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FAEUAMF.NT. LORDS. Attainted Earls of Pe...
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» Index To Volume Iv.
Faeuamf.Nt. Lords. Attainted Earls Of Pe...
FAEUAMF . NT . LORDS . Attainted Earls of Perth , 556 ; Alteration of Oaths , 531 ; Acts of Parliament , 269 j Australian Mails , 269 . Barnstaple Election , 629 ; Baron de Bode , 749 ; British Seamen , 342 ; Burmah , 196 , 556 . Cathedral Appointments Bill , 439 ; Charitable Trusts Bill , 172 , 437 ; Convent Inspection , 469 ; City Address to the French Emperor , 341 ; Coffee and Chicory , 748 ; Criminal Law , 678 ; Church in the Colonies , 699 ; Combination of Workmen Bill , 749 ; Churches and Congregations , 654 ; Clergy Reserves , 172 , 389 , 410 ; Chimney Sweepers , 508 . Divorce , 197 . Encumbered Estates , 629 ; Episcopal and Capitular Property Bill , 605 ; Education Bill , 725 ; Eastern question , 674 , 699 , 747 , 771 . fisheries , 390 . Hackney Carriages Bill , 556 . Irish National Education , 242 , 699 : Irish Magistracy — Suspension of Mr . Kirwan , 390 ; India , 197 , 342 , 581 , 771 ; Income-tax , ( 505 , 629 ; Irish Government , 555 , 579 ; Indian Army , ( 554 . Jews , admission of , to Parliament , 113 ; Juvenile Mendicancy , 629 , 653 , 676 . Lunatio's caro and Treatment , 439 ; Louis Napoleon , 171—City address to , 341 ; Landlord and Tenant Bill , 772 . Ministerial Programme , 2 ; Mazzini , 243 ; Maynooth , 381 ) ' ; Mousell Correspondence , ( 505 . Oaths in Courts of Justice , 582 . Prorogation till October , 818 . ltefugeo Question , 243 ; Robert Owen , 268 ; Railway Management , 2 ( 59 ; Reform of the Statutes , 71 ) 6 ; Religious Liberty in India , fiOK ; Russian Note , 628 ; Relations witli Prance , 17-4 ; Registration of Assurances , 4 ; ti ) . Scotch bankrupt Law . ( 553 ; Scottish University , 7 » 7 ; Six-mile Bridge 147 , 197 ; Slavo Trade in Cuba , 508 531 , 797 ; South Sea Annuities Bill , 439 ; Succession Duty , 723 . Transfer of Land , 221 ; Transportation substitute , 701 ; Transportation , 4 ( 50 , « 77 ; Turkish All ' airs , 500 , 534 . COMMONS . Advertisement Duty , 701 ; Assistant Judgo-H » ip , 701 ; Australian Steam Packet Company , 2 ( i <>; Austria and Turkey , 2 ( 57 ; Aggravated Assaults Hill , 241 , 312 ; Australia , itirth of a I Yiuco , 340 ; Budget , 380 , 431 , 312 ; Hallot , 579 ; Burmese War , 197 . Chicory and Colfoo , 197 ; Cab Strike . 725 ; Conversion of Stock , 724 ; Church in the Colonies , 747 ; Chureh Rates , 507 ; Cheap Wine , ; mi ; Crauford . Case of Mr ., 3 ( 55 ; Carriage Dnty , : wti-, Church Property . 005 , 747 ; Chatham Bribery , 437 ; Cab Loglslation , : «»(>; ( Customs ltoform , 388 : Charitable JYusts , 43 » , 74 H , 771 ; County Franchise , Wl ; ( Irlminal Cases , New Trials in ; 53 Q ; Church Tax in Edinburgh , 70 (); County Polls Hill , 174 ; Clergy Reserves . 173 . 2 ( 57 , ; ««; Convocation , 221 ; Corrupt Elections , ~ '» 341 ; Canada Clergy Reserves , 173 , 218 , <^> 7 , 3 ( 52 . Dniinngo of London , 772 , Dockyard Appointment H , 341 , 388 ; Decimal Coinage , 342 ; Dockyard Inquiry , H 51 ; Diplomatic Service , < H 2 . ' ^ closiastieal Courts , 147 . 219839 ; East India Company , 747 : Ecclesiastical Titles , 147 ; tlHtablishod Church in Ireland , 033 ;
