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THE REVIVAL OF POETB . Y . MESSRS . SAUNDEBS & OTLEY HAVE JUST PUBLISHED THE FOLLOWING NEW POEMS ^ L Morbida * or Passion Past 2 . Poems . By Philip Chaloner 3 . Flotsam and Jetsam . By Hookanit Bee 4 . Lays of many Years . By 3 . T > . Hull , B . A . 5 . Mortimer . A Tale . By W . (* . Starbuck 6 . The S 3 irine of Content . By James Rawlings 7 . Blanche de Bourbon . By William Jones 8 . Gertrude and Emmeline . By a Manchester Xtady & Gradarcu . A Poem * "ttvm Cantos . 10 . Sir E . L . Bulwer Z * ytton % Shra . A Poem 11 . Estelle . A Poem , by Theta IS . Hanno . A Tragedy IS . Two Historical Dramas . By Juvenia 14 . Th « Turkish . "W « r ^ An Biesose Boeaa ALSO N 0 WEEAI > Y HOW to PKHFT and W * LKlT to PUBLISH . Practical Advice to Authors , Inexperienced Writers , and Possessors of Manuscripts , on the Efficient Publication of Booka intended for general circulation or private distribution . Sent post fre © tb orders enclosing twelve stamps . Saunders and Otley , Publishers , Conduit-street .
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NEW WORK BY JL GTHZOT . ; NFow -ready , in 2 yqls ., Svo ^^ te , HISTORY of OLITEB CROMWEtiL and the ENGLISH COTIMOITWEAIiTH ByM . GUISOT , Author of " History of the ^ glisk Revolution , " 4 « "We cannot doubt that tlris important vo * k wOlmeet with a hearty and onlversal w « k » mo > The position ** X Gui ) BOt » the circumstances of his country , a&oi -the iutomfc of his theme , will combine to tttraoti towards : his' Histfnr of Cromweli' no ordinary share of public curiosity . "— -zftJe-IHBIim . Richard Bentley , Publisher inX > rdinary to her MajesJ ^ v
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On the SROEareb wSl to published , price s * ., npHE ENGLISH CTCLOPJEDIA . Part X XI . Extending , in the 3 EatuxaI HiaWsry DirlMon . from CYPKESS to 3 HTCK 3 , And , in the Geographical Division , from € AKA ^ A . to >< 3 BSLTS £ NBA ]( . Including Articles on C ^ dta ^ iTiutterJtairy , Canton * OamaS Good Hope , Carolitia , North wiilkratb , Carthage , Ci «» Cashmere , Caspian Sea , Castile , CfatafaMy OamMWuMSey ftn » Qhatliam Islands , Ac . &c , __ . » % Publishing also inweeWf Numbers , price 6 d . each , JBnuihury and Bvu ^ l 3 jBouverieMtEreet .
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In 2 vols . post 8 vo , price 21 s ., T ADY LEE'S WIDOWBlOOT > . ^ r J _ J CAPTAIN E . B . HAMLEY . R A . < WginaMy pushed in 3 lackwood ' s Magazine . With Illustratlonr try the " It has one of the greatest merits which a fictioiMSt can display for attracting readers , or softeniag the adverse cornmeets of ftorifeic No quality in a T ^ V ^^ w ^ fJf freshness . . . . It is impossible to r « ad the first volume , and not be at once caught with its sparkling ease and racy liveliness . The Author writes as if through joyousirnpulse ; and turning his pen into a toy , he amuses at once his reader and himself . " —The Press . . . "We have no hesitation in pronouaeing ' Lady Lee ' s "Widowhood' tlie most promising dibut "that has been made in Action since Bulwer surprised the world with ' Pelham , ' or 'Vivian Grey' made Disraeli famous . " —The Critic . " A . bright , healthy book . "—Athenteum . " This clever and amusing story . "—Examiner . "A very capital story . "—Morning Advertiser . W . Black-wood and Sous , Edinburgh and London .
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NEW . AND LAR& £ TYPE EDITION . How ready , post § yo , 974 pages , 10 s . &d . strongly bound , the Tenth Edition of STANDARD PBONOUNCINGr DIC-» O TIONABY of the FRENCH and ENGLISH LANGUAGES . In Two Parts . Part I . Trench and English . — Fsrtll . EngTEsbscnti French . By € fA 3 BB 5 EIj « ER ? M'N *< E , P . 1 . SB ., Emeritus Professor in the Scottish Naval and Military Academy , Edinburgh * The entire "Work has b « en thoroughly revised an * im * proved , printed with a ne-w and larger -type , and the English-French Part extended by upwards of 8000 Words , whxre no addition has been made to the price- It includes Definitions of Terms connected with Science and the MSie Arts , of Terms of Modern Introduction to the Language , and of Historical Geographical Names . The Promm « iation is shew * by a second spelling of the * Woirds . Also now ready , SURENNE'S Smaller FRENCH and ENGLISH DICTIONARY , without the Pronunciation , 5 s . bound , Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd . London : Sunptin , Marshall , and Co .
