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ry * t r-l ll % • LV nftNTTrTrtm ^I TT llTrrf MUUliUlit V 4 1UV A±n\HK*J * "-"~~~~
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. s±J\ CX 1 <<2blJ£ $1X10 ? * * * ______
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; The public is resp-ctfully informed that this Theatre , which has been entirely redecorated durinp the Vacation , I willKKOl'KN for tlieSKASONon SATURDAY , October 20 . under the management of Mr . Alfred Wigau .
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1 > O Y A \ j L Y C K U M T li K A TK K . — \> THIS EVKNIXO . and every Evening during- the week . Crowded continuallv with all the rank and fashion of London . The GIMND ELLTSINIAN SPECTACLE of ! MVO 1 C and ^ lYSTERY , hv JVofessor ANDERSON , tho ' Creat Wizard of the North , in Twelve Acts , ^ yith everi chuugihi ? variety of incident : ? , continuous surprises , novel and extraordinary oilVcts . MACi IC and M YSTKltY is an entirely new entertainment , possessing distinctive eharaeterist ies and peculiar phases of niuu .- ^ iue nt . It is not a Monologue , for tho audieneo themselves perform tlicir part with t he principal actor , sonio of them on tlie stago niict others in front ; it is not an Exhibition , for though everything becomes nietamorpliosed before the eyes of the visitors , no one can bo positive that ho sees nny one thinp ;; lint it is a Coiuedv really performed by the company : a Melodrama replete with startling positions ami unexpected denouements *; aMagnillcent Spectacle , with 2000 of tho public every night to appear as auxiliaries ; and an Exlravngan / a , in which all that sceuia to bo is entirely bevond the bounds of probability . boors open each Evening at Hnlfpast Seven ; commence nt . liinht . —l ' rlvato lkixes , 1 / . lls . Od . and 1 / . Is . ; to be obtained at the JHox-olllce , or at the principal Libraries . Stalls , is . ; Dress Circle , 3 s . j Upper 15 oxes , 2 s . ; Pit , is- ! C . ullery , Oil . Tho ljox-olllco is open daily from 11 till 5 , under the direction of Mr . Chatterton , Jun . ( . rantl Fashionable Morning ; l ' erfornianee on Saturday , October -0 , lit Tm n ii ' i . | iu > k ¦ ilooi- > i (> i ) c > ii nL lln . lf-i > ast One .
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lVs . C 11 ATT IC ill . K Y \ S " S I fAK SVE A li E AN DRAMATIC KK . M ) 1 N «? S in the West «« " . ^" 'f . wl ' a eoinmenee this week lit liristol . She will » " * - ' , ' . - *?' V-L to l » o Professional Tour in Ilio Northern Countie . s . Ia-Ulis i « addressed to her nt 5 , Hroniptou-prove , l-oiiuon .
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T ^ r k ' aIIN'S ( UtANi / ANATOMICAL Men , Ae ., op «> n ( for ' ' , " " m Veek , are delivered by ^ mm ^ Bik ^^" - 1 " -
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" NITOCltIS" AT DRURY LANE . The failure at Dbury Lane , this week , of the expensively got-up and welltrunipeted diorama , Nitocris , and the success , on the same boards , of a slight three-act piece , merely well-acted , are two facts which ought to operate together as a useful lesson to the manager , and to all managers for the time to come . Apparently forgetting his ingenuous acknowledgment of the hisses which greeted the end of the Egyptian piece—forgetting his playful allusion to the bird of Michaelmas—Mr . Smith advertises the complete success of that which no one knows better than himself to be a perfect failure . This is an insult to the public judgment , and deserves to be publicly resented . No doubt it will be resented in the most effectual way , by future indifference to Mr . Smith ' s gasconades , and consequent empty boxes . The Times has piven , with accustomed ability and care , an account of the piece and its origin : — Herodotus in his Euterpe ( c . 100 ) , tells us of an Egyptian Queen named Nitocris , Who was raised to the throne after the murder of the King , her brother , by his subjects . Although she profited by the crime , she was determined to punish the criminals , and accordingly she prepared a large subterranean room to which she invited those who were most guiltily implicated under the pretence of giving a banquet . When the party had assembled at table she admitted the waters of the Kile by a secret canal , and thus drowned the whole of her guests . Fearing that this monstrous act of vengeance might draw down upon her head the wrath of the people , she flung j herself into an apartment filled with ashes [ oixtjfxa crrroSov 7 r \( ot >) . Her object in so doing is variously construed . According to the usual interpretation , she committed suicide ; but Larcher , in a note , states his opinion that she merely plunged herself into ashes , as an act of humiliation , to excite the commiseration of her subjects . Thus much for Herodotus and his annotators . We now turn from his Euterpe to the poetical version of Mr . Fitzball , so materially aided by the historical " properties" of Dtkwyxkis . The Times says : —
