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^jvvb Mu wisu o, and rJ^ j£3????^:m**. AcCOMPtTCES^Ott
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To meet the wishes of many who desire to have the Small Portraits formerly Issued with the ^ i » r , and who Bay that 4 ^ d . is an awkward price to remit , we have determined to offer them at 4 d . each The list eomprisea Pbrtr ^ ita of—F . O'Connor / , H . Hunt , , . R . Oastler , Andrew Marvel , . J . K . Stephens , ' ' Arthur O'Connor , Sir W . Moleswbrth Thbs . Attwood , and Wrat Cobbett , Bronterre O'Briea . All these will be allowed to the A gents and Booksellers , so as to retail at 4 d- each . Any one exjierienclng : difficulty ih procuring them has but to inclose six Postage Stampa , either to the ofiice , or U our principal agents , Mr . Cleave , of London , Mr . Guest , of Birmingham , and Mr . Heywood , of Manchester , and he can have any one on the llff returned to hhn by the next post . ; . •¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' . ' ¦ ¦ •¦ ¦ '" . : Y »» i . ' .. ' . ' : ¦ "' ¦ ... / . "A ' / ¦ ¦ ' •' '' RE-ISSUE OF THE LARGE PORTRAITS . We are constantly receiving applications from new subscribers , or from friends , wishing to know opon what terms they can be supplied with the Labge POBTBAirs that have been , at different timea , Issued to the aubscribers to the Star , ; to these applications our invariable answer has hitherto been , " not at any price . " Ihe calls upon us , however , have now become so numerous and so urgent , that we have determiiied to lssu # them again on the following tarms : — , v , ; ; A person wishing to subseribb for any one of the large Plates , must enter his name with bis News-agent , and Subscribe regularly for the paper , for six weeks , specifying at the time he enters hia same the Plate he wants . ¦; . ¦ ;• - ' - ;' ; -- : . . . ' . ' : ,:: , ^ -- - ^ Y . . '¦ . ¦ .. At the end of his six weeks' eubacription he will receive the Plate along with his Paper for that week , for both of which ha will be charged la . by the Agent , and no more . The Agent will be charged for Paper and Plate for that week 9 d . ; so that ho will have 25 per cent , profit for hia trouble . The Papers will coathim nothing for carriage , as they go by post ; and we will contrive to get tho Plates to him for a » little cost as possible . : . ; ;¦¦ . ' . ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . '¦' '¦ " . Any Bobscriber who receives his paper direct from the offise , can have the plates on : the same terms as from an agent . . ¦ -. YY . - ¦ . . ' , Y : . ¦'¦< ¦> . ' .-. '• ' ' : -W Here , then , is an easy manner by which all who desire can havo any of the under-mentioned plates : — The Convention . John Collins ; JohaFrostY "Dr . M'Dpuall . J . R . Stephens . R . Emmett , and Richard Oabtlar . F . O'Connor . The agents bad better open their subscription liata immediately , and apprise us of the number they will require of each . Y > : * * * la answer to several applications respecting the time to commence the Six Weeks' Subscriptions we have to say as soon as the next plate , " Monmontb Court House , " shall have been distributed . When one Portrait , or Plate has been obtained in accordance with this plan , the Subscriber may enter his name for another ; and so on till he receive all he may desire to have . Every person can have just those which he pleases to subscribe for ; and is hot expected or desired to take others h& may not need . Y s
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Jjiat Published , and may } benad of / all ^ poksellOTS , '•' ¦/¦ . A' YY Y Y ¦ . YvPrieeSi . Jcpeiic . e ,. i- :.: ;¦" ' ¦ ¦ : ; '¦ " ¦ . ; -: ^ YY- THE ifeQjil ^ ^ : ; .-: r : Y . ' : v . v . Y .-V '>^ - ^ . XWOr .-Y- ' . ¦¦' Y ' ; Y- ^ :.-- - ; VY ' " RELIGION ; PoirlTICS , ANEr LITERATURE :: ; V ^; : ^ xiI Lyri'OR ; JM ^ A ^ t ^ mi . i Y nONTENTS-i ^ Tne Spiritof iheA ^ -si pag ^ prev / : liminary—Consideraiionsffor Politicians—Stray Thoughts —The Recollectrbn of Past Ddlighta—Stockholm- ^ Atticia lst 1 — . History-r-To t ] ta Christian pa the Approach of Death—^ New . Poor ; Law Efietariea --Sir . Walter Scottr-St . Peiey and his Disciple ^ a Legend- ^ Tha Trite End and Aim of-Preaching—Tfa « Witness ; of ; ibe Cauroh . Against Oppre § sipn ,. . ; : London : Benjahiit Siem , ^ 2 © , Paternoster Rbw . 3- - > - : ^ y- ' ' : ' . ; .- ¦ ' : ' >¦' ¦¦¦ "^; :: i . : .. : .:--rJd--: ::. .: ' - - ' -. ' . -x'Y The Peoplb ' s MiGiziMB is Publisheci - . on tie First of every Month . " , ¦ - .- •• :,- ^ - u ; - ;;; .. _ . ; . ; ;¦ ¦ , ;
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Published every Salurday , price Threepence , T > UNjDk or , IBe ^ ioNDON CHAifttyARI 1 £ A . weekly budget of Wit aud . Whiinti political and satirical , with . Cuts and : Caricatures . / This Dayis published , being the First ^ oinber of ¦ y . Y . ; \ - ' the . Newyplume , Y'V ;; - ; C Y , - . ; Y ' . PUNGH'S ALMANACK ; : ; Illnstrated with upwards of Fifty Humorous Cuts of the World aaiUi to be in 1842 . It wiU also bo enrichod w ^ th FIVE HUNDRED ORIOINAL JOKES ! at the irreaistably Comic ^ ChargebfTHRBB-? EiiCEf beingthe first Number : of ihse . Nbw youvusj Ponch is Ptibli 8 hed in ¦ Weekly : Numbers and Monthly Parts at the Office , 13 , . Wellington Street , Strand , and Sold by all Booksellers ; Supplied Wholesale and Retail by Stocajpa aad Siums , and T . Harrison , Leeds . ' ^ Y
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With . § event ^ en Iuv ^ TaATioNS by Gbprge CrnikshahkV Leech , Crowquilly and Cruikshank tha YouBger ; . ;; Y'Y' . y : y .: ; ' .. ¦ : '¦ h . '¦ .- ¦ ' Y"Y > .-: ;^ ' .. The FirBt Numbei'tbr ihe New : Year , Trice ii . 6 d . of : ¦ ' '' ; . [ Ye ^ ENTi . B ¥ ' JS WIlSCEIMiAkt . ¦[ ¦ ¦¦ ' .. n ONTENTS : —The Mistletoe . A Dithyrome . By U' Father Prouti ^ -Richard Savage , a Rpmance of Real Life ; ByjCbarles Whitehead . Illustrated by Leech .- —The Razedltouse : Wahderinga of a Painter ia Italy . With an illustration from a design by Y . P . Rippihgille , Ekq . —Oopid in London By R . More . —Eudymum ^ B ^ W . H . Longfellow . —Stanley Thorn j the Anrest V the Prop&sal : the Duel , and the Result > --Frehoh Gobkery . Witfr Ilhistrations . —Savei me frpm Mny Friends ! By George Raymond . —The CoBotry Squire . Anancient Legend By Gtig > -A Kias . Frbm Lesaing . —My First Monxing in Calcutta . JBy H . R . Addispn . —To a Butterfly . From Herder . ^ - Th e Nfght Watch . —Dick Dafter . By Paul Pindar . Illustrated by George Cruikshank . —Welsh . Rabbits . By Dr . Maginn . --A Night in Calcutta ; By H . R . Addjson . —The Poet at Home . By Old Scratch . —Cqmicalitieg of tho Feelings . By the author of " The Comic English Grammar . " With thrift ; illustrations by Leeoh . r-Tho PhlosbpKy of Smoking . In twelve VolumeB of Smoke . With" eight Illustrations from Drawings by Alfred Crowquill , engraved by Cruiksbank the Younger . —Raising the Devil : a Legendof . Albertos Ma ^ us . By ^ Thomas Ingpldsby , Esq ., N . B . Mr . Ainsworth is no longer conneoted with " Bentley ' s Misoellauy . "; : Y ; London : Richard Bentley , New Burlington-street .
