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Jort published , to be completed ia twenty -fnar weekly trambera , price Si , or in « ix monthly parts , price It ., Part 1 , of the
AF AMILIAB TREATISE on the means of preferring health and toe domestic treatment f diseases , particularl y adapted to the use of tht industrious classes ; BY MATTHEW FLETCHER , . ' Member of the Eojal Collegw of Surgeon * , & , Bury , Lancashire . PnblUhed -b yA . Cohbett , London ; and "VTilliaa ^ i ^ Manchester ; and sold by J . Hobson , Northern Star Office , Leefc , and by all BookWe * aaa . News Agents .
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RUNAWAY APPRENTICE . T EJT b « Master , January 1 st , a Ynon * Man , JJ lwentyyevsof age , ' had on when he ief-, a blue cloth eoat , brown cloth trowser * , and blue waistcoat , stands frre feet ax inches hi ^ h , rather fcght complexion , good looking , by trade a bjaiektwth ; apprenScetoS 4 w «| ? a , flargrea . Teii * f JL » »^ ' Croit , nf * r . HaB&x . A » y pema . *«*»*«» ' Jwm and lodging aim in any of pot Majesty * * gr * ots wi-. i be rewarded , by applying to Mr . Edward Ha * , crbatbs , «« « be * e . A * y patsest deteiojog him cfter thi « notice « fli fa ^ pMsecatcd . r - -
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i TO ADVEETXIBBB , &c . THE YORK HERALD , PUBLISHED ETIRT SATURDAY , XKD THE YORK COUKAXT , PUBLISHED ETERY THURSDAY , HATE again been proved the Two LEADING YORK JOURNALS ; and , cocsM ^ nrU the BEST PAPERS TOR ADTKKllSh " MENTS . The last Government Return of - Nrw ^ pHp . r Stamps has officially announced the hich -hp-ioAt . of the YORK' HERALD and the COU KAN «' . The following are the numbers of the re * prc a --York Newspapers , for the Six Months t- ? . i : ; Erp ; enib * r 30 , 1333 : — YORK HERALD .. 89 . 000 YORK COURANT b-, 5 D 0 Yorkshire Gazette 43 0 0 York Chronicle S , uOO '" HeTu-e it will be seen that , in the last Sis Month * the YORK HERALD has primed 46 , 000 more " than the Gazette ) and 81 , O ° 0 more than the Chronicle . Also , that The YORK C'TKANT la * printed 19 , 500 more than the Gazelle , au .. 54 , 500 more than the Ckrtmicle . It wriil also be Sven , by reference to the four !* , Government Returns , that there have UtIi ! -. ?» :.. Two Hundred Thousand HERA LDS -a :. , . COURANTS pr inted and circnlated , ; u ihr u « Twenty-one Months , more than of a' ! r ^ ,. ; : ,- Papers of York put together . — Two Hundred Thousand !!! AGverdsers in ' Newspapers will not r * -a-i ; lv fi . rget this " proud pre-eminence ; " nxtd , af-rr Vut .-h a statement , they will not inquire which are tee two LEADING JOURNALS of the City . The HERALD is one of the Large > t , Cheapest , sxd the Best EoHo Papers in the Kin ^ m ; u ia >* o the great and only correct SPORTING PAPER of the North . The YORK COURANT contains 48 cicely-¦ pr . z-. ed Columns , price obIt Fourppnce Ha . l'pr-niiv , and , as a FAMILY QDA * RTO PAPER , ba ^ ' o Equal .
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NATIONAL CONVENT k / N . AT A PRELIMINARY MEETING OY DELEGATES hcl-i at Bury , DR . FLETCHER , in the Chair . PRE 8 = TjrT MR . FEARGU 5 O'CONNOR , We-t-Ridra ? . REV . J . R . STEPHENS , Asbt&n-v ..-r-L \ ue . MR . MATTHEW FLETCHER , Bcry . ' MR . JAMES TAYLOR , Rochdile . MR . JOHN DEEGAN , Hyde . MR . J . R . RICHARDSON ' , Manch ^ ter . US . JAMES MILLS , Oldham . It tt ^ s Resolted , Thai the Delesate * pre'rat approve of the letter ¦ of the Oidham Political Union , recommending a preparatory meeting of the 1 ' ele ^ ates to the Cenveii - fioa . elected by the Northern Counties at * ome early period . That R . J . Richardson be instnictr'd bj thi > meeting to summon all the Delegates elected ro rezre * cnt the various Towns in the Counties of Lancashire , Yorkshire , Cheshire , Westmoreland , Cumberland , ^ Northumberland , and Durham , to attend at Manchester , to be Deli in the Political L ' ukc Poom-, Carpenter ^ ' Hall , on MONDAY , JANUARY 7 th , 1 S 3 S , at Twelve o ' clock , to take into consideration the present ? tate of trie j ; n-ni qresr . on of Universal Suffrage , and adnpt prelim :-: ary mfassres previous to the aj-seintliiig - or the general Convention in London . Tna ; these procet-din ^ be advernse *} in tie 'Stm hern Star , and the Northern Lib > -rat < tr . R . J . RICHARDSON , Sec . Pro Tem . Saiford , Dec . Sth , 1838 . Shortly will be published , The R . J . R . Stephkns ' s LECTT'RES on PEACE and WAR . delivered at tbe . VIai ; :-f :.-sfr-r P-v . itca . 1 Union Booms . Pric-e Twopence ; A « : ent * , E- ; bsj 2 , Le ^ ds : Hrvvrood , Mancbe > -er .