Election Bills , 174 ; Election Corruption , 221 , 341 ; Election Interferance , 701 . Government Programme , 146 . Hackney Carriages Bill , 482 , 535 . Inspection of Convents , 459 ; Income Tax Amendments , 507 ; Income Tax , 412 , 555 , 605 ; Irish State Debts , 342 ; Irish National Education , 411 ; India , 415 , 482 , 530 , 555 , 602 , 626 , 652 , 674 , 698 , 722 , 747 ; Irish Church , 196 ; India Grievances Petition , 197 ; Italian Opera Bill , 196 ; Irish Members , 435 , 461 , 5 * 8 Jewish Disabilities , 195 , 242 , 266 , 364 ; Judges Exclusion Bill , 532 . Kilmainham , 363 , Legacy Duty , 458 ; Letter Carriers , 220 ; Labour hours , 653 . Militia , 771 ; Maltese Criminal Code , 797 ; Middlesex Sessions , the "Pig" calling case , 267 ; Malt tax , 674 , 771 ; Madiai , 171 ; Maynooth ,- 194 ; Mercantile Marine , 243 ; Militia Enlistments , 196 . Nunneries , 603 , 701 ; Newspaper stamps , 197 ; National police , 415 : Newspaper tax , 267 , 363 , 677 ; National debt , 3-10 , 388 ; National education , 338 . Oaths before Committees , 243 . Peace Society placards , 196 ; Payment of wages bill , 438 ; Prorogation , 818 . Railwav accidents , 311 ; Resolutions , Chancellor of the Exchequer's , 312 ; Rotherhithe rocket seizure , 364 , 413 , 437 ; Refugees' letters , 437 ; Revenue , 651 ; Religious tests in Scottish Universities , 677 ; Russia and tho Danube , ( 551 . 674 , 717 , 770 , 79-1 ; Religious freedom in Spain , 147 ; Refugee question , 220 . Savings' banks , 701 ; Six-mile Bridge , 2 C 9 ; Succession tax , 507 , 580 , ( 501 , ( 502 , ( 575 , 699 : Sheriffs' courts ( Scotland ) , 461 ; Simony , 653 ; Solicitors' taxes , 241 ; Supply , 174 , 197 , 221 4 S 2 , 771 . Transfer of land , ( 528 ; Transportation , 772 : Turkey . 534 , C 7 H , 650 , ( 574 , 717 , 770 , 791 ; Taxes on knowledge , 2 ( 57 , ' MVS , ( 576 . Vaccination , 701 , 305 . Westminster-bridge , 2 ( 39 . COMMITTEES . Elections , Chatham , 214 , 439 ; Derby , 244 ; Jluddersilold , 241 , 268 ; Norwich , 215 , 2 <> H ; Hridgenorth , 215 ; Peterborough , 556 ; Clrencester , 268 ; Southampton , 269 ; Maulon , 269 ; Clitheroc , 725 ; Hury St . Edmunds , 55 ( 5 ; Leicester , 365 ; Cockernioutli , launton , and Tyncmouth , 3 ( 55 ; Athlono 3 ( 55 ; Harnstaplo , ' MSI ; Cockcnuoutli , 390 ; Mayo , 31 ) 0 ; Kvo . 390 ; 15 erwick . il 5 ; Knaresborough , 415 ; Harwich , 139 ; Holton , 139 ; Totnes , 431 ); Cork , -Ml ; Plymouth , 161 ; Durham , 4 ( 51 ; Canterbury , 4 S 2 ; Kingston-upon-Hull , 508 ; Liverpool , r » 3 . , 556 ; Cambridge , 556 ; Dockyard appointments , 139 , 461 ; Ecclesiastical courts , 3 ( 55 . NEWS OF THE WEEK . " Advancu Australia" 657 : Anglo-American alliance 29 , 52 ; American notes , 77 , 15 . ! , 178 adl > 320 , -KM , IHf ,, 512 , 557 , 559 , 581 , MM , 72 « , 1038 , 1133 , 1253 ; American reply to the Stafford house meniorial , ; AmerCan eitiwin ' H yacht , f > 61 ; American railway accident , i () 3 ; American coup d itat , ¦ »( I 8 ; American representatives abroach 751 ; America and England , «•« ; American energy in science , 18 ( 5 ; American art and science . K 70 ; American trade in India 9 ( 5 ( 5 ; American statesmanship , 901 ; American invention * . Ul } J » : Australia 54 ; Australian mail packet Adolaulo , 202 ; Australia . pictures of , 561 ; Australia , 705 , 71 ) 1 ); Australian romance . HIM ; Australia , ' three courses open to , ' 1 ) 20 ; Australia , 913 ; Australia , diggers triumphant , 1207 ;
Asia , ' state of , 1107 ; Asia , theatre of war in , 1169 ; Arctic , new expedition , 1111 ; Achilli versus Newman , 78 , 102 ; army and navy at the fishmongers' feast , 511 ; alleged sale of Indian patronage , 776 , 821 ; Aberdeen ministry , 3 ; Archdeacon Denison and Mr . Gladstone , 4 r , abolition of poor-law board , 1206 ; area of freedom-America , Cuba , and France , 28 ; anarchy in the law , 274 ; Agapemone , more of , 129 ; another inarticulat econvocation , 797 ; assizes , 682 , 707 ; "Adelaide , " Australian mail packet , 202 ; attempt to extort money from Mr . Gladstone , 465 ; African expedition , 9 ; anti-slavery , 485 ; association , progress of , 77 , 129 , 201 ; agricultural statistics , the first , 1206 ; Apsley-house , the private view , 33 ;
