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'Empowered by Act of Parliament , 3 Win . rV , THE ECONOMIC LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 6 , KEV 7 JJBIDGE STREET , BLACKFRIARS , LONDON . Established 1823 . DIE E C T O R S . JIobekt Itir > Dcr . PH , E 8 Q ; , Chairman . William Roltii , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman . Alfd . Kingsford Barber , Esq Sir Alexander Duff Gordon * Thc'SifflU ^ Hon . E ? rieydell Reax-Adml . Bobert Gordon . Bbuverie , M . P . Charles Mows , Esq . _ Edward Cliarrington , Esq . George Kettilby Rickards , A S KCPPCl StCPben " I pSe Charles Glyn , Esq . AUDITORS . John Howell , Esq . I John Gilliam Stilwell , Esq . Henry . Roberts , Esq . | Richard Taylor , Esq . Physician— William Emanuel Page , M . D . Oxon , No . 11 , Queen-streetj May Fair . Surgeoj ^—Benjamin Travers , Esq ., F . R . C . S ., No . 49 , Doverstreet , Piccadilly . Solicitor—Henry Young , Esq ., No . 12 , Essex-street , Strand . . Actuary—James John Dowries , Esq ., F . R . A . S . Secretary—Alexander Macdonald , Esq . Advantages . Mutual Assurance The Lowest Rates of Premium on the Mutual System . The whole of the Profits divided every Fifth Tear . Assets amounting : to .............. i .-.. - * l , w * o , ooo During its existence the Society has paid in Claims , and in reduction of Bonus Liability , ¦ nearly ............. 2 , 000 , 000 Reversionary Bonuses have been added to Policies to the extent of .................... 1 , 305 , 000 The last Bonus , declared in 1 S 59 , which averaged 651 . per cent , on the Premiums paid , amounted to . . T ..... ; ......-......-.. 475 , 000 Policies m force ... ' . - OJ ^ § 1 ?'' The Annual Income exceeds ........... •••*¦• - - -4 w , ow . Xn pursuance of the invabiable practice of this Society , in the event of the Death of the Life Assured within the fifteen day s of grace , the Renewal Premium remaining unpaid , the Claim will be admitted , subject to the payment of such premium . - „ . „ Assurances effected prior to 31 st December , 1859 , will -participate in the division in 1864 . Prospectuses and full particulars may be obtained on application to" ¦ .-. ¦¦ . ALEXANDER MACDONALD , Secretary .
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THE DIRECTORS OF THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Request attention to the report of the Company for theyear 1858 . A printed copy can be obtained on application at the Company ' s offices in London , Edinburgh , or Dublin , or to any of the agents in England , Scotland , or Ireland . Tlie following- results are stated in the report : — The new assurances effected during 1858 exceed sESOO . , and the amount during the last JO years exceeds JB 5 , 000 , 000 . The income of the Company is upwards of £ 275 , 000 ; ana The accumulated fund exceeds considerably £ 1 , 500 , 000 . The Standard was established in 1825 , and the profits realised have been divided on five occasions , 1835 , 1840 , 1845 , 1850 , and 1855 . . The sixth division of profits will take place next year , and there Is an advantage hi joining the Company before the oloseof the books in t ; ho present year , as the benefit of two years' entry to the profit scheme will be secured . Attention is specially directed to the fact that the Company have lately introduced into their policies certain terms and conditions which make themoflnoreaeedvalue as the basis of marriage settlements , family provisions , and nil transactions -where it is . essential that the contract should be , as far as possible , a complete ecourity against All contingencies , wlJlj THOSi THOMSON , Manager . H . JONES WILLIAMS , Res . See . London : 83 , King William-street , City . Edinburgh : 3 , George-street . Dublin : CO , UpporSackvllle-street .
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ACCIDENTS ARE OF DAILY OCCURRENCE . Insurance data bIiow that ONE PERSON In every FIFTEEN Is more or loss Injured by Accident yearly . An Annual Payment of ^ 3 eecurea A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF # 0 PER WEEK IN THE EVENT OF INJURY , OB . sEl . OOQ IN CASE OF DEATH FROM ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , By ft Policy in the JRAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY , Which has already paid In compensation for Accidents Forms of Proposal and Prospectuses may bo had at tho Company ' s Ofllcos , and nt all the principal Railway Stations , whoro , also , Railway AooiaentB alono may bo insured against by the Journey or year . NO OHARCKB FOR STAMP DUTY . CAPITAL ,, ONE MILLION . WILLIAM J . VIAW , Seorotary . Hallway PftflBongorB' Assurance Company . OflicoB , 3 , OW Brood-street , London , jg , C .
