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/fP^nttttttrtf T>ml (71 ¦ft- it t *? t- VlbUUimil HUi xlllllllil /-»*??•»»•«• * ««
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MR . MITCHELL respectfully announces that MR . and 3 IADE . G 0 LDSCHMIDT'S First Miscellaneous CONCERT , Vocal and Instrumental , with full Band , will take place at the above Rooms , on THURSDAY EVENING , Jan . 10 , 1856 , to commence at Eight o'Clock . PROGRAMME . Pabt r . Overture , "Medea" Cherubini . Preahiera , " Und ob die "Wolke sie virhttlle , " Madame Jenny Goldschmidt . ( Freischiitz ) .. .. C . M . v . Weber . Air , •¦ Constanze , " Herr Reichardt . ( R Seraglio ) .. .. .. .. .. Mozart . Fourth Concerto for Piano and Orchestra ((* Major ) , Piano , Mr . Otto Goldschmidt . Beethoven . ^ Xl " mie fedeli " 1 Madame **™ y AriaJ "Mala sola , " ) ^ oWscIjmidt . ( Beatrice diTenda ) Bellini Pabt II . Caprlccio for Piano and * Orchestra < B Minor ) . ' Pianoforte , Mr . Otto Gold- * - sch . inidt .. » .. .. .. .. Mendelssohn . Recu « il de Mazourkas de F . Chopin , arranged for Voice and Piano , by Madame Jenny Goldschmidt .. .. .. O . Goldschmidt . Romance , " Piii Bianca , " Herr Reichardt ( Huguenots ) .. .. Meyerbeer . Sarabande and Allegro of a SuiteC A Minor ) Pianofo-te . Mr . Otto Goldschmidt ., J . S . Baeh . Scotch Ballad , " John Anderson my Joe"J Madame Jenny Swedish Melods ' , " The Echo Song " .. i Goldschmidt . Overture , " Figaro" , .. Mozart , Conductor .. .. .. .. M . Benedict . Doors open at Seven ; to commence at Eight o'Clock precisely . ¦ Reserved and numbered Seats , One Guinea each ; Unreserved Seats , 10 s . 6 d . No more tickets will be issued than the room can conveniently accommodate . Application for tickets to be made at Mr . MITC HELL'S ROYAL LIBRARY , 33 , Old Bond-street .
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MADAME JENNY G 0 LDS 03 MIDT-LIND . EXETER-HALL . MENDELSSOHN'S ELIJAH . "jVTR . MITCHELL respectfully announces that jLtJL . Mendelssohn ' s Oratorio of ELIJAH will be repeated at Exeter-hall , on MONDAY EVENING . January 21 , ISftO , and in which MADAME GOLDSCH 3 IIDT , Will sing the principal soprano part . Tito Chorus and Orchestra will consist of more than 600 L ' orformcrs . Conductor , J [ . BENEDICT . Prices of Admission :-Stalls ( Numbered and Iioserved ) , £ 1 is . ; Unreserved S . 'iits ( Biuly of the Hall ) nnd West Gallery . lO . s . ( HI . j Area ( under West Gnllcry ) , is . Doors open at Seven , to commence nt Kight o ' clock pro . cise 3 y . Tlse Tickets will be appropriated according to the order of application , and no more will be issued than the Hall eau conveniently ivcoomiuodatc . A correct book of the Oratorio is fiivou with the Tickets . Application for Tickets to be made nt Mr . ZMiTciiiiLL ' a Roy < il Library , M , Old Bond-street .