art district schools . 180 ; Abd-el-Kader and Lord Londonderry , 291 ; Arnold Ruge , 560 , 557 ; Ascot races , 562 ; anonymous slanders of Bakounine , 1014 . Burmese War , 150 , 200 , 273 , 319 , 368 , 420 , 537 ; Burmah , bad news from , 537 ; 'Burmali rejects peace , 682 ; Burmah , 150 , 178 , 200 , 273 , 319 , 368 ; Burmah , how war is conducted in , 74 ; Burnham Abbey murder , 1087 ; British Association , 890 ; British morals illustrated , 443 ; British lleet , 606 ; British subjects abroad , 11 ( 50 ; Bad news from Burmah , 537 ; British opinion on the
Eastern question , 1036 : Birmingham gaol , 819 , 86 ( 5 , 915 ; Birmingham cattle show 1206 ; Byron's estate , 1111 ; Bombay Association's petition to Parliament , 31 ; Borncan pirates , 344 ; Brutalities towards women , 707 ; Bow-street judgment , 2 !) . " . ; Board movement , 1183 ; Burial grounds regulations , 1205 ; Bury athenauim , 1133 ; Boomerang propeller , trial of the , 391- ; Boiler explosion , 1063 :. Benefits of co-operation , 129 ; Barth and Overweg ' s African expedition , 1 ) ; JJattlo at the Cape , 221 ; Barbour , James , respite of , 55 ; Bishops , new Colonial , 392 ; Barnstaple briberies ,
894 . Camp , 583 , ( 580 , 750 , 771- ; Camp breaks up 797 ; Church matters , 151 ; Church and the working classes , 1253 ; Church catechism , 581 , ; Church shiiony , ( 5 S 2 ; Church matters , opinion of the London Union on , 370 ; Church in Ipswich , 945 ; Convict prison , 945 ; Cliobhani , ( i 5 ( 5 , 725 ; new troops at , 703 ; Orawshay ' s speech on the Turkish question , 342 ; Chinese revolution , -120 , 48 ( 5 , 537 ; China , 583 , 705 , 1 ) 20 , 913 ; Cape , tranquil appearance at the , 320 ; Chase in California , 320 ; Commercial law reform , 413 ; Cholera , 81 ) 5 , 9 U , 942 ; Controversial aspects of tho discussion on secularism , 225 ; Cuba still violates the slavo trade treaty , 729 ; ( -levin- knavery frustrated ,
4 ti ( i ; ' Convocation , 7117 ; Comr do Lion , statue of , 5 ( 50 ; Colony , destruction of a , 1136 ; Chances of London corporation reform , 368 ; Cruelty to prisoners , 849 , 8 ( 5 ( 5 ; Catholic allegiance , 81 ) 1 ; Co-operation , benefits of , 129 ; Corporation , 871 ; Corporation reform , 1038 , 10 ( 52 , 1134 , 1161 ; Cab Act , how it works , (> s , i ; Cab strike , 729 ; Capo affairs , 221 ., 1 ) 115 , 1038 ; Capo constitution , peace and trad *' , 728 ; California ., ( Ires in , 8 ; Cuba , state of , 31 , 1 ; Count Fathom at tho Lambeth police court , 33 ; Crystal Palace , D . 126 , 15 !) , 721 > , 1059 ; Curiosities of
justice , 753 , 778 , 802 , 8 iI 3 , HI ' . ) , 873 , 81 ) 0 , 1 ) 21 , 1 ) 1 ) 3 ; Christianity in broken China , 77 ( 5 ; Chinese proclamations , 510 ; Calumnies ol the Times , 1133 ; Cheap beer , ( 583 ; Cuba , slavery in , 1110 ; Collegiate authorities , 585 ; Clergyman suspended , 682 ; Convocation , 176 ; Cambridge ) , Prince , Albert at , 1133 ; Conspiracy to kill Napoleon 111 , 7153 ; Crosswoll , Lieutenant , 10 ( 52 ; Change ! hi China , 1 ) 20 ; Crusade in China , 70 S ; Country parties , MM ; Cabman's return , 752 ; Convocation , 777 ; California , chase in , 320 ; ""Close of the Dublin exhibition , lOON ; Cheering news from the gold colonies ,