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Still on sale at all the Publishers , Price Threepence onlt , : THE POOR MAN'S COMPANION : ¦ A POLlTtCAt ALMANACK FOIt 18 ^ 2 , SETTING forth , ; at bnelvieW , the enormous amount Of Taxes wrung from the industry of a starving people , and their extravagant and shameful expenditure . Also containing tables of useful reference on almost all subjects connected with general policy . ¦ '• Y . " - ' Y ; Yopinion ^ ob the pitESs . Y , -. '¦ ¦ ;•* Essentially a * Poor iSJan ' s Companion' and fully deserving the highest eulogium as fulfilling the promise of its title . In addition to the usual subjectmatter of an Almanack , we are presented with tables of the utmost importance , a , e offording the very in ~ formation the ^^ working classes are mnch in need ofthe gross misappropriation of their property in pen-Bions and high official salaries given for bad government ., A chapter is also annexed dn' the condition of the people , ' calling for universal psrasal . We would particularly commend the work to the attention of Chartist Lecturers , —they will find it an invaluable text bwkS'r-Engiish ChartUt Circular . " This little compendium of useful inforination is entitled to our warm commeadation . The statistical details bear ample evidence pf . having been prepared with much care , . and the tables relative to taxaticn , and the apprbpriatibn of the monies thereby derived , aro not mbro curious than useful , while the commentary appended to each division of the subject cannot fail by its tone to make the * Poor Man ' s Companion ' highly vot »\ 9 x "—Weekly Dispatch . ; Y : "We are accustomed to speak of unequal laws and ef the enprmousburdens that-are laid upon the poor for the benefit of fcherioh , and we are accustomed to speak thus so . often that the very iteration of the remark causes it toJoose ita force , and to pass harmless . Hence the necessity for details ; and details , come from whatever qnarter they may , if well substantiated , always come to us as acceptable visitors , and are welcomed as an effective force which we can wield against the strongholds of cofrnptien . The details m this Almanack are clearly Bet forth , and really they tell a dark and fearful tale , Urth&ppily we have top good grpunds to believe them correct . Mr . Hobson refers to dates and state docu-^ nts—fpx it is a mercy that We have a precedent which forces the public plunderers to trumpet forth their rpbberiea . In a ~ word we may state that the national taxation—who pay it—who devour it ^ are set forth in a lucid manner in this ' Poor Man ' a Companion . ' " —Leeds ^ wes . ¦» This is verily a iPoor ManV vadetnecum : the cheapest and best book of general reference for almost all subjects in which the peopltt ' s interests are immediately involved that we have ever seen . In addition to all t&e usual information of aa Almanack , it cbhtainsl& masa ; pf statistical iuformation crammed into the smallest possible space upon most important subjects . - "We feel persuaded that there is not a working man in the kingdom , who will be without his * Companion , * if he can poesibiy procure one . "—Northern Stan , : / ;¦'¦•¦ : ¦ , . "This is a Political ^^ Almanack for ] 842 , shewing the amount and application : of the taxes raised from the industry of the . working clashes , and containingmuchinformationMfoj'them , and some alsa that may be useful to tfapse born only to consume their productions . Among other statistical tables , it gives a summary of the resbnrces of Great Britain , a comparison between the produciive and uriproductWe classes , and long ajad iristiuotiye answers to the question , 'how are the taxes applied ! ' 'The Cost ot the Churoh . ' and the 'Black List , ' may also be perused with advantage . " - —< S "« n ... ' , ¦ - . ;¦• ^ : ^ ^ This isa threepenny Almanack , and worth twice the money at whioh it can be purchased . The Aliaanaisk is equal to any other we have yet seen ; and the work contains besides a great variety , as well as eoBdensation f of political informatiou with which it is important , the 'Poor Man' Bhouid be acquainted . "—firt ^ AQMeen and SLaleismdn ? / "A Chartist Almanack , in which muoh rise is ^ ' madV of the now readily accessible Parliamentary Returns ,, whose totals' are presented and commented upon in the style to be expected from a shrewd and Vigorous mind . "— Spectator . ; - / % * Parties residing : at a dlstonce froih aiy of the > - Liberal Bopltaellera , and ' flniHng it difBcult io .--prpen ' re the : Poor ; , ilan ' s Almanack , have only toV send Five Postage Stamps and their addresa to the Pitblisher , snd a copy yrill be sent them by the returning post . ' .: •• ¦ ¦' ,. ; . ' .- . ''¦ - ; . : \ : Leeds : Printed by J . Hpbsbn , Northern Star Office *• Published in London by J . Cleave , Shoe-lane ' Ffet-street ; in Maochester by A . Heywood Old- ham-street j ia Newcastle , by D . France and Co . Side ; and . in Olaajjow , by Paton and Love ! . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Nelson-street . ¦¦ ¦¦ '¦ > --, ¦ ¦ ¦ . : " . - ¦ . ¦ : .. ¦ . " \ ¦¦ -. / . , ¦ *
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cf Jsbonr , and plenty of capital , thoTLsands are dying for ^ want , and hundreds of tibousands are . onlj gastixwag a miserable existence by robbery and Mostitafioa ! Eowisthis ! The caose sb not far to ueek . We have a trinity of means , bat not a trinity in onity . Thai ' s the mischief . If we hid labour , land , and capital in nnity , we might laogb ai the threatenings of want , and » t the prognostics of national insolvency . The landlord iroold get more rent , and fee tenant would be more ' able to pay
it . Machinery , which neither can nor on ^ it to fee toned back in its career would become an aid to , instead of a sapereeder of , manual labour . The powers of the intellect would be rendered Teeeptrre of all the . discoveries of science , and all the troths of philosophy , by a practically useful education , and the affections of the -will Tronld flow forth in their BstanJ and appropriate channels , blessing and . ierfflMng and adorning ils -whole earth .
