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Japh?ary 5, 1856, 1 THE LEA TOE Ik 2g
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Japh?Ary 5, 1856, 1 The Lea Toe Ik 2g
Japh ? ary 5 , 1856 , 1 THE LEA TOE Ik 2 g
SPECIAL NOTICE . The books of the Society close ou 1 st March , and Proposals lodged at the head office , or at any of the agencies , on or before that date , will secure the advantage of the present year ' s entry , and of One Year's Additional Bonus over later Proposals . MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE . THE WHOIE PBOifrra DIVIDED AMONGST THE ASSCBED . THE SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Instituted 1831 . Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament . The fund accumulated from the contributions of Members exceeds NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS . The annual revenue exceeds ONE HUNDRED and SIXTY-THREE THOUSAND POUNDS 1 -The amount of existing Assurances exceeds FOUR MILLIONS and a QUARTER STERLING . iVThe amonnt paid to ttae Representativesof Deceased Members is upwards of SIX HUNDRED and Fr PTY THOUSAND POUNDS , of which SEVENTY-EIGHT THOULAND POUNDS are bonus additions . The NEXT DIVISION of PROFITS takes place at the 1 st of MARCH . 1856 , and Policies effected before that date receive one year ' s additional Bonus over those effected after that date . ROBERT CHRISTIE , Manager . ' WILLIAM FINLAY , Secretary . Head Office—2 G , St , Andrew-square , Edinburgh . London Office—12 G , Bishopsgate street , Corner of Cornhill . WILLIAM COOK , Agent .
ST . GEORGE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 118 , PALL-MALL , LONDON . Capital , J ' . ooo , in shares of £ 5 each . Deposit £ l per Share . ( On which Interest at the rate of £ b per cent , per annum , exclusive of Dividend , is guaranteed by the Deed of Settlement . ) Chairman—Viscount RANELAGH . Park-place , St . James ' s . Deputy-Chairman—HENRY POWNALL . Esq ., Ludbrokesquare , Nottingham . Secretary—W . C . UIlQtTH ART , Esq . POLICIES ABSOLUTELY INDISPUTABLE . Annuities and Endowments for families , children , and others on the most favourable terms . Premiums payable yearly , half-yearly , or quarterly . No charge for medical fees or stamps . - Loans granted for long or short periods , payable by naobthlyj quarterly , or half-yearly instalments . Defective Titles , Reversions , & c , assured and guaranteed .
BANK OF DEPOSIT , No . 3 . P all-Mali . East , London . Established A . D ., 1844 . -Capital Stock , £ 500 , 000 . "PARTIES desirous of INVESTING MONEY JL arerequested to examine the Plan of this Institution , by which a liigh . rate of Interest may be obtained with perfect security . The Interest is payable in January and Jult , at the Head Office in London , and may also be received , at the various Branches , or through Country Bankers PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Prospectuses and Forms fur opei \ ing Accounts scut free on j ]] > f > licatiaiu
/ GENERAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE VJT COMPANY , 7 , Chatham-pi ace , Blackfriars—Capital , JE 5 O 0 . , in Shares of £ b each ; call . 10 s . per Share . Every description of Insurance business transacted at this office . Policies absolutely indisputable . Guarantees afforded to persons in situations of trust where security is required ; also . against losses arising from robberies , forgeries , & c . Tire and life insurances effected on improved and safe principles . Plate ^ glass insured . Prospectuses , terms of agency , proposals , & c , can bo had ou application . J . G . HUGHES . Secretary .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . The Court of Directors GRANT LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Bank , Adelaide , at pur . Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . Apply at the Company ' s Oittces , No . 54 , Old Broad-street , London . Businesa with nil the Australian Colonies conducted through the Bank's Agents . Apply nt tho Company ' s Ortlce , 51 , Old Broad-street , London . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , January I , 1850 .
THE LEADING and POPULAR ARTICLES of DRESS manufactured by B . BENJAMIN . Mer . chant Tailor , 74 , Kegent-streot : — The PELISSIER OVERCOAT , price i-. ^ s ., adapted for tho season . Reversible Waistcoats , price 11 * .. buttoning four different sides ; the 47 s Suits made to order from Scotch . Heather , and Cheviot Tweeds , nil wool , and thoroughly shrunk ; tho Two Guinea Dress or Frook Conta , the Guinea Dress Trousers , and tho Half-Gui » ou Waistcoats . N . R . —A perfect fit guaranteed .
