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' . Cpmnmul Iffitra.
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Monday , ana aanng , » e perrormea a JNew Musical Comedietta , in Two Acts , called THE WBONG BOX . Principal Characters by Miss P . Horton , Miss Wyndham , Miss Turner , ; Mr . Robinson ( of the Lyceum- Theatre , his first ap-pearance ) , and Mr . Alfred Wigan . After which a New . Comedietta , called TO OBLIGE BJ 3 NSON . Characters by Messrs . Emery , F . Bobson , Leslie , Mrs . Stirling , and Miss Vyudham . To conclude with THE FIB 8 T NIGHT . 1 Characters by Messrs . A . 'Wigan , Leslie , Tranks , H . Cooper , Vincent , Hiss P . Horton , ^ and Miss Wyndham .
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DR . KAHN'S CELEBRATED MTJSETJM is TfDW OPEN in the spacious premises known as the SALLE ROBIN , 232 , Piccadilly , top of the Haymarket . For gentlemen from 11 till 5 , and from 7 till 10 daily . Explanations . by Dr . Leaoh . On Wednesday and Friday , a portion of the Museum , is open for ladies only , from 2 till 5 . Gentlemen , however , are still admitted on those days from 11 to 7 , and from 7 till 10 . Explanations given to the ladies * by Mrs . Leach . Admission , Is .
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ROYA L PANOPTICON OF SCIENCE AND ART , LEICESTER-SQUARE . Thia Institution is now open to tho public for Morning and Evening Exhibition . Mr . W . J . Best , the Organist to the Institution , will perform a selecticn of Classical Music on the Grand ! Organ ( buftt for tjhe Corporation by Messrs . Hill and Co . ) a-i ; intervals . ' Programmes to be obtained at the Institution . Magtjificent Fountain , throwing a stream of water 97 feet high ; Photographic Gallery , where portraits are taken by license of the patentee ; Engineering Tools ; Sculpture ; Veilodl Statues by-Monti and Gandolpni ; Now Musical lustrum ent , the Euphotyno ; Brett ' s Printing Electric Telegraph in action ; American Sewing Machine , Ac , &c . Lecture on Ruhmkorflfs Electro-Galvanic Coil , aud Practical Illustrations in Pliotography . Hours of Exhibition—Morning , from 12 to 5 ; Evening ( Saturdays excepfced ) , 7 to 10 . Admission , Is . ; Saturdays , 2 s . Gd ,
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XX 7 HITTINGTON CLUB and METBO-? T POLITAJ * ATHENiEUM . Library , Reading , and New » Rooms , supplied with 80 daily aud 1 G 0 weekly and provincial papers ; in this reBpect offering special advantages to literary men . Weekly assemblies for Music and Danc 3 ng , Lectures , Classes , aud Entertainments ; Dining , Coffee , Smoking , and Drawing-rooms . Subscriptions : Two Guineas the yearj One Guinea the half-year , Ladies half tbe 8 & rates . Country Members , One Guinea the year . No Entrance l ? ee . Cards of membership from Lady Day are now ready . A Prospectus forwarded upon application , containing a list of Entextalnments and Locturos for the new Quarter . HENR-Y Y . BRACE , Secretary . 37 , Arundel-streot , Strand .
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FIVE GUINEAS . —Mr . WM . IX . HALSE , the Medical Galvanist , of 22 , Jh-unswiok-squaro , London , informs his friends that his FIVE GUINEA APPARATUSES are now ready . —Send two postage stamps fr hiB Pamphlet on Medical Galvanism ,
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DOES YOUR IIAlll FALL OFF ? Ifsousothe JiOTANICAL EXTRACT ( an effectual remody ) , 8 s . ( id ., 5 s ., 10 a . 6 d ., aud 21 s . If your hair is changing eroy , use the Restorative Fluid ( not a Ayn ) , 2 a . ( Sd ., 6 s ., and lla . Prepared only by Mr . TAYLOR , Hair Etostorcr , who may bo consulted ( gratfs ) on all diseases of tho hair , 10 , Now- Uond-atrcot , removed from 2 U , Edward-atroet , Portmanbquaro . Private Roojuh for Dyeing Hair .
