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pte&Wi ® & MK fcitffc miM f ¥ & % i ontile fedht ^^ ^^^ iaya ^^ cW ^^ them'oUf jprotedliote , 4 * tt $ tttfBfe Praise tterri in # i sb ^ eWpi % sig 1 # as tbsyi ^ qca ptt ^
labofario 0 Uiaite ^ tfei ^ Cn ; ^ $ l ^^ a © t %£ i ^^ n ^ ^^^ d ^ tH ^ liWMii fti fCTedotote % ^ ih ^ w * ra ^ th&h fyB 0 Mlv % sAyjte the cat and the bamboo are not here recognized among ^ le ^ ffitiaW' ^ ers u ^ - SHre ^ fiwliit 4 ^^ i ^ s ^ ffeo § W outcasts of nature' rntry - re ^ tap ft ^ n : % e tlgw ^ tolessaatid ^ ttie ^ i ^ el ^ -in She wantonnesis of C theiV ^ u ^ our ^ tr % '^^ £ . te&edi , agidrfPilt ? b& al ^ eksary , they are supported at the ? pfieeMii ; iof
Thfc ^ eiaP % fro ^ a tlcie ,: stupidity , and brutality , wBl no (^ availv W ^ ^ S re ^ tsaiibfb ^ li 6 } din ^ the Afrieefn in ca ptivity ^ even if it Were trpptjlal ffi fe hopelessly ) so ^ which expterience , in numerous instances , disproved . Btit % e maligners of Afrteaa capability have doubtless blotted St ' Dottfngo BrBqi their charts af the West-Tndian Islands , or they have sonie thetxry td p ^ ve a special inspiration . They cannot allow that liberty alone has" tiiad ^ % iieri
of miserable and brutal slaves-. ; * ^ Slavery has existed in all ages . " So have robbery and rndrcl ^ r , '' faiit time ha& not sanctibned them ; and for many reasons , Which ev ' ein Slaveholders can understand , they never will be esteemed laudable , except t ^ e wholesale butchery and spoliation of war . To plead the length of tirrre tHat Slavery has existed ^ unless it could be proved that it is good in itself , fe oili ^ urging an argument for taking the more zealous measures for its aijontiSru
A disease that lias long existed , has worked itself the more deeply intb ftie ' system , and requires a more radical cure . Let us lose no time , meiK , aritl let us spare no pains , lest the worst evils come upon us through neglect . " But robbery and murder have existed contrary to law , Slavery t $ the connivance and protection of law / ' That is only saying , legislators in all ages have been deficient in a proper sense of justice , for wrong is h 6 t rriade right because it is sanctioned bylaw , else , why are not all laws like the laws of the Medes and Persians for ever unalterable ? If up to this time
men in power have not had sufficient honesty to conduct themselves cdnscientiously towards the weak and defenceless , it is time for those wffo are hot men in- power to teach them their duty , and loudly and fearlessly to deniandf its ^ perforinanc 0 . They are not to continue to go wrong because they tiav& once set out in a path of iniquity . f ifi the Wes are
i * JN ^ gro-Slave ^ t Indies better fed , better clothed , better lodged * and altogether better off than the labouring pbpulation of Gr ' eat Britairit ^ If this Were true , it would prove nothing that it is intended to prove . Thereimay be degrees of oppression and misery , but the least degree is still oppression and' rtiisery , and is a shameful wrong , though it fs lesslhan sdtne otheriwroijg . The qf westion is not a question of degre ^ s ^ but of j ustice 6 r in |» dtkB ^ w right l 0 ? no right . To thrust out one eye bf a rnan is riot so ba 4 ; a ^ t ^ f thr ^ t uodt both ; but that is rio reason why one sfioul < i bfe \ lihrt i& oxte ^ Tfafypmt ^ a cbmpari ^ ori of evils is VAefe tnckery
in Slavery . Perhaps-Xihe ^ Men ^ ha * e in soM rW # slit ^ aiBed ^ h * J mwkr&hy mfrHtibmg aj ^ ea ^ rf 6 uilde ( l ort % dby ^ videH ^ mii ^ m ^ mmi ^ ^ ih ^ My ^^ comprehend that there may be foul oppression yhlife ^ r ^ fe ^^^^ rj ]^? , o ^ iftpris ^ BWe ^ t ^ ttr ^ GnSi ^ eilJn ^ oficb ^ y ia ^ s § W , * id ^ 4 s \^ lU the ^ fbre ^ tb irie ^ tlieffi that mWessfeffi in tltetwtewlbfUBS te < iyteti % W ^^ WoWoVs W tKe ° West fmw $ m Wh $ l \ tt
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742 TVvst-TndwtC ' Stnperfc
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Nov. 2, 1830, page 742, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2590/page/14/