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DM . KAIIN'S CELEBRATED ANATOMICAL MUSEUM , 1 , Coventry-street , Leicester-square ( open forGontlcmen only ) , the rarity and conip / o' . less of whoae contents hnvo nlruady ncquired for It an European reputation , and obtained the warm commendations ol the preflH ill this awd other countrlus ia > iu \ v opiiu dally , A Ken tiories of Orlglnul Specimens ami Models , ciiibraoing soirto most inipui-tnnt anil curious foaturos , iliu . stratlvo of tho wonders and secrets of tlie Human structure , lias just bucii uddod to tho Collection , which now aLiuuld wholl y unrlvnllcd In tlie world . Modlcal praotilioncra nnd rttuaon ' . s nud the public at lurgo nro invited to visit tho Museum , wlioro lA'cturus uro delivered dui'inir Lho day , and n , new and pcculliirly intureiitlug one is dollvored by br . Ivaun , at ; hult ' -past Klgnt o ' clock uvory Kvuniiiff . on the Ucpi'oJuctivc Funolions in Alain . Adiuisalon , One Shilling . Ti | 0 ft imlillHlied , price la ,, freo by po . it ( gratis to Victors to tho AIuuuuux ) , n new edition of Dr . K aiin ' h Trcutlao , Tliu ailOALS and QUICKSANDS of YOUTH . An ErtBiiy , tipuoinUy intcuuud to uvcrt dunguri ) to which tho youii k and miNoeptlulo nrc peoulliuly liuulo , tuul to nrresS ho nrouroua of evil .
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mate art combined with the deepest utterances of natural feeling , by her performance at Exeter Hall of Handel ' s Messiah . On this occasion , she undertook the whole of the soprano part—an achievement hot yet attempted in London , though it has been accomplished in . Liverpool . The room was , of course , crowded ; and the profoundesfc emotions of that large auditory were moved and shaken by the influence of the fair singer ' s voice as she uttered the strand modulations of " He shall feed His flock ; " " I know
that my Redeemer liveth ; " " It God be with , us , who can be against us V and other airs of the oratorio . In conjunction with Madame Goldschmidt , Herr Reichardt made his first appearance this season ; and Messrs . Thomas , Lawler , and LockeyJ together with Miss Dolby , worthily supported the chief singer . Madame Goldschmidt will sing in Me . vdellsohn ' s Elijah at Exeter Hall on Monday the 21 st inst .
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FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday , January I . BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED .-John Paekke Marsh , late of Bishopagate-street , vroolbroker . BANKRUPTS . — Wiliiam : El 3 aji , ITeyford and Rugbrook , Northamptonshire , iron-stone master—Rowland Hti . 1 . B&ackeb ., Ludgate-street , importer of foreign silk goods— Leonahd Laidman , Chancery-lane , and Coburn Newroad , Bow—Wiixiasis Wig < ji : n 3 , Hawley Mills , near Dartford , Kent , and St . Faul ' B-ohurchyard , paper manufacturer —James Harrison , City , commission agent— George Wag - ner , Bernard-street , Russell-square , auctioneer — William Seaoer Wmte , Ilandswortli , Staffordshire , chymist — Joseph Nokesj , Birmingham , glasscutter—Geohoe Taylor , Derby , silk manufacturer—Baxter Barker , York , innkeeper—Isaac Firth , Manchester , victualler . SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS . —R . Copland and F . W . Bbickman . v , l > undee . shipbrokcra —p . Stobo , CHu . igow , smith . —M . Miller , Glasgow , coppersmith . Friday . Jm \ ianj 1 .
BANKRUPTS . —Robert Lawrence Phillips and Geoup . e Douglas Phillip * , King William-street . City , uoneral mcrchants—IlENav Crickmau , East Donyland , Essex , ship owner — Malcolm Ronald JLaing Meabon , Munchesterbulldings , City , merchant—Thomas Sheuwin . Louxhboruugh , Lieicester , currier—Henry Stirke , Manchester , money scri . venor—Robert Wells , Kington-npon-lluU , tailor—Thomas Moulds , Binglcy , Yorkshire , conch lyroprietor-AujBirr yjUNTER , WeBton-super-Mare , brewor—RiciiAiin ( Jusbnk , Ltcliflcld , banker—Thomas Baiiff , Hnrrowgat " . Yorkshire , hotel keeper—David John Vauoiian , Fteltgmrd , I'cinbrokc-Hbire , maltster—Rdwaud Gauntlett an ! Roukkt Liviko Oamden-town , Middlesex , builders—Wicuam Tow ell , Walworth-road , boot maker—William Mooue , Bradford , blue Rod medley dyer . SCOTCH SKQUESTBATIOX . -John Crnnu : and Companv , Glasgow , grain more limits .