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A PvEALELESSING TO MOTHERS . IMPORTANT INFORMATION . ATKINSONS IXPANT PRESERVATIVE , PREPARED only by Kobekt Barkbk , ( latt Atkinson and Barker . ) his nephew and successor , D"uc ? ist and Apothecary , No . 1 Market Place , jl ? nfheitKr , in moulded bottles , at Is , 1 ^ -J .,-2 s . 9 d . a ~ i -4 s . 6 d . each . The >; Infant ' s PreserratiTe" is a pleasant , innocent , and most efficacious carminative , adapted for tir prevention and core of those complaints to which nifants are sabjtct ; as affections of the bowels , di : ik-uit teething , convalsions , rickets , c \ . . & . c . as ¦ frii as an admirable assistant to nature d-ring tbe prorress jf the hu ^ ping-congh , the measles and the cow-pox , or vaccine inoculation . Erery person who wishes to have the ' medicine genuine will please to observe , each bottle has up b t ae stamp affixed over the cork tbe name of ' Robert Barker , JYo . 1 , Market-place , Manchettrr , ' e ^ sravtrd thereon , by favour of her majesty ' i com-Siiss : v 2 crs of Stamp duties . THE CELEBRATED ROSE LINIMENT , I " 3 " Sore Nipple ? , is recommenced to all mothers ¦ who wish to enjoy ; hat highest of all maternal gTatini-irions—the suckling of their own infants , as a Q ' - >
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J . G . WOMB WELL ~ P ESPECTFULLY intimates to the Inhabitants It of HUDDERSFIELD , that the stay of bi < Collpcrion is limited ; and Notice will be given of rhr la > --t Dsy of exhibitinit for the present Season ; and al * o takes this Opportunity of returning Thanks for the liberal Support he has been honoured with since his arrival . N . B . The Collection will vi = it Dewsbtjry and ^ asefield in the ensaing WeeV , and afterwards ail fhe principal Towns in tbe Ridings of Yorkshire . Rot ? . ] Mnn ^ er-ri p . Jan . 2 , 1839 .
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A CERTAIN CURE . FOR COUGHS , COLDS , ASTHMAS , INFLUENZA ? , CONSUMPTION , HOARSENESS SHOUTNESS OF BREATH , &c , the nvrrnn < in ^ 'sures iu which PAULS A . MERI C \ N BA 1 . 5 A M has effected a perfect cure in tbr oh , iT r cntniila ^ n' * , have procured for it a very im-: ><> rta . v , T y \ : ir-r in the list of specific remedies . Dr . T . rnr-r . tntt- Lecturer at the Lnndon Univer .-itv , r » -mr ; rk « that ~ 't * effects are most wonderful . Snld i : 5 Rnttl ^ at Is . l £ d ., 2 * . 3 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s . » -afh . Lik-wi « e FOR HEALTH , CLEAR SKIN , and LONG
LIFE , PAULS DR . BAILLIE'S FAMILY APERIENT PILLS , for both Sexes , an effectual r emedy for inrHge ' stion , bile , giddiness of tbe head , , ' i ! ps e' -ut , &c ., acting mildly but effectuall y , with-> . t iiriping the inside , they destroy wrens , purifv fhe s _ v < - err \ , ani eradicate all external eruptions iiiijiles humours , Sic , and restore to the Skin a - ' -p . r . he . thhy , and blonming appearance . Sold in Box- at l-. " lAd ., 2-. 9 d ., 4 s 6 d ., and 11 s . each .
WONDERFUL TESTIMONIALS . Mrs Smith , plumber , pninter , and glazfer '> wfc , Kii ; £ «' a ;! d r'lart , bnd been for roan * ) ear > troubled with a violent i-onah and w ? .-tujg away ni the frame , which had conrined hfr to ber bed !<> r ; i length of time . Severn' eminent medi al in ^ n u t-rr ef o , ininn That > h » could n > -v » -r re-ovi-r , a .- * c * nn > umprion had taken p ! -. icp . " ^ hH bail i » 'kh been um ' er i ' t Di- 'punsarv for tbe t-ure nf ciii ^ unipnon : md a > : hniH-, h \ it without producing tbe 1 -d > : al !> -vijiintj "t ibti < ea > = e ; the husband w ; i" iu ' ormtd thnc Paul > American Balsam bad pert ' nriiie'l very ex ranrrtin . in cares , was determined to try ir ; and wonrivrful tn relate , tvfore * br had thkni ihrt-r b < itflr- « , and u > f-ri 4 * a mild aperient , Paul ' s I ) r . Ba > Hi « - ' s Pi ! * , she wa < enabled to get up and far a mutrnu chop , auii nrfnre she hnd taWen fi-e bot'lt-s -he wai cunptt- civ rps'o' -rd to health and performer ) a ri ^ y ' s lrcmini :.
R : chard viATNES , of L ppt-r Urouud btrret Bi atrkfna'i , ligbtrrroan , had berii tmubled with a inns- viiijt-nr cnugb for sereral winters which u < rd !• ¦¦> rn :: fi :-p him to bi '' bt-d fnr werk * . and he ha ^ ¦ Ls ^ iv rl thr proprietor that he attribute * it solely to trie rff' -cf-i of tbe Am * -rif"an Bnt-arn and his Dr . RHiilie ' s Pill .-, ibat he hws not bft-n confined to his H- * d thi < vnn't-r . Fur CHILRIATN ? . GOUT , RHEUMATISM , SPRAINS , BRUI-E-, &c , KING ' S RUSSIAN EMBROCATION , is without excep"i"t : the b-- - rniifdv in the atmvf comiil « inu , not in -i -ii . i ? le in « tant-e ha- < it t-vrr heeu known to fail . Snlrl in hnrr !^ x . t 1-. 9 d ., 2 s . 9 . 1 ., and 4 s . 6 d . each .
