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SPB 1 SG SESSIONS—1 * 44 . " rYTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that theSpai * G 1 \ General Qoabteb . Sessioss ^> f tho Peace , for the West Ridine of the County of York , will be holden at POKTEFRaCT , on Momjay , the Eighth Day of April next ; on which day the Court will be opened at Ten o'clock of the Forenoon ^ and on every succeeding Day at Nine o'Clock . Prosecutors and Witnesses in Prosecutions must be in attendance in tie following order , -viz — Those in Felony , from the divisions of Strafforth and Tiekhill , Lower Agbrigg , Barkstona ? h , Staincro 53 , and O-goldcross , and also those in respUed Traverses , are to be in attendance at the opening of the Court on Monday morning . Those from the divisions of Upper Agbrigg , Moriey , and Skyraek , aw to be in attendance at two o ' clock on Monday afternoon . Those from the divisions of Sisincliffe and Ewcross , Ciaro and the Ainsty ibeing the remainder of : he West Riding , ) and those in all cases of MisdezneancurXexeept in respited Traversers , who are to attend on Monday , ) are to be attendance en Tuesday raprning-After the " charges to the grand Jnry had been given , Motions by Counsel will be heard , after which the Court will proceed with the trials of Felonies and Misdemeanour ? , until the whole are disposed of , commencing with the trials of respited Tra-Tersers . Th » bearing of- Appeals will commence , at all events , on Friday morning , in case they shall not haveieen bfgun on Thursday ; but parties in Appeals must be in readiness on Thursday morning , and all Appeals sons * be entered before -the sitting of the Court on that day . Solicitors are required to take Notice , that the Order of Removal , copieg of the Notiee of Appeal , " and examination of the Pauper , are required to be filed with the Clerk of theTeaee on the entry of the Appeal : —And that no Appeals against Removal Orders can be heard unless tho Chairman- is also furnished-hy the Appellants with a copy of the Order of Removal , of the Jssziee of Chargesbilrty , of the Examination of the Pauper , and of the Notice and grounds cf Appeal . Coroners and High Constables must be in attendance at the sutiDg of the Court on Tuesday Morning . The names of persons boond over to answer in Felony or Misdemeanour , with a description . of the Ofienee , must be sent- to the Cleik of the Peace ' s Office seven days at least before the first day of the Sessions , together with all Depositions , Convictions , and Recognizances . The attendance of Jnrym ? n will not be exensed on the ground of illness , unless it be verified by affidavit or proved by evidence in open Court-And Noticeis also Hereby Given , that the Pcblie Business of the Riding will be transacted in open Court , at twelvt , o ' clock at Jfoon , on Wednesday ^ when Motions for Gratuities ,, and the Penance Committee ' s Report will bs received and considered . And in pnrsn&oce of certain reqnisIJioES to me directed , severally signed bv five Justices of the Peacefor the said Riding , and of a-resolution of the Committee on Lock-ups made at a meeting bda at Wakefield on the 24 th July last , by which " the eonaderation of the subject was adjourned -until the 5 . " * ^ ontefract sessions ; Notice is aho Hereby wen . That on the same day at the hour of Twelve o clock at noon , the Justice of the Peace ihen and there assembled , -mil take into consideration the propnety _ of providing , enlarging , or improving Lock-np Houses , and of appointing superintend ^ Constables wUhm the several Districts c-r Divisions Cf Pc V £ p ^ S . ^ er tee provisions of the 5 : b and 6 th Victoria , cap . 109 , intituled * An Act for the appointment and payment of Parish Coa-tabjeF " and of making such grant of Money ons of the County Stock or Rate of the said Riding , for those purposes , as the Justices there preseni shall deem expedient . And Notice is also Hereby Given , that application will be made to the Court on the same day and boar for a grant of £ 22 , 000 towards enlarging the West Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylnnj , £ 2 , 100 part thereof to be estreated at the Midsummer Quarter Sessions , -and £ 20 , 000 borrowed on seenriry of the Riding Rates , to be repaid by eqnal Inisralments in ten years , and also for a further gran : of £ 30 , 00 fr toward ? the New BnildingB at the House of CorrectioBj at- Wakefield , - to be raised in scab manner as the Justices there present shall determine . And Notiee Is also Hereby Given , that on the . aid Wednesday , the 10 th Day of APBiLnext , at One o'Clock in the Afternoon , the Election of a High Constable for the Division of Upper Osgold-« oss , in the isaM Riding , will take place . And NoHe ^ it aho Hereby Given , that on the same # , . f Memorial of certain Inhabitants of Wiejherby ^ ia , the said Riding , presented to the Goart * t Eiiarcsborongh Sessions , on the 17 th Day J&OCZDBKB , last , ^ requesting that the Memorialists might ., be- allowed . k > take down the old Court HenBotbewtthe property-of the Riding , and throw jfche ste-thfireof to the Market-place , and that they adghtbe ; allowed ta provide » Loek-np House , in lien cf the present Lock-np under the Court House there , will te ' taten into consideration . ~ : - CH-SLSLEY , ¦ ¦ - ; . . : . ;; . Clerk of the Peaee . Clerk of the Peace ' s i 3 iEci > Wakefield , ' : : 7 ih March . 1844 .
