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liJE ETROPOL IT AN COUN T . I E S and JjJL GENERAL UFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 27 , Regentstreet , Waterloo iplace , London , - - " ¦ DIBBOTORS . Samuel Driver , E « q . Thomas Littledale , Esq . John Griffith Frith , Esq , Edward Lorna * , *^ . Hen ^ y Peter Fuller , Esq . Samuel Miller , Esq . John Palk Griffin , Eaq . ' ' Edward Vansittart Neale , 'Esq . Peter Hood , Esq . Sir Thomas N . Reeve . eapt . Hon . G . F . Hotham , K . N , William Studley . ^ sq . Life Assurances , Annuities , and Endowments , Three-fourths of oroflts divided amongst the assured . —Prospectuses , post free , on application . , F . FERGUSON CAMROUX , Manager .
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T ? NGLISH AND CAMBRIAN ASSURANCE JCi SOCIETY Chief Office 9 , New Bridge-Street , London . Branch Offices : —London : 6 , Trinity-street , Borough . aind 65 , Sun-street , Bishopsgate-street . Glasgow ; 65 , St , Vincentstreet Dublin ; 38 , Lower Ormond-quay . Norwich : 16 , St . Giles ' -street . Bury St . Edmunds : 18 a , Corn-market . Policies Indisputable . Half Premiums taken , . ^ , _ , " Diseased , " Military and Naval Lives accepted at equitable Annuities , Endowments , and Loans on the most advantageous Claims payable three months after satisfactory proof of death . Profits divided annnually after first seven years . C . W . BEVAN , Manager and Actuary .
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TfNlTED KINGDOM TEMPERANCE and U GENERAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION . OFFICES . 39 , Modrgate-street , London 17 , George-street , Edinburgh . 52 , Princess-street , Manchester . directors . - ¦ ¦' ¦ Chairman- ^ -Robert Warner , Esq . William R . Baker , Esq . I C . EL Lovell , Esq ., M . D . R . Barrett , Jun , Esq . J . T . Pritchett , Esq . William Janson , Esq . | J . Talbot Tyler , Esq . MEDICAL DIRECTOR , J . T . Mitchell , Esq ., Clapham . SOLICITORS . Messrs . Gatliff and De Carteret , 19 , Coleman-street . ' . '¦ ¦ ; ' ¦ BANKERS . ¦ . " Messrs . Barclay , Bevan ' , and Co ., London . The National Bank of Scotlandi Edinburgh . The British Linen Company , Glasgow . SECRETARY . Thomas Aston Binns , Esq . From the commencement of thepresent year 500 New Policies have been issued , makin ? the total number since the establishment of the Office , in 1840 , more than 5700 . SPECIAL ADVANTAGES . Lower Premiums than in most other Offices . The Entire Profits divisible among the Assured . Claims paid to Widows and Children free of Legacy and Probate duty * The Lowest Rate of Mortality of-any Office in England . Annuities , Immediate and Deferred , Assurances for the whole of Life , for Short Terms , on Joint Lives , and every other description of Business . -.-.- '¦ ¦ . Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal- may be obtained on application to the Secretary , or any of the Agents . N . B . Active and respectable Agents wanted in every town where none axe appointed . ' -
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INDUSTRIAL BRANCH OF THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Incorporated by Act of Parliament , 7 and 8 Vic , cap . 110 . With a Guarantee Fund of Fifty Thousand Pounds . Chief Office , 34 , Moqrgate-street , Bank , London . TRUSTEES . John Hinde Palmer , Esq . I Thomas Winkworth , Esq . William Anthony Purnell , Esq . | John Poole , Esq . DIRECTORS . William G . K . Baines , Esq ., Kensington . Stephen Broad , Esq ., Rye-hill , Peckham , William Garr , Esq ., Bishopsgate-street Without , and Sydenham . John Cropp , Esq ., Oakland-house , Clapham . Joseph Davison , Esq .. Friday-street , Cheapside , and Highgate . Wellingtou Gregory , Esq ., Cheapside . John Poole , Esq ., Gutter-lane , Cheapside , and Highbury . William Anthony Purnell , Esq ., Oriental Club , and Lee , Kent . f " AUDITORS . James Hutton , Esq ., Accountant . Moorgate-street . Henry Chatteris , Esq ., Accountant , Gresharn-etreet . William Henry Furnell , Esq ., Accountant , Old Jewry . PHYSICIAN . Henry Letheby , Esq ., M . D ., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence , London Hospital . SURGEONS . ' Thomas Olliver Duke , Esq ., Kennlngton . Thomas Carr Jackaon , Esq ., Hamilton-place , New-road . Bankers—Commercial Bank of London . SOLICITOR . Edward Kelly Harris , Eaq ., 52 , Lincoln ' s-inn-fielde . SURVEYOR . Henry Annesley Voyaay , Esq ., Guildford-atreet , RuBsell-square . Manager—J . W . Sprapue , Esq . The Directors of this Society , in addition to the ordinary business usually transacted by Life Assurance Societies , havo formed a distinct Branch for the Industrial Classes , embracing every system of Life Assurance , and for that purpose have caused extensive tables to be prepared , combining' the interests of every class of Assurers , in » a manner more comprehensive than has hitherto been attempted by any similar Society . The system of Lite Assurance hitherto propounded , although admirably well adapted to the means and circumstances of the middling- and higher claKses of society , nevertheless Is not available to the ever-varying condition of nearly nine-tenths of the people of this grout commercial country , viz ., the Industrial OlaBees . Nlnoponco per Month , or the cost of one pint of beer per week , will aecure JK 20 to tho Wife and family , at the death of a man aged 25 next birthday ; or , ' On ? j Shilling and Throe Ponce per Month will eocnre to a person , of the anmo ago tho sum of £ ' 5 J& on his attaining the age of « 0 , or th « same euro would bo paid to his family should ho die before attaining that ag « . NON-FORFlflTURE OF MONEY PAID , aiioulrt a person from any cause bo unable to moot tho payment i » . M . , » ho wlU not l 08 ° benefit of the AaauranoQ , but will be allowed , aa often as the value of tho Policy will admit , to charge tho amount thereof on his ; Policy ; or ' »» n . i 'VP ' 9011 V ? ttl tftB « ther unable to continue the Assurance tho 8 uma paid will not be forfeited us In other Offlcea . as .. »« * " « mM ? d \ ? « Uireeton , another Policy of loss amount , but equivalent to tho euma already paid , and exonerated irom any future payments . . " * ia ^ rr 0 r « ny ofXfe . * 8 ool < jty > H '**™*<*™ & <*>
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MITRE GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE , ANNUITY and FAMILY ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION , 23 , Pall-mall , London . ¦¦ .. ¦ - „ , „„„ . The sum usually charged at the age of 25 to assure £ 1000 in such Offices as adopt the principle of granting Bonuses at stated intervals , -will , in the MITKE , assure nearly £ 1400 , Here is an IMMEDIATE BONUS of' what requires more than twenty yeara to attain in other cases . ° ' . „•« ' Endowments granted on liberal terms for School and College Education , Professional Premiums , Marriage Portions , &c . Oct . 1851 . WILLIAM BRIDGE 8 , Actuary and Secretary .
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TRAFALGAR LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION . Every description of Life Assurance business transacted . Loans granted on personal and other securities . Detailed Prospectuses , containing the names and addresses of nearly seven hundred shareholders , rates of premium , an explanation of the system now originated , together with useful information and statistics respecting Life Assurance , may be had on application at the offices . Parties desirous of becoming Agents or Medical Referees are requested to communicate with the Secretary . By order of the Board , ' THOMAS H . BAYLIS . Offices ; 40 , Pall-mall , London .
