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NEW WORKS . i . P 2 STEUMA ; or , the Wandering Soul : - a Parable in Rhyme and Outline . By the Bev . W . CALVE RT , M . A . Square crown 8 vo ., with 20 etchings by the Author . Price 10 s . 6 d . iOn Thursday next . 2 . Mrs . JAMESON'S COMMONplace-book of THOUGHTS , MEMORIES , and FANCIES . Second edition . Illustrations . Crown 8 vo ., 18 s , 3 . LYRA GERMAJSTICA : Hymns for the Sundays and Chief Festivals . Translated by CATHERINE WINKWOJBTH . Second edition . Fcap . 8 vc , 6 s . The STATE of the ENGLISH BIBLE . By the Hey . W . HARNESS , M . A . Reprinted from the Edinburgh Review . Fcap . 8 vo ., Is . Cd . 5 . Selections from the LETTERS of ROBERT SOUTHET . Edited by his Son-inLaw , the Rer . J . W . WABTEE , B . 2 > . Yola . T . and II . post 8 vo ., 21 s . Portion of the JOURNAL kept by THOMAS RAIKES . Eeq ., from . 1831 to 1 S 47 . Vols . I . and Hi / post 8 vo . Portrait , 21 s . ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ . . ¦¦ 7 . ¦ ¦ . ¦ Mrs . DUBERLY'S JOURNAL of the RUSSIAN "WAR , from the Departure of the English Army to the Reduction of Sevastopol . Second edition . Post 8 yb ., . 108 . € d . RUSSIA ; Its RISE and PROGBESS , TEAjGEDIES and REVOLUTIONS . By the Rev . T . MILNER , M . A . Post 8 vo ., 10 s . 6 d . 9 . ' ¦¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ . MAUNDERS HISTORICAL TREASURY : Introductory Outlines and ' a separate His * tory . of every Nation . New edition , carefully revised . Fcap . 8 vo ., 10 a . ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' '¦ .. ' 10 . ¦ ¦ : BR ANDE'S DICTIONARY of SCIENCE , LITERATURE , and ART . Second edition , thoroughly revised . 8 vo . Woodcuts , 60 a . The FOOD of ' * LONDON . By GEORX 3 E . DODD , Author of British Manufactures . Post 8 VO ., 10 s . 6 d . ¦ ¦ 1 ¦ ¦ 12 . ¦ * The CORRELATION of PHYSI-¦ S 6 % ^ SS OB 8 iVB y W ' - GROVE , M . A ., Q . C ., F . R . S . Third edition revised . Syo ., 1 a . 13 , Mr . W . FAIRBAIRN'S USEFUL INFORMATION for ENGINEERS . Royal 8 vo , with plates and woodcuts , price 15 s . SMEE ' S ELEMENTS of ELECTRO-METALLURGY . Third edition , corrected and enlarged , with eleotrotypes and woodcuta . 8 vo ., Ms . 6 d . 15 J GUIDE to GEOLOGY . By JOHN PHILLIPS , M . A ., F . R . S . Fourth edition , with four plates . Jc cap . 8 vo ., 6 b . 1 C AUDUBON , the NATURALIST , In the NEW WORLD . By Mrs . HORACE ST . JOHN . j ) cap . 8 vq ., 2 s . Cd . 17 . INQUIRY into SPECULATIVE » nd EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE , with reference to Prof . A v £ n ? A Pu £ Ucatlo ? Sl and J ? IIe « el ' 8 doctrine . By Dr A . VERA . Crovrn 8 yo ., 3 a , Cd . ' JAMES MONTGOMERY'S 5 O ETIOAL WORKS , 4 vob . fc « p . 8 vo ., with portrait 2 ££ vL 1 $ ?** $ * ' ^™ l 4 fl - * or co ^ P ^ te in 1 vol . square crown 8 vo ., IOb , Cd . ; , morocco , 21 b . 19 . The Traveller ' s Library . Mr . MACAULAY'S ESSAY on T'&a " !? !^ ? ° M '« l « Ifc of Johnson « with Mra , a « T ^ i ? ite 1 ? of ^ '") rolinfl 0 n ' I 6 mo ., a 8 , 6 a . olothi or an * wo Parts , xs . ca «? h , ^ * ton the z \ , t inlt . 80 . A-SS'S ^ t on ? 00 KS : A Quarterly !¦ » 1 '¦>¦;*!« " . ' ¦ ' - 1 1 11 , 1 'li ' l ' ¦ 1 ' > : ' ; ' 4 ; ' ; i' ¦ 1 . ¦¦ . ' ' ,,. # o ^ i > o& , LQNQMAH ' ^^ QHEE N . ANB LONGMANS . I I