( ynn ) , sister to Mesphra ( Mr . Edgar ) , King of Egypt , has been brought up in seclusion among the Priestesses of Isis , whose temple , with the pyramids in the background , is shown in the first tableau . While thus in retirement she forme an attachment to Tihrak ( Mr . Barry Sullivan ) , a young Ethiopian whose father has been slain by Mesphra , and who now stalks about with his younger brother Kcephed ( Miss Anderton ) , vowing vengeance for the deed . Soon , however , the quiet existence of Nitocris comes to a close ; her brother ' s Prime Minister , Amenophis ( Mr . Stuart ) , conies to take her to the Royal Court , and she departs in a royal galley , intended to be one of the " effects " of the piece . The second tableau brings us to the interior of the palace at Memphis , where we find the Princess indulging in stolen interviews with her swarthy lover . When the King appears , Tihrak finds it convenient to retire ; but on the threat of Mesphra to slay his sister on her refusal to marry a certain King of Libya , he steps in to the rescue , and recognises in the Egyptian monarch the slayer of his father . A fresh altercation ensues , in which Nitocris saves the life of her brother from the vengeance of Tihrak ; but this only reserves him for the dagger of JCcep hed , who very opportunely makes his appearance . Guards come on to apprehend the assassin , but are forced to content themselves with paying homage to their new Queen . On the accession of Nitocris to the throne , her first act is to proclaim Tihrak her chosen husband , much to the disgust of Amenophis and the thoroughly Egyptian party , who do not admire an Ethiopian alliance . Like many o . ther disappointed politicians , they conspire , and the result of their conspiracy is a plan to murder Tihrak at a grand banquet , given by the Queen to her Ministers . The feast takes place in the gigantic Grotto of Memnon , which , with its series of grotesque statues , lining the tables , is one of the most remarkable scenes in the play ; and in the course of the entertainment a dance is executed by MLss Rosina Wright and the corps de ballet , in which most of the movements are imitated from the postures of figures found in the Egyptian monuments . It is now time for Tihrak to put into practice a scheme which he has formed for the destruction of the conspirators , with whose projects he has been made acquainted . Dismissing the Queen , he remains alone in the midst of his enemies , and for some time replies to their menaces of death by words of supplication At last , when prayers will not avail , he touches a spring , which , causing his throne to open , allows him to vanish through the wall , and then , reappearing on the roof ol the apartment , turns the huge key of the Nile and admits the waters . The conspirators are destroyed by this contrivance , in which Tihrak does the work assigned bj Herodotus to Nitocris , and from a completely opposite motive . The point on which the fate of the drama turned was this very act oi Tihrak ' s . As originally written and even acted at the dress rehearsal on the previous Friday , JS'itoc 7-is was at least intelligible . But it seems that the ! manager ' s ideas of spectacular effect are paramount ; and to bring into greater prominence a certain coronation scene and a certain procession , rough work was made with the story . Accurately-modelled Egyptian gods , and ° other displays of managerial learning , brought about an anti-climax ; and when the curtain fell at ten o ' clock the audience hissed , on the indiscreet complaint of the pl : iy being too short . It has since , we believe , been restored to its former limits , but with no very satisfactory effect . We can only record this week the entire success of the comedy , Married for Money , in which Mr . Chahi . es Mathews made his first appearance uuder his new engagement .