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RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . HPHE MOC-MAIINF LEYElt TRUSS la J 3 L allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to be tho most ofl ' octivo invention in tho curative treatment of Ilornia . The use of a stool spring ( so often hurtful in its effects ) ia horo avoided , a sort Bandage being worn round tho body , while the roqjuislto resisting power la supplied by the Moo-Mai 11 Pad and Patent Lever , fitting with eo muon ease and cloaoness that it cannot bo detected , and may bo worn during oleop . A descriptive circular may be had , and cho Truss ( wliioh cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by post * on tho oircuuiferenco of tho body , two inohos below tneMpa , being sent to tho Manufacturer , Mr . JOHN WHITE , S 28 , rjecadilly , London . ELASTIC ! STOCKINGS , KNEE CAPS , See . Tor YAT 6 ICO 8 E VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS aud S"WTBLLING of tho LEGS , SPRAINS , &o . Thoy are porous , lipht in texture , and inexpensive , and are drawn on like anoidinary utocking . Prioo from Is , 6 d . to 16 s . Postage 6 d .
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TNSTJERECTION IN CHINA . —TEAS JL are advancing in Price , and from the disturbed state of the producing districts , , the well-ascertained shortness of supply , and trie increasing consumption , there is every probability of a considerable rise . We have not at present filtered our quotations , and are still selling 8 . d . The very Best Black Tea , at ,. 4 0 the pound . Good sound Congou .... SO ,, Finest Pekoe ditto 3 8 „ Fine Gunpowder 4 0 Choice Coffee 10 „ Finest ELouQceopathie Cocoa 10 „ This is the most pleasant and nutritious preparation of Cocoa . Tor the convenience of our numerous customers , wq retail the finest West India and Roftned Sugars at martot prices . All goods delivered by our own vans , free of charge , witlin oi « ht miles of London . Parcels of Toa and Coffee , of the value of Two Pounds sterling , are sent , carriage free , to any part of England . CULL 3 NGHAM AND COMPANY , Tea-morchants and Doalers , 27 , SKINNER-STREET , SNOW-HILL , CITY .
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TVEAS and COFFEES at MEBCH £ NTS » s . , . ¦ p bj ^ bs ... . ¦ u :.. ¦ : ;¦ /; ^ : z Congou Tea . 3 s ., 3 s , 2 d ., Ss . 4 d . Bare Soucliong Tea ,....:. Ss ; 6 d ., 3 s . 8 d ., 4 s . - Best Assaaa -Pekoe Souchong , a r •• ¦ ¦ -, ¦ - ¦¦•¦ - very extraordinary tea 4 s . 4 d . . Prime Gunpowder Tea 4 s . » 4 s . 8 d ., 6 a . , The best . Gunpowder Tea Ca . 4 d . - -ftPrime Coltee , at Is . and Is . 2 d . per lb . - « jThe best Mocha and the best West India Coffee at Is . 4 dl , Teas , Coffees , Spices , and all other Goods sent carriage free , by our own vans and carts , if within eight miles ; ana Teas . Coffees , and Spices sent carrbige free to any part of ' Ens-Land , if to the value of 40 s . or upwards , by PHILLIPS and COMPANY , Tea and Colonial Merchants . ** r No . 8 , KJN-GJ WILLIAM-STREET , 0 ITT , LONDON . " A general Price-Current , containing great advantages In the purchase of Tea , Coffee , and Colonial Troduce , sent p « 8 t free , on application . Sugars are supplied a . t Market Prices .