RUPTURES .-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Mcdlonl Gentlemen to be the most effective invention in tho ournttvo treatment of Hernia . Tho use of a steel spring ( ho often hurtful In its effcota ) ia horo avoided , a soft liandngo being worn round tho body , while tho requisite resisting power la supplied by the Moo-Main 1 'ad and 1 ' utcnt Lever , fitting with ho much case and closeness that it cannot b « detected , and may bo worn during sloop . A doBcrlntivo olroulnr may bo had , and the Xruas ( vrhioh annnot toll to tU ) forwarded by pd « t , on the olroumteronoo of the body , two lnohos below the hips , being sent to the Manufacturer , Mr . JOHN WHITE , 22 » , PJooa-ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c for VARICOSE VIC 1 NS . and all ensca of WEAK . NK 8 S and 8 WKL . L 1 NQ of tho LEGS , SPRAINS & c Thoy « r « porous , light in texture , and ihoxponujv © niul nrti drawn on Uko nn ordlnury Btockiug . Pilco from 7 s 0 u to I to . Postage , Od . Mnnuflfcotory , 22 « , Piccadilly , London .
TTNITED MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE VJ SOCIETY , 4 , CharLng-cross , London . Polipies indisputable . No charge for Policy Stamps . Whole profits- divided annually . Assurances on the strictly mutual principle . Invalid lives assured at equitable rates . THOMAS PRITCHARD , Iteaident Director .
nREAT BRITAIN MUTUAL LIFE VJT ASSURANCE SOCIETY . H , "Waterloo-place , London , and 30 , Brown-street , Manchester . THE CHISHOLM , Chairman . RICHARD HARTLEY KENNEDY , Esq ., Alderman , Deputy-Chairman . This Society is established on the tried and approved principle of Mutual Assurance . The funds are accumulated for the exclusive benefit of the Policy-holders , under their own immediate superintendence and control . The Profits are divided annually , and applied in reduction of the current Premiums . Policy-holders participate in Profits after payment of five annual Premiums . The Annual General Meeting of this Society was held on the 30 th May , 1855 , -when a Report of the business for the last year was presented , exhibiting a statement of most satisfactory progress . It appeared that during the two last rears , 1853 and 1854 , between 800 and 900 new Assurances had been effected , producing an increase of Premium income amounting to £ \ 4 , 000 per annum . It also appeared that , notwithstanding the extraordinary mortality which prevailed during tlie last year , in consequence of the visitation of the cholera , it had not been found necessary to reduce , in the slightest , the allowance of 31-J per cent , previously awarded to the Policy-holders . Credit is allowed for half the Annual Pi emiums for the first five years . A . R . IRVINE , Managing Director . 14 , Waterloo place , London .
UNITED ORDERS ' PROVIDENT SOCIETY AND GENERAL ASSURANCE COMPANY . ( IXCOItPOIt . lT & D JCCORJ > ING TO ACT OF PARLI 4-MKAT . ) Established for the Transaction of every branch , of Life , Fire , Accident , Plate Glass , and Sickness Assurance . CHIEF OFFICE—63 , PALL MALL , LONDON . SHAKES , £ 1 EACH ; DEPOSIT . 10 a PER SHARE . Chiaemau . —Edward Capel Whitehurst , Esq . Vice-Chairman . —Sir Samuel Hancock , Knight . This Society lias been established as the- UNION OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES , so as to extend to all classes of the community the advantages of Trovident Societies without their defects . The Rates and Principles are based on the most Recent Experience of the Laws of Mortality and SLckness , and have been certified by the eminent Authority , ARTHUR SCRATCHLEY , 3 I . A . ( Cantab .- ) , GROUPED SHARES , amounting to £ 63 or £ l-20 , are issued by this Society , realisable by Monthly Instalments of 10 s ., Interest being credited -at 5 percent , from ' tho date of each monthly subscription . PERSONS THINKING OF ASSURING SHOULD DO SO AT THK COMMENCEMENT OF THE NEW YEAR . . N . B .-The Share List will be closed early ; therefore immediate application is desirable . WM . CURTIS OTTER . j General Manager and Secretary .