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J Nitocris Miss Gl p ^ d ^^ l ^ Til 39 ^
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FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Thiesday , October 9 . BANKRUPTS . — Hknky livvt . and 3 oms James Haiifku , London-street , Greenwich , uphol > terc-rs—Gustavk Louis Losofils . Pilgrim-street , Lud ( , : tle-hill . merchant -Cyprian James Cottkrei . l , Ahing-don , Hcrks , draper—William Fisiikr , 8 tratford « upon-Avoii . grocer—JosKru UluiTUWAlii ; , St . Mm \ v \ s , SLall ' oidshirf . miller—John May , Uarnstanle , manufacturer- Hknuv L > : e Fky . Plymouth , carver and gilder— Ukorob Thompson-. Knares-WrouKh . leather Beller—William Jr-FKHKH , Kii »( rston-unon-Hull , cotton spinuer—Thomas Smitu , Kingatou-upon-Hull , Ki-ocer . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION'S-John Walkkk , Maryhill , near Glasgow , baker— I ' athkk Wallace , late of Perlli , coach builder—Ja > iks MiTcuri . T ., ( Jlasp-ow , commission merchant—( Ieorok Smith , < Jlnspx > w . niuiiufncturiup chemist— Tjio . vas Cuookd , tJla > jfo \ v , wurchmiscU'iin . Friday , Oofnt / ttr 12 . BANKRUPTCIES AN NT LLK !) . —Voiis Salmon . Urioklane , Spitalfields , wholesale hoot nnd shoe iitnmifnctiucr —Nkiikmiah John RiUin . Marlboroiifrh , 'Wills , licensed common brewer ami master . UAN'KRUPTS . —Ai-FincnWATTs and Thomas WiriT . wnv . liletchynden-terraee , Southampton , niul Millbrook-road , Frceinautle , Hants , carpenters and builders -liK . 'HAUi ) BliiKitLY Fi . KTCHKii . Croinpt . ui , Lancashire , cot I'm spinner —Da mul Hknjawis Hkkts , Sidney-sininre , commission agent—JottiU'H JLiTTi . Kronn , Marylebfne , eoiuili-bmldcr and liverv Ntablekeepe . r--Wn . MAM Winding LuitphborouKh , miller nnd corn factor—Rohkkt Jours 1 ' . n « slam ) , andTiiOMUt Ai « i ? aTUS < J . \ i : ka . io > , London , wholesale dri « Kf : ist * , Ac .- —Joirs Thomas Akoiii-: u , Notting hill , ltav .- , wuter , icensed victualler- I ' ll U . I r Slatiek , Woodstock , innkeeper ami conl merchant SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . — William Fleming Kknm- 'PY , ( ilaw £ o \ v , nietiil broker- David M'Donai . w , Duufernilino , ^ rocei—William Hktiikki . n o . i on Hak , CJlaNBOW , commission more-hunt .
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CORN MARKET . Mark-lane , Friday Evening . October 13 , 1 S 55 . Tite supplies of all kinds of Grain continue very moderate . Wheat Li held liriuly , and though there have beeu but few transactions during the week , former prices arc firmly maintained- There . is liltle or no demand for Barley , and quotations remain unaltered . Oats meet a slow sale ; fine fresh Corn is fullv as dear , but other descriptions arc not disposed of without difficulty . Beans and Peas are also unchanged in prices . The arrivals off the coast have been numerous , but they eliulVy consist of Maize ; nnd many of thejjargoes have , been sold previous to arrival . Two cargoes of (? alatz Wheat , i one arrived and one on passage , have been sold at 74 s . 6 d ., eost , freiisht . and insurance , to the United Kingdom , and , two of lbrail Wheat at 72 s ., cost , freight , and insurance to 1 Continent . |
Ry * T R-L Ll % • Lv Nftnttrtrtm ^I Tt Lltrrf Muuliulit V 4 1uv A±N\Hk*J * "-"~~~~
Commminl Maiw .