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THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE JL AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY . Established 1836 . 8 and 10 , Water-street , Liverpool , and 20 and 21 , Poultry , London . Capital , Two Millions Sterling . Reserved Funds , . £ 268 , 000 . Liability of Proprietors unlimited . CHRISTMAS POLICIES should be renewed within fifteen days after the 25 th December ; the Renewal Receipts are in the hands of the Agen ts . - EIRE INSURANCE at home and abroad oiriiberal termsT and no charge for new policies . LIFE INSURANCE in all its branches . Life Policies , when taken out under Table 2 , have FIXED BONUSES GUARANTEED TO THEM , not contingent on profits , without any Liability of Partnership to the Assured , and at moderate Premiums . Prospectuses and all information may be had on application . BENJAMIN HENDERSON , Resident Secretary . SWINTON BOULT , Secretary to the Company .
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THE MERCHANT'S AND TRADESMAN'S MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 5 ,-Chathamplace , Blackfriars , London ; 53 , Dale-street , Liverpool ; and all the principal Towns in the Kingom . TRUSTEES . John Macgreg-or , Esq ., JM . P . Quarles Harris , Esq . j DavidJFergusson , Esq . Jeffery 8 mitb , Esq . T Thomas How , Esq . -dibkctoes . ¦ - ¦ Chairman- ^ Johh Macgregor , Esq ., Princes-terrace , Hyde-park , M . P . for Glasgow . John Garter , Esq ., South Molton-street . Francis Edwards , Esq ., Westbourne-terrace , Hyde-park . David Fergusaon ; Esq ., Eastcheap , and Champion-park . Thomas How , Esq ., Eastcheap ; Gordon-house , Turnham-green . Benjamin Hooper , Esq ., Seethirig-lane . Daniel McFarlan , Esq ., Fenchurch-street . William Northcbtt , Esq ., 13 , Rood-lane , and St . Mary ' s-road , Peckham , Charles Snewin , Esq ., Lloyd-square . MEDICAL OFFICERS . Archibald Billing , Esq ., M . D ., F . R . S ., Park-lane . R . W . Tamplin , Esq ., F . R . C . 8 ., 33 , Old Burlington-street . ' Daniel Hooper , Esq ., B . A ., M . D . Lond ., 18 , Trinity-square , 8 outhwark . Assurances on Lives and Survivorships ; Annuities for Old Age ; Endowments for Children ; and every description of Life Assurance may be effected in this office . Policies indisputable , except in cases of Fraud . All the Profits go to the Members . Prospectuses may be had at the Offices , or of the Agents GEORGE THOM 8 ON , Manager . THOMAS MU 8 GRAVE , Secretary . . •¦ Active persona required as agents where they are not already appointed .
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PROFESSIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . Admitting , on equal terms , persons of every clasa and degree to all its benefits and advantages . Capital—Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds . Chairman—Major Henry Stones , LL . B . Deputy Chairman—James Andrew Durham , Esq . With upwards of Fourteen Hundred Shareholders . There are two important clauses in tho Deed of Settlement , by which the Directors have power ( o appropriate ONE-TENTH of the entire profits of the Company : — lat . —For the relief of aged and distressed parties assured for life , who have paid five years' premiums , their widows and orphans , 2 nd . —For the relief of aged and distressed original proprietors , assured or not , their widows and orphans , togother with 5 per cent , per annum on the capital originally invested by them . . All policies indisputable and froo of stamp duty , ltatee of premium extremely moderate . No extra charge for going to or residing at ( in time of peace ) Australasia— Bermuda— Madeira—Cttpeof Good Hope—the British North American Colonies—and tho Mauritius . Medical men in all oases remunerated for their report . Assurances granted against paralysis , blindnesB , accidents , insanity , and every other affliction , bodily and mental , at moderate rates . A liberal commission allowed to agents . Annual premium for assuring £ 100 , namely : — Age-20 £ 1 10 0 I Agc-40 £ 2 13 6 SO , £ 1 19 6 I -50 . £ !> 18 (» Prosppctuflos , with ' tablos and fullest information , may bchaa at the oillooa of tho Company , or any or their agents . Applications for agencies requested * . EDWARD BAYLIS , Resident Manager and Actuary . . Ofilcos , 76 " , Choapside , London . ,