A RGUS LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . jl % . 30 , Throgmorton-street , Hank . Chairman-THOMAS FARNCOMB , Esq ., Alderman . DfiPUTjr . C « AiB . MAN—WILLIAM LEAF , Esq . Richard E . Ai-dcn , Esq . John Huniphery , Ksq , AU 1 . 1 . ( 1 ward Hates , Esq . Rupert In ^ leby , Esq . I nomad Cmnplin , Esq . Jereminh Pilcher , Esq . James Clift , E ^ q . Lewis Pocock , Esq . Physician—Dr . JeniTYeson , 2 , Finsbury-8 quave . bCROEON—W . Coulson , Esq ., 2 , Frederiok ' s-place , Old Jewry . Consulting Actuaby-Professor Hall , SI . A ., of King's College . ADVANTAGES OF ASSURING WITH THIS „ ., „ COMPANY . llie 1 remiums are on the lowest scale consistent with security . The Assured are protected by an atnpte subscribed capital —an Assuranoe Fund of nearly . £ 400 , uOO , invested oa mortgage and in tiie Government Stocks—and an income of nearly £ tf 0 , 0 ' , i 0 n-yenr . Premiums to assure . € 100 . Whole Term . Age One Year . f ™ ~ With lYoftts . IJKSF "" 20 £ 0 17 8 £ 0 19 0 £ \ IS 10 jCl 11 l ~ 0 3 ° 113 112 7 2 ft B 2 0 7 10 i ft o i ir , a 3 o r 2 14 to M 1 U I ' 1 IP 10 4 0 8 4 0 1 J < W 3 2 4 i 3 17 ti C . 12 0 fi ft 10 MUTUAL BRANCH . Assurers on the Bonus system arc entitled at tho end of live yeartj to purticipato in four-fifths , or 80 per cent , of the pnilus . lho profit assigned to each policy can be added to the sum assured , applied an reduotlon of tho annual premium , or be received in cnsli . At the recent division a return of 20 per cent , ia oush on the Premiums yuid who declared 5 ttiiawill allow n rover-Klonnry inorcaso varying , according to nge , from fifi to 2 B per cout . on the nremlunuj , or from 5 ( 0 lf > per cont . on the tunu aa .-iured , Ono-liall ' of tho " Wholo Term" rroinlum may romnln on oruuit Jor eevon yetu-H , or ono-thlrd of tho Premium may rcmnin for life ns a dobt upon lho Policy nt ft per cent ., or may bo pnitl oll ' ftt any tlwio without notice . Uiilma paid in one month after proofs have boon approved . Loans upon approved security . No charge for I ' olloy stamps . Mi'dionl ntt « ndnuta paid for their reports . 1 oraoHH limy , in time of pence , proceed to or roaadc in any part ol l-wurojio or Uritiah North America without oxtra chiirgo . Tho mcdloal oHloe ™ uttond every day at Throtrmortonutro « , t , at 11 qunrtor before Two o ' oloek . K . 1 JAT 1 C 8 . Kosk ' ent Director .
/^ OMPAGNIE GENBRALE DES OMNIBUS dtinSuB cogpAil ) . CFHB 3 L 9 * <**™** m £ 100 PREMIUM " . , The Management , being desirous of introducing an improved system of Omnibuses through London ; heranroflEra Premium of ^ 100 for thebe 3 t Design and Specification ibr an Omaibus that , with the sam & weight as at present , Will afford increased space , accommodation , and comfort to the public . Each Design and Specification to be delivered at the Company ' s Offices not later than Saturday , the 2 nd o £ Ee & - ruary next . MA . CNASIARA , CA 12 TERET , WILI . TNG and CO ., 47 , Old Bond-street-January 1 , 1856 .