The above raluable Menic : n-. » are prepared only H y C . KlSG , ( la . 'e P ^ ui ) , 232 , Blackfriar ' s R < vdd , L ' rnHnn , Hud > r . ld wholesale and rt-tail by the tollo * - 'Ti ^ A Jf ' nts- Hargrove ' s Lil > ran , 9 . Cone ^ -street , York ; Bart-lay and Sons , FarnntdKU-sireet , Nt-vrb-ry aIJ ^ Edwards St . Pau l ' s Su-t- . u , Bo * Cnarch Ynrd Prew , Heyward , and Co ., Tnnity-lane , Hannay , 6 : } , Sanger , 150 , Os- ^ -wt , \ V , 1-lou ^ nhv , 61 , Bis bnp « gat" ^ r .-.-t . H-. iNe an . l Co ., Leadenbill-s-reer , anrt by all WhoW . le aui Retail medicine vei d ^ rs in Town und Country . OBSERVE —CAUTION Unprincipled Meni-. inrYend-rs supp l y Spu r . -.,,.. \ l « m-in ^ , f . » r the ^ . drrculirk in Hit . Baillies Pill > , rh- » i e .. uine ; ,, > , C . Kiusf , ( 'atr l ' -a- ' j , on rhe Goverun . pnr ^ tu .
np > T ,, Atf-n < fr > r L .-c'K-M . J . Hub-OS , Northrru Stnr OJi v , and Mr . K . C . Hay , Medical Hall , S ' unJ-Street .
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AT a MEETING of such of the Inhabitants of the Town and Nei ghbourhood of Leeds , iu the County of York , as are made chargeable with or towards the . Rates or Assessments , or any of them , authorised to be Raised and Levied , in pursuance of an Act of Parliament made and passed in tbe Fifth Year of the Reign of his lat * Majesty King George tne Fourth , entitled "An Act for Li ghting , Cleansing , and Improving tbe Town and-Neighbourhood of Lkbj >« in the County of York , " and of other Acts thereim recited , duly convened and held at the Vestry of the Pariah Church ( St . Joan ' s , ) in Le ^ ds , on Thursday , the Third Day of January , J 839 , to Nominate and Appoint Nineteen Commissioners for executing the- said Act , and such parks of certain Acts therein rec , tt-d , a « are not thereby repealed , together with the Justices of the Peace lor tbe Borough of Leeds . MR . CHARLES TURKINGTON in the Chair . Resolved , —That the following Gentlemen be and they are hereby appointed Commiasiouera for lue ensuing Year :
Mr . CHARLES TURKINGTON . — MATTHEW OUTHWAITE . — MAT 1 HEW KITCHEN . — RICHARD PYATT . — DANIEL ATKINSON . — EGBERT BEAN . — JOHN GARLAND . — JUSHUA BOWER . — ROBERT WE ARE . — WILLIAM COOPER , — CHARLES SCARBOROUGH . — ROBERT PERR 1 NG . — WILLIAM FARRER . — HORATIO WOOD . — PE 1 ER LAW ATKINSON . — JOHN MhTCALFE . — WILLIAM RA 1 STRICK . — GEuRGE LRABTREE . — \\ M . THOMAS HOLLAND . CHARLES TUttRINGTON , Chairman . That tbe Thank * of the Meeting be given tn the chairman t . ir the aMe manner in which he has presided at this llet-titig . Leeds , 3 rd January , 1839 .
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CHAtt ^ NGE TQ GlJ ^ k BLIN&NfcS ^ MR . BAXTER , from Hull , ( pfeMe to obwrre tbe name ) * bo ha « performed » mch extraordinary Curen on persons ¦ " many of whom bare oten blind for fire , ten , fifteen , twenty ; thirty , vat fortyfive years , beg * to annouuee to the . PobJio . that he . has permanently taken dp his Residence" in Leeds , and will pledge himself to cure all extern ) Disease of the : £ ye ,-DintaeN ' - uf Sight , &i ^ without blisters , bleeding , seton , usues , or any reftraint of Diet . Cataracts I cannot oort , as I make no ow of an instrument to any Eye . In cases of ATOadronis , I , can tell if there be any hopes after the first Application I make to the Eye . "
The following are only a few , amongst the almoat innumerable Caeca that 1 have made perfect . TneJ are inserted at the express de-jre of tbe parties : — Wm . Maib , Gardun-ntreet , Hull , blind fortyfire years of one fye , Iwtfrpm tbe Small'Pnx , wa > restored to Sight in « ix weeks re is to distmnpiNh any object . Th « ether Eye , the mo ^ t daiigrrous jiver man perceiv « ed was made perfect in th * t tiiae , *^ -i % VJDg bee ^ o oot-patient at the Dwpmwaty fir wfete ^ en ^ eeia . Thi . « wa » acknqwlwigwl jhv . ? . ?** - ^ « M * Pd «< - ' * i Faculty-, a « well as tue Innaflf ^ ats of Bm * & # wonderfu l < Vur ^; ever pfr-Jgrined , ' f&f * ' -could giC ^ bout the . pwa by btnwfif in a fostm ^ Bt after hftvidg been Jvd bTiuJ » o many yean .
Mks . FlbHEB , Short-Htreet , Hull , blind for thirty yeans , made perfect , after all other medical aid had failed , and can now see to thread the small needle . Mr . Marshall , publican , Fox and Grapt > x , Pottery , Hull , blind oHme Ey « for tvn \ earn , and had given up all hopes of ever being restored to sight again , was penectly cured in * two months This gentleman had previousl y heen under three Oculists in . London , and many otner medical gentlemen . Mr . Palmer , Barrow , in Lincolnshire , blind , and had been for a long time , was y : \ ven U (> * . « incurable by a most eminent Physician , but can now see to read the smallest print .
Mr . Elt , Waterhouse-luue , Hull , blind , and wa * reduced to such a weA state of he . tlth , b ) Mister * , &c ., that he could not rise frum hm chair nitti , > ui assistance ; the instrument hemg used to one eve eight times—the other four , bur , all to no nervic-e But after being under Mr . B . ' s treatment for s > . x weeks , wa * able to both read and write , and wait about in a gdbd state of health . Mr . NkwsdMe ' s Son , Snoemnker , High Church Side , Hull , blind from tde me-wies , Wrts perlecth cured in three weeks , after being uuder tlie lie t o advice for five months . Benjamin Harland . No . 2 , Sydurv-coun , Bourns-street , Hull , t . lind of . me E ^/ c he other u ! a dreadful state of inflammation , ueru-ctl \ curoi m one month after other advice had tailed .
