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4KTft*4-»t*tf tit" 4Fart JVtttlUr* ** 41* orni l*
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^ * i rt££ * ULlTtTTITTPTTf ftl m ITTI*^ ^ U*WUU* 4, UH' /U414M4&U
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4ktft*4-»T*Tf Tit" 4fart Jvtttlur* ** 41* Orni L*
mutter * nf ffi&tt .
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Progress op thb Nation . —The following table is extracted from the new and improved edition of 3 TCulloeh'a Geographical Dictionary . It is contained m the monthly part last published , under the statistics of the British Empire . It shows the progress of Great Britain in population , finance , trade , industry , &c . Ireland is not included : —
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American Post-office Statistics . —A table kept in the New York Post-office conveys a correct idea of the amount of business transacted in the foreign department . During the quarter ending June 30 , 1850 , there were received from Europe 287 , 048 letters , viz .: — By British steamers , 251 , 213 ; Bremen , 33 , 909 ; United States ( Collins's line ) , 1626 . Dnring the same period there were sent to Europe 346 , 572 letters , viz .: —By British steamers , 268 , 594 ; by Bremen , 38 , 064 ; United States ( Collins ' s line ) , 39 , 814 . The number of California letters received during the quarter has been 95 , 314 . The number of letters sent to California during the same period , 108 , 991—making a grand total of 466 , 563 letters sent to Europe and California , and 382 , 362
received from the same places . To this must be added 60 , 000 ship letters received and sent , making a grand total of 887 , 925 letters received and sent in he foreign department alone of the Post-office . During the month of June there were received from California 23 , 875 letters , and there were sent to the same place 40 , 925 . There were received from Europe 87 , 857 letters , and there were sent 108 , 997 , making a total of foreign letters sent and received of 261 , 754 . During the quarter there have been sent from the dVad . letter office to the Post office here 164 dead letters , of which 53 have been restored to their writers , and in four cases out of tery seven the non-reception of letters has been that they were improperly addressed . The sums in the dead Ictteis tliUH restored have varied from 1 dollar to 14 , 000 dollars . — New York Courier .
Canadian Statistics . —Some interesting details are afforded us of the progress of Upper Canada of late years in domestic manufactures and internal improvements gene rally . Gradually and almost imperceptibly , factories and workshops have been springing up in various parts of the country ; sharp men have been watching the branches of manufacturing industry most likely , by the habits of the people and the difficulty of competition from abioad , to yield remuneration ; and every year adds to the number of such enterprises . The progress already made in some branches is at least respectable . In 1842 the growth of wool in Upper Canada was , in round figures , 1 , 300 , 000 lb ., but in 1848 it had increased to 2 , 330 , 000 lb . ; and the manufacture of fulled cloth had increased from 433 , 000 yards in 1842 to 625 , 000 in 1848 . In 1848 nearly four millions of pounds of maple
¦ ugar were manufactured in Upper Canada . The quantity of flannel made in 1848 was not less than 1 , 300 , 000 Iarda against 727 , 000 yards manufactured in 1842 . In 848 Upper Canada turned out 3 , 380 , 000 lb . of butter , ( 5 ( 38 , 000 lb . of cheese , and 100 , 000 barrels of beef and pork . In grist mills there is the extraordinary increase of 1200 run of stones in 1848 , over 584 runs in 1842 . The flax trade and the tobacco trade are also represented as every year increasing in importance . There ure now al work in Upper Canada 1200 nsherics , 67 woollen factories , 354 tanneries . 105 foundries , 239 fulling mills , 100 breweries , and 138 distilleries . The return * of soap factories , nail factories , pail factories , oil mills , puper mills , po teries , chair factories , plaster snills , fisheries , comb factories , und axe and agricultural inplcinont manufactories also begin to prment a very
creditable appearance . Agriculture is , however , as might be expected , the chief and more profitable occupation of the Canadians . By the census of 1848 it appears that no less than 80 per cent , of the population ^ of Upper Canada are engaged in agricultural pursuits . That wheat growing has been a highly profitable pursuit in Canada the vast accumulation of solid wealth in the country and the comfort enjoyed by all classes of the community abundantly show . From the returns and calculations of the board of registration and statistics , and from other sources of information , it is estimated that the real and personal property of Upper Canada may be safely taken at somewhere about £ 50 , 000 , 000 currency , an accumulation of property most extraordinary when it is considered that , twenty years ago , the population was but 180 , 000 , and extended over so wide a space .