/^ lOMPAGNIE GENERALE DES OMNIBUS VJ DE LO ^ DRES ( THE LONDON OENEEAL . OMITIBUS COMPANY ) . The Gerants are prepared , to receive Tenders for the Supply , and Ropair of Harness . Forma , of tender may ba had at the Office , AT , Old Bcoad-street , on and after tha 7 th inat . The Company do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender . MKXAMAEA , CAKTEKET , WILLING an * CO-, 47 , Old Broad-street . January 2 , 1856
i ^ OMPAGNIE GENERALE DES OM NIBUS & £ nS 5 s col ? 5 ! Y . ( THE L 0 NDON GENER ^ TO COACH-BUILDERS AND OTHERS . The Gerants are prepared to receive Tenders for keeping in repair Omnibuses and other Vehicles . Forms of Tender and other particulars may be had at tlie Offices , 47 , Old Broad-street , on and after the 7 th inst . BIACNAMAJRA .. CARTERET , WILLING , and GO ., 47 , Old Broad-street . January , 2 , 1866 .
f ^ O MPAGNIE GENERALE DES OMNIBUS \ J PE LOXBBES ( THE LONDON GENERAL OMNIBUS COJIPAXY ) . The Gerants are prepared to receive Tenders for the supply of 2 , 000 Four-Bushel Corn Sacks- Samples , with sealed Tenders , to be delivered on or before'Saturday , the 5 th . inst ., at the Office , 47 , Old Broad-street , addressed to the under mentioned , and marked " Tender for Sacks . " Th . e Company do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender . MiCNAMAEA , CARTERET , WILLING , an * CO . 47 , Old Broad-street . January 2 , 1856 .
WANTE D , a Situation as MERCHANT'S or SURVEYOR'S CLERK . The Advertiser has also been accustomed to Teaching ; he understands French and German . Address , No . 147 , Fleet-street .
TO PARENTS and GUARDIANS .- — WANTED , an APPRENTICE to a genteel , lucrative profession . One having a taste for Drawing Avill be preferred . For particulars , apply to " Z . Z , " care of Mr . Reaxdon , ' 91 , Piccadilly .
Italian , and French Languages . MR . A R R I V A B B N E , D . LL ., from the University of Padua , who has been established in London for three years , gives private lessons in Italian and French at his own house , ox the houses of his pupils . He alao > attends Schools both iu town and country . JUr . ARIUVABENE teaches on a plan thoroughly practical , and the most mediocre mind cannot fail to thoroughly comprehend his lessons . Apply by letter to Mr . ARRIYABENE , No . 4 , St . Micnael's-place , Urompton .
THE NATIONAL REVIEW . Price 5 s . No III . was published January 1 st . COXTENTd . I . Edward Gibbon . II . The Spanish conquest in America . III . The Life and Writings of Dr . Thomas Young . IV . Atheism . V . The State of France . VI . Phoenicia . V . I I . \ V . M . Thackeray , Artist and . Moralist . VIII . Foreign Policy and the Next Campaign . IX . Books of the Quarter . London ; Eobert Theobald , 20 , Paternoster-row .
TRICK ONE SHILLING-MONTHLY . T HE THAI X—A First-class Magazine . N " o . 1 ( for January ) contains : — Chaps . I . and II of a . Now Talc called MARSTON LYNCH , byllOBEUT B . BROUGH . ONE MOKE UNFORTUNATE , by FRANK E . 8 MEDLEY . WILKES a : id No . FORTY-FIV 13 , by EDWARD DllAPER . € lmps . I . and II . of Mil . WATKINS'S APPRENTICE , by WILLIAM BKOUUII . -BOYS , by EDMUND II . YATES . A PASSAGIS in tho LIVR of M . VICTOR JOLLIVET , by JOHN V . HKIDGEMAN . The PARISIAN NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENTS , by aiiORGE AUGUSTUS SALA . Tho GOLDEN MEDIUM , by WIIXIAM P . HALE . itlDING AWAY , by GODFREY TURN . EK . A . STORY from BOCCACCIO . NIGHTS « t tho ROUND TABLE , & o . & o . With numerous Incidental Illuatratlona , by WILLIAM ftl'CONNELL » nd C . H . BENNKTT . London ; Ojioombuidoe and Sotta , Pntornoatcr-row .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 5, 1856, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_05011856/page/23/