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MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTKM-Ki KNCE . Friday Evening . October 12 , Ls . vi . DuniNO llio woek the tfreat uinjoritv of the nionrved envies was llrinly of opinion that the Honk Director * Would increase their rule of discount to ( i per cent , nt their weekly nieelinK of yesterday , nnd from tho unusually lonjr and protracted Hitting it would aeeiu thill . such n measure had been under dlacutiblon . Some considerable Mpt'Ciilut l \ e miU ' .-h liail taken plneo during tho Wednesday nnd Thursday , besides the ptuady real ( talon by tho Hunk Uroker . Connols were considerably depressed ; but us soon u » th << Bunk Uiivclors hail broken up without any nlterution of I he existing- rale of discount , tho market uromi porecptihlv , nud haveb . vn improving . sleudlly . In tho foreign market , Turkish Six per (" out . and the New Loan have been done us low as Ojxir cent , illscount . Hero there hnH been u partial wily . Hallway ahnrna huvo been heuvv throuKlnutt tlio week , but partnko latterly of tl » o JinpiMvcmeut . A meeting of tho Grunt Luxeinhonm lms tnkon plnee , Btorniy an over . In mine * tliore in iioLIuiik tloluK i plenty of Njieeulation in EiiKlish iiiIiii < n of Devon iiimI Cornwall , Ino innount of ores raised in the two eountlcM lieing now niont con&ideiahle . Hunk sIkuhm are heavy , Crystal I ' ulaeea
i also , and the various Australian apricultnral companies . It is stated , among other reports , that the Bank , instead of j I raising the rate or interest , will refuse to discount certain 1 Prussian paper , which is supposed to have connexion with t ' ¦ tho incessant drain of bullion from this country . ! Consols close at four o ' clock . 875 , J ; Turkish Six per Cents ., : ROJ , 5 ; Turkish now guarantees . 03 , s dis . ; Peruvian , 71 , / 3 ; Prussian Five per Cents ., IT ) , i > 5 . i Caledonians , 5 sJ , r >^ i ; Chester and Holyhead , 11 J , 12 J ; Eastern Counties , If 2 , < . > 3 : Edinburgh and Glasgow . 49 . 51 ; Great Northern . S-lJ . t « 0 i ; l > itto , A stork . , 69 ; Ditto , ii ' stock , ll'J , 1 J 1 ; Great Southern and \\ estern of Ireland .: 100 . 102 ; Great Western , 51 , r >» J ; Lancaster ami Carlisle , j fi . - » . 7 »; Lancashire anil Yorkshire , 7 >? . 7 o ? : London and North ' j Western . U 2 . J . !• :: ;; Lundon ami Hrighton , VI , Uii ; London anil South-W .-stern , S 1 J , S 2 J ; Midland , Oli , Cl ; ; Manchester . Sheilield , and Lincolnshire . 22 { , 225 ; llerwioks , « 8 , Ci >; YoiKs , 15 . ; . South lla-sterns . oii . 574 ; Oxlord and \\ or-! cesler , 2 i , 2 » 1 : North StafVordshire . 75 . 7 i dis . ; South De \ on , 11 } . 12 ^; Antwerp and Kotterdam , 71 . S ; llonibay a : nl l ? a-! rod : * , i . i ; Ka-stern of i ' raiur , C > : >' ,, Si » i ; 1-nst Indian , -21 ; , : i ! 2 J ; Ditto . Hxlension , t . 1 pin . ; Grand Trunk of Canada , 1 O . N ^ dis . ; Great Central of Fiance , ;>{ . 4 pm- ; Great \\ esteru I of Canada , 23 J , 2 ; J ? ; Luxembourgs , If , Ii ; Madias . 10 i , 1 ' . ' , : Paris and Lyons , 4-lj . K > 1 ; 1 ' aris and Orleans . , 47 ; feambre I and Mouse , S . SJ ; Great Western of France , 31 , 32 ; Agua ' Kria . s , J , 8 : Imperial Brazil , 2 . J . 3 ; C ' oeaes , 2 v , 3 i ; M . i John dot Key , 27 , 2 i »; Clarendon Copper , t dis ., i put . ; Cobre , 0 . "> , <" . ' . ; Linares . 7 , 7 i ; Liberty , t , i : yantiago do Cuba , ;? J . 4 ; AustralasianlSank , S 3 , 85 ; London and Australian Chartered Bank , 11 > . 11 » J ; I'lt . y l > ank , 62 . 54 ; London Hunk . 50 , 52 ; Union or Australia , < SS . 70 ; Oriental Corpo-I cation , 40 , 42 ; Australian Agricultural , 274 . - 'sj ; Canada I Land . U <> . 145 ; Canada ( 5 per cent . Loan , lOSj , 10 i » J ; Crystal Palace . 21 , 2 i ; North Hntish Australasian , 8 , i Oriental ( Jas , 1 , li ; 1 ' eel liiveivs . 2 ^ , 2 | ; Scottish Australia !! lnyestni ent . li . li ; South Australian , Hit . 35 | .
