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2gfc THE LEADEE. [No. 302, Saturday
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2gfc The Leadee. [No. 302, Saturday
2 gfc THE LEADEE . [ No . 302 , Saturday
rpHlLA 3 ? ft & VSOW & h * GOVENT * GARDEN . — JL Crowded Houses . Greatest success in the history- of Pantomime , Be early at th « Doors . MONDAY , Jan . 7 , 185 ^ . and everyBvening during the Week : Door ? open at HalfijJastr Sbr , commence at Seven . MAGIC AND MYSTERY * , by Professor Anderson , the Great Wizard of theNorQu The entertainment to be . preceded by an Overture-Fahtasticnie , called the « fc Wizard of-the North , " in which Is introduced an illustration of the " Spirit-rapping . " To conclude with the Grand , National , Historical and Chivalric PANTOMIME , wbich has been so long in preparation , and on the productionof which so large an expense has been incurred , of Ye BELJLB ALLIANCE , or EGJJKLEQUIN- GOOD HUMOUR , A ¥ D Ye FIELDE OF THE CLOTHE OP GOtDE , being a LEGEND OF THE MEETING OP THE MONARCHY . Scene 1 . " The Caverns of the Gnome Britannicus in Sub-terraneanussia- ;" Britannicus , Mr . John Neville . Scene 2 . « ' The Land ' s End , Corn-wall ; with tfae Car of the Dragons . " Good Humour , Miss- Harriet Gordon . Scene 3 ; " The-Deck of •' The Great Harry . ' 4 i -decker » 128 ' guns ( the First English Man-of-WarD . " Henry ; -the Eighth . Mr . Harry Pearson ; Cardinal Wolsey , Wx . P .. Q : Timers ; Sir Jasper Spritsail ( Commander of the ' Great Harry' ) Mr . D . Stewart . Scene 4 : "^ he Interior of the Chateau of Francis I between Guisaies and Ardennes ; " Francis 1 , Mr . W . Shalders ; Le Sire , da Framboisy , Mr . H . Carles . Scene 5 . " The Field oi the Glothi of Gold , introducing a Grand Pas de Rosiere , by Miss Emma Home and Corps de Ballet . " Scene 6 . " Grand Corridore in the Chateau , leading to tie Bedchamber of the Monarehs . " Scene 7 . " The ontside of Blondette ' s Farm ; " Blondette , Miss Emma Home ; Coquelicot , Mr . C . Brown . Scene S . " The abode of the Fairy Queen in the Golden Groves of Good Humour , " ( by Mr . William Beverley } ,, The . Fairy Queen , Miss 15 . Thorne . General Transformation—Harlequin , Mr . C . Brown ; Pantaloon , W . As . Barnes ( the Transatlantic P . antomimist ); Columbine , Miss Emma Home ; Clown , the Great Flexmore . The Apotheosis of Ye BELLE ALLIA 3 fGE , ( Desigced by M . Gruerin . ) England and France—Mourners at one Altar , Victors on One Throne . The Coronation with the Goronals of Valour by the Genius of Victory . Grand Fashionable MORNING PERFORMANCE of MAGIC and MYSTERY , inclndihg the whole of Mr . Anderson ' s unparalleled Wonders , on WEDNESDAY , Jan . 9 , at Two o'clock . Doors open-at Half-past One . In rehearsal tie Grand Operatic Drama , as produced at the Theatres-Royal , Glasgow and Edinburgh , of ROB ROY : Also , a New Squib , entitled TIT FOR TAT , a Legend of Druiy-lane .
- |> OYAL OLYJMPIC THEATRE . — Lessee , -ML Mr . ALFEED WIGAN . Monday and during the week — THE JEALOUS "VvTPE : characters by ilessrs . A . Wigan , Emery , Leslie , G . Tining , Danvers , Mrs . Stirling , Miss Castleton , Miss Maieton , and . Miss Bromley ; after whi « h a New Extravaganza , by J . R . Planche , Ksq ., entitled THE DISCREET PRINCESS ; or > THE TUitEE GLASS DISTAFFS : principal characters by Messrs . Emery * JB \ Itobson , Danvers , VThite , Clifton , H . Oooper , Hisses I ' ernon , Marston , Maskelli Stephens , and Julia St . George ; Commence at half-past Sev ^ en .
