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Incorporated under the Limited Liability Acts of 1856 and 1857 . whereby the liability of each shareholder is limited to the amount of his subscription . . Capital ¦ SOO . OOQf ., in 50 , 000 shares of 101 . each , with power to increase . DeDosit 21 . per share ; 11 . further payable upon allotment , and a call of 21 . per share will be made m about six months . . . TRUSTEES . The 'Right Hon . the Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot , Rcar-Admfral , Ingestre Hall , Stafford . Coleridge John Kennard , Esq ., banker , London . EdwardMasterman , Esq ., hanker , London . BIRECTOiZS . Eight Hon . Lord Viscount Bury , M . P .. Norfolk . Bir Peter Hesketh Fleetwood , Bart ., London . Sir Allan Napier Macn&b , Dunburn Castle , Canada . John Arthur Roebuck , Esq ., M . P ., London . Thomas Howard , Esq ., Manchester . George Peter Lascaridi , Esq ., London . John Orrell Lever . Esq ., Manchester , Thomas Osborne Stock , Esq ., Lloyd ' s , London . With power to add to their number-Gbttbhai Manager—A . M . Wier . Esq ., London . Secbetaey ( pro tern . )—John Marshall , Esq . Bankebs—Messrs . Heywood , Kennard , and _ Co ., £ <> ndon ; Messrs . Masterman , Peters , and Co . . . London ; the Provincial Bank of Ireland . Dublin , and its branches . SouciTOBS-Measra . Hughes , Kearsey . and . Co .. 17 . Bucklersbury , London ; Messrs . Vallanoo and Vallance , 20 , Essex-street . Strand , London- ¦ ,. BBOKBHS-Messrs . Philip Cazcnovc and Co ., Thrcadneodle-• trcet , London ; Messrs . Boyle , Low , * Pim . and Co ., Dublin . Offices , 40 , Cannon-street . London . E . O . The capital is fixed at BOO . OOOZ .. in 80 , 000 shares of 107 . each . It is , however , considered that it may not be necessary to call up altogether more than 5 * . per sluiro . ¦ Applications for shares must be accompanied by a deposit of 21 . per share . A further sum of 1 { . per share will be payable upon allotment , and a call of 21 . por share will bo made hi about aix months . . . By the terms of the articles of association no call can exceed Si . per share , and an interval of thrco months at least must elapse betwoon eaoh call . Prospectuses and forms of application for shares , with all furthor information , may bo obtained from the brokers , or at the offices of the company . Extract from a spoech of tho Lord-Lioutonanfc of Ireland , delivered on the 18 th of August , 1858 : — "I fuel most confident anticipation , and I am not too sanguine in tolling you , that ore long Galway wil ) bo the high road of communication , for passengers and mails at least , between England and Amorioa . " N . B . —No furthor applications for shares wJU bo received by the Directors , so far as regards applicants in England , ¦ ftor the 10 th of December instant .
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SPECIAL NOTICE . HOYAIrEXCHANGE ASSUKANCE , Augmt , 1858 . Life Policies effected during tho present year on the participating scale will entltlo their holdors to share in tho division or Profits at the end of tho yoai-1800 , provided thw assurances continue in force . FoBTHBtt Bonuses will bo deolarod at tho end of every Five Ybjuib . '
Untitled Ad
ESTABLISHED 1838 . VICTORIA & LEGAL & COMMERCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . No . 18 , King Wllliam-stroot , City . DIRKGTORS . BENJAMIN HAWKS , Esq ., Chairman , THOMAS NESBITT , I ? sq ., Doputy-Ohn » rman . Charles Baldwin , Esq . W . K . Jamoson , Esq . Qeo rfto Donny , Esq . ' Job ii Joiion , K » n . tO .. Dlnudafo , Esq . John NoUoth , l / sq . WUIam Elliott , M . T > - Meaburn Stniiiland , Esq . | tobort Elite , I 3 « q . Daniel Button , Esq . J . P . O * . olo 6 , Esq .. F . R . S . Walter CharloHVcmiing , Esq . John Gladstone , Jiisq . O'B . Bolllngliam Woolsoy , Aarou Qolditmtd JBsq . Esq , Sldnoy GJuruoy , Esq . jtho imalnoBs of tho Company embraces every description o ' nsk oonnootod with Life AHsuninqo . l'honaaots of tho Company oxoood 2 rt 8 , 000 ? . And Us liioomo is ovor OO . nODj . a yoar . AdvanaOB i » ooimoxlun MitliLlfo AHHuranooai'o nindo on fWvantfigcoua tonns , elthor on vaa . \ or poraonalsoourity . WILLIAM BAT 1 UY , Actuary .