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HEALTH OF LONDON DURING THE WEEK . ( From the Registrar-General ' s Returns . ) The health of the inhabitants of London continues as good as it usually is . The deaths last week were 905 , which i s more by 31 than were registered in the previous week , but less than the average , after excluding the corresponding week of 1849 . In that week 2456 persons died in London , 240 of diarrhoea , and 1272 of cholera . The deaths from cholera last week were 5 , from diarrhoea 118 ; of the latter number 105 were children under the age of 15 , 4 adults under 60 , and 9 old persons past the age o ' f 60 . The deaths by cholera in the five preceding weeks , i ncluding the last , were 13 , 11 , 15 , 8 , and 5 , so
that the disease in the form it has usually visited London in August is declining . The deaths from diarrhoea in the same weeks were 104 , 136 , 152 , 139 , and 118 . Although the mortality of London is now below the average , that average is itself high . And it appears scarcely to be a natural state of things that , i n ordinary times , of 905 persons whose career terminates in the week , only 155 pass the age of 60 ; that three hundred and eighteen end their course in the middle of life , and four hundred and thirty-two die in their way through childhood to youth . Yet the return gives this result . Ten Weeks Week of 1839-49 . of 1850 . Zymotic Diseases 3844 .... 252 Dropsy , Cancer , and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat .. .. . 439 .... 45 Tubercular Diseases 1763 .... 166 Diseases of the Brain , Spinal Marrow , Nerves , and Senses .. .. .. .. 1111 .... 94 Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels .. 235 .... 36 Diseases of the Lungs and of the other Organs of Respiration 709 .... 64 Diseases of the Stomach , Liver , and other Organs of Digestion .. .. .. 762 .... 63 Diseases of the Kidneys , &c « 64 .... 17 Childbirth , diseases of the Uterus . &c . .. 82 .... 11 Rheumatism , diseases of the Bones , Joints , Sec - 69 .... 5 Diseases of the Skin , Cellular Tissue , &c ... 9 .... 1 Malformations .. .. 23 .... 1 Premature Birth and Debility .. .. 220 .... 26 Atrophy 231 .. .. 34 Ag-e .. .. .. .. .. •• 4 j »> .... 46 Sudden .. .. .. .. •• 87 .... •» Violence , Privation , Cold , and Intemperance 252 .... 34 Total ( including unspecified causes ) . . 10 , 448 905
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MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE . Saturday . We have had another week of dulness in the English Funds . On Monday very little business was done , and what sales took place were at the prices of Saturday . Next day there was a temporary depression , and the closing price of Consols—96 | , showed a decline of oneeighth . On Wednesday there was very little animation ,
and the opening quotations were a shade lower ; they closed at 96 J to 96 j } . There was a slight improvement on Thursday , but it hardly amounted to an advance of one eighth . Yesterday the market was firmer , and Consols closed at 961 to 96 $ . It will be seen that the range of fluctuations during the week has been very small in all kinds of English Stocks but one—Consols , 96 * to 964 » Three-and-a-Quarter per Cents ., 99 to 99 fc ; Bank Stock , 2134 to 216 ; Exchequer Bills , 658 . to 68 s . premium .