273 ; Chinese love letters , 393 ; Canterbury colonist , 704 ; Chambers , William , on the United States , 1255 ; Crime and punishment , 56 ; City commission , 1038 , 1062 , 1082 , 1109 , 1134 ; Criminal record , 79 , 129 , 730 , 753 , 778 , 802 , 823 , S 49 , 873 , 896 , 921 , 946 , 968 , 993 , 1015 , 1039 , 1064 , 1087 , 1163 , 1154 ; Criminal customs of the English , 563 ; Cunningham , Miss , in gaol , 940 ; Cardinal Wiseman ' s discourses on art , 465 ; Cobden and Peel , public education , 1035 ; Critical words from the West , 870 ; Contest in China , 537 ; Crystal Palace , Palmcrston on the , 420 ; Crystal Palace , opening of , on Sunday , 9 ; City matters , 1181 , 1204 , 1231 . Doings at St . Barnabas , 1183 ; Diggers in
Council , 76 ; Dmmlanrig , Lord , and "W . B ., " 101 ; Disastrous News from Burmah , 101 ; Diggings , romance of , 201 ; Duel at Egham , 274 , 291 ; Deaths in the snow , 180 ; " Derby , " the , 511 : Democratic address against American Slavery , 5 G 2 ; Its reception in America , 65 G -. Divorce , suggested changes in Law of , 291 ; Dockyard disclosures , 139 , 462 ; Derby , Earl of , installed , 556 ; Doings at tho Mansion-house , 560 Dargan , 485 ; Deluge , 707 : Dinner-party of Lawyers , 632 ; Duplicate dukedom , 70 < i ; Dangerous classes , ( 583 ; Dalhousie wreck , 10 ( 53 ; Dismissal of Professor Maurice , 1058 ; Decimal coinage , 1250 ; Dublin Exhibition , close of , 1058 ; Destruction of a colony ,
1136 ; Deputations , religious and sanitary , 1181 ; Daricn canal , 55 ¦ Distressing elopement , 730 ; Dover fire , Sol ; Dublin tragedy , 1 ) 21 ; Distinguished husband , 969 ; Destruction of a printing-otlice by fire , 946 ; Death at thcCrystal Palace , 801 ; Dinner to SirWil liain Molesworth , 314 ; Dawson , honour to George , 776 ; Diggings , glimpse at the , 291 . Education , mercantile and marine , ' 185 ; Education , low Church National Society for , 513 ; Education , public , Cobden and Peel , 1035 ; Education , Roebuck on , 1081 ; Education , practical , for tins poor , 122 . S ; English opinion on India , 511 ; English camp , 512 ; English society , 58 ( 5 ; English Inns . 920 ; . English press and American
opinion , I )(> 3 ; English people and the Mastem question , 'M ' 2 , 1 ) 8 ( VZ ; " Ericsson , " 21 U ; European freedom , shilling subscription in aid of , 150 ; Escape ol ' French exiles from Cayenne , 102 ; Elections , I ! , 26 , . > 0 , 71 , 21 ) 2 , : ii > 2 , 601 > , 631 , 65 ( 5 . Funeral of Napier , 8 ( 5 ( 5 ; Fleet and army , ( 530 ; Elect . 72 ( 5 . 707 ; Farmer and his
friends , 681 ; First railway in India , 5 ( J 1 ; Feelings of poverty , 181 ; Fires , 295 , H 01 , 1 ) 1 . 0 ; Flogging Russian Hailors at Portsmouth , 11 HO ; Friends of Italy , ( 5 ; Foreign opinions of tho English ministry , 5 ; Froepress question , 188 ; Firo at a printing olllce , 1 ) 10 ; Fino Art projects , 1035 ; Far East , 1 ) 1 ) 0 ; Few , a , genuine American notes , 557 : Foreign troops in Italy , 1 D 0 ; Friends of Italy , 511 ; Fergus O'Connor , 3 ( 5 V ); Fleet , ( , ' overimient measures for manning the . : WJ ; Fearful . shipwrecks , y » a ; Falling houses , ki > 5 ; Freedom , shilling aubacrip-Mon in aid of European , 150 . Government measures for manning tho fleet 311 ) : (« ov * irnmontof the , prients , itl 5 ; ( heat gale , 8 : ( ireat roukot case , 392 ; CiladstonoVi defence , of his budget , 41 ( 5 ; ( Jladstono attempt to extort money from Mr . toso-( Jladstono in Cottonopolis , DUH ; ( ji ladstone in the North , 1 ) 30 ; Gaugo of prosperity
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1853, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/scld_01011853/page/3/