/Fp^Nttttttrtf T≫Ml (71 ¦Ft- It T *? T- Vlbuuimil Hui Xlllllllil /-»*??•»»•«• * ««
Commmtal % Mxz .
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CORN MAR KE T . Mark-lane , Friday , Jan . 4 , 1856 . The arrivals of English an < 3 Foreign Wheat and Flour since last week , have been very moderate . On Wednesday all the English Wheat was cleared off at a decline of Is . to 2 s . from former quotations . A fair business was also done in Foreign at previous rates . There was more demand for arrived cargoes of Egyptian Wheat . Several sales of Said j were made at 53 s ., one at 54 s ., and one at 55 s . 3 d ; and one of Behcira at 49 s . cost , freight and insurance . The demand for Maize has not improved , and most of the fresh cargoes are waiting for orderj . A cargo of Galatz was sold early in the we « k at 42 s . and another yesterday at 44 s . Beans are not at all in request . Sellers would take 40 s . for arrived cargoes , but there are no buyers at the price . At this day ' s market there is less appearance of business . The sales rdade off the stands are at former r-ites , but there is nothing doing in either floating or arrived cargoes . BaTley and oats are firm , with a moderate demand . The subjoined table showing the total quantities of all Grain returned as sold in the English markets , from the lstOctober to the 31 st December , this year and last , may not be without an interest to Rome of our readers , ft appears that a larger draught has been made on the comparatively light Wheat Crop of 1855 , than was the case at the same period in 1854 . Wheat . Barley . Oats . Rye . Beans . Peas . 1855 .. < 2 p 3 . 1 , 823 , 28 " I . 0 IH . 4 U * 1 : 37 , 000 D . 5 V 0 04 , « 4 G 30 , 154 1854 .. „ 1 , 761 , 739 OCO , 0 iJ 2 21 G 522 8 , 043 00 , 273 27 284
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Aberdeen , 22 , 3 ; Bristol and Exeter , 79 , SI ; Caledonian 53 J U , ; Chester and Holylieart , io , 12 ; East Anglian 11 , 12 ; Eastern Counties , h-J , 1 ; Edinburgh and Glasgow G 9 i , 7 Oii Great Northern , S 7 i , 8 £ ; Ditto . A stock , 73 , 5 ; Ditto B stock , ll ) . 121 ; Great Southern and Western ( Ireland ) , 102 , 10 j ; Great Western , 5 I | , 2 }; Lancaster and Carlisle , 70 , ft ; Ditto , Thirds , r « , 7 pin ; Ditto , new Thirds . G , 7 pin ; Lancashire and Yorkshire , 70 ' ,, 7 ; London and Blnckwall , 6 , i ; London , Brighton , mid . South Coast , !> : ? . 4 ; London nnd North Western , < H , . ?; Ditto South Ditto , 85 , fi ; JluncJie . ster , bhellieM , and Lincolnshire , 231 , S ; Jletropolitiiu . 5 , i dis . ; Miillanrl , C > l > , 4 ; Ditto , Birmingham and Derby , 3 <> , 8 ; Newport . Aberpavenny , and Hereford , Si , ID ; North British , ; North Una tern ( Berwick ) , «> 7 , a ; Ditto ,