These are some of the results which wonld flow fjoa this glorious combination of means , for the regeneration of society . But how are we to get these means ! By getting a power ever the laws by which all these means are controlled and Kgnlaieo . By getting Univebsai . Suffrage , together with the other points of the Charter , % n& thn 3 securing to this mighty people an honest and an efficient Government , A Government which looking neither to the right or to the left , would make the interest of the whole people its first and eheifest care , and -which -would , by destroying the influence of faction , secure to ages jet unborn , ihe invaluable blessings of peace , happiness , and prosperity . -
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WAGES OF LABOUR AND " EXTENSIONS " OF COMMERCE . Ii is extremely important that the question of " Extension of Commerce : is it desirable f * should be speedily set at rest . If the effects of former " extensions" upon the -wages and well-being of the labouring portion of the community have been advantageous ; if they have added to the labourer ' s store of provisions and stock of clothing , in God's name let us have more of them ! let us join the Com Law Repealers , and badger " total Repeal" out of Sir Robeei Pbel and the People's
House" ! But if former " extensions' * have not had this effect ; if the condition of the producer of wealth has not been bettered by them , to say nothing of its being made worse ; if the many and numerous " extensions" we have already had , have not put more food upon the tables , and more clothing upon the backs of the werkers , to say nothing of the possibility of their having run away with the most of what were . thexej if former ** extensions " have not had this effect , should we not pause , and i& the owners of machinery why we should demand another i
To settle this question we must nave the tables we asked for in a former article . We must see what effect these " extensions" iave Bad upon wages . Are wages as high now as they were in 1810 ? Will ibey purchase as much bread and beef as they did then ? Does the workman get as much of the eatables , drinkables , and wearables now as he did then ? Has he the means of doing so 2 We want
the tables to answer these questions . To work , then , those who are not already engaged . Look up your work and wage books . . Make out your statements . Be very particular . Let us have the truth ; and then , for an answer to the Corn Law Repealers 2 who prate about the necessity of Repealing the Corn Laws , so as to extend commerce to secure to the labouring men * High wages , cheap food , and ELKSTT TO DO" !
As a sample of the sort of information we want , and a guide as to the way in which the tables should be prepared , we subjoin one we . have . received from Carlisle . The tale it tells , as to the effects of * extensions" of commerce upon the hand-loom weavers of that city , accords most certainly with the statements made by the " great" mooters of the a great" cotton district , at their recent gathering in Manchester , but does aot say much in favour of fartlssr " extension . " Here the table is , however ; lei ii speak for itselfiY" .
Table , shewing the state of the hand-homtceaving in the city of Carlisle , from ihe year 180 S , up to the present period .
; i No . of Ya . Reefi ) PietB . Widfii Length Shat- Price per Cut - _ UJ ___ — — _____ 1 S 85 JH 08 17 L | yda . 28 3 30 shillings 1510 „ i . _ _ „ 20 _ Ibz . 1515 - -. ~ 15 „ lStXi - _ -. - ... 11 _ ISSfj . ] 1 « li yd * 2-t * 5 _ 1 S 3 S lOiO „ 36 in . 45 | 2 5 6 d . liil 1000 9 . 39 i . 31 2 3 Id . double stmg . crossover 1 H 112 &D 15 36 „ 31 4 4 s . 6 d . 1 M 1 1600 9 52 ^ - 31 2- 3 s . 3 d . 1 S 411200 11 36 _ 31 5 4 * . M . Tar-. tan gingham .
las above are the gross earnings per cot , at the difteesiperiods mentioned ; and , up to 1313 , s eat ms ecssdeied & tolerably good week ' s work : so that the testbt experienced a . reduction of 19 s . per cut from 1 S 65 up to 1818 . From 1830 , the fabrics have been rath that a wearer will average a cot and a half per veek : so &at his average gross earnings will be « omevttetft about T& . pel week ; from -which tbe following Accessary deductions must be made : — £ a . d £ b . d . 1 \ cats ... „ 0 7 0 Twopence in the stiffing tot " rmftzng __ x ^ 6 12 loom Bent ......... ..,.. _ tt 1 0 Caudles , Fire , &c 0 0 6 Naming , Twisting , & « .... » .. e © 3 £ 0 2 11 0 2 11
StB earnings lot one week £ 0 4 1 33 m aboTe are the earnings of the very best workmen * hea fal ] y employed . At the time of tee Conimisfsoa * inquiry in 1 & 38 , there were engaged in this taoca 2 , 200 persons ; that number has been con-^*« My reduced from the above period up to the Psseut time . Hurrah ! lads , for " extensions " of commerce I « ss reductions in tha wages of the hand-loom T e * TeiB in Carlisle were only 50 per cent , from 1 * 55 to 1815 , before the present " atrocious" and " iafaaous" Corn Laws were enacted ! Hurrah ! f « " extension" 2 the reductions since 1815 only Woomt to 60 per cent , more ! Shout ! lads , jjfon t ! for more " extension" ! " Down with the Corn Laws . " " Up with Bieam . " " More ma" ^ ov . " "More commerce" Hurrah I for
. EXtenaon" I 2 ie Baidera of fiie above table accompany it *^^ note from which we give the following extract : — " The condition of thia patient and industrious body « men iBnowirretched in the extreme ; iudeed , their jste , . emaciated , and dejected appearance ia a conixxzng p ^ oof of their ab > ect poverty . W « have conto * 1 » ith a member of tha Committee appointed last i " ^^^^^ r **^ ^ # * W ^** v ^^\ f ******* ¦ 9 r ^^ r *^ £ ? JT " ^ " ^^ ^
^^^^^ ^ »** w inquire into tee present distress and suffering * j ^ " * ° iiiBg classes ; and be informs hs Hmt the "J ™ i » far greater than he had ever anticipated . £ ? £ 0 Bse ha visited there was a wretched , calf-starved r ^ Ps" creature in a room eontamiBg no articles of ^ "Kislitae few fna corner a bed , with a TOtt coTering ; a grate with no fire , and cupboards ^ ttont any articles of food ! 'I cannof ( said the g" * f ?» i tears trickling down bis cheeks ) , ' m bh ^ rp ^^ au acd the father of a femily , go on with the picture ' . "
^ Aadis this the "home , " ihe Quistmas "home "' « &a "independent" English labourer ?! Is thiB ? * «> a « ytioa of those who formerly had plenty ! . » ge ttase wiio do all the work , and fight all . the **» es , _ in this pitiable plight . ?] How his this J ^ Se ia their condition been brought about ? Why # that they are now so -destitnte , as , in many JrJ ^ " ^^ Almighty may put an end » tlt ^ r EufferiDgs before morning ! How comes to be in
^* Bomueh poverty and misery EDgland ? ^« id was form erly famed for it 3 good living ; ^ is to say , for tao plenty in which the whole us people Hved ; for the Sundance of good * ™ g and good food which they had . It was ^» Js , ever sitce 4 t bore the rame of England , richest and most powerful country in Europe ; ^^ s good lining , its superiority in this particular raBP ec * was proverbial amongst all who knew , or
Untitled Article
who had heard talk of the EngKsh nation . Good God 1 how changed ! How , then , did this horrible , this disgraceful ,, this cruel , poverty come to be upon tais once happy nation 1 Where has the plenty fled k >! -Where is the food , and clothing , and furniture that once made the homes of the working men happy and comfortable 1 Who has gotten it 1 Where is i ^ all ? We have vastly .: improved our means of producing wealth . Science has been called
in to our aid ; Chemistry and Mechanics have been enlisted in our service j we have inanimate power alone equal to the labour of six hundred and fifty millions of men j hote is it that the people are so poor ? How is-ft , that just in proportion as this inanimate power has increased in amount , the wages and home-comforts of the workman have decreased How has this come to pass ! That such is the fact , the revelations made by the " great" cotton masiers at their « cn . meeting , as to the utterly destitnte condition of the working people of their " great 0 : district , fully prove . That such is the fact the table of wages
above given is sufficient evidence . How , then , comes all this to be ! And especially , how comes it to pass , that while this poverty , and misery , and absolute destitution has been coming over the workers , the owners ofm&chinery have been amassing wealth in a manner unprecedented in the annals of the whole world ? How is it , that while the beds of the workpeople have disappeared from their cots , " *' fortunes" unequalled in amount have been rapidly made by the great factory masters ! How comes it , that while the - meal-kisfc" and the beer-barrel , and the M haver-bread" creel have departed from the workman's iomc , thB Mabshalls' of Leeds have been
able to pile up such heaps of money , that they caa now boast of being possessed of millions ! and that the greatest difficulty they have now to contend with is to find "investments" for their enormous capital ! How is it , that while the labourer that prodnceth has been reduced from plenty to such a deplorable state , that their masters actually find then w wishing the Almighty would terminate their sufferings before morning , " these same masters should have gathered together such heaps of wealth , that they can publicly boast of being able buy up the aristocracy " of England ! Have the " great fortunes of the masters anything to do with causing the destitution of the " bauds" » Would the
workpeople have been ia their present si toation , had ano ther system of distribution prevailed , which would have circulated the millions ** now in Mabshails * hands through the pockets and tills of the labour *! and shopkeeper ! Would it have been any werse for the producer and distributor of wealth , had not Messrs Edht od Ashwokth and Robkht Htdb Greg , with a few compeers , become possessed of such vast
accumulations , as to be able to bay up the aristocracy Can . such heaps of wealth be accumulated without causisg poverty toothers ? Is not our commercial system fundamentally wrong , when it takes all from the worker and gives all to the employer ? Will an extension" of it be of any use to any but those who have accumulated and are accumulating their thousands and millions ? Do any other parties ask for such an •* extension " !
