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A llsopp ' s Pale Ale . —Eecommended by Baron Liebig , and all the Faculty , in the finest condition , direct from the New Brewery at Burton-pn-Trent , may noiv-be hnd of Messrs . Harrington , Parker , and Co ., who have REDUCE D thePJEUCE © f thia highly-esteemed beverage to . 4 s . 6 d . perdoien , IMPJEKIATL PINT .-S . ^ 9 d . per doeen . IMPERIAL HALF PINTS . Messrs . HARRINGTON , PARKER , & GO ., also supply Allsopp ' s Ales in casks of eighteen gallons and upwards . H PALL MALL , S . VvV
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(^ adiz . —A Pure Pale Sherry V ^ . of the Amontillado ch aracter , 38 s . per dozen Gash . We receive a regular and direct shipment of this fine Wine . ¦ HENllY BKETT & CO .,-Importers , Old Furnival's Distillery , Holbbrn E . C .
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Oiiapman and Hall ' s Piib-V ^ / X LICATIONS . In Two Volumes , demy 8 vp . THE LIFE OF FIELD MARSHAL ARTHUR . DUKE OF WEIalfTNGTOK . By Charms DnXK Yongp . With Portrait ; Blarta . . , and 5 faps . ' ' lOn Wednetday . ¦ ' Post 8 vo . price-5 s . OLD LEAVES GATHERED FROM " HOUSEHOLD WORDS . " By W . H . Wvlvs , . . [ January 15 th . ¦ In Two Volumes , post 8 vo . . ELP IE IN SICILY . ¦ [ On Wednttday , In crown 8 vp . . A VISION OF BARBAROSSA IN THE MOUNTAINS OF SALTZBERG , aud other POEMS . By WittiAM Stigant . [ Inlafeto day * . MR . DICKENS'S NEW WORK . In One Vol . demy 8 vo . price 9 s . A T A L E OF TWO C ITIE S . By Chari . es Dickens . With Sixteen Illustrations . In post 8 vo . price-3 s . ' . A NEW SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY . ggg ? By CnARUts Aixston Collins . With Two Illustrations by the Author . ¦ . ¦ ' In fcap . 8 vo . price 6 s . 6 d . THE MIND OF SHAKSPEARE AS EXHIBITED IN HIS WORKS . By the ReY . A . A . Morgan . [ This day . In post 8 vo . price 5 s . FABLES AND FAIRY TALES . By IIbnbt MoBLETi With Tlurty Illustrations by Charles Bennett . . A Second Edition , in demy 8 vo , with a Slap , price I 5 g . THE WEST INDIES and THE SPANISH MAIN . By Asthoni Tkohlofb , Author of Doctor Thome , " " Barchcster Towers , " &c . CHAPMAN & HALL , 193 , Piccadilly .
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Eau - de - Yie . —This Pure Pale Brandy ; though only 16 s . per gallon , is demonstrated , upon analysis , to be peculiarly free- from acidity , and very superior to recent importations of ver itable Cognac . In French bottles , 34 * . per dozen or Securely packed in a case for the cduntry , 35 s . HENRY BRETT & CO ., Old Furnival ' s Distillery , Holborn . To be obtained only-at their Distillery .
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The Surplice Shirt ( acknowledged as the most comfortable and durable Shirt ever yet produced ) , made to measure , 6 s . 6 d ., 7 s . Gd ., 83 . Cd ., and 10 s . 6 d . Cards for self-measurement . . . . JOHN SAMPSON , Hosier , 123 , Oxford Street , W .
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Greenhall , maker of the SIXTEE-N SHILtlNCr TROUSERS , 325 , Oxford-street , . London . AV \ ( Two doors west of the Circus . ) Overcoats , £ 2 2 s , Frock CoatSi £ 2 10 s . Dress Coats £ 2 10 s ., Morning Coats- £ 2 2 s ., Waistcoats 12 s ., Black Dress Trousers £ 1 Is . . : No . 3- - > 5 , Oxford-Street , W .