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BOROUGH OF LEEDS . —NEW GAOL . CONTRACT A . ' T O BE LET BY TENDER , the MASON'S WORK , BRICKLAYER'S WORK , CARPENTER and JOINER'S WORK , SLATER'S WORK , PLASTERER'S WORK , PLUMBER and GLAZIER'S WORK , PAINTER'S WORK , and SMITH and FOUNDER'S WORK . required for the Erection and Completion of Residences for the Chaplain , Governor , and Officera , the Entrance Gateway , and the Boundary and Terrace Walls . Plans and Specifications of the Work included in Contract A ., and the General Terms of Contract , may be seen from Mohdat , the Eleventh Day of Mabcb , to Thtosdat , theTwBMrr-BieHTH Day of Mabch inclusive , at the Office of Messrs . Pkrkin and Backhouse , Architects , No . 10 , Albion-street , Leeds . The Tenders to be made according to a Form which will be furnished on application to the Architect ? , and to be delivered at their Office , sealed , on or before the Twenty-eighth Day of Maroh . The Gaol Committee do not undertake to accept the lowest Tender , and no Allowance will be made for Tenders . The Tenders will be received for ihe Whole of the Works included in Contraot A . or for the separate Branches of Work as above specified . ByOrder , JOHN ARTHUR IKIN , Town Clerk . Leeds , 1 st March , 1844 .
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I JAMES CLARKSON , at present , and for fit-9 teen monthe past , residing in Illingworth ' s Yard , in Westgate , Bradford , in the County of York , and carrying on the business of a Boot and Shoemaker , in Klrkgate , in Bradford aforesaid , a , ud for nearly two years previously residing i n Albion Court , in Bradford aforesaid , do hereby give notice that I intend to present a Petition to the Leeds District Court of Bankruptcy , praying to be examined touching my Debts , Instate , and Effects ; and to be protected from all process npon making a fall disclosure and surrender of such Estate and Effects , for payment of my just and lawful Debts i and I hereby farther give Notice that the time when the matter of the said Petition shall be heard , is to be advertised in the London Gazette and in the Northern Star Newspaper , one month at the least after the date hereof . As Witness my Hand this 7 th Day of March , in the Year of our Lord 1844 . JAMES CLARKSON . Witness , THOMAS ASHWORTH , Attorney-at-Law , Husker ' s BaildingB , Bradford .
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THE NEW DISCOVERY FOR THE NERVES , BY which the trembling hand my become steady the weak heart strong , and nervous irritability ( so often the precursor of insanity ) may be arrested , 1 b offered to the Public , who may rely on nervous vigour being the reward of a patient trial . By the nse of this medicine ( which does not contain one particle of any opiate ) refreshing sleep has been obtained bv those who have not enjoyed that blessing for years , and the most obstinate indigestion conquered . Above forty of the Nobility now use this wonderful restorative . Prepared ( for the Proprietor ) In London , in Boxes , at Is . l . } d ., 2 s . fld ., and 4 s . 6 d . each , containing directions for its usej and advioe to the Patient , with Testimonials attached , and sold by Wholesale Houses , and all respectable Chemists Ask for Dr . Grandison ' a Charity Pills . From W . A . Goff , Esq * ' " Dec . 12 sh , 1842 . * Sir , —I cannot refuse to state that your Pill has had an effect upon my Nerves , almost miraculous . " Your obliged Servant , "To Dr . Grandison . " W . A . Goff . Agents for Leeds : Reinhardt and Sons , Briggate .