These queries , we leave to be answered by the judgment of those who read them . The answers to them wil } lead the working people to agitate for a far different measure of relief to the one recom mended iy the ' Leagued Anti-Corn Law Gentry We fancy they will be inclined to say to the " great " masters : — " -Yodb system has been ' extended ' far enough . It may have worked well enongh for you . You have " amassed wealth almost beyond bounds ; but you have done so at our expence . You ksow how wb abe . You have told the whole world tjiat the effect of your systemnpon us has been
to reddce as from comfort to destitution . You have proclaimed that many of us ' have neither beds nor bedding , nor anything but the bare floor to lie down upon when nature is exhausted . ' You have trumpeted forth the feet that * however unnatural it may appear , it is nevertheless true , that in some dwellings old age , youth , and infancy , six , seven , sad eight in number , are obliged iobnddJe together is one bed , for want of means to provide better accom modation ! ' You ha ? e also borne testimony to the fact' that "hundreds of our families , both parents and children , have ho change of clothes of any descrip
tion ; the linen of both men , women , and children having to be washed on the Saturday night , the parties having to remain entirely destitute [ naked !! I ] until it is dried ! ' You have also testified that many of cur dwellings contain scarcely anything but the bare walls ;* and you found the inmates so pressed apon by gaunt hunger and * the appalling difficulties nader which they laboured , that they wished the Almighty might terminate their sufferings before morning !' " Yon KNOW , and have avowed , that this is our present condition . Yod khow , too *
what onr coadition was , before your system came into operation . You know that we then were able to live , and live comfortably . You know that we had wages which purchased for us both beds , and furniture , and food , and plenty of them . You know , too , that we know How most of yod then were . You know that we know that Bessy Goto sat upon a stool in the counting-house , a 3 a hired book-keeper . You know that we know that John Mabshall was a journeyman flax-heckler . You know that we know that Tom Staukjey and Joe Siabkey were journeymen croppers . You know
that we know that Joh . n left the shear-board in bis clogs to go . get wed . You know that we know the particulars of most of you ; and that we know the particulars relating to ourselves . And you also know that we know that while you have become tmmensely rich , xce have become deplorably poon Your system has taken from vs , to give to YO 0 ! ' Extension' of it may be desirable to you . * Much would have more I' But what interest have we in ' extension' ? Ought we not rather to wish to retnrn back to our full p&ntry , our well-filled ' zneal-kist , ' onr flowing milk bowl , our " bread-creel , " and our fliteh
of bacon . These are the things we want , —not' extension . ' If j * extension' will give them back again to us , we aekfox * extension . ' Bufc former * extensions ' have not added to our store ! Oa the contrary every * extension' has taken from us : until at last we are in the sitsation you describe . The system may be well enough for you ; but we must have an alteration of it . We must have things on that footing that we can have enough to eat and enough to wear in return for our labour . And this we will h&re . Tfiere ara . means in our hands to produce enough .: we are willing to produce , as we have formerly produced : but we must live , and live well , too . There is no reason
why we should not , except it be to enable you to boast of being so rich as to be able to buy up the aristocracy : and we see no fun in that ! You tell us . aristocracies are bad things : we do not . want another ! At all events , aristocracy or no aristocracy ; mill-lords with millions , or no mill-lords ; fortunes or no fortunes , we must and will live , and live well / If your commercial system cannot afford to let us do this , we must alter it . We will not remain as we are ! You cannot expect it , nor can you expect that we should aid yon in further reducing us in the scale of being . Away , then * with yonr projects of ' Extensions' of our present commerce !"
Such , we opine , will be the answer of the operatives to the " great" masters , who ask for their u sweet voices" and blistered hands in aid of their wicked schemes to wring more wealth out of the bones and'blood of the producing many . In fact , such has been , and such is , the answer ennnoiated in the woe-begone condition of the Leaguers ' agitation , and in the life and vigour of the people ' s own agitation for right and power . The former is down : the other ia rising in importance and stedfastnesa every day !
There are several things connected with the recent gathering of the " great" masters at Manchester the other day , that we mnst have a word or two upon . Want of space will prevent this for the present . We can -only here put on record the following , which we take from the Spectator of Saturday . It devclopes a " scheme" of the " great " masters , equalled . only in cold-bloodedness and atrocky by the one which was laid and played off , to entrap the agricultural labourers into the manufacturing districts to lover the wages of all engaged in manufacturing labour . The men assembled Utely in Manchester as the " Deputies from the various towns _ compiised in the
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great- cotton district" were the " sohemers" in both instances . At present we can onlyjnsf ' 4 n ^?*^ article from the Spectator ; next week we shall have something to say upon it . This last scheme Bhoff ? the nature of the " sympathy" of the * great " masters with those who have been worked to death to fill their money bags . OJ yea , they are . full of sympathy ! Read M ! - "The StockportChrmicle of yesterday , calls 1 attention to-a ' tremendous power * which the manufacturers possess over ' the agriculturists , immediately available , and perfectly legal in its exercke . * A committee of inquiry , similar to that affLeeds , has just made its report ; and it finds that of the 10 , 000 families in the borough , 3 , 000 belong to rural districts . There ' are
4 , 000 persons in the houses visited totally unemployed , 2 , 800 parttaliy employed . It Is calculated | fia $ there are at least 4 , 000 persons too many for the employment of the place . In the agricultural districts there is no -want of labour ; . and it is proposed to send back the people belonging to those districts , to be maintained out of the local rates . Beckoning that each family of five persons would consume in . poof-rates as mu , chaa the rental of twenty-five acres , the 3 , 000 families returned from Sfcoctport would consume the rental of 75 , 000 acres . Lancashire could send back 60 , 000 families , to consume the rental of tracts equal to many small counties . Some manufacturers already begin to think of ' clearing their estates '—the manufactories—61 their agricultural burdens . The landlords are warned to beware of the manufacturers' army of desolation . '"
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The National Pkiition . —Our publisher , Mr . Hobson , has printed the ^ National Petition for 1842 , on a neat sheet , for the purpose of being extensively distributed amongst those from whom signatures areasked , that they may know for what they are signing : He is ready to supply them to the Associations arid to individuals at the following charges : —100 copies for 2 s ; 1 , 000 for 15 s . Petition sheets , of good slrgng paper ruledinfour columns , and holding two hundred names when filled , may also be had , price 2 d . each . The Petition and sheets may also be had from Mr . Cleave , London ; Messrs . Paton and Love , Glasgow ; and Mr . Heywood , Manchester . But in all cases the money must be sent in advance—the price being so low as to preclude credit .