I^Imieatre Royal, Olympic. I Jl Lessee, Mr. Alfred Wig An.
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JJIUTISI 1 FUNDS FOR TliK PAST Wlililv-( Cj . osiso Pkicks . ) Sat . Mon . Tiies . Wed . Thur . Frid . Hank Stock 207 i 207 II per Cent . Red ...... »»» i ^}\ : \ per Cent . Con . An . * 7 N 7 N . J b (\ h Mi h , i Consols lor Account t < 7 i h 7 M '» i mU Soi * 7 * : i \ per Cent . An . ... j —* New 2 i per Cents ••¦ Long A us . 1 SCO *»« India Stock — Ditto Honds , . flODO 2 Ditto , under . £ 1000 3 2 2 par Kx . Hills , . Oouti 1 1 2 tl < 3 Ditto , . CflOt ) ! 112 3 . « | DlttO . SllUllI .... . ... _;;• ' . V . } . ~ . ' 2 L . ~ FOItKKiN FUNDS . ! ( TiABT OrviciAi . Quor vtion nnnsu tiikVuekesdiso Ta vuai ) ay Kvks ino . ) Uniziiiau Hoiuls t > 7 i Uussian Honds , C per Hueno . sAvresUperCuts . M Cents , 1 S 22 Mi Chilian rt ' per Cents 1 > D Russian 4 j per Outs Danish 3 per Cents » 1 fipnni . sh 3 p . Ct . N \ v Def . 1 VU Meuador JiondM 1 SpanishConnniUccCrt . Mexican 3 por Cents . ... 201 of Coup , not fun l . Mexican 3 per Ct . for . Venezuela 4 l per Cents . ... Aee . Oet . Kl Uolginn tj per Cents IWtugueso iperCeuts . ... ' Dutch 2 * per Cents .... .. J I * I ' ortnguese 5 )> . Cents . ... DutchI jiorCent Ccrtil . IV'iJ j
. S±J\ Cx 1 ≪≪2blj£ $1x10 ? * * * ______
€ \ jt Irl 0 .
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are taking measures to improve the industrial habits of the people , and to enable them to develop the almost boundless resources of their country . We have already devoted more than the usual space to this book ; we cannot however , close without adducing a fact which appears to us to speak volume ' s as to the condition of the vast majority of the Russian people . It appears that in Russia the amount of sugar consumed per annum equals 2 " 2 lbs . Russian of sugar per head per annum . In Austria it equals 2-81 bs ; while in Great Britain it is 24 lbs . Russian . The consumption of coffee in Austria is rVo l ° s- P lieat ^ ? in Russia iVb lbs . per head . In Austria the consumption of tea is -roW ^ s . Russian per head ; in Russia ^ lbs . These figures are M . Teugobroski ' s . To us -who consume at least a pound of tea a * inonth in our proper person they suggest unutterable things .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 13, 1855, page 993, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2110/page/21/