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CLEAVE'S GAZETTE OF VARIETY , Now Publishing , Price 6 d ., Part I . IT is Published in Weekly ( penny ) Numbers , and its First Part , consisting of Five Namberss , is now issued . It is admirably printed , and contains an excellent and instructive variety of general knowledge , literature , and science . We cannot detail the series ; bat the statement that this first part contains abont sixty several articles , the immense quantity provided at an economical rate may be imagined . The publication is a valuable addition to the literary periodicals for the million . —Morning Aivertiser . Now Pnblishing , Price Sixpence , AMERICA and ENGLAND CONTRASTED ; or the Emigrant's Hand-Book and Guide . Comprising information as to the best fields for Agricultural and Manufacturing Employment , Wagss , Climate , Ships , Shipping , Far West , with LetUrs from actual settlers , to . &c . ** This sixpenny work abounds with information ; indeed , with every thing an emigrant can seek to know . Every inquirer about the States should possess him 6 elf of it . To praise this little work too highly were impossible . " —Morning Advertiser . Just published , in small octavo , price One Shilling in neat wrapper , and O « e Shilling and Sixpence in boards , Howitfs Popular History of Priestcraft , in Two Parts . ** This abridgment ia made with much care , judgment , and abilitj . " —Atlas . " This work is well adapted to the spirit and necessities of the present times . "—Sheffield Independent . " We are heartily glad that tne abridgment has appeared , and we trust that it will circulate through the whole population of the empire . It is admirably written , it is incalculably useful , and it is precisely what is requisite ia the present circumsiaDces of the country . " —Leeds Times . Jnst pnblished , uniform with the above , price Sixpence each , Considerations touching the Likeliest Means to Reindte Hirelings ont of the Chnrcb . By John Milton . " This iaa cheap and neat reprint of the immortal Milton ' s nervously written and ably reasoned tract . It should be extensively distributed , and closely stndicd at ihe present time . "— The Spectator . A Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printingj addressed to tb » Parliament of England . By John MStftn . Thi 3 is Milton ' s most celebrated prose work ; indeed it is a most precious manual of freedom , an arstna ! of immortal weapons for the defence of man's highest prerogative—intellectual liberty ! " Dr . Channxng . Also , Price Sixpence , the Book of the Poor Man ' s Church . Dedicated to the Bishop of London . " The practical working of a state church is here truthfully ponrtrayed , a 3 it is exhibited in the page cf history ; and a mass of evidence is collected , the details of which , for their exhibition of sordid avarice and priestly intolerance , united with a settled enmity against all that tends to ennoble and ameliorate the condition of mankind , are almost without parallel in the history of any human institution ; aud mu 3 t . we imagine , convince the jnost prejudiced of the fearful danger to which Christianity and freedom are exposed by this desolating moral plague . The facts appear to be compiled from the best and' most unexceptionable authority , and are handled in a candid , though unsparing , manner . They will furnish an armoury from which the opponents of the state church may supply themselves with the most potent of all weaponsexperience . Thousands who * re sincere in their opposition to the establishment , mast be ignorant of the black catalogue of misdeeds which our author has dragged to light . - The contents throughout are a most bitter satire on the self-assnmed title which the hierarchy has arrogated to itself , as * The Poor Man ' s Church . ' Lucus a nori lucendo . "—The Nonconformist . Cobbett ' s Legacy to ParsoES . Price 13 . 