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LAW PROPERTY & LIFE ASSXJBAWCE 30 , Essox-streot , Strand , London . Capital . 250 , 000 ? . I ) ini 30 TOE 8 . Ralph T . Brookman . Esq-. Tolkostpno . Edward Wm . Cox , Esq . Srt , UnssoH-squaro . , Qeorgn Frodoriok Fox , Esq ., Bristol . E . e ! P . Kolsoy . lilaiv . Bolliibiiry . J . Moad , Esq ., S , King ' s Koneh- \ valk , Tomplo . ][ . l ' aull , Esq ., M . P ., 33 , Dovonshli-cplnco , Portland-plaoo . EIGHTY PER CENT . OF THE PROFITS divided nuiouff tho Assured-At tho first division pf iirollta in May , 1846 , a bonus wns doctored , varying from Two to 151 ovon per cent , on tho amoiuit asHtired , and nniounting ' , in innny inntancos , to upwiinls of Fifty nor « ont . on tho Premiums paid . At tho SocoikI Divbion of Proflts in 1858 , an EQUAL PRO HAT A WON US was declared . Next division of prollts in 1801 . * * * Every dosoriptlon of Lift * Assurance business transacted . JSDWARP S . » ARNES , Seorotwy .
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NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY . Notice—Christmas IUsnowals .- ^ Losses by flro oecurrine during tho fifteen days of grace aro made good to the Tho business of tho Company exceeds ( 16 , 000 , 0007 , Tho duty paid to Government for tho year 1885 was 76 , 588 ! ., and tho aniount insured on farming stocK 10 . 018 , 890 ? . A bonus of three-fifths of tho proflts periodically made to jmrtios insuring , who havo thus from time to time rocoivod sums amounting in tho aggregate to 400 , 0001 . Tlio rates of premium aro in no case higher than those charged b . v the other principal olllcos making no returns to For prospectuses , apply at tho Society ' s ofllcos . ^ s" 'r 0 Jrntroot , Norwich , and ti , Crescent , New Brldge- **» oot , Blackfriars , E . G . , .
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UNSOPHISTICATED OENBtt . ' - 'jjIWffi Of tho trno Juniper « a » our , nnd piwisoly ^ ttwEj'nW ^ tho still , without the addition of ougiir . aOf ' ^ S ^ sSSS ^ whatovor . Imperial ffiillou , lfln . i or in ono " WJ ^ bottles and cnsojncluclod . Price . ourro tj tirva ) » J » WT ; HENRY HKKT'r nnd CO > OJd I' umlval s JJ ^ vntwyr—Holborn . oly RTI <( . rJ ) Hi'rn < BBr or aiw l'fwff&diaat ^ .. d il < fBwi'oaw *; 4 £ ^ . > , y ( froo ) Oyjjgptw T < ulval ' s Lv / vtiwiyi" '
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NOVEL JIETHOD OP OONNEGTXNG AND FILING PAPERS , & 0 . THE NEW ERENCH PATENT EYELET MACHINES , Supplied by Command to Hor Majesty ' s Stationery Office , and now used in Her Majostu ' a Treasury Chambers , by tho principal Railway , Insurance , and other Public Companies , by numerous professional and JUoriiry gontlomcu ; JiV- % Q Library Committee of tho Junior United Sorvko OQlub t &c . &c , are to bo had only of r , » ¦ ¦ ? ¦ ' Mr . A , F . WALDEN , % 'j . * S ; . 2 , Stratford-placo , CanKlen-squnro , N . WrfJ j Oi jjlii ^ i . ^ - ^;; Onsh price 10 ? . cac 7 t , comploto M'itli all ot crorosfWt , ] •!» , ' -. Ordora by Post punctually attended to . £ 3 •«•<• . ,-. . »• See jCcader , Ootoljer 30 bh . 2 ^ , i \'?' ¦ ' £ >• s jfuuno ( jomnnnioa , gontlomoui Jjy- * ho ftod Sorv # o 0 Qlu » as ¦ *•'* ' ¦<¦ :: ' ' p J : i ^ . ; ; 11