Henry Gibbs . —Had the money he mentions been received at the Star-office it would have been acknowledged . Anthony Haigh . —His letter has been forwarded to the general secretary , 18 . Adderley-street , Shaw ' s Brow , Manchester . TfiE PosnSr—Our poetical friends have , beenasHsual exceedingly bounteous : we have so large a stock of poetry and apologies for poetry on hand , and our friends supply us constantly so liberally , that we shall not henceforth particularly notice this department in our "Notices to Correspondents" We shall select from the mass sent its as much as we have room for , with as much impartiality as possible . Accepted pieces wiU , therefore , be known by their appearance in the
paper ; and authors whose communications do not appear will not , therefore , conclude that they are rejected because of demerit , as it would be impossible for us to find room for half of even the readable poetry that comes , to us . Chablks Davidson . —We have no room . Patkick Burke . —There is no new point in his letter to entitle it to the space it would occupy . Gbacchbs writes to call the attention of Chartists to the importance of the land and its cultivation ; and suggests to Mr . O'Connor the ^ propriety of placing his principles on this subject , and the plan contained in his letter , published by Mr . Hobson , in the "Labourers' Library , " before Parliament , in the shape of a Bill . Trb "Northers Star" in the East Indies . —
J . H . writes us that he lately received a letter from a brother now at Bangalore , East Indies , who states that he had there read the Northern Star . A Dundee Chartist . —Should have sent us his name and address : though we should not , even then , have inserted . his letter . We have much better occupation for our space than to fill it up with further attacks upon , and exposures of , Mr . R . J . Richardsoni Until that person clears himself of the horrible imputations which now rest upon him , his character must be sufficiently appreciated by all honest Chartists : There is no need of more light vpon it . General Coukcil . —The hatters' 'list is omitted
because tee neither know from whom or whence it comes , nor are the residences appended . The Merthyr Tydvil list is left out for the latter reason . The Colchester list because it isincorreet , and we have no means of putting it right . John Haix , Byker Hill . — We have not got the information he mentions , and shall be glad to receive all particulars from him . George Lindsay , Eccles , will oblige us by writing on one side of his paper only . ObSBRVXBS , XlLMARffOCK , SCOTLAND . ^ -We shall always be glad to receive any information from them . .- '¦ ¦ : a Northern Star" Plates . —Hull Subscribers wishing to have the large Plates are requested to send in their names immediately to Mr . Robert Lundy , Mytongate . The Condition of England . —We thank the people
of Carlisle for their statistics . We pray for mere from all parts of the country . Let all trades bestir them . The communications we have yet had are too exclusive in their character . We want ihe amount of wages , and their gradual rise or fall ^ for the last thirty years , from all trades . Mr . Campbeia , General Secretary , would wish particularly to hear from Mr . Candy , Mr . Sinclair , and other parties to whom he has written lately ; and he also wishes that the sub-Secretaries would immediately convene the General Council to settle the accounts with . the Executive as soon as possible . There will be no more cards printed until the accounts are settled . Mr . Campbell also wishes to know why Mr . Sidaway , of Gloucester , Mr . Edwards , of Newport , and Mr . Collelf , of Banbury , have not communicated with him .
Piicder ' s Chabtist Blacking . —We ere glad to see that this patriotic Chartist is doing some good , and we think that he ought to be enabled to do a gteat deal more . Mr . Robert Lundy , newsvender , $ 0 ., of Mytongate , Hull , authorises us to say that he has opened a retail agency for Pindcr ' s blacking , and that oufofthefourpencein ihe shilling atioiced as the retail vendor ' s profit he has determined to give threepence to the Executive , reserving only one penny for the trouble and expence of conducting the sale . This is an example worth following : we recommend it to the notice of the friends in every other town : there must surely be some good Chartist found in
every town who will have enough of patriotism to sell this blacking , and let the profits of it go to the support of the cause ; he maintaining himself as now . This done to any considerable extent would provide abundant funds for all the purposes of the Executive , and prevent the necessity for the continual appeals which we are now compelled to make for direct subscriptions . Do let it be done . Johs M'Whirnie . —The best way to get Pinder ' s blacking is to address a letter to Roger Pinder , No . 5 , Wealherill ' s Place , Carr-lane , Hull , enclosing a past-office order for the amount wanted . ¦ .
The Executive cannot possibly meet in Bristol , on the 3 rd , for want ojfunds . John Lister takes us somewhat severely to task for what he thinks and designates our " too ' < pio ( ent attack on Mr . Clayton , of Huddersfidd" He says he knows Mr . Clayton to be a " steady , sober , straightforward , persevering young man , ' and describes him as being "honoured and respected by all the Chartist body in Huddersfield ; and this he thinks quite " sufficient to make a young man like him proud of himself . " He states that the Chartists of Huddersfield owe much to Mr . Clayton ' s exertions , and gives several hints about the "unprincipled" leaders of for mer times , as if for the purpose of
contrasting Mr . Clayton with them . We do not think him at all happy in his defence of Mr . Clayton . Mr . Clayton may have been very useful to the Huddersfield Chartists—we have asserted nothing to the contrary ; other persons , " leaders of the Old Northern Union in Huddersfield , " may have been very ** unprincipled , " an&may have been concerned in ' * circumstances that would make us startle , if related ; " we know nothing of it , and therefore don't believe it : nor do we see what earthly connection it has with Mr . Clayton ' s attack upon us . We have no objection to Mr . Clayton ' s being "honoured and respected by the Hudderffield Chartists ; " we have a great desire to honour and respect him too ; tre would willinaly be as proud of Mr .
Clayton as he is slated by his friend iobeof himself ; but we cannot think the assertion and insinuation of known , witful , and malicious false hoods to be matters that can justly make Mr . G . " proud of himself" or " honoured and respected bytUl the Chartitt body . " At all events , they cannot make him "honoured and respected" by us . Mr . Clayton thought proper to write to the Scottish Patriot a lie ; he knew it to be a lit when he wrote it ; he so couched and worded it as to make it the exponent of a very petty : and rmalieious effort at" bearing false witness against a neighbour" who had deserved differently of and from him . This may , in Mr- Lister ' s opinion , entitle him to the "honour and respect of all the Chartist body in Huddersfield , " but tee do not think io .
Wu . Buff . —Better , by all means , take the tramhire and the day ' s wages , and have no more nonsense about it . Jf you go to law , you will be beaten .