6 d . Skewing the abuses of that Church , Eitablish » d by Law . Cebbett ' s Legacy to Labourers . Price Is . id . bonnd . Earnestly recommended to all classes of Reformers . Also , price Twopence , An Address on the Benefits of General Knowledge , more especially the Sciences of Mineralogy , Geology , Botany , and Entomology . By the late Rowland Detrosier . Third Edition . Also , by the same Author , price Threepence An Address on the Necessity of an Extension of Moral and Political Instruction among the Working « lasaes . Sixth Edition ; with a Memoir of the Author . Now publishing , price One Penny , on a broad sheet , with an Engraving of the British Upas Tree , The New Black List ; being a Comparative Table of Allowances to Rich and Poor Paupers , with a variety of other asefa ] information , important alike to the non- consuming producers , and to the nonproducing consumers Now Publishing ; price Threeperoe , Address to the Wording Men of England , especially those from Eighteen to Thirty Years of Age , who are Capable oi serving in the Standing Army . "A Btanding army m the time of peace is a dead weight npon a cation s resources . " - - ¦ - . Now Publishing , price Sixpence . Short-Hand made shorter ; or , Stenograph y simplified : being a Concise Introduction to a Complete Knowledge of the Art . By J . Curtis , editor of the Newgate Calender , and Twenty-four Years Reporter and Shorthand Writer at the Old Bailey and other Metropolitan Sessions . ( New Edition , with Addition ? and "Corrections ) . ?\ WohaTemncn pleasure in recommending- this little work as the cheapest system of ihort-hand we have jet seen ,.... The [ . characters are sufficiently simple to be rapidly formedy ana sufficiently distinct for the preservatiorf ^ of perspicuity ; the terminations , arbitTaries , aridaboreviationB are judiciously selected , and the book , asr . a whole , thongh offered for sixpence , is calculated to ~ bB quite aa useful ( if not oore so ) , to the student as most of the laboured sjBteais which we have seen in print , at ten times the price . " —Northern Star . London : Cleave , Shoe-lane , FJeet-streei ; and all the Agents for this paper in Town and Country . }
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FROM THE NEW YORK HERALD . ( American Paper , " He hath created Medicines oat of the earth , and he that ia wise will not despise them . " —Eoclesi&stes , xxxviii . ¦ ¦ m " ' ¦ "• '¦ ¦ . ' ¦ ¦ ¦' PARR'S LIFE PILLS . THE Letters which are here given , are from persons of the highest respectability and character . The proprietors of Parr's Life Pills rcBpeotfally arge those invalids who have the slightest doubt of their accuracy , to visit the parties whose names are here given , or where this is impracticable , to make the fullest investigation by letter , as they have kindly promised to answer all questions to those who desire farther information : — No . 7 t Waihingtonrstreet , Jersey , City ,. To Messrs T . Roberts and Co .. 304 , Broadway . Gentlemen—Your Medicine named Parr ' s Life Pills having attracted a good deal of attention in our city , I purchased from Mr . Zabrisbie , apothecary here , a 25 cent box , and attending to the directions printed on the wrapper , round the box , I took'the Pills twice , and have already felt so much relieved of bile and heartburn , that sincere gratitude induces me to address yoa for the purpose of giving my testimony to their efficacy . I can only oompare my health now to what it was before taking Parr ' s Life Pills , to being relieved from a violent attack of tooth ache . Neither myself nor my family will ever be without a supply . I am , gentlemen , Yours gratefully , Nov . 2 nd , 1843 . JAMES MILLER . Mr . S . Towsey , Postmaster of Joslin ' s Corner , Maddison County J writes as follows : — Gentlemen—I have sold many boxes of Parr ' s Life Pills , and they have given universal satisfaction , and it is my candid opinion that they are destined to snpersede all the other Pills now in use . Their mild operation and fine balsamic properties will make them universal favourites . I have used the Pills to my family , and find them to be an excellent medibine , and I shall recommoud them accordingly . To Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ., Proprietors of " Parr ' s Life Pills . " S 04 , Broadway . Gentlemen—I cannot refrain from expressing my gratitude and thanks for the benefit which , under Providence , my family and self have received from the use of your invaluable " Part ' s Life Pills . " I have used them constantly in cases where every other medicine has failed , to remove the most tormenting Bufferings I experienced from habitual costivenoss and bilious attacks ; accompanied by dim ness of sight and nausea , with complete prostration of the digestiva functions . I am now completely recovered , as I believe , solely by the us « of " Parr ' s Life Pills . " Finding them so efficacious in my own case , my wife concluded to give them to our children , instead of the uncertain and ignorant prescriptions wbioh are frequently recommended in . the drug stores ^ I am happy to say , that notwithstanding the last summer was one of the most sickly and variable known in New York forinany years past , yet my children did not suffer a Bingle attack of summer complaint whioh is so fatal to young children . I consider , " Parr ' s Pilla" the best medicine ever used , and free from the objections of violence of action and prostration of strength , to which all others I have used are liable . You are at liberty to use my name , and on reference to me , I shall cheerfully confirm my opinion and experience of your Pills . Respectfully , CHAS . A . GRIGLIETTI . Formerly of Columbia-street , cor . of Dolancy , N . Y ., now of 204 , Broom Btreet . No . 