Elizabeth Robinson , Cnnsropher street , Sculcoates , Hull , four years of age , blind , piriecth cured in a « hort time . Mr . Muddv ' s ooii and daughter , in Oshournestreet , Hull . Both perfectly cared in one week ot a severe Inflammation in the eyes . The elde-t not thr « e years of a ^ . Sarah Twidkll , Albro- ^ rert , Wincomlee , Hull , blind , and had been declared incurable b _ f a very skilful Physician . Re * ored to Mgbt in n fortni ght ; this girl was placed under my " care b y twelve Gentlemen , the Guardian * , Churchwarden * , &c , of Sculcoatea .
Daniel M'Carthy , Old Dock Side , Hull , Perfectly cured in one week of a severe inflammation in the Eyes , which proceeded from gett-ng a piece of not iron in one eye , when working at Mr . Oldham ' n , finith and mill * ri ^ ht , Sculcoaten . Mr * . Thompson , of Newland , near Hull , blind of one Eye three years , the other much afflicted , perfectl y cured in one month . William Parkinson , No . 44 , Vienna-street , York-street , Leed . vwhn had been nearl y b : ind for twenty-three years , alter having been under Mr . B . ' s treatment only a fortnight , was able t" read . This was not external compaitit , hut proceeded from a compression of tbe ucrvex by redundant humours , liu ' cb , ! , dd itfey hot Ixut " <) ra ; uw ) otf , would havs ) ended in total darkmss , that in , Gutte Serena .
Mrs . Abhton ' s son , George the Fourth Inn , Meadow Lane , Leeds . Blind of one Eye , and afflicted of the other . The one Eve mace perfect in a fortni ght , and wicb the other can distinguish any object . Richard Redman , the son of Dennis Redman , a weaver , late of Leed » , but now at Sraumngle ? , near Laeds , was blind and has bei n under Me > lieal Advice for years without any hope of recovery , bui after being under Mr . R . ' s treatment for six weeks , one eye was made perfect , and with the other be can . < ee to read . Those cases will bear the strictest scrutiny and the Medicine ^ can be applied to the y •¦ unrest infants with perfect wate > y .
Mr . B . is successor to his Fat , er , who stood unrivalled for forty years . 'I lie i a « e \» h mentioned was the first placed unaet tue present Mr . B . ' m care . Asoldit-rin Hull , who was blind in the year 1813 , was restored to Si ^ ht , and mude perfect in two months , after having been di < charSkeil Burnt from the Hospitals of London , York , Leeds , and Hull . This soldier will bear out , from nil that is now stated , his experience for twenty-rive \ ears . Mr . B . has now been fire tnnnibs in Leed « , and has restored the si ght ot forty persons , made fifr \ perfect , 2 » 0 others are now under his care , whose improvement is highly satisfactory .
Mr . B . will be at the An ^ el Inn , Sheffield , on Monday and Tuesday , Jannaiy 7 th and 8 fh ; ami at the King ' s Head Inn , Barn-1 \ , on Thuisdax and Friday , January 10 th and 11 th . For the-in .-. \ three months Mr . B . will attend at arty place m . ri , six Patients may require his attention . Meantime he leaves an experienced person in charge of hi-Establishment at borne , by whom his CatieuU uill be attended as efficiently as b y himself . Observe No . 4 , Merrion-Street , on tne ri ght hand side of Wade Lane , as there are two bouses numbered 4 .
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Copy of a Letter from Herbert Mayo , Esq ., F . R . S ., Semvr Surgeon to Middlesex Hospital , nml Professor of J ,, atomy and Pathology , King ' * College , London , fyc . fyc . To Thomas Holloway , Esq . SirWill
, — you excuse this informal answer ? The Ointment which you have went me has heen ol Use in ALL the crws in which I have tried it ; send me , if you please , Home more in a few days ' time ; I have enough for the present . Yours truly , H . MAYO . 19 , George St ., Hanover Square , April 19 ,. 1837 .
HOLL O WAY'S UNIVERSAL FAMILY OINTMENT will be found far more efficai-lous jn the following Diseases , than any other Remed y extant : —riz . Ulcers , Venereal Ulcers , Bad Legs , Nervous Pains , Gout , Rheumatism , contracted and stiff Joints , Pains of the Chest and Bones , difficult Respiration , Swellings , and Tumours , &c . Irs effects have been astonishing in the most severe Cases of Stony and Ulcerated Cancer , Scrofula or King ' s Evil , in all Skin Diseases , as Ringworm , Scald Heads , &c , and in ¦ B urns , soft Corns , Bunions , &c \ 540 Medical Certificates , most of wnich » re from the first Medical Authorities , such as her Majesty ' s Sergeant Sur-^ eon ; Sir B . C . Brodie , Bart . * ; and such like eminent Names must for ever set at rest all doubt ** t «» the superior efficacy of tbi * Remedy .
Sold b y the Proprietor , 18 , Broad Street Build'tigs , City , L-wdnh , at ) d by all respectahle wholesale md retai . Medicine Venders throughout the Kingtorn , in Pots , at Is . l £ d ., 2 s . 9 d ., and 4- » . 6 d ., each . I he largest size contain * six of the smallest , and 'be second size half the quantity of the largest .
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PUBLIC DINNER . p HE Radicals of Bradford and its Neiphbour-1 hood , having determined to give a PUBLIC DINNER tu Uinr 'Irue unit Trustworthy Friend . nd Drcfjar .-, PETER RC 6 SEY , Esq ., Member ¦ f ttie National Convention . NOIICK IS HER 1 . BY GIVEN , Thar Huch DINNER will tike plnee in tbe Odd Krllows' Hau ,, cw Monday , / he 14 th of January , 18 . st ) , at S ' Tcu o ' cioi t ii itn- Evening . li ^ ke-. s 2 < . eHch . t > l-e ti . «« i ot Mr . Ibbhtson , i > ooksell > -r , Mdrket- , l . ct , ami of Mr . Wilkinson , hook .-e . ier , VSe . t ^ . ife , and will continue for sale unril Monday , llh 7 i | j , . i ; , y , if January , 1839 . Tn ^ followitig Gentii-men have been invited to artend : — Fear ^ us O'Connor , Esq ., John Fielden , E-q ., M . P ., Mr . J . P . Cobhrtt , Mr . William Kider , Mr . Pitketlilv , and Mr . W . Hill .