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In 8 vo .. with many Illustrations , Vol . 1 , 28 s .: Vol . II .. 30 s . EG YPT'S PLACE in UNIVERSAL HIS-1 TORY : An Historical Investigation , in Five Books . By C . C . J . BUNSBN , D . D ., D . C . L . Translated by C . H . Cottrell , Esq ., MA . Also , by Chevalier Btjnben , in 7 vols ., 8 vo ., price £ 5 5 s . CHRISTIANITY and MANKIND , their Beginnings and Prospects : Being a New Edition , remodelled and extended , of Hippolytus and his Age . London : Longman , Brown , Gbeen , ' and Longmans .
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THE ASSYRIAN DISCOVERIES INTERPRETED AND APPLIED . Lately published , in 8 vo ., price 8 s . 6 d ., HEBREW POLITICS in the TIMES of SARGON and SENNACHERIB : An Inquiry into the Historical Meaning and Purpose of the Prophecies of Isaiah , with some notice of their bearings on the Social and Political Life of England . ByEI > WARDSTRACHEY , JEsq . * ¦ ? «• Thi 8 volume attempts to investigate , critically , the ] questions of the authorship of the Book of Isaiah , and its writer sown meaning . ; historically , the Jewish and non-Jewish records , including all they * t decyphered Cuneiform Inscriptions of the period ; politically , the constitution and condition of the Jewish Kingdom , and the working of the . former at home by statesmanship and popular opinion , and abroad by wars , alliances , and commerce ; and religiously , the lessons which ( applicable to all mankind ) were deduced i from the events of their own times fcy the prophets , whose 1 office is illustrated by its analogies with that of the Greek and Roman orators , and the modern speakers , preachers , and writers . V The production of a man of learning and independent thinking . . . . The historian , the politician , and the divine , may read it with advantage . "—British . Quarterly Review . ' London : Lonqkan , Ebown , Gbeih , and Longmans . t
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* " MR . MACAULAY ' S WORKS . qPHE HISTORY of ENGLAND , from the JL 'Accession . of James II . By the Right Hon . Thomas Babington Macauxai . Vols . III . and IV ., 8 va .. 36 s . * * * Vols . I . and II . Eleventh Edition , price 32 s . CRITICAX AND HISTORICAL ESSAYS . Library Edition , 5 Vols . Rto , 36 s . In One Volunie , with Portrait , Square crown 8 vo ., 21 s . In , Volumes for the Pocket . 3 vols ., fcap . 8 vo ., 21 s . The People ' s Edition . 2 vols ., crown 8 vo . * 8 s . LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME . Illustrated Edition , fcap . 4 to ., 2 ls-With lory and The Jlriiiada , I 6 mo ., 4 s . 6 d ; SPEECH ^ S , corrected by Himself ; 8 vo ., 12 s . Speecnes on Parliamentary Reform in 1831 and 1832 , 16 mo ., is . London : Longman , Bbo * n , Gbeen , and Longmans .