DR . DE JONGH'S LIGHT BUOWN COD LIVER OIL . Prescribed with complete confidence by the Faculty for its puiity , efficacy , and marked superiority over all other kinde . It is entu-elyfree frpm nauseous flavour , and being invariably' and carefully submitted to chemical analysis—and OKLTT SUPPLIED IN SEA 1 EI > BOTTtES XO PKECLTJDE SUBSEQUENT AmnXTuuE ob ADOLTEUATroN—this Oil possesses a guarantee of genumeness and purity offered by no other Cod Liver Oil . Extract from "THE 1 A 1 TCET , " July 29 , 1854 . * ' Dr . de Jongh gives tho preference to the Light Brown Oil over the Pale Oil , which contains scarcely any volatile latty acid , a smaller quantity of iodine , phosphoric acid , and 5 *^ Ie / n 5 nts of bile » ana "Pon which ingredients the efficacy of-Cod Liver Oil no doubt partly depends . Some of the deficiencies of the Pale Oil are attributable to the method of ir ^? T w ^ w T ' T >^^» 1 ? , 1 ? l to "a filiation through char-?^ i . rnTK B ^ B T B ^ ERBNOBOF THE LIGHT lfliOWN O ^? THE- PALE OIL WE FULLY CONCUR . 'We have carefully tested a specimen of the Light Brown c i * , er 9 Prepared for medical use under tlie direction of Dr . de Jongh , and obtained from the wholesale agents , Messrs . Ansab , Habfobd , and Co ., 77 " , Strand . We lind it to be genuine , and rich in iodine and the elements of bile . " Sold onm in bottles , capsuled and labelled with Dr . de AW § A 5 . » 1 ^!! Sv »?? TBODr W ' » C 1 KONE AEE QENCXINE , by A . N & AK . HAKirORD , and CO .. 77 , STRAND , London , Dr dfe Jongh ' a sole Consignees ; and by moat respectable ohemletsin town and country . Half-pints ( 10 ounces ) . 2 s . 6 d . ; Pints , ( 20 ounces ) , 4 b . 9 d . QuartB ( 40 ounces ) , < Js . IMPERIAL MEASUJRE .
In the High Court of Chancery . rpRIESEMAR . —On the 2 . 9 th of May , 185 C , JL . an Injunction was granted by tho High Court of Uhancery , and on the llth of June following was made perpetual , against Joseph Franklin andothera , to restrain them , under a penalty ot ; Clooo from imitating thia medicine , whichJBjproteoted . by Hoyol LettersPatentof England , anoi eecured b > 'the seals of t 1 »« Ecole do Pharmaoie do Paris * aad the Imperial College , of Medicine , Vienna . Triesemnr . & £ Jb £ L J > ° J 2 e K lieJa ? aHon » Spwmatorrlioea , and ] Ex-UaTiHtion of the System , whether arising from accident or climate . Tricsemar , No . 2 . offectually . in tho short spaco o * ; 5 }« co ^^ com 1 ?} H t ^ y and « n « roly oradlcates all traces of SiS ^ l 01 ^ ™ . ^ 11100 CftPftlvl and cubeha have so long been tococht MvuktldotQ for , to the ruin of the health of a vast KSSfS ; ! t . Population . Tricsemar . No . 3 , is the great tSS ^ tnl ^ A T *** ** class of dUrdora which uS ¦ Svlt ofeh vi ? J ? ^ Phyioliin treat s with mercury , to the ISSoWH n ? , ?*? 10110 " - ^ Pa » en * 's conetltutlon , nncl Til « ££ n ? il wLW ? ln th 0 ^ ^ cannot remove . « £ 3 rElLB « % 2 &&" ? j » roft « kodeyoia of taste or ameU lable w ^ tnoSt W ^ -M * ' Tlie * may Uo »« tho toilet ! a * lie eaoh" fi ^» K ^? o 8 Ufl P « ot « d .- ' sold In Un caeca , l » S ^ S ^ 2 jfrfisajKfflSBS ^ Bgxs ^ s &^ sss ^ s
THE BEST ANTD C 3 && F & 3 X T £ & S In England are to be obtained of PHILLIPS and COMPANY " , Tea J £ erohant 3 , 8 , KING VVILLIAM-STREET , crrr , London ; This is a-goottima to buy TEA ; when Parliament meeta it 3 s almost certain we shall have aa increase of duty to meet the expanses of the war . Strong Congou Teas , 2 s . 81 ., 2 s . 10 d ., 3 s ., as . 2 d . A . general Price Current is published every month , containing all th « advantages of the London markets , and is sent free by post on application . SUGARS ARE SUPPLIED AT SEAltKBT PRICES .