Untitled Ad
CIVII , SERVICE OF INDIA . J A competitive examination of candidates for FORTY vacancies will be hold by the Civil Service Commissioners in July , I 860 . The competition will bo open to all natural born subjects of hor Majesty who , on tho 1 st of May noxtj , shall bo abovois years of ago and undor 22 . and of good health « "d ohnpaoter . Copies of tlio Regulations may be obtained on application to tho Soorotary , Civil Service Commission . ¦ Wes tminster , S . W . Civil Service Commission , 3 rd Docom , bor , 1858 .
Untitled Ad
THE GREAT SHIP COMPANY ( Limited ) . The Directors of this Company , in appreciation of the Public interest taken in tho Great Eastern , have made arrangements to grant FREE ADMISSIONS froiM Monday tho 6 th to Saturday tho ISth instant , both days inclusive , prior to closing the ship on commencing the necessary works for equipping her for sea . « ,, ' .. Tickets may be obtained at the principal Railway Stations ; on board tho Greenwich Steam-Boats ; and on application to the undersigns ^ HENRT TATEg , So ( jrotary > Temporary Offices , 70 , Lombard-street , E . O . 2 nd December , 1858 .
Untitled Ad
THE GREAT SHIP COMPANY ( Limited ) , For Purchasing and Equipping the Great Eastern . Capital , 830 , 0007 ,, in 330 , 000 ShareB of U . each . Deposit , 2 s . 6 d . per Share , on application for | Teh Shares and upwards . JLess than Ten Shares must be fully paid up on application . Detailed prospectuses , full particulars , and forms of application for shares , may be obtained at the Offices of trie Company , as under . p * ¦ * JOHN HENRY YATES , Secretary . Temporary Offices , 79 , Lombard-street , London , E . O . Nov ., 1858 . ,
Untitled Ad
THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY ( Established a . i > . 1834 ) , Ho . SS , KING-STREET , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON . DIBKCTOBS . George Battcock , Esq ., 4 , I Rd . Francis Davis , Esq ., 1 < 5 , Carlton-street . Cannon-street . James Burehell , Esq ., 34 , W . Cliapmaii Hamett , Esq ., Gordon-square , 7 , Great St . Helen s . John Clavtoii , Esq ., 10 , Lan- John MoHett , Esq ., Austincaster-placc . Strand . | friars-passage . Solomon Cohen , Esq ., Canon-I James Pennethornc , Esq ., bur-s-wVace Whitehall-yard . Thomas Dakin , Esq ., 23 , Ab- ' Fran . Lysons Price , Esq ., the church-lano : Elms , Bracknell , Berks . Vice-A dm . Sir A . P . Green , Rd . Rowe , Esq ., 7 , Arthur-K . C . H ., 9 , James-street , street West . Buckingham-pate . Samuel \ V m . Rowsell , tsq ; ., Valentine ' Knight , Esq ., 3 , _ Gheanside . Cornwall-terrace , Regent ' s Fred . Cha » - Wilkrns , Esq ., 31 , parj £ . ¦ Great Winchester-street . XErSTEES . John Clarke , Esg . j Joseph Robinson , Esq . _ J . Carrington Ridgway , Esq . | E . Pinchback Stringer , Esq . Auditors— ¦ William Thomas Hooper , Esq ., James Reeves , Esq . William Hardy , Esq . Bankers—The Union Bank of London . Solicitor—William Bnrchejl , Esq ., 6 , Broad Sanctuary , Westminster . Physician—William Brinton . Esq-. M . D ., 20 , Brook-street , Grosyenor-square . Surgeon—Matthias Rowe , Esq ., Surbiton-hili . Actuary-Charles Ingall , Esq . This is a purely Mutual Life Assurance Society , with a capital of 320 . 