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When you ask for Glenfield Patent Starch , see that you get it , as inferior kinds are often substituted . Sold by all Chandlers , Grocers , &c , &c . WOTHEUSPOON and Co ., Glasgow and London . .
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Benson ' s Watches . " Perfection of Mechanism . "—Morning Post . Gold , i to 100 guineas ; silver , 2 to 50 guineas . ( Send two stamps for Benson ' s Illustrated Watch Pamphlet . ) Watches sent to all parts of the World free ner Post . ' . 33 and 31 , Ludgate hill , London , B . C .
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meeth without Springs . By 1 Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent . Improper Ma-tication and the Evils attendant thereon maybe avoided by wearing Artificial Teeth properly constructed and . of pure Materials . Mes .-rs . GAJJKIKL , the Old-Established Dentists' Treatise on the Loss and best means of Restoring the Teeth , explains their Sys'cin of supplying Artificial Mnt-ticators with Vulcanised Gum-coloured' India Kubber as a ba ^ se ; no metal whatsoever is used—springs and Ayires are entirely dispensed with , while a greatly increased amount of suction is obtained , together with the best rrinterials and rirst-class workmanship , at less than half the ordinary cost . —" Gabriel ' s Treatise is of importance to all requiring the dentist ' s aid , and emanating from such '» source , it maybe confidently relied oh . —United Service Gazette . ^ - " Thousands requirin" artificial teeth are deterred from consulting a dentist , ( earing the anticipated cost , or dread of failure—To all such we say , peruse ' Gabriel ' s Treatise . '" —Civil . Service Gazette . : Published by Messrs . Gabriki . ( gratis on application , "or sent on ! receipt of three postage stamps ) , at their establi .-ihmer frs , — -33 , Iiudgate-hill , and 110 ,. Regentstreet , London . Observe . name and numbers particularly ); and 134 , Duke street , Liverpool .
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Prize Medal Liquid Hair Dye . Only one application . Instantaneoust Indelible , Harmless and Scentless . In cases , post free , 3 s . 3 d . and 6 s .. direct from E . IT . LANGDALE'S Laboratory , 72 , ITatton Garden , London , E . G . "Mr . Langdiile ' s preparations are , to our mind , the most extraordinary productionsof Modern Chemistry . " —I Illustrated London Xews , July 19 , ISal . A long and interesting report On the products of E . F . Langdalc ' s Laboratory , by a Special Scientific Commission , from the Editor of the Lancet , will be found in that journal of Saturday , January 10 th , 1857 . A copy Will be forwarded for two stamps . AGENTS WANTED . THE NEW DISCOVERY— For the Kestoration iinri Reproduction of thn Hair . ^ - Mr . ILangdale guaranteeshiaQUINTESSENCE ofCANTHAKlPES most successful ns a restorative , also in checking groynes * , strengthening weak hair , and preventing its falling off ; most effectual in the growth of whiskers , mbiistachiop ,-& ' c . " The money immediatel y returned if not effectual ; Post free for 2 s . Cd . in Stamps . — Laboratory , 72 . IiMtton Garden . E . F . LaNG DALE'S RASPBERUYand CI 1 ER 11 Y T ( ) OT 1 I PASTE—The most delicious preparation ever produced for the Teeth , Gums , anil Breatlu Post free from the Laboratory , 72 , Hat ton . Garden , for Is . 3 d . in stamps . ¦ -
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A dministration of Justice X * . in INDIA . See the NEW QUARTERLY REVIE W for JANUARY . Price 2 s . 6 d . London : ROBERT HAKDWICKE , 192 , Picca- dilly , and all Booksellers .