THE COJffiMESSEOIff TE & COMPANY HAVE tlie pleasure to announce that they are ' now SELLING JSTE W SEASON'S TEAS , which are of better quality and lower price th & n for two years past . The BaSC 33 . 4 d . BLACK TEA in LONDON—recommended . VERY" CHOICE SOUCHONG , per lb . 4 s . —highly recommended . The BEST MOCHA COFFEE , per lb . Is . 6 d . —highly recommended . Families and all large consumers are rcspec tfully requested to COMPARE the 33 . 4 d . BLACK TEA with any they purchase at 33 . iod ., andtueir is . very choice SOUCHONG with TEA at any price . The . COAIPANY paclc TEAS in POUND PACKETS , 7 Ibs ., 141 bs ., aud 201 b 3- Canisters without charge ; and forward £ 3 value , carriage paid . For the convenience of their customers , they supply Sugars and Colonial Produce at a small per centagc on import prices . Monthly Price Circular free on application . THE COMMISSION T 1 SA COMPANY , 35 , King William-street , ILoadon-bridge .
FITCH AND SON ' S -CELEBRATED BREAKFAST BACON . AND FIRSTCLASS PROVISIONS . " The emporium for rich and delicious bacon is Pitch and Son ' s , Bishopagate Within . "—United Service Gazette . " VVe know of nothing more exquisitely delicious than a rasher of Fitch ' s Breakfa-t Bacon . "—Weekly Raper . This celebrated Bacon , smoke-dried , is sold by the side , lmlf side , and . separate pieces . THE HALF-SIDE , of 301 bs ., at 94 . per lb . THE MIDDLE PIECE , of 12 I 03 ., at .. aid . „ PITCH and SON have also the honour to offer the following superior articles * extraordinary for their recherche quality . RICH BtUE-MOUtD STILTON CHEESE . CHOICE RICH SOMERSET ' DITTO . CURIOUS OLD CHESHIRE Df TTO . WILTSHIRE CHAPS AND CHINES . PICKLED AND SMOKED OX TONGUES . YORK HAMS , OLD AND NEW , OF DELICIOUS FLAVOUR . . WELL ITOKLED BUTTER FOR . WINTER STORE . HOUSEHOLD PROVISIONS . GOOD CHESHIRE CHEESE , 30 to 60 lbs . eacli per-lb 7 M . 1 „ AMERICAN DITTO , 30 to COlbs . ., „ 6 £ J . „ SALT BUTTER . ' 30 to 7 Olbs . package 12 ( 1 . R ? AU articles arc securely packed for travelling , and delivered free throughout London . Prepayment , or a reference in town , is requested with orders from the country . Post office orders to _ be made payable at the chief office ; and these , together with cheques , may be crossed with the name of Fitch and Son ' s bankers , " Sir J . W . Lubbock and Co . " 66 , BtSHOPSGATE WITHIN , LdSTDOlT . ESTABLISHED 1784 .
MAR K YOUR LINEN . —The Pen Superseded . The most easy , permanent , and best method of Marking Linen , Silk , Cotton , Coarse Towels , Books , or anything else , is with the PATENT ELECTRO SILVER PLATES . Any person can use them with tho greatest ease . Certificate from the celebrated Dr . Sheridan Muspratt , F . R . S . K .: — " Several trials with Culleton ' s Electro Silver Plates induce me to pronounce them excellent . The letters are distinctly marked , without blotting , in a deep black colour , and after Jong boiling , with either potass or soda , they remain unaltered . —Sueiuda . n Muspbatt , Colloxe of Chemistry , Liverpool , May lft , 1 H 64 . " Initial plate , Is . ; name plate , 2 s . ; set of numbers , 2 s . ; crest plate , 5 s . Sent post-free to any part of the kingdom ( with directions ) , on receipt of stamps , by the inventor and sole patentee , T . CULLETON , 2 , Long Acre ( exactly one door from St . Martin ' s-lane ) , London . MARK TOCq UNGK .