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Support , for the Executive . —J ^ w /*??* and - Cft . i - Artett'i-sqvarej North-street , H * ijl ,: mdnufact titrers ^ qf box rules of every description , gun rods and , fishing rods , tape ^ JncA Wfa « ttr « s , anrf yord stickS y QTia every other prlieleijitteruiemalfing way , are willing io give five , a w a half pet cent , on their receipts to the Executive ; pay carriage to , all parts of England , Irelandi Wales ; and v Scotland , for all orders to the anwunt of £ 1 and upwards . Persons who favour them tffith orders ¦ to send a letter to the Executive ^ informingthem of the amount * Money to be remittedwithaU orders . They warrant their articles of commerce ( 0 be as good and as cheap as can be
manufactured by < any other house ih thir trade ' s-Mr ' . Geofge Gra y ^ y West-street , H ^ tll , muhufaolurer of Mocking ; and ' proprietor ' 6 j 'Dr . ' Dafley ' s UniversalLife Restoring Vegetable Pills rfl * V"l # f ' ipef ¦ boT , duty included ) , o ff io give ten per cent , of his receipts to the Executive . ; ' ' Inquirer , Babnsley , ^ - ? % « ' appbintkeiit to which he alludes is honorary : therets riosalaryat all . ¦ Wilt ,: P . M . Bkophy , of Dublin , "be kihdenoughia inform EdmundStallwood , 6 ^ Fa ( e-place t Hamr "¦' ¦¦ mersmith , Lon ^^^ M ^ l Eltjgab ^ ih Fdrd ; an Englishwoman , maty' : be allowed ' to ^ aid and assist her oppressed brethren aiid miersof lielati&by becoming- a member of the Dublin' UniverkcU Suffrage Association ; and if a Northern' Star per week will be a sufficient contribution ? : - " William Cook , jvs . i sub-S ^ creldry of the Chartist Association of Hack hey , wishes to have hisnamt inserted amongst the list of Total Abstinence ¦ ¦ Chartists . :: < / : "¦ ¦¦¦ > ' ¦ ' . •<• . . •¦ . > 7 ' . , -. ^ ' : t :
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A . S . Wilson . — yes , by entering hto name with the - Agent . ' .. '¦ . ¦ - ¦ ¦ . : ; : : . ' •• . ' •¦' . - . •¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' :, . v ¦ —¦ V : ;' A . Sincere Chabtist , ALLisTRiE .- —Sikdhisaddressi and he will have an answer . ; ¦ To Agents . —The Agents are requested to send in the balance of their accounts : ¦ those twAo do not do so wilt not receive any Papers after this week . ' ; John Shield . —Fes : how oan we send it f
FOR FROST , WILLIAMS , AND JONES . , ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ . - . .. ¦ . ¦ . / .:. ' / - ¦¦ , : - ¦ / .: ; : Y , V . £ ,. a .,: d .,. Prom D . M'Dougall , Danfermline . » Q 9 6 FOE THE O'BRIEN PRESS FUND . Prom the Members ef the Portsea National Union > . ' -. y . V '"¦ ¦ ; .. B 0 0 FOR MRS . FBOST—THB " WHIG-MADE WIDOW . " From W . T . Bristol ... > .. .. * 0 1 0 . „ J . A . HecKmandwiKe ... ... O 0 : ^ Sonderland , por J . Williams 10 0 ¦ : ... Rochdale , per J . Leach . * . 1 0 .. W . Cook , Hackney ... ... 0 10
FOR THE EXECUTIVE . From John W . B ., Leeds ... ' *•? P 0 6 . . . „ R . Pinder , Hull . ..... 0 10 1 \ . ; the Q ^ Brien and Bums Fund , sent from Wingate Grange 6 10 0
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" All classes will pxey upon all other classes , just as inueh as they can and dare . " Hambr Stansfeld . Sir , —I had Intended to return to the subject of the impracticability and injustice of a repeal of the Corn Laws , so long aa our present fixed monetary payments remain ; and I bad also intended to have examined the subject in that point of view in which you seem so confident of the success of your arguments ; but , having seen what you mooted at the late Leeds anti-C 6 ra Law Meeting , I will forego my former intention for a time , and at present address you upon -what you are reported to have said at that meeting . ; " ::-In the Leeds Times 0 ! the 18 th instant , you are reported to have said : —'
" We must go still fmther , and ask for a re-adjuatment of the national taxation , as some compensation to the working classes ; though itVis an odd Bbrt . ' . of compensation after all , to ask for what is only another measure of justice . Tha annual expenditure , In round nnmbers , is , £ 50 , 000 , 000 , —^ 30 , 000 , 000 iof which is required for the interest of the National Debt . Let £ 10 , 000 , 000 of this he raised by ft tax upon rent , and £ 20 , 000 , 000 by atax upon funded " and other property , and then there will beotber . £ 20 , 000 , 000 to be raised by taxes on articles of consumption , which are chiefly paid by the ¦ working classes . Until you , the middle classes , demand / uM / usWce for the working classes , you never will have their support ; and without ft your tfferts will be in vahi I beg leave to propose full justice , and nothing more than justice , to the working classes . " . ' .. ' ¦'• . . ' :. - ; 'O
How , in the name of all that is goad and great ! is this " odd sort of compensation , " as you justly call it , to " give full justice to the working ¦; classes ? " : By all that is ridiculous , but you middle class theorists do spar your Rosinante at a famous rate , when you get astride I Just tell us , Mr . Stansfeld , how this ceasing to take money from the waistcoat pocket , and taking it from the breeches pocket instead , is to do such " full justice" to the labourers as to cause them to give you their support ? Do tell us how ., ' " this changing of the species , without diminishing the quantity , " ( as M'CuIloch foolishly said on another occasion , ) is either to ; nil the bellies , or clothe the backs , or In any way do " full justice to the workingclasses ? " Come , out with it I tell us how It is !! ¦ ' - ¦
Let us take a ; case or twp , by way of example , to see how your " full-justice" plan would be likely to act Suppose , then , a landlord with an Income of a £ 1 , 000 a-year , and tha ? his taxes which he has : ; now indirectly , to pay upon the articles he consumes in the expending pf ' nls £ 1 , 000 amount to £ 30 Qf leaving £ 700 net for tho articles themselves ^ And let us also suppose , that Hamer Stansfeld , Esq ., haacome in with his truly " odd sort of compensation , " which is to do " full justice and nothing more to the working classes ;" and Ut us snpp&Be that he proposes , in " KingCambysus" vien , " to demand , in order to 'f do full justice to the working ; . classes , " mind , that etery £ 1 , 000 of rent shall "have laid upon it a direct tax of £ 300 and
EUppoBQ that he has the power to make bis proposition becomethelawof the ' land ! Suppose all this , what would you gain by it ? Would the £ 300 taken in 4 f « c £ taxes tffec t -either the landlord or the labourer any more than the like sum ^^ taken by indirect taxes 1 Wouldyou be any nearer doing "full justice to the working classes , " or would itin any way tend to restore his " meal-kistf' But I had forgot—your very clever associate , Mr . Piint , has tuld you that " taxes have nothing to do with the prieo of articleB ; " and that consequently when the landlord was purchasing his tobacco , his tea , his coffee , sugar , Ms loalt—in short , his everything , and paid the tax upon them in the price " -of the article , the ^ tax formed no part of the price , and did not affect hia