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Uttk RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSUH-~ . ANOB COMPANY Sum never contemplated transferring their Business to « ny oth « r Company whatever , but continue to Insure against -ovory deecrtpttpn of Accident resulting qithor In Death or ^ Brp ^ roet , mm W ' ' ' ° tWy > '
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' * Established 1837 . BRITANNIA LIFE ASSURANCE ' ' * ¦ ¦ COMPANY , Empowered \> y Special Act of Parliament , 4 Viet . Cap . 9 , ¦'• ¦ ' . ' AND . . '¦' ' BRITANNIA MUTUAL . LIFE ASSOCIATION , -. . ¦ ¦ Empowered by Her Majesties Royal Zetters Patent . ¦ 1 , Princes -street , Bank , London . Major-General Alexander , Blackheath-park , Chairman . HALF CREDIT RATES OF PREMIUM . PE RSONS ASSURED according to these Rates are allowed credit for half the amount of the first five or sev-en Annual Premiums , paying interest thereon at the rate of Five per Cent , per Annum , with the option of paying off the arrears of Premiums at any time , or having the amount deducted from the sum assured when the Policy becomes a claim . ANDREW FRANCIS , Secretary .
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THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . ( Established A . I > . 1834 . ) No . 39 , King-street , Clie&pside , London . DIRECTORS . George Battcoek , Esq ., 4 Carl- Valentine Knight , Esq ., 3 , ton-street . Cornwall-terrace . Regent ' s James Burchell , Esq ., 34 , park . Gordon-square . James Pennethprno , Esq ., John Clayton , Esq ., 10 , Lan- Whitehall-yard . caster-place , Strand . Fran . Lysons Price , Esq ., the Solomon Cohen , Esq ., Can- Elms , Bracknell , Berks . onbury-place . Richard Rowe , Esq ., 7 , Ar-Thomas Dakin , Esq ., 23 , Ab- thur-street -west . church ^ lahe . Samuel William Rowsell , Rd . Francis Davis , Esq ., 16 , Esq ., Cheapside . Cannon-street . Marmaduke Blake Sampson , Wm . Chapman Harnett . Esq . Esq ., 13 , Lombard ^ street . 7 , Great St . Helen's . . Fred . Chas . "Wilkins , Esq ., John Mollett , Esq ., Austin- 31 , Great Winchester-st . friars-passage . TRUSTEES . John Clarke , Esq . I Joseph Robinson , Esq . Joseph Carrington Ridgway , , | Edgar Pinchback Stringer , Esq . - ' I Esq . Auditors—James . Reeves , William Thomas Hooper and William HardyyEsqs . Bankers;—The Union Bank of London . Sowcitok—William Burchell , Esq ., 5 , Broad Sanctuary , Westminster . ' Physigia * -William Brinton , Esq ., M . D ., 20 , BrookrStreet , Grosvenor-square . ¦ Surgeon—Matthias Rowe , Esq ., Surbiton-hill . Actuary— Charles Ingall , Esq . This is a purely Mutual Life Assurance Society , with a capital of 320 , 000 / . invested in Government and real securities , created entirely by the steady accumulation of the premiums , aud all belonging to . the members . The assurances in force are 1 , 372 , 000 ? ., and the income 60 , 0002 . per annum .. The advantages offered by the Society are—an annual division of profits . Every member shares in them after payment of two yearly premiums . The cash account and balance-sheet of the Society ' s assets and liabilities are annually published , and circulated among the members and general public . The bonuses on the policies becoming claims nave ave > raged more than 2 £ per cent per annum . Every member has one vote , and can attend and vote at all General Courts . A policy for any amount above 500 J . entitles the member to two votes , and for any amount above 1 , 000 ^ . to three votes . The last annual report , cash account , and balance-sheet , may be had on a written or personal application to the Actuary , or to any of the Society ' s country ag-ente . To the report and accounts is appended a list of bonuses paid on the claims of the year 1858 . No extra charge' for joining volunteer rule or artillery corps . CHARLES INGAIX , Actuary . The Mutual Life Assurance Offices , 30 , King-street , Cheapeide , JD . C .