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This day , post ootavb , 6 fl . . OXTB CBITCSE LN TH # TJipH ] pL The Journal of ait 'English-fitir-aiB » Sxpftfition thtoug ^ i 1 'ranee , Saden , 3 ffieb ± th ' . BMac 3 ai Vnmim ^ 'KuS BdgLina . By ^ the CAPTAIN * TUiSttt JttefctoriB ^ jj | oaB OT Ourselves , and a Map by A . PEFERMAtfN . London : John W .. Parkersiad Son , We ? t Strand .
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This day , SficCfi an * cheapoT- ^ jaKoir , 4 B 0 pages . lcap ^ . > r 9 K ; with 118 woodcuts , price 88 . 6 d ., ' Xi > AMILIAB » qa ® 0 i&X O ^ BIBDS ± ^^ M ^^^^ f ^ 1 London : Joha W . Parker and Son , West Btsnid ^ A
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This lay , Q kmpB ^ i ^^^ mv ^ m ^ Mmemi ^^ . ti . |^ HABIGLBS : Bhistra ^ MiB of 4 he Prh «* Kj Life of the Ancient Greelai ^ Wlth Nofce » wodBi ^ r suses . From the German of Pjc ^ fesaor BECBZER . Also tt 6 oco « d Bdition , Bntarg | Bi , with , additional IUustnt-¦ ¦¦ ¦ - " ¦ * iumukfi j ¦•• / ii- ' - ' -o / ' , ,- ? . / -. FECKER'S aAEIitrS ^ : 3 ce «« oC the 'HxMsicrf Augustus . Wfth ^ otes ^ md ^ llicwrBttaeBi aHwkvaii ¥ ^ 6 ^| l «^ Manners and Customs of the Bamtina . London : John W . Parker&ad . Son , "West Strand .
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'Now ready , Second Edltiou . with additions . In-pasteboard covers , 2 s . 6 i-, cloth , 3 s . 6 d . nplHU BALLAD OF BABE CHBISTAJL BEL , with other lyrical Poems . By GEEALD ¦ mtssEY . ¦¦ ¦' . " His lyric poetry is sometimes distinguished by feursts © J luxuriant fancj ; but its jprsvailinf toae ^ ia thafc « if } pa . thos , frequently soaring into a sort of agony . This" is true of several of his political , lyrics * and hi ^/ wild and heart-rent " Ballad' of B » be ChrfstabeL *^ TSvery ^ fine , indeed , which tlis new poet writes bears the stamp of thorough earnestmssB , of intense feeling , and . is couched bi a style perfectly his own . ?'—Chambers ' s Journal . " His poetry appears to us to give greater promise for the future than thafc . of any . map . so young since Chattertcn . "Wedtt * JSewsitxnd Chrfaicle . , . David Bogue , Fleet-street , London .
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DEFIltflTIOlSrS in POLITICAL ECONOMY , by th « late B , ev . T . B . » AIiTHUS . A New Edition , with a Preface , Notes , and Supplementary Remarks by JOHN CAZBNOVE . Price 3 s . 6 d . SimpkdQ , Marshall , and Co ., Stalioners' ^ court .
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MADRAS . Shortly will he published , in One Tolunae , 8 v « , T HE COJSTDITIOK AND BEQUIBEMENTS . OP THE PBESLDBTSCTy OP MADRAS . By JOHN B 3 LTJCE NOR-TON ^ Esq ., Barrister-at-law . Bichardson Brothers , 2 iJ , CornhilL
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PALMEBSTON : WHAT HAS * TE DONE ? Jast published , 51 pages , pciceSd ^ LOBD PALMEBSTON JkN& PBIN € 3 S ALBBS 7 T . Iiettew Iw WttHAffl CCtiniTGHAM , Esq . Togetner with the " suppressed pajwhlet , entitled "Palmerston : What has he DdrieF * jBy " One of the People . " ^ London : Efflngham Wilson , publish « Br S ^ yal Exehange .