The Foreign Stock Market was quite as dull as the English one up till yesterday , when an increased amount of business was done , and an advance took place in Spanish Active . The actual bargains yesterday were at the following prices : —Buenos Ay res , for account , 594 and 60 ; Danish , Five per Cents ., 1034 and 103 ; Mexican , 29 J , 1 , § , and h ' , Peruvian , for account , 81 and 814 ; the Deferred , 33 J ; Russian Five per Cents , 1124 ; the Four-and-a-Half per Cents , 96 J and ft ; Spanish Five per Cents ., for money , 184 , & , $ , and 194 ; for the account , 19 , 18 J , and 19 *; Coupons , 8 |; Passive , 3 | and I : Spanish Three per Cents ., for money , 374 » f ° r
the account , 378 i Dutch Two-and-a-Half per Cents , 57 f and & ; and the Four per Cent . Certificates , 894 . The accounts of the state of trade in the provinces during the past week fully maintain on the whole the satisfactory character of former reports . In Macclesfield the silk-throwing mills continue fully employed , and great confidence is expressed as to the coming demand . At Leeds stocks are reported low , prices very firm , and the shipping houses brisk . At Manchester a slight dulness has taken place , in consequence of the news from New York of a fall of a quarter cent , per pound in the price of cotton ; but this will have only a temporary effect . In general , it may be said that the reports from Lancashire and Yorkshire indicate increasing activity , an improving home demand , and advancing
prices . Maric-lane , Friday , August 30 . There are good supplies of foreign Wheat , and a fair
quantity of English , chiefly new , since Monday . Notwithstanding unfavourable weather in the north of England , and some advance of prices at the principal northern markets , the trade here has been quiet , and though holders have exhibited much firmness , no advance in prices has been established . The supplies of Barley and Oats are rather short , and Monday ' s rates are fully maintained . Arrivals of grain since Wednesday . August 30 : — English . Irish . Foreign . Flour Wheat .. .. 3870 11 , 710 2480 * Barley .. .. 80 2090 Oats 790 8020
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fhfififrfitfiirtfPiK ' ' i *\ t \ iUKii 'iiU ' ! $ uiH : t \* F . : & : -gS-is- ; 2 :: 1 * S& : ^ « V-a : •» : St-f : & IsM-fB : : 2 . 1 : : i I § - ? ' "' "ia ?** p .. ' pro . , a . ** c P £ » « & ft . Ut Z 5 tO •© O © tf * OO ^ § , I if I * - s I F § ii * , & . « H Kitf * . CO I—¦ CO-J < 0 O ¦ 2 ? •— ©«» © S ? § f " o ? "iota oso * " ! : l I §! is k 1 p fi i n ' ? S 1 88 I ? F I JS Ii jjT ~ Z W Z ~ WZ <» 2 ssl sss . Si ? s " I § I i : i si ¥% s ~ 1 2 £ 2 ©* S " * 1- ° - 2 I § 1 §§ i-i § p * »*• o GS fO © . © OO OO to a * oto « oo > <» »¦ - ©>— ® 5 " » _ s K g sgg Isf f g " g | | 1 g r " s P ~ § s * 3 i £ 2 I ' | If <^ , ¦ " * " * - mi . 1 ii - . * i c | e & f I A S s . 8 I . 8 . 1 | - s S | Pf |{ „ I s 1 ^ V * I §
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• Shipping of Great Britain only . But the shipping of Ireland and of our colonies , exclusive of the United States , then in a state of revolt , was quite trifling' . + The account of the declared value of exports was not taken till 1798 . % Average of 1814 , 1815 , and 1816 . \ The return for this year includes interest of Irish debt . || This is the return for 1847 . the exports in 1848 being artificially reduced in consequence of the extraordinary Continental convulsion * of that year . They amounted in 1849 to £ 63 , 319 , 937 .
^ * I Rt££ * Ullttttittpttf Ftl M Itti*^ ^ U*Wuu* 4, Uh' /U414m4&U
Ccmmmial Malts .
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- ^ An Account , pursuant to the Act 7 th and 8 th Victoria , cap . 32 for the week ending on Saturday , the 21 th of August , 1850 . ISSUE DEPARTMENT . £ £ Notes issued .... 30 , 216 , 870 Government Debt , 11 , 015 , 100 Other Securities .. 2 , 984 , 900 Gold Coin and Bullion 15 , 989 , 412 Silver Bullion .... 227 . J 58 £ 30 , 216 , 870 £ 30 , 216 , 870 BANKING DEPARTMENT . £ £ Proprietors'Capital , 14 , 553 , 000 Government Secu-Rest 3 , 236 , 561 rities ( including Public Deposits ( in- Dead-weight Ancluding Exche- nuity ) 14 , 430 , 847 quer , Savings * Other Securities ,. 10 , 7 * 0 , 307 Banks , Commis- Notes 10 , 596 , 710 sioners of National Gold and Silver Debt , and Divi- Coin 639 , 089 dend Accounts ) ... 7 , 937 , 165 Other Deposits .... 9 , 377 , 894 Seven-day andother Bills 1 , 292 , 333 £ 36 , 386 , 953 £ 36 , 386 , 953 Dated Aug . 29 , 1850 . M . Marshall , Chief Cashier .