DEAFNESS and NOISES in the HEAD . — Free of Charge , for the Protection and Instant Relief of the Deaf . A Book of 30 pages . —An extraordinary Discovery . —Just published , sent free by po 3 t to any deaf person writing for it , "A STOP to EMPIRICISM and EXORBITANT FEES . " Sufferers extremely deaf , by means of this book , permanently cure themselves , in any distant purt of the world , without pain or use of any instrument . Thousands have been restored to perfect hearing , and for ever rescued from the snares of the numerous advertising , dangerous , unqualified pretenders of tho present day . It oontalns lists of fltartling cures , published by Dr . F . R . HOGHTQN , Member of the London Royal College of Surgeons , May 2 , 1846 ; L . A . C . April 30 , 1840 } Consulting Surgeon to tho Institution for tho Cure of Deafness , 1 ) , Suffolkplaco , Pall Mall , London , where all letters are to ba addresaed . Personal consultations every day between 11 and 4 o ' clock . Sufferers deaf 40 or 50 yearn have their hearing perfectly restored in half an hour , without a moment ' w inconvenience . Testimonials and certificates can bo seen from all the loading mombora of tho faculty and from pationta curedj
HfOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS L SUPERIOR REMEDIES FOR BAD LEGS . — Mr . John Nix , of Blllericay , Essex , informs I ' rofesaor Hoiloway that Mrs . Mary White , of Vnngo , had been troubled with a bad leg for more Jhan fifteen years , for tho euro of whloh tlMjre appeared no remedy , ns sho had tried varloua moans wltnoat effect j but by hin perHunalon Bhe commenced walng Ilolloway'B Ointment and PJUa , previoua to which , for elxteen weeks , eljo w « b unable to walk across tho room . f heao 11 valuable reraedloa , howevor , cured tho leg in a very Bhort tlnao . Sold by nil Medicine "Vendors throughout tho Word , at Professor Holloway ' s i 2 etabllahmentB . 2 i 4 , Strand , London , and 80 , M « idon-lane , Now Yorkj by A . Stampa , Conatantinople ; A . Guldioy , Smyrna 5 » nd ir . Hoode , Malta . " ^
FEND ERS , STOVES , and FIRE-IRON & . Buyera of tho above are requested , before finally deciding , to visit VT IL L I A . M S . BURTON'S SHOWItOO . VIS . They nre the largest , in the world , and contain such an assortment of FENDERS , STOV 1 SS RANGES , F lit E-IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as cannot ba approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisite ' * ness of workmanship . Bright Stovos , with bronzed ornaments anil two sets of bar .- * , £ 2 . 14 s . to £ " j . 10 j . ; ditto , with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bara , £ s . lOi . to ; £ 12 . 12 s . ; Bronzed Fenders complete , with standards , from 7 s . to £ 3 ; Steel Fenders from £ 2 . 15 s . to £ 0 ; ditto with rich ormolu ornaments , from . £ 2 . 15 s . to . £ 7 . ? s . ; Fire-irons from Is . 9 d . the set to C 4 4 s . Sylvester an . l all other Patent Stoves , with radiating hearth plates . All which he U enabled to sell at these very reduced-oharg en . Firstly—From the frequency and extent of his purchases ; and Secondly—From , those purchases being made exclusively for cash . THE PERFECT SUBS T I T U T E FOR SILVER . The REA . L NICKEL SILVER , introduced twenty years ago by WILLIA . U S- BURTON , when plated by the patent process of Messrs . Elkington and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible te 3 t cau it bi distinguished fru . n real silver . Thread or Fiddle Brunswick King ' s Pattern . Pattern . Pattern . Tea Spoons per dozen .. 18 s 2 Js 32 a . Dessert Forks ,, .. 30 j -i is 4 Gs . Dessertspoons ,, .. 30 s 4 2 s 48 s . Table Forks „ .. 40 s 5 Gs 043 .-Table Spoons „ .. 40 s oSi .. .... GGs . Tea and coffee seta , waiters , canJleoticlcs , & -o ., at proportionate prices . All kinds of re-plating doae by the patent process . CHEMICALLY PURE NICKEL NOr riATED , Fiddle . Thread . King ' s . Table Spoons and Forks , fall size , per dozen . 