Extension , Ki , 8 did . i Ditto , Grout North Eastern purchase , 5 , lj did . ; Ditto , Leeds , 12 , IvJj ; Ditto , York , 44 , 5 ; North Staffordshire , H . J , J dis ; Oxford , Worcester , and Wolvorhamplou , 21 , 3 ; Scottish Central , 10 I , 103 ; Scottish Midland , 7 ; J . ftj youth Devon , 11 , 12 : Smith Eastern ( Dover ) , 5 G . J , 74 , SoutU Wales , t ! 4 , ( I ; Vule of Neath , l't . i ; West Cornwall , 1 , 0 ; Antwerp nnd Rotterdam , 7 J , 7 : }) Ardennes , ; Eastern of France , I ' nria ami Strasbourg , 3 » J , i ( ; East India , 21 , 4 ; Ditto Extension , i , $ pm . ; Grand Trunk of Canada , 1 , 9 . ) tils . ; Groat Iudiun I ' eninsul-. i . pur , i ; LuxiMnburgs , 38 , « ; Grunt Westernol'Cimada , 2-iJ , 4 \ ; North or Franco , : » I 5 , fij ; l'arJa and Lyons , 41 . ) , J , l ' uris and Orleans , 44 , Of Sambre and 3 I « usc , 8 j , S ; Western and N . W . of Franco , 2 !> , 29 J ; Agua Friu , ; Auatralimi , fl , ;}; Brazil Imperial , 1 J , 2 ; ( Joctiijs , 2 , 1 ; St . John del Key , 27 , « . » .
Madame Jewnygoldschmidt-Hnd. Hanover-Square Rooms.
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January 5 , 1856 . ] __ THE LEADER . 21
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MONEY MAKKET AND CITY" INTKLUUKtfOK London , Friday Evening , . Jan . I , is . 'xi . Tiik Ungllali Funds have shown a vory drooping disposition iUl this wuok . There are but fuw men now left who bollovo in KuHsia consenting toowr terms , ns propoeod by AwhIi-Iu The fall of lCaiM Id boooming to bo looked at In its tnio li Kht nn < l that there must have bout either groan inid . nun . iffomunt or treachery on the part of some one , i . i roM > lvl nff It-wolT In inon ' B minds toono ( lxoil Won . Hr / sorouin and nil Armenia bucoinoa now throntenoil , ami the ItiMalnn Huocosdes will bo Uuard wlioro wo cun loaat nlTjrd to htivo thorn knownthrou fihoutIndia .
The chancellor must have a sweetmeat in store for us , and in what way it will be administered i 3 not yet known to commen men . Money lias-been scarce all this week ; some heavy real sales ha » e been effected ; y . et it is stoutly maintained that the Austrian Hebrew party is still a Bull of over a million , and at liigh prices ¦ Turkish Six-and a half has fallen rapidly with Consols ; and is now between 81 and 82 . In other foreign stocks , but ¦ little doing . Foreign railways are firmly held . Great Western of Canada , having gone to 5 premium per £ 20 share , ¦ are down again to 4 premium . per share . The traffic returns are * ery ^ cheering " to the shareholders . Our own Great Westerns are a little flatter ; Eastern Counties continue 8 j—8 | . Mines are at a standstill ; Crystal Palace about the same . There ha 3 blip a little business done in th « French Omnibus Company ' s shares , but not much . Next week will be ^ the opening of the Con 3 ol accounts . Unless some extraordinary good luck falls to U 3 before Easter , we may now see Consols lower than we have had them during the warC Consols close heavily at four o ' clock , 87 J , £ . The Bank returns are said to be bad .