000 Z . invested in Government and real securities , created entirely by the steady accumulatum of the premiums , and all belohginicr to tho members . The assurances in force are li 300 , O 0 OZ ., and the income nearly 60 . 000 ? . per annum . , Tho advantages offered by tho Society are—an annual division of profits . Every member shares in them after payment of two yearly premiums . .- ««•*• * Tho cash account and balance-sheet of the Society s assets and liability are annually published , and circulated among tho members and general public . ... . Tho bonuses on tho policies becoming claim 3 havo averaged more than 2 J per cent , per annum . _ Everv member can attend and vote at all General Courts . Tho friends of the Society and the general public are respectfully advised that any assurances effected within the present year will have the advantage of one year m every annual bonus . chabLEB " INGALL . Actuary . Mutual Lifo Assurance Offices , 39 , King-street . Choapside , E . G .
Untitled Ad
MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE . THE WHOLE PROFITS " DIVIDED AMONGST TBJS ASSURED . THE SCOTTISH EQ , TTITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Instituted 1831 . Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament . TH E NEXT INVESTIGATION into the AFFAIRS of the SOCIETY , in orderto the Declaration of- a Bonus , will be made at 1 st MARCH , 1859 . . when all Policies then of FIVE Years' endurance will receive Adda-These Additions may , in the option of the Assured , 1 h applied thus : — ,,,,,, 1 . Thev may be added to the sum payable at death ; 2 ; They may be' commuted into a present payment ; or , 3 , They maybe applied in reduction of the future Pre-The following was the position of the Society at 1 st March , lS 5 St— ¦ - ^ „ - , „ . Amount of Existing Assurances .. * 4 , 9 o 7 , 144 : Annual Revenue .. .. • - 182 > it Accumulated Fund .. .. .. .. I i 09 ? , 400 Copies of tho last Report may be had at the Head Office , or from any of the Society ' s Agents . , Head Office , 26 , St . AndreW-squareJBdinburgh . ROBT . CHRISTIE , Manager . WM . FINLAY / Secretary . London Office , 2 « , PoUt ^ r ^ . T . BITCHIE . Agent .
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Galway Line. The "Atlantic ' -Royal. . Mail Steam Navigation Company (Limited).
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^ YOL IX . No . 454 . 1 SATURDAY , DECEMBER 4 , 1858 . Price { ggigig ^ flSSg ^ .
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' J OENBtt . ' - 'jjIWffi ^ ttwEj'nW ^ aOf ' ^ S ^ sSSS ^ " WJ ^ . tj tirva ) » J » WT ; umlval s JJ ^ vntwyr— Companies , gontlomcu ; JiV- % Q United Sorvko OQlub t r , » ¦ ¦ ? ¦ ' % 'j . * S ; . N . WrfJ j Oi jjlii ^ i . ^ - ^;; ot crorosfWt , ] •!» , ' -. . £ 3 •«•<• . ,-. . »• 2 ^ , i \'?' ¦ ' £ >• s jfuuno ( jomnnnioa , gontlomoui Jjy- * ho ftod Sorv # o 0 Qlu » as ¦ *•'* ' ¦<¦ :: ' p : i ^ . ; ; 11 oly RTI <( . rJ ) Hi'rn < BBr or aiw l'fwff&diaat ^ .. d il < fBwi'oaw *; 4 £ ^ . > , y ( froo ) Oyjjgptw T < ulval ' s Lv / vtiwiyi" ' ¦
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 4, 1858, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2271/page/1/