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NEW MODE OF ACQUIRING WEALTH . See the Prospectus of tho PUBLIC LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 47 , Charing Cross , London , ¦ whi ch describes the way to obtain 10 , 0002 . Consols payable during life ; or 6 , 0002 . Consols payable at death , for a Premium of One Guinea . No other charge nor liability . No medical examination . No references to ffrlonds required . Male and femalo lives admitted on equal terras . Applications for Prospcotusos , Forms of Proposal , &c , to bo made to Q . J . FARRANOK , TVtantiging Director , at the Chief OfDcea , 47 , Charing Cross , London . Agents wanted throughout the United Kingdom .
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RUPTURES . J 5 Y ROYAX BETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIIT LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to bo the most elFeouvo invention in the ouratlvo treatment ot Hernia . TUo use of a' steel spring ( so hurtful in its ouoots ) Is horo avoided , a soft Bandage being worn round tho body , while tho requisite vcBisting power Is supplied by the Moo-Main Pwl and Patent Lover , ntting with so much ease and olosonoss that It cannot lie detected , and may be worn during sleep A descriptive circular may bo had , and tho Truss ( whloh cannot fail to lit ) forwarded by post , on the olroumforonco of the body , t , wa Inches below the hip , being sent to the Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 828 , PloondiUy , London . Price of a single truss , 10 s ,, Sis ., 20 s . Od ., nnd 81 s . Od . — Postage la . Douple Truss , 31 s . Od ., 42 s ., and 52 s . fld . —Pontage Is . 8 d . Umbilionl 1 ' i'uss , i ' Za . and 02 s . Od . ~ 3 ' ostago Is . iOd . Poflt-oflloo orders to bo made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post-offlco , Pieondllly . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-OAPS , &c , for VARIOOSIQ VEINS , amd all oaBQB of WIDAKNBSB and SWELLING of $ 10 LEGS , SPRAINS , &o , They ivro porous , light In texture , and inoxponaryo , ana are dnvwn on llko an ordinary etooldnc' . I'rloc from 7 s . Od , to 10 b , each . —Postage Od . JOHN WHITE , Manufacturer , 838 , Piccadilly , London .
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AN ACT OF GRATITUDE . A Olorgyman havine boon cured of Norvous DobllHiy , Lo " of Memory , IndiffOflWon , and other fearful Symptoms , desirous of Imparting to Ills Buffering follows tho moiina w '" 01 ' 0 , X his own restoration was so marvellously aucotoci , win oemi n book , oontalnlpff tho noooBsary infornnatlon , « J 1 . j : 9 0 I'i 1 ' of two penny stumps to propay postage , aodroflso * M .. A .., *> NortU Cumportaaa Place , Uayewator , MWdlosox-
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HOLLOWAT'S OINTMENT AND PILLS , SCARLATINA—DIPHTHERIA . Thoso two formldaolo diseases are now as prevalent ami ns fatal as they were in tho autumn . In the bills of mortality deaths from soarlot fever and dlplithoria wcokly show their fatal character , to oheokwhioh nothing has yet proved nearly no efficacious as Holldway ' s dotergont preparations , j no ointment , diligently rubbed on tUo nock ana ohost , being absorbed , penetrates eaoh _ gland and capillary , corrects In thorn all lnilamnmtory tendency , and at once lienld up nny diphtheric ulcers and prevents their oxtonalon throughout tho throat . At tho same time the administration of tho pills vastly assists thoouratlvo effect of the ointment | for llioy oxorolso over the ontlra system tho sumo wholesome lniluonco the ointment exerts locally .