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{ DR . HtrMPHREYS'S MANUALS FOR SCHOOLS . Just published , in fcp . 8 vo ., price 39 . 6 d . cloth , MA NUAL of MORAL PHILOSOPHY , for the use of Schools . By E . R . HUMPHREYS , LL . D ., Head Master of Cheltenham Grammar School . With a Preliminary Essay on the Relations of ^ Natural andRevealed Religion . By the Rev . J . E . RIDDLE , MA . Also by Dr . Humphreys , in fcp . Svo ., price 3 a . 6 d . each , MANUAL of CIVIL LAW . Second edition . MANUAL of POLITICAL SCIENCE . Second edition . 'London : LoKQMAN . BaowN , Gbebn , and Longmans .
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THE HERTFORDSHIRE INCUMBENT . On Saturday next , in 1 vol . post 8 vo . GEN ERAL MANSTEtN'S MEMOIRS of RUSSIA , Historical , Political , and Military , from the year 1727 to 1744 ; a period comprising many remarkable events , including the First Conquest of the Crimea and Finland by the Russian Anna . First edited in 1770 by Uavid Hume , and now . re-edited , carefully compared with the original French , and briefly illustrated with notes , by a " HERTFORDSHIRE INCUMBENT . " London : Longman , Bbown , Gbeen , and Longmans .
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E LEMENTS of PHRENOLOGY . By GEORGE COMBE . 6 th Edition , improved . 12 mo . 3 s . 6 d ., boards , IiOndon : Xonguan and Co ., and Simpktn and Co . Edinburgh : Macxachlan and Co .
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This day , Vols . IIL and IV ., price £ l 1 b ,, completing MEDIiEVAL POPES , Emperors , Kings , and Crusaders ; or , Germany . Italy , and Palestine , from . a . d . U 25 to a , i > 1268 . By Mra . "W . BUSK . This comprehensive and elaborate history of the most interesting period of the Middle Ages is now complete . Vols . 1 and 2 are sold separately . Critical Notices of Vols . l and 2 : — " Whoever wishes to enlarge his' views of the state of Booiety during the middle ages will turn with advantage to Mrs . Busk . " - Athenaium . "Its historic merit and its historical fidelity unqucation-. ably ensure its ultimate adoption as one of the few works , having authority , that treat of the remote but interesting perlpdT to which it particularly adverts . "~ JV «» t > Quarterly Review . " This work fills a vacuum in our historical literature . "London Literary Journal . 1 Hockhau and Sons , Old Bond-street .
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I Om Monday , the 17 th Jnatant wilt bo published in 0 n « Volume , price 10 a . Cd , " GLEANINGS ATTER " GRAND TOW-ISTS . London 1 Boawonxn and Habmson , 915 , Regent-street .
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. This day is published , 3 rols ., 8 vo ., price J 62 2 s ., THE RISE of the DUTCH REPUBLIC : A HISTORY . By JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY . "It ia a work of real hlatorloal value , the result of acourntet criticism , written In n liberal apirit , and from first to I last deeply interesting . "—Athenceum . " f "~? » ' l 8 a W ° ° f yrhlotx my oountry might be " Mr . Motley * haa eoarchod the whole range of historical documents noooaenry to tho composition of hla work . "I Leader . London : Johw Cuamwam , 8 , King William-street , Strand : Chapman . mrt ffAi * . 103 . Piccadilly . ( i
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' Just ready , in post 8 vo ., THE PRIMARY PRINCIPLES of REASONING . By ROBERT BOYD KIDD , B . \ . Pemetual ZSS& ^ S ^ tS ^ ^^ ^ Wove ^ rS London : Richaed Benxlet , Publisher in Ordinary to her . Majesty .
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This Day , price 10 s . Gd ., T ? ? J SY CHAJN : orf Aspirations . A ^ K . ^^ y " Chronicle . ¦ By the Author of "The Heir of Eedclyffe , ' " Heartsease , " &c . London ' John W . Pabber and Sok , West Strand .
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MR . EDWIN ARNOLD'S NEW POEM . ¦ Just ready , fcp . 8 vo ., 63 ., cloth , GRISELDA : a Tragedy , and other Poems . By EDWIN ARNOLD , Author of " Poems , Narrative and Lyrical . " David Boque , Fleet-street .