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TO GROCERS . A DESIRABLE AND WELL ESTABLISHED BUSINESS may be entered on Immediately . The Situ uion is one r , t' ( h- ^ mo « t Eligible in the Town of . HULL f ie House is Kenlete wuli every kind oi C him-u i : c , containing teevi-n Kootns , beside * the : mk » p . Reut Terj- iow , and let on Le ; ise . The Business has hcen Ertablished , and Increasing , for Twelve Year *; and is now oniy given up iu eons-quince ot tue . present Occupier leaving the 1 own , Tut- s nvK * ud fixtures will not exceed £ 200 . .- ¦ - « Every nal- r .. ry Information may be bad ol Thomas SMiia , upon the Premises , Osbornt Stre-t , Huxl .
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MR . SAMUEL LA' MERT , SURGEON ( Licenciate of the Apothecaries' Hall , London , and Honorary Member of the London Hos pital Medical Society , &c . ) having devoted his studies lot many years exclusively to the various diseases of the Generative Organs , and to the successful
TREATMENT OF THE VENEREAL DISEASE , IN all its forms , embracinggonorrhcea , gleets , seminal weakness , and strictures , eruptions and nocturnal pains , so frequently mistaken tor scurvy diidiheutjnatism , also to the fri ghtful consequences re .- > ulting from that destructive practice , " tiflt Abuse , " may be personally eonsuht-ri Irom Nine in m the morning till Ten at night . : md on Sundays , irom Nine till Two , at his rwsidence ,
No . 27 , ALBION STREET , LEEDS , And country patients requiring bis assistance by making only one personal visit , will receive suc ' h advice and medicines that will enable them to obtain a permanent and effectual cure , when allotber means have failed . I When an early application is made for the cure ¦ if a certain disense , frequently contracted in a ninment of inebriety , the eradication is generall \ com pleted in a few day »; and in the more advanced md inveterate stages of venereal infection , characferised hy a variery of painful and distressing s \ mp-Min-, a perseverance in their p lan , ( without restraint in diet or exercise , ) will insure to tbe patient & permaiient . and radical cure .
A complete knowledge nf the symptoms and treatment of these insidious and dangerous di .-eases , can only be acquired by those , who in addition to experience have gone through a regular course of medical instruction , and it cannot be too strongly impressed on the minds of those who have uufortunateU contracted any of these disorders , that hundreds fail victims to the immoderate use of mercury and irritating balsams , administered by illiterate .. ii-n , who owin ^ ro a total ignorance of the general princi p les of medicine , ruin the constitution , and jMiise ulcerated sore throat , diseased nose , and secondary symptom * of a most violent character , until a melancholy death puts a period to their dreadful sufferings .
LAMERT'S RESTORATIVE PILLS , Price 2 s . 9 d . and 11 s . per box , Are well known as a certain and effectual remedy for every stage and symptom of the Venereal Disease , wi'hout confinement , loss of time , or hindrance from business ; they have effected many surprising cures , not only in recent gonorrhoea and simple canes , but when salivation and all other means have failed . In those frightful cases of sexual and nervous debilitv , brought on hy a solitary indulgence in
forbidden practices , " and whictj weakens and destroys all the phy sical and mental powers , occasioning melancholy , deficiency , and the necessity of renouncing the felicities of marriage , aggravated by all the horrors of remorse ; Mr . La' Mert , can with confidence offer as a regularl y educated member of the medical profession a safe and speedy restoration to sound and vigorous health ; and from the peculiar nature of his practice , embracing , every variety of difficult circumstances , the must timid may feel encouragenient in the opportunity thus afforded them .
MR . LA' MERT may be personally consulted from Nine in the Morning till Ten at Ni ght , ntid will give advice to persons taking the above , or any other of his preparations , w . thout a lee . Atr endance on Sundays from Nine till Two , where his Medicine can only be obtained , as no Bookseller , Druggist , or auy other Medicine Vender is supplied with them . Country letters , post-paid , containing a remittance "or Medicine , will be immediately answered . 27 , Alhion-Street , Leeds . ggr" ENTRANCE IN THB OATEWAT .
Untitled Article
BOOCOCK'S DINNER PILLS . HPHIS excellent Family Pill is remarkable for its X . efficacy in those maladies arising from a disordered condition of the stomach and bowels , as headache , acidity in the stomach , heartburn , flatulency spasms , loss of appetite , sense of fulness after meals ! and numerous other complaints , which may be entirely obviated by conforming to the directions accompanying each box . They are particularly recommended to all persons whose stomachs' and head - are disordered after hard drinkiug , which symptoms they seldom fail to remove ; andiftake Q after too free an indulgence at table , they quickly restore the system to its natural repose . Sold in boxes at Is . lid . and 2 a . 9 d . each .
* BOOCOCK'S COUGH ELIX 1 K . This is the most safe , efficacious , and approved meaicine ever offered to the public , for the relief of coughs , colds , asthmas , hooping cough , and all obstructions of the breast and lungs . It is of incalculable value in old , husky , and dry conghs ; dissolves congealed phlegm in the throat , and by promoting gentle expectoration , it affords wonderful ease iu relieving the difficulty of breathing , spitting of blood , « c ., peculiar to asthmatic complaints and consumptions . The night cough , which generally gives so much pain and trouble to those afflicted with it , a dose of the Elixer will give instant relief to , and ensure to the patient a comfortable and refreshing sleep .
In bottles at Is . l £ d . and 2 s . 9 d . each . Sold by John Boocock , Chemiat , Leeds ; and by his appointment by J . Heaton , Briggate ; A . J . Marriott , Druggist , « Upperhead Row ; and J . Hobson , Market Street , Leeds . Gell , Alderton and Cardwell , Druggists , "Wakefield ; Ellis , Ossett ; and by most of the respectable medicine Tenders throughout the kingdom . Agents supplied oa the usual terms .