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income tnesameaJif he paid the aismeamount imratfi diately to the tax-gatherer ! Really , this '' Science of Political Economy" makes-: strange creatures of us all . Well might Byron exclaim— ¦ . : , , -o ; i . Vl . ,- ; . - , ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . ¦ , ' ¦'¦ , *• Tell as what you think ' of your great thinkers !" ! But , pern » psii ypu ,, wiii tell me thatjypu will not proportion . th , e dir ^ ct . and ino ^ ecfcHtaaces , sp : exactly , but that you wean lolayoaigriBatprprpp ^ tax , upon ibe ^ iandiprd > and tha ^ iu auoh & r -way aa sbaUdecHledls ^ Bjf ^ tijdnfe ryfkji reallyi . Bit , are you sincere t \ Doyou thinkv that bo iong . JM they have the
making of th ^ 1 lawai , th ^ y willjjoti tak «» care tba * the consumer of the produce of the land has the tax to pay , as efifectuaUy ; as if he , : thei ionsuiner , -waa paying it as usual in the price of , ; hla articLBs of : consumption ? Are > ou reallyso bewitcbed with ^ 'th eory run madr' ^ as to suppose that . those who ; command both estates ia-Parliament will be oserseaix in tbifi way . i Da you really 8 uppos& that they vwijloease toJt » V the . jfcwer working underneath ; and' ^ which pill reap even more thari all the adrantagea resultiog . from any such measure ? " ' . - ' , ¦ '' ¦" : ' ... '¦ . ' : ' ¦ ' ' - -V ; - ' ¦ vK ::- ' .-- ^ 'V ' " . '
But you may reply , that you intend to give ; thia " odd sortof . wmpensation "—this " fuU justice" to the labourers , in order that they may give you their support in obtainizj * a total and immediate repeal of the Corn Lawit- What . ! and tola , top , after you have laidCa direct tax upon the produce of your ownlatidi ?; . Would you compel thei English , farmer .. ' . to pay , in Cons ?< iQence of the poverty occasioned : by taxatioa , ten timea ; the amount of poor-rates ,, and ten times the ¦ amount of coanty ' xateaiv ' -xWou ]| d ' yoiDi ' ieoniip | el him to pay tiiese , ami compel him , too , to-ii allow the parson to
take hia tenth ¦ sheaf , bis tenth : potato , and his t 9 nth pig ; and , in addition to all these , lay a direct tax upon his produce ; and : then , would you allow the foreigner , who had paid none of our poor rates , none of out county rates , who was unacquainted with the tithingman , either in his wheat flela ; or piggery ; who had none of the direct tax to pay , you have " laid upon the British farmer ; I ask , Sir , ¦ would yoa allow ttie foreigner , who h * d none of these Vthinga to pay , ; to compete , ( or rather engross . ) in the Baarket with the English farmer ? ¦' : ¦ .. ¦ ' ¦ : . ;¦ - , v , : . '•¦' ; ¦ .. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . . '¦¦ ¦ ' • ¦' the
What-would ' ybni ^^ think of Goyerhment which shonld lay a tax upon the English rail way proprietor , of one penny per head per mile , and which should allow the foreigner to come in and lay down a railway , and sufiur him to run without any tax at all ? Would not you think it a curious exemplification of tho principles of free trade ? But what would you think of a / people who should petition for such " justice VI Would you not think it an ' ^ odd kind of compensation , " and a singular measure of " justice" which was meted out to them * in consideration of all their ekill and capital ? Remove the taxes ; place # 10 Engliab farmer npon an equal footing , in all things , with the foreigner ycu wish him to compete with . But without this , I think you will find . it difficult topeirsuade the people of England for » uch an " odd compenBation ' and " full measure of justtce , * to support you in the perpetration of such monstrous wrong . ¦ . :- ' -- '¦ : ¦ : ¦ .. . v /"; . >• • = ^ . ; -: ; -, . ,. ; ¦¦ .
Buti Sir , even allowing that the shifting ' of ^ the taxes from articles of consumption to rents , fnnds , and other property : eren allowing that the ** changing o ? the species -without diminishing the ^ quantity , " would have a tendency t » act to your heart ' a desirej how do you suppose that it is to be come at ? Is it not the everlasting pretence , that if the Charter became the law of the land , It would be a measure of confiscation ? that it would have a tendency to take the , ^^ estates of the aristocraoy , and give them to God knows who ? We know well that these charges are false r we know well , top , that those who make them know them to be false ; but they are made -and are made the basis of all the immniBureable insults and injury heaped upon the devoted , beads of the fcoo-patient , too-enduring wealth
producers of this country . And > Sir , let me ask you ¦ what would your proposition be , allowing it to act as you ^ would insinuate , but ia measure of direct and violent con&scation t , Would ifc not be , if yoiir implied bplnioria be correct , a takiiig of jf 30 , 0 p 0 , 000 a-year from the presant owners of property , audv : distributing it among the other classes of society ? In the warmth of ' your feelings , you may perhaps be'ready ¦• . to exclaim , " that they deserve Ifei that they havia wrung inflnitely more from the industrious classes of this country ; and that it will only be a abrt of compeniatibn for their long course of plunder and wrong they have inflicted upon the country . " Well , £ ir , be thatas it may , how
are yon to brinp about the end you profess to have in viewf You will answer , by bringing the voice of the people to bear upon ; the aristocracy—hy the '' preasure from without" And , can you really have hopes that the Bristoeracy will yield to any " preMure" thaV on its onset , proclaims it will deprive them of iJ 30 , 000 i 000 a year T Chartism may be footoh r it may be i wild ; it might tend to produce distress and anarchy ; but , Sir , at ^ all eventa , it could not be worse than confiscation ! and , therefore ; Chartism would be a great deal likelier to be conceded , than » proposition which , at the first blusb , proposes to deprive the landlord and funcUord of proporty to Hie amount of £ 38 , 000 , 0001 i
But you perhaps will tell me , that I have overdrawn the picture , and that it will not act as a system of confiscation to the extent that I seem to suppose . Not act to the extent that I suppose What t was all this ' vapour , then , about " the odd sort of compensation , " and " demanding full justice for the labourer ?'' If it be only to " change the Bpecies without diminiahing the quantity" wherefore this , attempt to frighten the . arUtooracy , or gull the people , by the pompous parade of " demanding a readjustment of our national taxation r Come , Sir , what did the words moan ? Either the m « asare will have the effect of