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UKITI 8 H FUNDS FOU THE PAST WEKK . ( Cl . OSINQ VlUUKS . ) S « t . Mon . 1 V '(/ c , i . ' ft \ d . rintr . ' Fri . Iinnk Stock 2 O . ) aon ' uon | .... : » per Cent , Kortuotxl . a « i H « i » a M 7 i H 7 J ' 87 , 1 . 1 por Cent , Con An I .... Oonaols for Account . hhJ hh ^ H 7 , j n ? i t < 7 i < * H 7 i Nmvu norCcnt . An .. Mi hhJ HmJ h- > ^ ; ' H ; j Now 3 J p « r Ccnta i l-OUtf Ana . IHtn |( i ' ... ' , I 'i ( ' i ' itj " Inillu Htook i Ditto Don liB . JC 1 ooo » i . d .... ' " I Ditto , under X ' I Oho .. 0 ^ . il -u . d 7 . i . d lOs . ' d WYl f . a . d Kx . inns , 4 : u )) o — as . a nu . a Tf . a 7 « . « t i Bn . a . >« . d Ditto , XJOOO ioh ., 1 Hs . d hh . « l I .... Vi . il Ditto . Hinnll in . d KM . d Cad < i- \ d < i . ' . < I «» H . d
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FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last OmciAj , Qpotatiokt dosing the Week ending FaiDAT Evenino . ) Brazilian Bonds 100 Portuguese 5 per Cents . Buenos Ay res 6 p . Cents 56 Russian Bonds , 5 per Chilian 6 per Cents 103 Cents 97 Chilian 3 per Cents 6 * Russian 44 per Cents 88 Dutch 21 per Cents .... 64 Spanish 39 Dutch 4 per Cent . Certif 95 Spanish Committee Cert . Equador Bonds of Coup , not fun Mexican Account ...... 20 Turkish 6 per Cents .... 814 Peruvian 4 £ per Cents .. 76 Turkish New , 4 ditto .... 3 f Portuguese 4 per Cents . Venezuela , 3 | per Cents .
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BIRTHS . CHAMBERS . —At Everton , Lancashire , the wife of HajoJ Chambers , D . L ., 6 th K « yal Lancashire Militia : a daughter . KING . —At Torquay , the wife of the Eev . Samuel King : a son . KENNEDY . —At Bath , the wife of Captain H . A . Kennedy : a daughter . ^ MARRIAGES . CROMPTON-MOLES WORTH . — At Rechdale , Samue Crompton , Esq ., of Manchester , to Harriet , daughter of the Rev . J . E . N . Molesworth , D . D ., Vicar of Rochdale . ELWYN-HAlit . —At St . John ' s , Nottinp-hill , Richard Elwyn , Esq ., M . A .. Fellow of Trinity College . Cambridge ; and Second Master of the School , Cliarter-house , to Marianne , daughter of the late George Hall , Esq ., of Ely . PARKES—PLUMER .-At liittle Stanmore , Middlesex , Harry Smith Parkes , Esq ., H . M . 's Consul at Amoy . China , to Fanny Hannah , daughter of the late Thomas Hall Plumer , Esq .. of Canons-park , Middlesex . VANDELEUR-MALONY . —Afr Lee , Kent , Arthur Van " deleur , Esq ., of Ralahine , Clare , Captain Royal Artilleryto Mary , daughter of James Alalony , Esq ., of Kiltanon » Deputy Lieutenant , Clare . DEATHS . JACKSON . —In Upper Berkeley-street , Portman-square , Liieut .-Coloael Jackson . LE WIS , — At Knightsbridge , William Lewis , Esq ., aged so ! formerly Captain in the Hertford Militia , and Genfleman Uslicr to George III ., George IV ., William IV ., and to her present Majesty . ' LISTER . —At < 3-reatQueen-street . Lincoln ' s Inn-fields , Mr . Wm . Lister , 3 n his 57 th year . MAYO . —In Bond-street , ICargaret , widow of Thomas Alfred Mayo , Esq ., aged 75 . MULLER . -A * Limerick , Margaret Leigli , wife of Lieut .-Colonel Muller , and daughter of Edward Leigh Pemberton , Esq . ROSS . —In Upper Berkeley-street ? John Bethune Ross , Esq ., advocate , aged 37 . SMITH . —At I . ewishara , Kent , Mr . Jefferey Smith , in his 71 st year , formerly of Cotton ' s wharf , Southwark . WYNNE —William Wynne , Esq ., of Itchen Abbas , Winchester , in his 71 st year .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 5, 1856, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2122/page/21/