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WIIiLIAM STEYENS , Sol © Agent * ' | ot supplying the Public with the celebrated unadulierated BOTTXED ALES , POB . TEB * and STOUT , brawed > s the Metropolitan and Provincial Joint-Stock _ Brewer % 3 c * njpany , submits the following scale of charges ^ for thia C « wrpany ' s goods in imperial measures : — 1 s . 'd '" - '¦¦ ¦•' , - Ale or Stout .. quarts 6- O per doa- . Do do ... pints 3 6 , ; Bo do ... ....... halfpints 2 0 „ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦»¦ ^ , . TEKM 8—CA 8 H . Country orders promptly attended to . —Money orders on . the Strand Office . " The same goods are constantly on draught attheCam > pany ' s Wholesale and Retail Stores , ' . V , ^ . 13 , Upper Wellington-street , Strand , Iiondon , Where all orders must be sent to " ' ? ' - WILLiAM STBYEB ^ , S ^ JIieJfc ^ ' P . 8 . —A Single Bottle at the wholesale price , and families supplied with the same beer ia casks . " ¦ ¦
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ALLSOPP'S PALE Ali-Ej IN IMPERIAL QUARTS AND PINTS , —BOTTIiM ) br PARKER and TWINING ,, Beer Merchants , Si , PAII .-MJLLLm Quarts . 8 s . ; Pints , Us . ; Half-pints xfor Luncheon ) , 3 s . per dozen . Also in Casks of 18 gallons and upwards . : BARON LtEBIG ON ALLSOPP'S PALE AiB . "" I am myself an admirer of this beverage , and my own ez « perience enables me to recommend it , in accordarice with thia opinion of the most eminent English physioians , as a very agreeable and efficient tonic , and as a general bevoraga both for the invalid and the robust . " —Giessen , May , d , JLDDRESS-PARKER and TWINING .-5 J , PALL-MALL . - ¦ ., _ ^ ¦ ¦ ^ ¦ -.. - C . M : ¦
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A MERICAN PEACHES . —TMs excellent XX . FRUIT , perfectly fresh , and of the finest flavour , we ar « now importing from the United Stat « s , hermetically sealed , in jars and cans . Those in jars , preserved in brandy ; at the reduced price of 8 s . ; fresh peaches , in cans , 4 s . ^ spiced , 8 s . They- will be forwarded to all parts of the conntry on the receipt of a Post-office Order for the amount . 8 o > ld , with every variety of American goods , at the Ameri&n Warehouse , by IJ 2 FAVOUR & Co ., 646 , New Oxford-street .
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A MERICAJST CLOCK AVABEHOTTSB , ^^^ S ^^^ i ^^^ S , 10 a . to 18 s . ; Eight-Day , 80 s . tc SSSs " ; also , « very variety ^ Araerican goods , by LEFAYOXTR & Co ., 548 . * ewO « &rd-StY&Cla
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BIRTHS , MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . CARNEGIE . —March 20 , at 81 , Piccadilly , the liady Catherine Carnegie : a son . and heir . * ¦» BNFIEfD . —March 19 , at Eaton-square , the viscountess tnfleld : a . daughter . . GARDNER . —Jan . 24 , ftt Cawnpore , tbe wife of Herbert ; C Gardn-er , Esq ., Thirty-eighth Bengal Light Infantry : a TYNTE . —March 23 , at Brighton , the wife of Colonel Kemeys Tynte ^ M . P . : a daughter . MARRIAGES . BRIGGS—HENEGAN . —March 16 , at Christ Church , Marylebone , lieutenant TVilliam Briggs . of the Seventy-first Regiment of Bengal Infantry , third son of the late lieutenant-Colonel BriKgs , K . H ., of Strathairly , Fifeshire , formerly of H . M- Twenth eighth Foot , to Adelaide Augusta , youngest daughter of Sir Richard and Xady DYSON ^ INMAN .-frlarch 23 , at Trinity Church , Ha-lifax , Mr . John Dyson , of Bradford , to Mary Ann , third daughter of the late Mr . Joseph Inman , manufacturer , of Wood House Mill , near Huidersfield . WINN—DUMARESQ —March 21 , at St . George ' s , Han oversquare , Rowland Wiun , Esq ., eldest son of Charles Winn , Esq ., « f Nostell Priory , Yorkshire , and Appleby-hall , Lincolnshire , to Harriet Maria Amelia , second daughter of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Dumaresq , the niece of the Earl of Lanesborough . DEATHS . DUET . —March 20 , at 41 , Eaton-place , Mary Hamilton , daughter of James Duff , Esq ., M . P-, and Lady Agnes Duff . GROSVENOR—March 20 , on board H-M . S . Boscawen , Lieutenant the Lor 4 Gilbert Norman Grosvenor , aged twenty-two-JEPHSON . —March SO , Lady Jephson , Wimpole-siireet , Cavendish-square . JENNEB . —March 16 =, at his residence , at Berkeley , fLieutenaitt-Colonel Robert Fitzhardingo Jenrier , of the 3 Up > al South Gloucester MLilitia , and a magistrate and deputylieutenant of the county , aged fifty-seven .