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Just Published , 1 vol .-8 vo . With numerous Anatomical Plates . po 3 t free , on receipt of 12 stamps . 'XTita Yitalis . A . New Mediv ¦ ... eal Work on the Nat :: be , Trbatment . CouE ' of SrEBMATOuiuiotA ; and other DisEASES . -and consequent exhaustion of the NeuvoCs Sv'stem , caused by the errona of Man in youth and age producing a degeneracy of Mental and . Physical STftENuTii , terminating in debility , showing why these Diseases so often -appear incurable when in . reality they . can be effectually removed by the most simple means . By a Physician , &c . &c . ( registered under the New Medical Act , ) Address , Medicus . 1 !) Berners . Street , Oxford Street , London , Sold by J . Allen , 20 Wtirwick-Innv , l ' iiteruoster-rpw , and all Booksellera in Town or Country . . '
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Electrical , innuence in Health and Disease . Just pul . lished , price Is ,, free by post for 13 stamp ? , SE «; ON& LIFE ; or . Electrical Nervous Force : a Medical Work intended for the special perusal Of . nil who are suffering from the various modea of nervous and physical debility , and the distressing ulterior consequences to which they lend ; with practical observations on the great curative power of electro-galvanism in the treatment of those disorders , by-infu .-iiig tone and vigour in constitutions rclaNOfl or debilitated frpm various enervating causes ; Illustrated with cases compiled from the Note-book of a Registered MedicalPraCtitionor of twenty years ' stamiing . ... Unlike many vaunted restoratives , electricity is one which commends itself to the medical man as being accordant with , the soundest teachings of physiology . By the most obvious indication it admits of being shown that the electrical and nervous energies nru identical ; hence , that whon the latter fails , the former can take its place ; and that when , from irregularities of nny kind , the norvo ' us nystem has become debilitated , paralysed , or exhsvusted , and the putjent brought to a condition little short of total prostration , then , by the act ' on of electricity , imparting certainty and ctlicacy to modjoal treatment , he can bo reinvigorated , and his health ro-established to n dog-rue almost warranting the de .-ignation of Second Lite . Published by the nu , thor , mid may bo hud of Mann 30 , Cornhill , and all Hooksellern .
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~ f \ v . Corn well ' s Educational JlJ works . "A \ -ery useful series , of Educational . Works , of which l ) r . Cornwell is author or editor . TherGeography for Beginners is an admirable introduction . There is avast difficulty in writing a good elementary book , and Dr . Gbrnwell has ^ shown himself possessed of that rare combination of faculties which is rq ^ uired for the task . "—John null , . , / GEOGRAPHY FOR BEGINNERS , 5 th edition . Is . A SOlrOOL GEOGRAPHY , 27 th edition , 3 s . Cd . ; with maps , 5 s . f > d .- ; . ¦ - . A SCHOOL ATLAS , 2 s _ 6 d . plain , 4 s . coloured . ALLEN AND CORN WELL'S GRAMMAR , 28 th edition . 2 s . red . Is . 9 d . cloth . ' , GRAMMAR FOR BEGINNERS , 34 th edition , Is , cloth , » d , sewed . THE YOUNG COMI'OKER , 22 nd edition , ls . fid . SELECT EMiLISH POKI'RY . 11 th edition , 4 > i . THE SCIENCE OF ARITHMETIC , 5 th edition , ARITHMETIC FOR BEGINNERS , 3 rd edition i ? ( 5 d ' London : Sinipkin , Marshall , & Co . ; Hamilton , Adams , & Co . Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd .
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GREY HAIR RESTOlMSd TO ITS NATURAL COLOUR . Neuralgia , Nervous Headache . Rheumatism , and Stiff Joints cured by by F . M . HERH 1 NGS PATENT MAGNETIC BRUSHES , 10 . and 15 s . ; COMBS . 2 « . « d . to 20 b . Grey Hair and Baldness -prevented by F . M . H . a Patent Preventive Brush . Price -is . and 5 b . Oillces , 32 , Basinghall-stroet , London , where ma 7 be had ; Gratis , the fllustruted pamphlet ' Why Hair becomes Grey , and its Remedy . " Sold by all Chymists and Perfumers of repute . . ' . _ ' „__
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DK . DE JONGH'S ( Kniqht of the . Order of Leopold of JJelp ium ) LIGHT BB 0 WF COD HLIVEE OIL , Administered with the greatest sueveas in eases of Consumption , Bronchitis , Asthma , Coughs , Rheumatism , Gout , General Debility , Diseases of the Skin , Rickets , Infantile Wasting , and all Scrofulous Affections , Is inromparnbly superior to every other kind . The recorded ipventlgations of numbi ? rl the full beneliuliil clToets of Cod Liver Qll , who does not tnke Dr . ile . rough ' s cflvhrnted pure lA ^ Ut Brown Oil . opinion or EDWIN LANK BStEB , Esq ., M . I ) ., F . n . S . Lale Lecturer on the . Vmcticr . of Physio at St . Georufn Medical School , Hiqmrintcndcnt of the Food Collection at the South Kensington Museum , < tc , < t- <\ " I relieve that the purity uiul Kenulneues * of this Oil nre necured in its prei'iiratlon by the pemonnl littenlli n of so good n Chymlst i » n < ' Intelligent |» l > hy » iclun as Ur . ( h > Joiik' » . who linn ulno wrlltmi the boHt medlcul troidise on the Oil with which I mil uwiuulnted . Hunte 1 shoiihl deem the Cod . I ^ lver Oil , sold under Ids guarantee , to be preforablo to nnr oilier , Kind a * regarus genullioness and medicinal e'flicnoy . " Sold i ) wi . v JN Imi'isiuai . llulf-l'liUn , as . ( 3 d , i Pints , 4 a . i ) . \ . Quarts , Va ., cnp ^ ujetl , and labelled with Dr . i > k Joxou ' a stamp and » i » , Miatiiro , withoup which n () , vk caw rosuriii . v uk ohnuink , by renpt'i'tubU' ChfiulstH . SOI . K CONHIGNJCES . ANSAH , HAHKOUI ) , K CO . 77 , 8 TRANU , F-ondiin , W . C .
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Medical Advice . —Dr . j LA'RIElvr , ncKistert ' d L . S . A ., Hoiiorury I Member of the J ; ondon fjospltol Medienl Society , M . D , of the University of KrlanKm , &c , may be (? ONSUI / rKD on all Cases of Ueljllity , . Nerv () iisTie .- < 8 f ana the Intim . ltlea of VouWt and Mniurltv . from 11 till T and from 0 till H , at hia rosldence , . S 7 , HRl ) l < OUDaQUAKK , F . ONJJION . o , , i ; r . La'MEUThaBjiist iiubllahed , jirlee Sixpence , with numerous RnKravlngs aiul Cuse « , a New Edition- of his M'orHentlOed . i > kkseuvatio Ni which will be nent frov , In a sealed envelope , by Mann , : «> , Cornhill , London , or by thu Author , to uiiy ndureaa , , for eight stumps , | CO ^ TMNTM : Mnnhootl—Tn » o and l ''»| fle Morullty , Mnrrlat ; e In Its Mornl , Social , and I'hyHleol Uoliitloi . s , Spcrmiitorrhion . IniMurtance of Moral I ) l 8 cl | 'lllic . Tri'iium-nt of JSi-rvouh I ) Uoas ( f » .--I ) an ({ or () UH Hunultuof vnr , | oun Hazardous apecltlc * . The Author ' s I ' rlnvlplca "f Treatinvnt : Medical , Dietetic , uiul Genoral , ( U-rlvid from Twenty vearft' successful practice .
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CKRTAIN . JMI 3 ANS OF SELF CURK . An Act of Charity . A Gentlcman IinvlnR boon cured of nervoua debility of lone standing , the result of early crrorB , and after much montnl and bodily suffering , thinks it . but charitable to render such information to others similarly situated n ' s may rt'Ktorc thorn to henltn without exposure . Full particulars Hunt to nny uihlress , by enclosing twovpoxtaeo stamps to pro j my postage . Addret * T 1 IOMAH HOVVAUU , Kaq ^ Chvehouse , near MrmiiiKhairi .