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THE LONDON NECROPOLIS AND NATIONAL MAUSOLEUM COMPANY . Completely registered and inoorporuted . TRUSTEES . Archibald Haatlo , Esq .. M . P . William John Evelyn , JlSaq ., M . P . Sir JamoB Duko , Bart ., M . P . This Company being now oomplotoly registered , and the usual noticoB to Parliament liAvinir boon givi'ii . the few remaining unallotted Shares may bo obtained , upon applioation to the 6 « cretary . at the Offices of tho Company . 10 A , Gr « at Goorgo-atroot , We ^ mlnator , »> ftS&SSB ^ OBUWMIjm *»
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COUNTY COURTS TRADESMEN'S ASSOCIATION . ' OfilcoB ~ 40 , Groat Queon-atroot , Linooln ' a-inn- / loldB . In consequence of tho groat loas of time and money occasioned by needless personal attendance at tho Courts , mistakoB made in the i > rooo « dln « f 8 , and the employment of irresponsible agents , this A 88 oclatl « m ha " been established for tho r ' eCOVKRV Ol ' DEBTS , at a email por oent « g « , In a respectable and expeditious manner . No charge in unsuccessful cages . Apply to the Scorel » ry , between the bourn of eleven and three dally .
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THE KOYAL EXHIBITION . —A valuable newly invented , very small , powerful WAI 8 COAT POCKET GLASS , the flizo of a walnut , to discern minute objects at a distance of from four to five miles , which is ( bund 10 be invaluable , to Yuchtors , Sportsmen , Gentlemen , and Unmokuupore . Price 30 b . ; Bent free . —T 12 LE 8 COPES . A now and most important invention in Telescoped , possessing such extraordinary powers , that uoine , 84 Inches , with an extra eyeploco , will show distinctly lupller ' e moons , ' Saturn ' s ring ,, and tho double stars . They suptraode every other kind , and are of all sizes , fur tho waistcoat pocket , shooting , military purposes , &c . Opora and Hacuooiirse Glasses , with wonderful jjowoib ; a mlnuto object can bo clearly " suun from ton to twelve miles distant . In valuable , newly invented Preserving Speotuoleti ; invisibly and all kinds of acoustic instruments for rollof of oxtremo doafneBa . —MosHrs . 8 . and B . SOLOMONS , Optloiuna and AuriBtsr 3 » , Albemarlo-Btreet , Piccadilly , opposite the York Hotel .
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GRATIS with the "DISPATCH" of SUNDAY NEXT , January 4 . —The Subscribers to tho " Weekly Dispatch" will be presented with a highly finished coloured Chart , showing by diagrams , and at one view , the number of persons who daily , during a period of five months , visited tho Crystal Palace , the amount o ) money taken at the doors and received from various sources , and other statistics of an interesting character . And on the following Sunday , January 11 , the Chart will bo given to all Purchasers of the " Dispatch " ^ who arc not regular subscribers . The Chart , which Is surmounted with an engraved view of the Great Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations , has be * n prepared by permission of the Uoyul Commissioners , from dorigns by Corporals A . Gardner and J . Mack , of tho Roynl Sappers and Miners , and revised by a gentleman whose iii'imate acquaintance-with all matters connected with the management must inapre its correctness . Orders may bo given to all newsvondeis in town and country , or forwarded to Mr . R . J . Wood , 1311 , Fleot-Btreet , London .