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SHARES . Last Official Quotation for the Week ending Friday Evening . Uailways . Banks . Caledonian .. .. 7 § Australasian .. .. 28 Edinburgh and Glasgow 21 British North American 42 J Eastern Counties .. 6 Colonial 8 Great Northern .. .. 9 § Commercial of London .. 2 . 14 Great North of England 243 London and Westminster 27 $ Great 8 . & W . ( Ireland ) 294 London Joint Stock .. 18 £ Great Western .. .. 60 National of Ireland .. — Hull and Selby .. .. 96 National Provincial .. — Lancashire and Yorkshire 424 Provincial of Ireland .. 42 Lancaster and Carlisle 56 Union of Australia .. 32 | Lond ., Brighton , &S . Coast 79 $ Union of London .. 12 £ London and Blackwall .. ii Mines . London and N .-Western 110 Bolanos — Midland 33 ^ Brazilian Imperial .. — Noxth British .. .. 6 Ditto , St . John del Roy 15 , South-Eastern and Dover 15 J Cobre Copper .. .. 31 | jsouth-Western .. .. 644 Miscellaneous . York , Newcae ., & Berwick 14 | Australian Agricultural — York and North Midland 16 g Canada •>« Docks . General Steam .. .. — East and West India .. — Penins . & Oriental Steam 78 J London — Royal Mail Steam .. — St . Katharine .. .. — South Australian .. —
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GRAIN , Mark-lane , August 30 . Wheat , R . New 40 s . to 42 s . Maple 29 s . to 31 s . Fine 43 —44 White 20 —28 Old 41 -43 Boilers . 28 -31 White 41 —42 Beans , Tusks . .. 25 —27 Fine 43 —44 Old 27 —29 Superior New 46 —48 Indian Corn .... 27 —29 nVe ... 23 —24 Oats , Feed .... 16 —17 Barlev " . ' . ' . ' » 9 —2 ° Fi » e 17 — 18 MaTting :::::: 23 -aj Poland » - » Malt , Ord . 48 —50 Fine .... 19 —20 Fine . ... 50 —52 Potato 18 —19 Peas ? Hog 28 - 29 Fine .... 19 - 20
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GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE OF GRAIN . Week Ending August 24 . Imperial General Weekly Average . Wheat 43 s . ( id . Rye 20 a . lOd . Uarlev <* 3 0 Beans 28 1 SSI .............. 17 9 I ' eus 26 3 Aggregate Average of the Six Weeks . Wheat 43 s . 3 d . live 23 s . lOd . Barley 22 0 Bean 87 9 Oats ,.., 18 0 Peas 27 2
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550 Ct ) £ fLBHtlVt + [ Saturday ,
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Satur . Mond . Tues . Wedn . Thurs . Frid . Bank Stock .... 213 214 216 2154 214 * 214 3 per Ct . Red .. 97 97 £ 974 97 97 & 97 3 p . C . Con . Ans . 96 £ 96 $ S 6 | 96 § 96 £ 964 3 p . C . An . 1726 . — 3 p . Ct . Con ., Ac . 964 96 $ 96 § 96 § 96 g 96 A 3 { p . Cent . An . 99 & 99 99 98 g 9 »| 99 } New 5 per Cts . —— LongAns ., 1860 . 8 8 * 8 £ 8 5-16 % \ 8 J lnd . St . 104 p . ct . 266 261 264 266 264 Ditto Bonds .. 88 88 88 88 89 86 Ex . Bills , 1000 / . 68 p 65 p 68 p 68 p 68 p 65 p Ditto , 5 . 0 * .. 65 p 68 p 68 p 65 p Ditto , Smal : 65 p 68 p 68 p 68 p 65 p
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FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening . ) Austrian 5 per Cents . 961 Mexican 5 per Ct . Ace . 29 J Belgian Bds ., 44 p . Ct . 90 § Small .. .. — Brazilian 5 per Cents . 92 £ Neapolitan 5 per Cents . — Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cts . 6 u Peruvian 4 $ per Cents . 81 $ Chilian 6 per Cents . .. — Portuguese 5 per Cent . 86 Equador Bonds .. — 4 per Cts . — Danish 5 per Cents . .. 1031 ¦ Annuities — Dutch 24 per Cents ... 57 | Russian , 1822 , 5 p . Ct 3 . 1124 4 per Cents . .. 89 ^ Span . Actives , 5 p . Cts . 19 £ French 5 p C . An . atParis 96 . 65 . Passive .. 4 J 3 p . Cts ., Aug . 20 , 58 . * 0 Deferred .. —
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 31, 1850, page 550, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1851/page/22/