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March 25 , 1854 ] THE LEADER . 285
' . Cpmnmul Iffitra.
Cmtttrorrial Iffara-
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MONEY MABKET AND CITr INTELLIGENCE . Friday Evening , March 24 , 1 S 54 , Cowsota have had ov « r a two per cent , fall since last week , and notwithstanding an occasional rally , the tendency has been very decidedly downwards . Honey is becoming tight , and the new loans that are afoot on tha Continent , added to the drain of bullion oat of the country , add to the general depression . Shares have followed Consols , and the " Consols" of the share-market , London and North-Western , are 2 per cent , below par . Mining shares are very flat ; indeed , next to nothing doing in them . Peninsulars keep up well , and Nouvean Monde have had a great rally thia last week . Russian stock is still low ; the flv « s have been at 81 , 82 , but are a little firmer again to-day . A protracted war will make this valuable investment about the same price as Spanisk , say 30 for the five per cents . ; indeed , it must be a long time recovering its prestige , should any unforeseen event bring about a peaee . We should not be surprised to see Consols at 85 this day week , because it is fair to suppose that the state of war must be in sonoft way authoritatively recognised before that date . All produce connected . with the Russian trade , such as hemp , tallow ,. &c , and palm oil , is very high-Comiaercial difficulties may be anticipated this coming spring . The little slake that there has been in the Australian , trade is a sample of what we are likely to see in an extended form . Consols leave off at four o ' clock at 88 i , f . Consols , 88 J , I ; Caledonian , 515 , 5 H ; Chester and Holyhead , 13 , 14 ; Eastern Counties , 11 $ , llf ; Edinburgh and Glasgow , 55 . 67 exdiv . ; Great Western , 74 , 74 } : Lancashire and Yorkshire , 60 J , 61 : London , Brighton , and South Coast 95 J , 96 ^; London and North Western , 95 * , 96 ; London and South Western . 76 * 78 ; North British Pref ., 104 ; North StafTorishire , 6 | , fl | dis . ; Oxford , Worcester , and Wolverhampfcon ; 27 , 29 ; Scottish Centrals , 84 , 86 ; South Eastern , 68 | , 55 ) J ; South Wales , 33 ; York , Newcastle , and Berwick , « o £ , 61 j ; York and North Midland , 43 , 44 ; Antwerp and Rotterdam , 4 . 3 } dis- ; East Indian , 2 . 2 J pm . ; Luxembourg . 5 h , 64 ; Ditto ( Railway ) , 8 , 4 ; Ditto , Pref ., 1 , lj ; Madras , 1 , f dis . ; Namur and liege ( with Int . ) , 6 f , 7 j ; Northern of France , 281 , 28 f ; Paris and Lyons , llfl , llj pm . ; Paris n . nd Orleans , -42 J . 434 ; Paris and Rouen , 32 , 84 ; Paris and Strasbourg , 27 * , 27 |; Sambro and Meuso , 7 i , 8-, West Fland « rs . Si , 81 ; Western of France , 2 f , Si pm . ; Agua Trias , f , I , pan . ; Anglo-Californiau , | dis ., i pm . ; Brazil Imperial , Si . 44 ; St . John Dfel . Rey , 31 , 33 : Great NuggotVdn , 5 . Luiar « s , 11 , 12 ;/ New Ditto , i dis ., par ; Nouveau Itondo , f , 1 ; Quartz Rook , i , 4 pm . ; Wallers , i , f ; Port ttoyals , i , t p-in . ; Peninsula . ! , 1 1-16 , 1 3-16 pm . ; Obernhofs , { dis . par . ; Poltimores { , { pm . ; Australian Agricultural , 82 . 84 ; Crystal Palace , f , I pm . ; North British Australian Land and Loan , i dis . par ; Peel River , lfi , l * dis ; Soottiah Australian Investment , 1 J , lj pm . ; South Australian Land , 33 , 95