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THE SHEFFIELD FREE PRESS , published every Saturday Morning , price 4 £ d ., is now acknowledged to be the leading organ of a vast manufacturing district , includingth ' e populous towns of Sheffield , Rotheram , Barnsley , and Worksop , and containing a population of about 250 , 000 . It is attached to no sect or party , the great and distinguishing feature being a thorough and determined opposition to Centralization , and an unflinching and persevering advocacy of the great principle of Local 8 elf-Government . The speeches of the great Magyar chief , Kpssuth , will draw increased attention to this vital subject . The other important principles of the paper are : —Abolition of the Excise and Standing Army ; Monetary Reform , based on the Principle of a 6 elf-Regulat i :. i «? Currency ; the Gradual and Final Extinction of the National Oebt ; Direct Legislation , as developed by Rittinghausen ; the Enfranchisement of Woman ; Parliamentary Reform , founded on the People ' s Charter , &c . The unprecedented tucceas which has attended tho journal since its establishment at the commencement of the present year , and its circulation being-amongst tho active , intelligent , thoughtful , and earnest classes , render it the best medium for solicitors , auctioneers , insurance offices , authors , publishers , and ' advertisers in general , to make tfctir announcements public in the south of Yorkshire . Mr . Chas . Mitchell , in the laat edition of the Newspaper Press Directory , thus notices the Free Press : — " It is cleverly conducted ; the reviews of new books are ably and impartially written ; and there are copious details of the foreign , home , and colonial news of the week . " Free Press Office : Exchange-gateway , Sheffield , November , 1851 .
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A NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE .. Just published , 48 pages medium 8 vo ., price Sixpence , in a wrapper illustrated by-George Cruikshank , No . I . of T H- £ - B filTISH JOURNAL . To be continued Monthly . This Journal is intended to s ' upply the vacancy that has long existed between our high and low priced publications . To do this it has enlisted in its service the highest literary talent , and will combine in its pages the best features of our established Reviews and Magazines . . Contents of No . I ; . —The First Olympiad and the year 1851—Harry Coverdale ' s Courtship , and what came of it , by Frank Fairlegh—Keep the'Heart light as you can , by Charles Swain—On Sympathy with Unknown People , by Mary Cowden Clarke—The Two Useful Wives , an old tale of China , by Frances Brown—The Country- Post-office—Sites in the Alps , by Miss Costello—The Hastings Grass , by G . Lawson , F . R . F . S . — The Royal Academy , by Mrs . David Osborne—The Canker Worm , a Tale , by William Dalton—Wave Motion , by William Radcliff Birt—The Exile * 3 Return ,, by Mrs . E . W . B ' oate—Literature of the Month . * Published by Aylott and Jones , Paternoster-row ; Joseph Masters , 33 , Aldersgate-street ,- and 78 , New . Bond-street ; J . Menzies , Edinburgh ; and J . McGlaahan , Dublin .
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' Just published , THE PROSPECTUS OF THE CENTRAL CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY . \_^ Containing the necessary means for obtaining further Information . May be had at the following places : —The Central Office , , 76 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-square ; the Marylebone Branch , 35 , Great Marylebone-street ; the Manchester Branch , 13 , Swan-street , Manchester ; . the Publishing Office of the Society for Promoting- Working-Men ' s Associations , 183 , Fleetstreet . Gratis , if by personal application , if by letter , o e Postage Stamp .
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NEW WORKS NOW R 1 ADY . T 3 ECOLLECTIONS of the LITERARY LIFE JL \> of MARY RU 8 SELL MITFORD , Author of " Our Village , " &c . 3 vols . ; 31 s . 6 d . , . : .. ¦ ¦ ¦ >¦ II . THE LIFE and TIMES of DANTE . By Count Chsake Balbo . Edited , with an Introduction , by Mrs , Btje-B 0 BY . 2 vols . 21 s . ¦ III . A RIDE OVER the ROCKY MOUNTAINS to CALIFORNIA . By the Honourable Henry Coke , Author of " Vienna in 1848 , " &c . 8 vo . 14 s . IV . SOLWAN ; or , "Waters of Comfort . By M . Amari . Rendered into English by the Translator of The Sicilian Vespers , " &c . 2 vols . 21 s . Richard Bentley , New Burlington-street , Publisher in Ordinary to her Majesty . .
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Jan . 3 , 1852 . J /¦ : »^^^ » 3 ^ ^ , 23
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 3, 1852, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1916/page/23/