C%Eap Books. :; 166 , Briggate, One D00b Above The Golden Canister
c % eap books . : ; 166 , BRIGGATE , ONE D 00 B ABOVE THE GOLDEN CANISTER
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D . GREEN T > ESPECTTTJLLY calls the Attention of the Inhabitants of Leeds and its Neighlxrarhood , to the XV lollowing LIST of PRICES , which he humbly hopes will meet the Approbation of Book Bayers . D . GREEN feel * grateful for the Support he has already received , and trusts , by moderate Prices and a due Attention to business , to merit a Continuance of ' Public Favotir .
Walker t Dictionary , with Key , 8 vo 4 6 Fnnklin ' s Life and Essays , royal S 2 mo 1 3 > h 8 fc > peare « Works , 8 vo 6 6 Victoria Songster for 1839 , do , 32 mo .. 1 1 6 Kyroim Life Royal 8 vo ... ] 5 0 Simpson ' s Plea for Religion , do . 32 mo 1 6 Jewephw < W orks . 8 vo 6 0 Bunyan ' s Choice Works , do . 32 mo 1 6 Hmton , Tour in Africa , 3 voh . Sro 5 0 Volney ' s Ruins of Empires , 24 mo 1 . 6 Gibson * Decline and Fall of the Roman Milton ' s Poems , 24 mo 1 6 u fJn . P" * . 12 vol * . 12 mo 15 0 Ruffon ' s Natural History , 24 mo 1 6 w « le y ^ NotH » il » New TeHtameat , 8 vo ... 5 0 Virgil's Poems , by Dryden , 24 mo I 6 Mo * nn i ijm of the Pwt » . Snli . ljno .... 3 6 Kirke White ' s Remains , 24 mo 1 6 Jne Ubwy of Romance , 12 rno 3 0 Wit aud Wisdom , 24 mo 16 Looper s Lionel Lincoln , Spy , Pilot , Last of Italian , by Mrs . Radcliffe , 24 mo 16 the Mohicans , Pioneer * , and Prairie , O'Halloran , the Insurgent Chief , 24 mo 16 ru T- ™ ° ' v each -----r 2 6 Adventures of Caleb Williams , 24 tow » ,. 1-J : Uud « * Easjyy acd Simeon * Skeletons , Paul And Virginia , Exijea of Sfrdi * - . ' . ^"? ^ a » J j u m"V " iV •»«•• - '• —i »*» r *~ iii ^ . « t * 3 3 Indian CoU * ge »* ItoI * ... i . i ... «»*» ,., Isjt Rowland HiU' « \ illage Dialogue * , 4 toIs . in Old fcaglish Baroo , tuid Castle of 'OtrafliL . l ^ gS 0 i ^' o l * n » o . " . — ^ ; 2 6 24 mo , « . « ... M . « .. V 5 -f ^ . l 1 BirrdeT * Sermons , 12 mo a 6 Gurney ' fr Pocket Dictionary of the Bible , « j L « p # s Anecdote * , 12 mo 2 6 24 n » # ~ 0 MalihnsonPopnlaoon , 2 rol « 8 vo ..... ^ 8 6 Life of Wesley , by Cooke and Moore , 24 mo ... 1 6 P- ) rnng 1 on » Nataral Philosophy , 8 vo 6 0 Defoe ' s History of the Devil , 24 mo „ 1 6 1 rt « in * Man ' s Companion . 8 to 2 6 Evans'Sketches , ISmo 1 6 U alters Academic Speaker , liino 1 6 Victoria Scrap Book , 18 mo , gilt edged 1 6 Murray - Introduction to tue Eugli » h Reader , Select Stories , 18 mo 2 0 I 2 mo 1 6 Roderick Random , 18 mo 2 0 B-irhanld aud Aikeu ' s Evenings at Home , Matthew ' s Budget of Fun , 18 mo 1 6 , ' 24 m 0 2 0 Johnson ' s Dictionary , 18 mo 1 0 sniM'furd and Merton , Royal 32 mo 1 G The Monk , by Lewis , 32 tno 2 0 iirm-e ' s Travels , do 1 6 Calvin's Institutes , 32 mo 1 6 LiV of Napoleon , do 1 G Byron's Childe Harold , 32 mo , gilt edged 1 0 Burns' . < Poems , do 1 6 Locke on theMind , and Bacon ' s Essays , 32 mo . Park ' s Travels do 1 4 do 1 6 - E > op ' s Fableg , do 1 4 Thomson ' s Seasons-aird Castle of Indolence , >\ a-i ' s Logic , do l 3 32 ino ., do 1 6 : on the Mind , do 1 6 Byron ' s Don Juan , 32 mo 1 3 " inung Man ' s Own Book . do . 32 mo . gilt- Toast Master , 32 mo .. gilt edged 1 2 i rdsed 1 0 Goldsmith ' s Poems 32 mo ., do 0 7 1 iiyrcn ' i Select Po ^ m * , do . 3-2 mo ., do . do . 1 9 Walkingbam ' s Arithmetic , 12 mo 1 4 I 1 Ir-nvy ' s Meditations , do . 32 in- « ., do . do . 1 9 Markhara' . * , Vvse ' s , Dilworth ' s , aud Ten-. Life o ! " Whitfield , do . 32 mo .. do . dn 1 i ) niug ' s Spell ' Books , each 0 lo j ife -f Lord Nelson , do . 32 mo l 4 Mavor ' sdo l q Arson ' s Voyage round the World , do . 3-2 mo ... 1 6 Guy's aud Carpeuter ' * do . each 1 4 COPY BOOKS STATIONERY , and GENERAL ARTICLES , at Reasonable Prices . The NORTHERN STJR may be harl at Five o'Clock on the Saturday Morning .