123 . .. 23 s . .. 30 s . Dessert ditto and ditto i 10 s . .. ' 2 . \ s . .. 2 >; i . Tea ditto .. os . .. Us . .. 12 s . LA MPS of all SORTS and PATTERNS . — "WILLIAM S . BURTON invites attention to this season's SHOW of LAMPS . It embraces the Moderateur ( the best Parisian specimens of which have been carefullyculled ) , Argnnd , Souir , Camphiae , I ' alnief ' s Magnum , and other lamps for candles ; and comprises aa assortla-ent which , considered either as to extent , prico , or pattern , is perfectly unrivalled-Pure Colza Oil . 53 . 6 d . per gallon . Palmer ' s Candle * , lOd . and lO ^ j . per lb . Patent Camphine . 4 s- per gallon . Dish ' covers and hot water dishes in every material , in great variety , and of the newest and most recherche patterns . Tin Dish Covers , Gs . Cd . the set of six ; Block Tin , 12 s . 3 . 1 . to 2 rfs . 9 . 1 . the set of six ; elegant modern patterns , 34 s . to 58 s . Gd . the set ; Britannia Metal , with or without silver plated handles , 70 s . Gel . to 110 s . Gd . -the set ; Sheffield plated . £ J 0 to £ 1 G , 10 s the set : Block Tin Hot Water Dishes , with wells fox gravy , ! 2 = i . to 20 s . ; IVritannia Metal , 22 s . to 77 s . ; Electro plated on Nickel , full size , £ 11 . 11 s . The alterations and additions to these very extensive premises ( already by far the largest in Europe ) , which have occupied the whole year , are now nearly completed ; they are of such a character that the entire of EIGHT HOU .-SKS is now devoted to the display of the most magnificent stock of GENERAL' HOUSEIRONMONGEItV ( including Cutlery , Nickel Silver , Plated , and Japanned Wares , Iron and Brass Bedsteads au » l Bedding ) , arranged in Sixteen Large Show Rooms , so as to afford to parties furnishing facilities in theselection of goods that cannot behopedfor elsewhere . Catalogues , with engravings , sent ( per post ) free . 39 , OXFORD-STREET ; l , 1 a , 2 , and 3 , NEWttANSTRERT ; and 1 , 5 , and ( 5 , PERRVr'S-PLACE . Established a . d . 1820 .
Furnish your House wltli the Beat Articles , AT DEANE'S ironmongery and Furnishing Warehouses . Established a . » , 1700 . A Priced Furnishing List , free by post . DEA . NE DRAY , and Co . ( Opening to the Monument ) , London . bridge .
210 " MILNERS' HOLDFAST AND FIRE-^ RESISTING SAFES ( non-conduotinc and vapourising ) , with all tho improvements , under tlieir Quadruple Patents of 1840 , 61 , At and I 8 f > 5 , including their Gunpoirderproof Solid Lock and Door ( without whioh no snfc is seouro ) . THE STRONGEST , BEST , AND CUE ATEST SAFEQUAnDS EXTANT MILNEItS PIKENIX ( 212 degrees ) S *\ FE WORKS LIVKltPOOL , tho most complete anil extensive iu tho World . Show-rooms , c and 8 , JLord . street , Liverpool . London Depot , 47 a , Moorgftte-street , City . Circulars fr « o by post "
DAVIS AND SIMPSON'S FURNISHING WAREHOUSES , 130 , 137 , 138 , TOTTENHAM COURT-ROAD , Corner of the Nevv . road . Established Twenty-eight Years . Enlargement of X ' re iniaes . Inoreaao of Stock . ABES YOU ABOUT TO FURNISH ? If ao , inapeot thia enormous Stock , containing the moat rocliercl ' ia inanufauturea of Glllowa and Dowbiggln , « a well as phin substantial Cottage Furniture . Buying for Cash you will save 2 O per cent . ONE HUNDRED SETS OV DINING . KOOM PURNITUttE , of auporior style and workmanship Trxusooi-K Dining TADLiia Iron * 3 guineas to 30 . Ciiaius , In Moiiooco , IlAiii-CMmi , and Roan , from 1 Kb . Cd . to 'i guinea ** . An iminonHO atook of Beddino , Blankets , Suuktino . Counteui'ankb , Caupkts , and Family Diiavf . iu juat received lroiu the Ma , nufaotuhku » . Furniture warehoused at a . moderate oharge for families leaving town , or going abrond . Murk tho Address I COKNEU of tUo N * JW-ROAD and TOTTENHAM COURT-KOAD .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 5, 1856, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_05011856/page/22/