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CORN MARKET . Mark Lane , Friday Evening , March 24 . Locail Tkade . —Tho supplies of Wheat , Barley , nnl Oats durin-g the week have been very large . Wheat , however has not declined in -value since Monday , though the demand has continued slow . It is probable , till this supply is disposed , of , prices -will romain very Irregular , but an expectation is generally entertained that wu shall after that experience a gradual i inprovemcnt . Barley and Oats are each 2 s . cheaper . Fkiik on Boaed . —Tho Baltic and near Continental markets have given way somewhat . We have not yet had time to hoar the effect of the fall of last Monday . The lance arrivals Whioh have taken place the last few days , and which continue at present , will , probably , not havo thoir full oirccton our market till next week or the week aft or We W ^ sl i ° * \ , r ? P frora the country , but buyers soem dorivKioon tU 1 th ° Oct ° ° l ) re 8 « nt ar " dW ' onJm . ^ « ^ ^ Y T fr « a h arrivals liaw taken C £ > i , T ; J domand ,, consmmer 8 foroargo 08 Wotl , „ h 2 'i * thlI | B , 18 wo « k . One or two imrohasoii PoIiLlonTn i , ° ^ ( London houwj . but there is no diath , > « S 2 JSH ^ ? r ™ ° ? rt of tho tiaa o gonerally . Moat of ordcSffi «« h ° ™' at th 0 datw of our lost Imvo been ordered away on consignment . We bcliuvo that even a
considerable decline just now would not hare induced much business . Many of the holders are indisposed to make great concession , but there are some willing sellers , and we could secure a few cargoes on moderate terms . If tbe war is to continue , it is thought by houses engaged in the Black Sea trade , ttiat their money may as well remain invested in the wheat already bought , and on passage or arrival in this country , as lay idle , for till the-present state of things ceases , the trade with that quarter must continue in . abeyance . The sales made this week are two Odessa Ghirka , 62 s . ; one Saidi , 46 s . 6 d . ; one Taganrog Ghirka , 64 s . 8 d . There is nothing doing in maize . A cargo of barley sold at 28 s .
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BRITISH FUNDS FOB THE PAST WEEK . " ( Closing- Pbicbs . )
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I Sat . Mon . Tues . Wed . Thur . Frid-Bank Stock ' 3 per Cent . Red { 3 per Cent . Con . An . * 901 90 i 892 894 89 88 f Consols for Account 90 J 89 } 89 i 89 f 8 $ 88 | Si per (? ent . An . .... Sl < New 5 per Cents Long Amis . 1860 4-1 . 516 ...: IndiaStock 233 234 227 Ditto Bonds , £ 1000 4 p Ditto , under iJlOOO , par ; $ d .. „ .. Ex . Bills , £ 1000 10 p 7 p 3 p par 2 d 2 p Ditto , ; £ 500 i 5 p 5 p 3 p 7 p ...... lp Ditto , Small 5 p 5 p 7 p . 7 p I
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FOREIGN PUTSTDS . CLast OrnciAi Quotaiion Duaauft the Week endin g TJatJB 8 DA . T EVBSINa . ) Brazilian Bonds 96 Bussian Bonds , 6 per Buenos Ayres 6 per Cents . 54 - Cants 1822 83 $ Chilian 6 per Cents . 102 Bussian 4 J per Cents .... 75 Danish S per Cents ....... ... SpauishSp . Ct . N ' ewDef . I 7 f Ecuador Bonds 3 | Spanish Committee Cert . Mexican 3 per Cents . ... 23 of Coup , not fun ....... ... Mexican S per Ct . for Venezuela SJ perXJents . 26 Ace ., March 22 Belgian 4 i per Ceats .... ... Portuguese 4 per Cents . 36 Butch 2 | per Cents 53 . J Portuguese 3 p . Ceats . ... Batch 4 per Gent . Certif . 83 |
Roya L Olitmpic Thea.The.— Lessee. Mr. Alfj&Ed Wigan.
Leader (1850-1860), March 25, 1854, page 285, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2031/page/21/