Untitled Article
TO THE MILLIONS . j '"pHl ? Day is published , No . 1 , price Two-p ^ nce , ] X to be continued w «? kl > , THE NATIONAL , ! A LIBRARY FOR THE PEOPLE ; Containing on-• ' z ' ny . A artie ' es , Political and Lit * -rv > -y , and extracts ! "nrn the test witne . < s of tbe be . * t champions of free-; . inni . Illustrated with wood en ^ ravinsrs . The ' . ¦¦ ' mVr-i vill he stitched in a neat wrapper , and : : »> 'Jr-d itinnrhl y * ith the iiixgaz'nes . : London : Published hv WsW ' , 15 , Cirj Road ; : < Mr > aTt . , 1 , Shi > e L > tne , Fleet Srreft ; Herbrnniiton , ; 126 . Strand ; Heywuod , Manche > ter , and all boot-: o-l ' t-r * .
Untitled Article
Just Published , Price 7 s . 6 d . cloth , HUMOUR AND PATHOS ; or Essays , Tales and Sketches , by G . R . W . Baxter , Esq ., Author of u Modern Refinement , " , &e . &c . " With Illustraions by Fkank Howard . ' There is a fine mixture of misanthropy and merriment throughout , and some of the delineations are excellent beyond expressiou . The illustration ! too are of a high order . "—Conservative Journal . "An amusing volume ; the illustrations are » pirited , and the binding is among its other recommendations . ' '— Court Journal . " A very amusing volume . " An amusing collection . " " This book has pregnant proofs of talent . " " The grave and gay will here find plentiful enterc . iininent . " " An acceptable publication . " " A rery pleasant collection . "— -Age , Ike . &c , London , Jo ; epb Thomas : Sold by Simkin , Marshall aud Co .
Untitled Article
On the \' Mh ot January , 1839 , will be published , ( Tobrt continued on the 15 ih Day uf each sneceedin ^ Month , ) THE BRITISH TEMPERANCE ADVOCATE AND JOURNAL , pONTAlNING TweUe Pa ^ e . * , similar in Size \ J and Appearance to the Plnny Magazine , Price Three-halfpence . This Publication will he issued under the Authority and Supenntrndr-ncr i > r tne Rritish Association for the Promotion uf Temperance ; and will bf-. uul up ' in a inauuer commensurate with the growing linpiti tniu-t- or the Cause . The Committee hope it will br iiiunrl worth y the Desi gnation of a . National Temperance Periodical .
The Advocate and Journal will possess tbt important Privilege of i-eiiifr transmitted in an \ Quantify , FREt OF POSTAGE , to any Part of the United Kingdom . A * a Supplement to the Periodical , the Comminee have determined to i ^ ue witti eac h Number , Twelve Octavo Paffes r . t the AMERICA ^ PER . MANENT TEMPERANCE DOCUMENTS , Price , O . vh Penny . They will be printed on the * auie Stieet as the Advocate , and can be forwarded . l . iru : with it l-y Pn ^ t , without Expense . , The Ahvocate aii-i tieUoruMENTS may , however be h .. ; stPARHTELY , if rtquired , but tbe latter can 01 hr- > ent Post Fri t- , t-scrpt iu Connexion with the 'ormer . Ordrr- "« "ill l-e r-crivr-il h y all Temperance Agents ; uid all C"iiiii . unic ituim Hud Intelligence must be -rut f > t ie EnITuR , rare of Mr . H . W . WaLKEH ; iunks-ller , 27 , Bn ^ afe , Leed s " .
Untitled Article
THE S 0 UTH LA ^ OisHIRE POLif IGAL UNION ALMANAC , T 1 TH 1 CH will contain , beside ? the best and most " ft accurat * A ' m&nac Information , a large Fund of Political Kuowledgv , under the tailoring heads—• List of all the Political Unions in South LancasWre , the Names of Secretaneir , and Places of Meeting . . ; Number of Rarlical Demonstrationa in South Lancaiinire , with a fair Estimate' of the Nulnbert attending them . >
Number of Petitions sent to Parliament from South Lancashire , upon variou Subjects , with the numbers of Signatures to each . . Number of County Vote r *; Number of Borough Voters ; Number ofMultf Adulw Unrepresented . ' PoDulation of the Swuiherti Diviwoa or the County . - i . List of the Hoose of \ Peers ; Expenses of the Houge of Peers . - ' i ¦ Li st of the House of Commons ; Expenses of the House of Commons . « . ¦•' ¦ Chronicler of tlm l » nt Sfwinna of Parliament ProgfWBiveln ^ rc ^ ot tfi « - "Nation ' al Dt fbt . ' ¦ ¦ % 1 Revenue of tat ? Uniurl Kin ^ dctm . State of Crime .-Comparative aui ( Hiiit' «) f Taxen , Debt , Poor Rat ** , and Public Expeodature , between 1793 and 18 S& :
ATmy ^ EHtimjte * , Navy ExtiuiufM , Ordnance Estimates ; Cbttrob | lev ^ nu * ts ^ ^ t 3 isu » o LUu StAmm ^ ot b notary and Poor Law CT ) tiiuii * -i « rf ;^ r » i" 7-Nntnhfer x > t UDioni * , Union Wo ^ khoase * , Guardians , Dietary Scales , and Cost of CWvhi . u «; number of Parishes in England and Walt ^ ; Nnmes of Privy Council ; Names of her Al .-yt ^ cy ' s Miriisttrs , with their Salaries ; the C'vii List ; ! Vli »( vllrtue . ous Estimates for th » - Current Year ; Salaries of all the Great Officers » f State ; S !» larie * of thr Jud ges and other Law Oflicers ; Ali-tracta from Parliamentary Reports upon Financial Currency , Trade , Law , Poor Rate- , and MUcellnnies , with a great Variety of other Pnlinc ; i ! and really useful Information , compiled from the very best Authorities .
R . J . RICHARDSON . On the 1 st of Ffbruary will bv published , price 41 ., an EN'H 1 S > I MANS MANUAL , shewing th . it an AHMhD people is rhe Nation ' s best ••• ifrguard agamic Fornrii inv « ders und Domestic op re . tsors . By R . J . Richardson . PublisVrl by Hevwoo , IM .-. ham-Street , Mancht ' -it-r ; am' Hrthsori , S / ar Offi •• . Let-ds .
