pvlvurma and .- ' CHAIN CHKR ' s -BANDS Patent Improvefl and fOCKl VOLTA ^ T BA . - TTH KLECTKIC 1 UES , in bvlity Rheu F to indigestion unctional their , matic Deafness truly , , Disorders Neuralgic Cramp marvellous , Sleeples , , , & nnd Asthma c . sness Grnuy Tlic fiicicv , , stroup rara Nervous Pains , furnished ! ys ; , fju ' JMcrvoiis s . > -ir Deafness Kpilciisy .-iute fit a l the . ) as e- , , viuinci'ous authenticated ^ Xc ¦ dicaI keports aiul Tustiinonialf is discer enhanced ning , of Cnros tlie hy above a , in Test a recent geminie soil on painp from loan lilet the , , if « . spurious t required ! iit post- elec free , lor - , street 60 bine Si tric ngle s . ' applianc d , Apply topother W CJiairis . es to and J for advertised . L restoring . 3 ); PUI iikK . VH . SS by . im RM . | to j « qujicki ACHER aire sis « . l ; vitality .-iii , several sod impus , R tos eROSl coir 'ors . to > , I
RU P T XI R E S . —WHITE ' S j best Is allowed for MOCMATN Hernia l > y upwards . It consists PATENT of soo niciUcal of 1 LJ small 2 VHK « ion and to TRUii be clastic tl \« S r 1 avoid usual pad , to spriu detection which tfl a a . le soft ver A descriptive bandaije is attached , fitted , circular , and so ( instead closely maybe of an hail the to I , , Tis ssS on . applicatio 6 Pic (\ . cadill Posta y n , ge to Sing i Mr ; :. . le 7 Double O Tru 11 N vs , VVHITJt ditto 16 s . , , 31 ats , s . . Manufactuvcr , 6 - d iS . , ; . 43 6 d s . ., , and mid . : V "White ' - . 6 d . , l Postciffa ' ost-oilicft xs , . Pi J'd ccadilly . Post . -olllce Orders to JOWN
U OLLOWAY'S OINT-• fi . O . MENT Mu \ PILI ' . S RMUUM .-. TIKM ANIV impair he ti PAINS nics Uici insut r tlie IN ixfu / ifiJiT ' ' U crjtWy -. ct ili if ' . ral LlMliS peruvitte itistrcsai health . : - il - : Mnsciil it ni to . ; first . continue Thoutfh , ! iiUiuintcly U pains unnittuvt tlioy iin such m : .- il iy sonif uiur . ru > It . : t t - : rubbed nite should with ens warm « upon l > . c salt Hollowny i ; e tin ncrally ant ? uf . 1 Tccted water ' s kaou i'ill , i ^ . ' . ii > Holli rt should that twice > w , » y njtor » a ' Un >> -dav Oi bo niniunt lome . fr i ' . ws ilccii ntation well Jnli to - untie assist foolinij a ' in tlacks s tins * ° " . cti l re *' : ¦> prevail * . hcy prevent after neuralgic all n't : nk and aiid nuiul elicu- . | .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), March 20, 1869, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_20031869/page/15/