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ITow ready , a gr- atly Enlarge ! Edition , with Several Hundred additional Memoirs , small 8 vp . ; 9 * 1 pp ., 12 s . cd . cloth ., MEN OF THE TIME ; or , Biographical Sketches of Eminent Living Charaeters ^ Aiithors , Architects , Artists , Composers , Capitalists , Dramatists , Divines , Discoverers , Engineers , Journalists , Men of Science , Ministers , Monarchs , Novelists , Painters , Philanthropists , Poets , Politicians , Savana , Sculptors , Statesmen , Travellers . Voyagers , Warriors . With Biographies of Celebrated Women . David Booce , Pleet-street .
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This day is published , in two vols . 8 vo ., cloth , price 25 s ., LECTURES ON HISTORY OF ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY . By ARCHER BUTLER , M . A . Late Professor of Mcral Philosophy in tlie University of Dublin . Edited from the Author ' s MSS . with notes , by \ V . HEPWORTH THOMPSON , M . A ., Fellow of Trinity College , and Regius Professor in tho University of Cambridge . Cambridge : Macmiixaw and Co . London : Bell and Daldt ;
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ABOUNDS IN INTEREST AND EXCITING ADVENTURE . Price Is . Gd ., boards , T HE PIRATES OF THE MISSISSIPPI . By F . GERSTAECKEU , Is a true picture of ' River life in America , " at the time the Union was first formed , when crews of Pirates , taking possession of some of the islands that stud this mighty river , by their nightly excursions thereirom carried dismay and terror for miles around . It contains graphic descriptions of scenery , is full of exoit'ng adventure , and reminds tho reader strongly of Captain Marryafs famous fictions . London : Geobqe Rouixesqe and Co ., 2 , Farringdon-atreet .
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MARRYAT ' S NOVELS—CHEAP EDITION . Now ready , price Is . Gd ., fancy "boards , PETER SIMPLE . By Captain MARRY AT . Captain Marryat has done for naval Stories what Dibdin did for tho sailors' Sonm , ho haa stereotyped tlio British Bailor for all time . While the Songa of tlio latter arc repeated in every Quarter of the globe , the Naval Stories of the former are welcomed with delight at count loss fireaidoaathomc and abroad . No wonder , then , that 20 , 000 copiea of Peter Simple have been ordored before publication . THE KING'S OWN . By Captain MaRRYAT , on tlio 18 th of April . London : Geoiiqb Root ledge and Co ., 3 , Farringrlon-streot .
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CHEAP BOOKS . QECOND-HAND Copies of MACAULAY'S O HISTORY OF ENGLAND . Voln . III . « nd IV . ; MEMOIRS Op SYDNEY SMITH'S ; DOIUN'S QUISIfiNS of tho HQU 8 B of HANOVKR » WtCSTWAHD 1101 LILL . 1 ESL 1 &AF , and many other recent worka , arc now on Bale at Mudle ' a Holeot Library . Lists of prices may bo obtained on application . ( Chabium Edwabd Mupie , 610 and 6 U , New Oxford-streot , London ; and 70 , Oroas-strcct , Alanohcator . —
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, . .. I T HE WESTMINSTER REVIEW . — Advortiacmpnta intended for insoiHon lit tlio April Number ( No . XVIir . Now Sorlca ) , ahould bo aunt to tlio Publisher , not Ifttor th « n tho 24 th inatnatc liiUn mill l ' t-oni I ncotusos by tho 27 th . Omoo , 8 , KUiff WlHiiun-atiovt , otrnnd .
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* i *> O * i , A 1 li »^ iai 4 ^ lMWMKn > TAliTO 11 Bjewwja > ^ AJ ( M > WAT ( «* » & Ae « a « c" Office . No . 16 * , Strand inlheUouuty et MUUKwx .-Maroh 16 . wee . " ^ \ m .
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264 THE LEADEE . [ No . 312 , Sat . ; MaAch 15 ; 1856 .
Leader (1850-1860), March 15, 1856, page 264, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2132/page/24/