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A Boon to Nervous S ' uf-FKUKRS . — Tlie " Now Medical Guldo for Uratullous u'irculutlon . A N * : nvot . ' ti . Suftkrem having ; lii'on ' elTeotUrtlly cMircil of Nervous Debility . Losh ol Memory , Diimuiar * ol'Slght . LiiHHlttule , and Ii . i < ffCf tlon , by following the instructUm . s « lvoii In the MKDICAL aUlDK , Jio coiisldora il ; IiIh duty , I" gratiHide to the author , and for the bum-lit of otherd , to publish the moaiifl uned . He will , thoroforo , nerid poat free , 0 ? i receipt of u directed unvvlope , mid two Btnmpa . « ooiiy of ¦ tlio book , containing every ¦ Itilorriintlon rpniiireil . A ( Ulro «« , . »* miw Wm . i . ack , K » q ., WiKord Mount ' , liurton Ort'scout , Tavlstook bquare , LoikIoii . \ y . C .
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ON MARllIAGIi . New Edition . Enlarged U ) KM piiROH , IHiiHtrnicMl by KH ) Anatoniioul Coloured Knrtraviiiati on SHujI , Jiwt publl « ho < U ana Dent uy Medicos direot from 11 »« l--i » labllMhinei ) t , JW . of two penny mninpn , TUH HI . M 5 N I * ' r Sror ! on riiu IiUmi 1 ohh . poii »«<| Uohocmi from t w so or . yor * WK .. Wi «^ ' ?» X ' r * SSr ^
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HEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . St atistics show thtit Fifty ' -ThouHiind I ' erijon » niiMun 1 ly foil vIcHiiih to 1 ' nlniomiry Disorders , liHtlu « lli ) K ConflUinptlon , l / lnoabod of t ? ie Chcnt , lOirt . tho Ifcnplratovy Oiwins . I ' roventlou Is nt i » 1 M | iik ' S belter tlmn euns bo , thoreloro , proniu'ud durhiK tlio wet ftnd wliitry "i ' . ? SV < OV ' . V- . J * iupply of KK ATI NO'S COUGIi I . OXIKjVOIi'H , wliluli posHOrifl tho virtue * of avertlDK , aa well u » of curing n Cough or Cold . l ' nl ( Hirail hikI Hold In Moxob , la . JM ., and Tln « , \ ia . ihL . Jh . fld ., ami 10 h , ( Id . ench , by TUOMA . S TvICAtLnu . CliomlBt . fcc , 70 , St . i ' huI ' b Cliuroliyurd , London . Jletall by all OniRKl <» t 8 '
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BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHISUMATIC PILLS , l ' rloo lfl ; HJd . and 2 * . 0 d . par box , r rhis preparation is one of -I- thobonofits which tho Hpleiico of modern chomistry has conferred upon mankind i for during tho flr « t twentyyeiirsof the |) rtmcnt century to Biiuak of ucuroTur Oio Gout wafl oonddurod ' a roin . un > e . ; but now Mio << moucy and' sufuty of thin mod-taino In » i > l"iiHy demonutnitod , by unaollolted towtlinonlaU fnun-porecmri l-u ovtry rank of llfo , that publlo opinion ppoc | nliim tlila aa one of tha iuont Importantdltfooverlen ,, of ( he preacnU age . Theao J'llla cofin'ro no runtpalnt ofillet oi ' 6 onnnomont during their urn , and are certain tu ni'cvqnt the ( Uboiibo uttucldng any vital part . Sold by all medicine vendor * . Observe " TliomiVri 1 'rontv 22 P , Strand , London , " on Vhu government Httuuii .
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Jan . 7 , I 860 . ] The Leader and Saturday ^ Analyst . % &
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 7, 1860, page 25, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2328/page/25/