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npHE HOLY BIBLE . —Tirst Diyisfon . JL The , PEIFTATEUGB 1 ; . or Five fyxtfcajfL Mma ^ waefttA ing to the authorised Version , with Motes ., ' Critical . Practical , and Devotional . BdUeif tjy the Besv . THOMfAa WILSON , MJk . » Ai »* nor or--SpTTitualGathDlicity , * " Travel * in Syria . Palettine . J' Ac . . ....... " The text consists of the authorisci' vdr sftm ; fulnearand amplitude of illustrative matter and notes form the cLUtiogoishing features . " —Spectator- ... ¦ " ** The atrthor and Ins felloWrljaboureTS apply everywhere the test of free inquiry , aided by a very large amount of learning , and we may add , also , religious reeling . The notes and appendices abound also in thoughtful and instructive matter ; and we may safely recommend this most l&borious and able work as one that will be welcomed by all Biblical stud-eats who approach the Scriptures with , their minds unfettered . "—Examiner . " The lay as well as the clerical student may derive great advantages from this work : "—rRrigKttmJDxaminer ; \ •» Each Part may be had aeparatcly . Parts I ., II ., and III ., 5 s . each . The work complete and handsomely bound ia cloth , 20 s . London : John Chapman , 1 * 2 , Strand .
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- i . ¦ .. ' ' ¦ i r - i - ' ' "' '¦ '*" " ¦ ' ¦ : »*»* i i - . ' ' \ : - ' ¦ ¦ - ]¦ ' " /¦ - * ¦ : , ¦ l ^ ' BLAHB ^ Ti ^^ fWKJt" # iOiil KJ LAK LITFRATTJltB , 8 OIENCB , amcC JtETS . ' ' ' ' Apaii ,, Past m . —Contents : THia& . Lad ofOurs ^ Tlangs a » They aie in flnn « t ^ : Bofftok to 1 ioiifefa 3 > fi ^ W . Ghaaabecs . . , Weary *! ofe € oniinon . ByiLeJtch'eatchift Oh ^ rtenrE £ , More Unsuspodted Relations . The Russians at Home . Poetry ^ attd Mia « ella « MA . ¦ . GsneaibKy * of an Invention ; ~ ANovelOompertfittoaShnr . The Art of being Qtrifet . Alarm of a French Invasion ^ The Large Hotel Question . "Wearyfoot Conmnon . Gh « pt «» X . Skots and Shells . ' ' Poetry and MisoeUanea . Thingfpas theyarein Am « dca : Momtcoal . Press-gangs of the Last War . Magyar Literature . - - Civil Stratagems . . . . . , The Month : Soience ' vriSAHs . Wearyfoot Common . Chapbcc XL Poetry and MiMeUama . Jk BaTber ' sShaijrihOhl Athens . ! frrings 4 UtfOtkgja » in America v Qaebeo . Wellfn * loti ' 8 * ree . . ( j ) Weary loo * Common . ChapbwXH . The Month : The Library aai the Studio . Stisoellanea . W , an ^ TL Chambers , 5 , Brfde ^ passaee , Fl « et-sti ; eet , London , and 3 ao , High-street , Edlnljurgh ; and sold by ^ all Bb 6 k ~ sellers . >
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KINO ' a OObLEOB AND MR . UAVRICE . Just published , price Is , «< L sewed , N O . I . — T HE FACTS . By A BARRISTER of Lincoln ' s Ian .. J ) . Nutt , 270 , Strawd .
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T ^ HE BBITISH QUAHTEB . LT REJL VIEW , l « fo . XXXVHL , price 8 s ., will be published on the 1 st of April . Contents . — I- —Augusie Comte—his Religion and Philosophy . II . —George Herbert . HI—The Philosophy of the Senses . IV . —Religions Worship and Religious Mini&trics . _ X «—Turgot— his Life and Writings . TT . —Christians under t 3 » e Sultan , "VII . —Phases of Faith and the Eclipse . Vin . —Balance of Power—Russian Aggression . IX . —Our Epilogue on Affairs and Beoks . London : Jnckson and Walford , 18 . St Paul ' s Churchyard , amd Simpkin , Marshall , and Co ., Stationers' Hall-court ;
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Will be published , April 1 st , THE WESTMINSTER BETIEW . SEW SERIES . —iNo . X . A ¥ B £ L , IS&fc . CO S TKITTS : I . Results of the Census of 1851 . II . manners and Fashion . III . Archbishop Whately on Christianity . IV . Criminal Legislation jod Prison Discipline . V . Lord Campbell as a Writer of History . VI . Schamyl , the Prophet-Warrior of the Caucasus . VII . Thomas de Quinoey and h » Woiks . Till . The Bulance-of Powenrin Burop * . Contemporary Literatures—§ 1 . Theology , PluloHopfay , and Politics .- § 2 . Science . —§ S . Classics and Philology . —§ $ . Histoi-y . Biography , Voyages , and Travels . —§ 6 . "Belles Lettres . — $ 6 . Art . % * Advorttsements for insertion most be lorwaxded' to the Publisher immediately . London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand .
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NOTICE . pOLBUBlST'S NEW MONTHLY MAt > ~ % P- ^ ^? - The , Aprf l n "m ber will contain the fifth fi n f " ' ^ "fworth ' a new Tale , tli « Flitch of Bacon , or Vi ? i ° o ? P ^ mow . entitled " Monkbury Pla « e . " - kr pt ? Jr « h ? r ? ^ ? . T . Pcace Deputation to Saint Petersburg —The late Justice Talfourd V Cyrus ReddiiiK & £% ^ r ^ -F » ^ ' - Er as SUfeKfw ^ SIf L " Mh ° ' L » ° rtmt Atlcloa b , London ; Chapman and Hall , 1 $ ) 3 , Piccadilly . * ?* Orders roooived by all Uooksollora .
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ANOT 11 ERWONDEE OF THE AGE Writ Numh . ? ?^ ' \ ^^ of April , wiU appear the m Vf ? n tho . largest LllustraiRa Wonkly Pcriodioal iS'S PAMn ' ; 5 e , ntit !^ th 0 1 LLUSTRATB D PBOHalVbo , ct , I . ^ . ^ " ^"'" K . Twonty-rour pages , pHco Three Journal Khali wiS ? l" ^ ? tbo Proprietors that this llriMs h i 2 * J . w'n th ° flJV , ° f a 11 cllU ) Hes who inlla-Wt tho w » LU Lho wiwl ^ f-i mpl i ar , ^ ornt > nt 8 hav o b « mad o t-lw PnSnJ , nH ° ^ ? l ^ n and tho Country , for oV K £ 'f IS ™ w '' »™ sss £ rtf j ^^ ¦ - rfE , C : i' ? f « - ^ .. si si >^
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z Now roady , price H » ., HISTORY of the SESSION 1852-3 . A Parliamentary Retrospect . ( Being a Reprint of the Articles by "A Stranger in Parliament , " in the Leader . ) " Never before has tho public had aach an opportunity of Boeinfj things as they ac-lually are in Parliament , and of knowing tUo physiognomy and habits of that great assembly . In tins respect , the Book ia worth nlosof all tho Parliamentary reports of tho last tent years . Add to this that , in point of style an < l literary execution , it is equal to tho very bost newspaper-writing of tlic day , whilo jot it ia distinctly original in its spirit , akrewdness , sense , and satire aro ita characteristics ; but thero-aro touches of something higher . The author does not write as a Whip ; , a Tory , or a Radical , but Bkotohoa Parliament , as ho himself says , ' from a hiLLerto unoccupied poiu-t of view . ' " What Thackeray is to social snoliliiam in ffonorn . 1 , this author is to Parlininoiitary snobbinni ; and wo am much miBtaken if tho terror of hht satir « H has not already had eoanm wholesome effect evem within the wakla of St . t&LeplHHX a . — We » tm . in * ter Mettiotv . John Chapman , 142 , Strand , and all Booksellers .
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Just publiuhcd , price 2 » ., post free , Sa . 6 d . NEBVOUQ AFFECTIONS : an Easay on Spermatorrhoea : its Nature and Treatment , with an Exposition of tho Frauds that aro practised l ) y persons who advertise tho speedy , safe , and effectual cure of Nervous Bmnsement . By a . MBMREH ^ F TH £ -RO ¥ AL COLLEGB Oi * fHYSiOlANlS , London . liondon : 1 ^ -lott and . Co ., 8 . PatornOBter-row .
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Ready on April 1 st , ]^ O £ TIE » Jf T 3 tlBUNE , Iiro . IV . -i- ^ l CONTESTS ; Common Sense . —H . Tf . JBarnefct-Sorips for tho People— " The K % ht Maai . *—W . J . LlntoB . The Month . t , . _ Locn . 1 Portrait Gallery—1 . Rev , TJiomas Bimney ( with Pot-Britain's Worthies—3 . Bernard GUpin ( Pbrt ir . j . —Thomas Ooopor . The"Coalition"Ileform Bill . , ^ _ ^ _ Portraits of tho l ' oor—2 . George Whitohead .. —Dr . Spencer J , Hall , M . A . „ , ., _ .. The MoBstroojiors of tho Bonders , No . 1 . —U . iSouobler Ulcliardjson . ^ . ^ . The Prtman of thn Tforth—Mar * on Jude—Our lAbrary--W « r Lofcal ltocord—A Day at Hartlppool—&os kc . Josoph Barlow . Northern Trlbuno Office , Newcastte ^ MK Tvn (* " Wanted a pars an capable a * taking chor * e of a BoakselLing , PriiOiug , aad Publishing Establishment . Apply as Messrs . Holyf > iilce and Co . 1-47 . Ploet-street , Londom
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Mabgh 25 , 1854 . ] T . HE LEADER . ^
Leader (1850-1860), March 25, 1854, page 287, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2031/page/23/