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i nn nnn customers wanted .-L \ J \ J U \ JU —SAUNDJERS BROTHERS' STATIONERY is tho BEST and CHEAPEST to bo obtained . b . d . s . d . Cream-laid note .. 2 0 perrm . Cream-laid adho-Thlck do . .. 4 0 „ aivo envelopes .. 3 Opr 1000 Bordered note .. 4 0 „ Large commercial Straw paper .... 2 0 „ envelopes 4 0 „ Blue commercial Largo American note 30 ,, buff envelopes ,. 3 0 „ Ditto , letter 8 i ? o , 0 0 „ Foolscap paper ,. 7 Opirrm . Sermon paper ..., 4 0 „ Commercial pcuH . l Oprgrss . ' A SAMPLE PACKET of STATIONERY ( Slx , ty doscrlptlons , priced and nwmBorod ) sent iVeo , together with a price list , on receipt of four stamps . NO GHARG 1 Q made lor stamping : arms , crests , initials , &c ., on either paper or envelopes . tjARRIACOT PAID on all orders over UOa , — SAUNDERS BilOTHERS , Manufacturing Stationers , 05 Mid 104 , London-wft . ll , London , E . G .
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THE CRITIC : \ rEEKLY JOURNAL OF LITERATUUE , AKT , SCIENCE , and the DRAMA , is now published every Saturday , price 4 d .,. stamped Sd . The Critic contains Eeviews 01 all the current Literature of the "Week , Home and Foreign , including French , German , Italian , Sehwonic , and Oriental . Archaeological , Scientific , Artistic , Musical , and . Dramatic Summaries . Reports of the Learned Societies , Leading Artioles upon Literary and Artistic Topics , and all tho Literary , Scientific , and Artistic Jftnys oi the "Week , The Critic may bo obtained through the trade , or ordered direct from the O / Blce , 19 , Wellington-street , Strand , W . C . ,
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Just published , price 2 s ., LOCALISED M 0 VEBIENTS , Or the employment of Muscular Exercises for the Treatment of Spinal Curvature and other Deformities , founded on the system adopted at Yiehna , Berlin , &e . By HEXUY HEATHER BIGG-, Anatomical Mechanician to the Queen , 29 , Leicester-square , London . Likewise , price 4 s ., 75 Engravings , DEFORMITIES . —The Mechanical Appliances necessary for their treatment . . * * * His Royal Highness , the Pi-ince Consort has pracionsly intimated to Sir . Bigg his acceptance of a Copy ot this book . . Also , price Ss . i ? 0 Engravings , ARTIFICIAL LIMBS , their Construction and Application , a Copy of which Her Majesty the Queen has been graciously pleased to accept from Mr . Bigg . John Chdrchixx , 10 , New Burlington-street
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Just published , Part LXVII . for August , price 8 id . flHAMBBRS'S JOURNAL of POPULAR V LITERATURE , SCIENCE , and ARTS . TartX ., Price Is ., THE GALLERY OF NATURE ; a Pictorial and Descriptive Tour through Creation , illustrative of the Wonders of Astronomy . Physical Geofirapliy , and Geology . A New and Revised Edition . l ? y the Kev . Thomas Milner , M . A ., F . R . G . S ., &c . To be completed in Seventeen Monthly Parts . Part XXII ., Price 7 d ., riHAMBERS'S OYCLOPiEDIA of ENGLISH \ J L ITERATUltE : a History , Critical and Biographical , of British Authors . With Specimens of their Writings . New Edition . Price 2 s . A RITHJVIETIC : THEORETICAL A 2 ? D . A . ¦ PRACTICAL . . New and Improved Edition . W . and R . Chambers , London and Edinburgh .
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Now ready , price 0 d ., containing 48 full and well-printed pages , with illustrations , the Sixth Number , for August , of KINGSTON'S MAGAZINE FOR BOYS Edited by WILLIAM H . G . KINGSTON , Esq ., Author of " Peter the Whaler , " &c . Nos . 1 to 5 are still to be had , price Od . each . London : BoswoRTH and Habrison , 215 , Regent-street
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87 THE LEADEB . [ No . 488 . July 30 , 1859 . ¦ ~ _ ii _ i .. ^_ Li ____ ji _ u .-M ^ BiL ^ LiiiM ^»» tT * Mm ^ Ml ^^^^ iMga » MBMWa ' * ** "" ^ MaaB * "ll ' MMall ' ^ MMIII ^^ MMBM ^** ^^
Leader (1850-1860), July 30, 1859, page 878, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2305/page/2/