Untitled Article
SZT&AO&DXKAS-8 ' CUBES QT BLINDNESS , ¦ JV / f KSl BLAND . MiddletonField , Bradford , i « JTX .. nearly in darkness , from Amaaroais , and Had been so ibr some years—can now see to read ' small print . . - ;¦ ¦ Mrs . Wood , Bradford , was nearly in darknea « for ten years—can see to thread * e wnallest needle , John Frith , George-street , Bradfo ' rd , Blacking-Hawker , was nearly in darkness for twelve year *
- ^ can now see to go about the town ' alone , without any inconvenience . ' .- "'¦' . ' . Thojmk Malons , of NqL 146 Mill Bank , Bradford , was" in total darkneB * for nearly thre » years . After having been discharged from the 31 st Regiment , in consequence of blindness , he was admitted into several Hospitals , but was turned on ^' as incurable . He then went under the care of on © of the , most eminent Oculists in London ; , but ww declared by nim to be incurable .
Mks Woodcock , 6 f Peterborough , was bllni for . two years . Went under the care of several eminent men ' , but got no relief . Can now see to read the smallest print . v ¦ r Mrs , Mbgson ,, Caunpn-itreet , Old Fpahdm wW ^ lIAd crf Amanrosis , but can now see to thread thesmABat wedle . - \ - ; -v ; ¦' : - - . : - .- ; ; ... ; , Mb . WodDAiw . ^ of Brigg , was also ia complete ^ rkoe «» -fre « 'AriaTm ) 9 §» i ~ Ji 8 eaa ndwjne to tewi fhe maM « rt jfrinVX- - ^ - .. _ ^—! _„ . _ .,.. Mr . Gbicb , of Langtoft , near Malton , was totally Wind * f one eye , and the other much affected . Completely restored .
-Mas . Haujcins , wife of J . Hawkins , Paper Hanger , Trippett-street , Hull , was blind for fifteea yeare ' , no mucn so that she could not see me when I examined her eyes ; was attended by the first Medical Men in Hull , and was desired by two eminent Physicians never to allow any one to do anything at her eyes again , as no earthly power could be of service to her . Mr . Peck , No . 3 , Paragon-street , Hull , wa * blind for ten years of tbe West Indian Opthalmia , was attended by several of the first Medical Menia tbe'Kingdom .
Charles Theaker , son of Wm . Tbeaker , in the employ of . Mr . Metcalf , Gainsborough , wai nearly blind for four years ; was under the care of eminent Medical Men nearly two years ; afterwards attended the Dispensary in Gainsborough , for eighteen months , but got no better . Dr . Peacock " got him into the Infirmary , Hull ; he was there three months , but received no benefit . When he came to me he was in complete darkness with one eye , and-the other in a dreadful state of
inflammation . Charles Binnington , Levitt ' s Entry , Whitefriargate , Hull , had been gradually going blind for twejve years , was attended by Four of the first Medical Men in Hull—can now see to read the smallest print . Miss Jackson , of Sherbourn , near Malton , was-blind , and had been attended by two of the first Medical Men in that part of the country , and declared by them to be incurable . Mrs . Weatherall , Burlington , blind for sever *! years ; was under the care of an eminent Physician at Leeds , and many others . Mary Green , the wife of a Shoemaker , in the 30 th Reg ., blind for six years ; was uuder the care » t several Medical Men and attended at the Hull Infirmary Three Months , but got no relief .
Mary Welburn , of Burlington , a young girl , eight years of age , blind six years . James Leutdd , Commerce-lane , Pottery , wac iu complete darkness , and had been so for a long time , was attended by different Medical Men ; was a < s « an out-patient of the Hull Infirmary for som * months . Matilda Price , Beverley , a little girl , four years of age , blind ; was attended by eminent Aledical Men at Beverley , but got no better ; was sent to Hull for better advice , which I am happy to say she got .
John Pullan , an inmate of the Whitefriai gate Workhouse , Hull , was in complete darkness with one eye , and . the other much , affected ; was attended by a Medical Man , but got no relief . Mrs . Hustwick , Lingard ' s Court , Old Dock , Hull , late of Gainsbrough , was in complete dark * ness . , John Davidson , Hunt ' s Plage , Pottery ; was in complete darkness when he came to me , front getting a piece of iron in one eye ; was attended by a Medical Man , who declared , both before and after the man came under my care , that bis sight was completely destroyed and lost for ever ; got his sight m . one week . Serjeant Palmer , 30 th Regiment , blind , and Thomas Gillett , 30 tb Regiment , blind ; both lying at Sunderland .
In order to prevent a great deal of trouble to myself , and unnecessary " expense of postage to those at a distance , who wish to come under my care I beg to inform them what cases I can cure . There is no external disease that the Eye it incident to , but what I can cure , such em pearls and scums . In cases of inflammation , I pledge myself never to fail . Cataracts I cannot cure , but can prevent them if I have the patient in time . Of Amaurosis I can cure seven cases out of ten ; and all if they would come to me when they first perceive the dimness in the eye coming on .
I particularly request every one intending to come under my care if they have friends either iu Hull or Bradford , to write and get them to call on every case to know whether the above statement be true or false , as there are so many impostors going about i-etting forth that they have performed ' extraordinary cures , when on enquiry such cures have not been performed . ^ The remedy is of the simplest kind , ' it requires no restriction as to diet or regimen ; bleeding or blistering is not necessary ; and it may be administered with perfect safety to the tenderest infant .
Mr . CHILD will be in Halifax on January the 4 th , and remain there Friday , Saturday , and Mon'iay , at the Boar ' s Head , Soutbgate ; Bradford on . Tuesday the 8 th , for one day , at the White Swan ; trom there Mr . C . will proceed to Manchester . Where he may be consulted , will be inserted in this paper next week , and in the Manchester papers . Mr . F . Child remains in Hull , where he may be consulted as usual .
People's Bebdicai Adv2seb,
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 5, 1839, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1039/page/1/