giving the working classes " full justice " and" on odd kind of compenaation , " by causing a confiscation , or it will not . If it will cause a confiscation , do you think that the aristocracy are such old women in breeches that they will sooner pass a measure which will deprive them of their power ,: than they would grant Universal SiJFFKAQE ? Universal Sttfraae could but confiscate , at the worst ; but your measure ia confisca tion to fyffinvdtb ! - }! it jour words have any meaning . But they have no meaning (! You know that they are words which are " full of sound and fury , —signifying nothing" ! - . ¦ : \ : ' . : : ¦ - ¦ ' '¦ ' ' " ,, '¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' . ¦'
Let me beg of yoa , Sir , to give over this mode of procedure . It is unworthy of you . Be assured from me that it is perfectly in vain to attempt to mislead the people , by any euch oiftptraps . You acknowledge that you cannot obtain your ends without the people ' s support . Then be honest at once ! Hold out the right hand of fellowship to the labourer , and tell him that you ro with him for " full ' .. justice , " Fnivfrsal Suffrage rand then they are with you to a man , Nothing less can serve you : Causes are at work which will ; assuredly reduce this country to a second or third rate in ^ the acale of nations , unless the power ^ of the ^ people , in the shape of Universal Suffrage , be at the back of the country ' s intelligence . That yow may take that part which becomes an honest man and a patriot , is the sincere desire of '¦ r ' - ; ' "¦'¦" j '¦ ¦' . : ' .-. ' . Yours truly , ... . . , ' - .. . " .. " :: ¦ . ' '" : "' ' ' ¦ . ¦¦ ' : . ' . . ' : ' " "¦' . ¦ -J ' . . ' ' . JAMES JPeNNT . ' . : Millbridge , Dec , 27 , 18 ^ 1 . ; '
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A LIST OF NOMINATIONS TO THE NATIONAL : CONVENTION , FOR MARCH , 1842 . Northumberland and Durham Cumberland ' and Westmorland , Bronterre O'Brien . Yorkshire , Feargus O'iDpbnor , 0 eo . Julian Harney , Edward Claytpn * John West , Geo . Binngj . Lancashire , James Leacb , * John Beeslf . Cheshire , WilUsm Griffin , John CainpbelL * Derbyshire , Leicester , Nottingham ; Thomas Raynbr Smart , John Skevington , Dean Taylor , George Hatrison Farmer , Jonathan Bftirstow . Steffordsbire , G . B . Mart , John Maaon , John Richards . Warwick and Worcestershire , Geo . White . Northampton and Oxfordshire /
Monmouth and Herefordfs ' hire , Morgan Williams . * Devon , Cornwall , and Dorset ; Thomas Smith . Gloucester , $ omereet , and Wilts ,, William prpwting Roberts , Kbbert Bcemp Philp , * George Merso Bartlett , Felix William SimeoriV John Copp . Hants ; Sussex , and Isle of Wight , Nathaniel Moriing , William Woodward . Essex . Middlesex , Surrey , and Kent , P . } / l . M'DouaU , * William Carritr , William Prowling Roberts , William Benbow , Qoodwih Barmby , J . W . ParkBr , John Fussell , Edmund Stall wood , Bnffy Ridley , William Robaon French , Philip M'Grath , William Fox , John Watkina , —4— Rainsley , —T-Robson ,--r—Balls . -
London , John Knight , John Maynard , ; . Norfolk , Suffolk , and Cambridge . It will bo teen that in the above list there are no nominations for several of the Electoral Districts . We believe there are candidatfi for each District , but their names , reisdences , ta , have not yet been forwarded to the General Secretary , without which : it is impossible for them * to be taken cognizance of . The nominations not yet fonrarded mast be immediately aent in , -when tho Complete liBt . vrill be ifisued , and a day for the Ballot fixed . Those who desire information on this subject ahbuld consult the instructions issued after the Bitting of the Executive in Birmingham . . ¦'' ¦ ' ¦ : ; ' [ ' :, ¦ , * ' ; :- ;; ¦ . ' ¦ . " ¦ ¦ ' " .. ; Those ; marked thus , f are members of the Executive . - ' - '¦ . " . ¦ ' ¦ -. ¦ '¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' . '¦ , ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦' . ' . "' ¦ .. .: ¦
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. Case of Reeve . —Mr .- Watkins baa received and paid t ^ e ; following sums , for which Reeve begs to express his fiincera thanks— - . ' ' ¦ / / ' " •'¦ ''' ¦ Y" ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ::: : ' ¦ " : :::-. - ' ' / . ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ . ¦ ''' . ¦ . ' " '' . "' . a ' ¦ &' ¦ . ' . Mi . Williams , Sunderland ; .. 2 ¦ 0 A few female friends , Wai worth ... 0 8 : MT . Larkin , da ; ^>; 'V ... . ; ... 1 ^ < S . ' ' ; . ¦'¦ '¦ : ¦ ¦ . ¦;¦ Mr . Thwaltes , do . . ^ i .. ... 1 0 : Mrs . Thwalteai do ; .. ... ¦' : :, . i . O ;" - -j 4 ' ' .. ?¦ : A poor man , Bristol ... ., v ; . - ' - ' 0 6 - - '¦ ' ¦¦ : ' ¦ '; v . ' -: - : - -V : ^ ; ; ¦ " y ¦ - ¦ : - ' ¦ . ¦' : . ¦ ' \ : ' :- : ¦ ¦ ' ¦ "¦ " ¦ e ' : , 6 '[ - ¦ : ¦ ¦ : ' ' - ¦ :
PiNpEB ' s Bi . ACKiNQ .--The' money due to the Executive ^ from B . Pinder , is as follows i ^— ' ¦ ..:: ' : ¦ ' ¦ . ' ¦• . ¦ . ;¦ . . ' ; : ¦/ . ' .. - . ' . ¦ : ¦ ¦ , ¦ ¦ • ¦ : ' ¦ " . ¦; s . ' ' d . - Mr . Haigh , Hawick , ... ... 3 1 The Association of Sutton-ia-Ashfield , . . ¦ . ¦ „ - ... ... 010 The Assbciation of Females , do . ... 0 5 The Associatiohof filansfield , ... p " ..-2 j Mr . Derry , Mouptsorrell , ... ... 0 5 Mr . Jackson , Hull , ... ... 0 6 Mr . lundy , Hull .... ... ,.. 0 6
^Jvvb Mu Wisu O, And Rj^ J£3????^:M**. Accompttces^Ott
^ jvvb Mu wisu o , and rJ ^ j £ 3 ????^ : m ** . AcCOMPtTCES ^ Ott
x uuua ., « . , ^ ttemsset ilia accomplices for their attempt to aaaaBsinate Lbnis Phillippe was brought to a ^ ose . The Court of PeersasseSbled atvtwe ^ e / o ' clock , a » d at half-past one ^ tfe doors were thrown openxto the pnblio . There w » aMeTablemuBtejror peerain : full unifom , buVthe tribanes appropwated to the public were not nearly fu ll , nor ; did the . vejrdfct 6 xoite any extraordinary mterest j ^ The read ^ . of the judgment ^ atrtefl space of upwards , of twenty minutes . None -Sf . thd prisoners were brought ; iuto Court , but afterthit offioiaL promulgatioa of Ihe sentence , Hiij 4 iMgif of the Court ofPeers , M , ^ Cauchy , proceedMlSBffi rcspectiye vcells and coniniunicaied the dteimtXdt this supreme tribunal . The i ' oUowinc is £ neS »* QueniBsetis coudenked to Death . y ^^^ wl Goiombier-Death .: . A - : mM "> W $ k Juste ( Brazier ) -Death . ^ : : : i 2 &S Boucheroh—Ten Years' Imprisonment W S ^ m ^ Jarassc , Dufcar , and Petit— ^ x&mwrtj&jm&m Boggio ( dit Martin ) -15 > Years ' Iuiprison ^ l ^^^ MoIlet- ^ 15 Years' Inaprisooment ( detcnt ^ S ^ Launois ( dit ChaeBeur ) 10 Years' Idp nec ^^ BiSl Bazfn—Five Years' Imprisonmcnii { dc . ' eriWm ^ W ^ Dupoty—Five Years' IiuprisoornVnt fditto ;)^ Priou ] , AJartirii Fougeray ^ hd Coasidere—Acquitted '
The Small Portraits.
To Hamer Stansfeld, Esq.
Sta 2seattev0 Antr €Ovve8$Ovfoent&.
STa 2 SeaTtev 0 antr € ovve 8 $ ovfoent& .
Untitled Article
" ¦ ' - ¦ ' " - . " - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . ' - " ' - ¦ ¦¦ . ¦ ¦ . ¦ .. " : - - ^¦ - ^¦ & ^ r -i- ' ^ : ^ t £ lt j ^^
Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 1, 1842, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1142/page/5/