198 , Chris tie-street . Messrs . T . Roberts and Co . —This is to certify , that I have been afflicted for this twelve years with the liver complaint and dysepsis , and after trying all advertised medicines—then had recourse to a doctor , who pointed out to me the report of u Parr ' s Life Pills , " and after attentively and carefully taking a few small boxes , 1 began to feel like another being I —and I ask my cure may be circulated through the I United States , bo grateful am I for my recovery from the grave . M . FLING , 198 , Christie-street . The above , with hundreds of other testimonials , can be seen at the Proprietor ' s Office , 304 , Broadway . This medicine can be purchased of all respectable druggists throughout the United Kingdom . TO THE PUBLIC . An injunction in the Court of Chancery of Massachusetts , was lately granted against George Roberts , of the Boston Times and Notion , Boston—( no way related to our Thomas Roberts )—for fraudulently attempting : to issue a spurious article as our farfamed and excellent medicine , "Parr ' s Life Pills /' The Chancellor ^ Judge Story , after ordering tho defendant , &o . iota Court , ruled , that "the injunction be made absolute in every point sought for "—being a severe animadversion on the conduct of the defendant . Although our agents are constantly on the alert , and the great difficulty and expense of imitating our labels on and around our boxes of pills , are strong safeguards , we are determined , at any cost , to protect ourselves from the cupidity of dishonest persons , and the public from the danger of a spurious imitation of our medicine . THOMAS ROBERTS & CO ., No . 304 , Broadway , corner of Duane-street . It will be seen that Parr ' s Life Pills have extended their fame to the United States , and that equally thore , as in England , they are effioaoious . Beware of Imitations ; see the words "Parr ' s Life Pills , " in white letters on red ground , on the Government Stamp . In boxes at Is lid ., 2 i . 91 ., and Us . The nnmber of Testimonials of Cures by Parr's Life Pills are crowding upon the proprietors daily , and their unsolicited testimoney witnessed by gentlemen of high reputation . The following Testimonial isfrom one of the most talented and respectable members of the Theatrical Profession , Mr . T . D . Rrcs ( the Original Jim Crow ) —a gentleman whose high character for worth and integrity as a citizen places his unsolicited and voluntary attestation of tho excellence of the medicine beyond the shadow of suspicion : — "Gentlemen , —Having in the course of a long and arduous practiceof my profession , contracted a tightness across the chest , with prostration of strength , and suffering much from the effects of the labour attached to my peculiar pursuits , while in England I had recourse to your popular medicine , Parr's Life Pills , from which I received great benefit . Finding a branch of your house in this city , I procured a few boxes of ihe medicine , and can now sincerely testify to their value and great efficacy ; and also to the great character they bear in the Old Country . Your obedient servant , Thos . D . Rice . " 20 , Vestry-street , New York . " 11 Thomas Callaghan , 31 , Cumberland-street , Liverpool , was troubled for eighteen months with a waterbrash , which reduced him to a skeleton : he had plenty of medical advice , which was of no use , read the advertisement of Parr's Pills in the Liverpool Chronicle , and bought a small box , and before it was finished was as well as ever . ( Signed ) " J . H . H . Nightingale , Agent . " A decided Case of Consumption radically cured by Parr's Life Pills . - ¦ ¦ "To the Proprietors . 41 Gentlemen , —I feel it a duty I owe to you and to the public at large , to acknowledge the most important benefit I have received from Parr ' s Life Pills . I was for nine years a soldier in the 52 nd Regiment of Foot , and was discharged in October , 1839 , in consequence of ill-health , ( being deemed consumptive , ) after having the best advice her Majesty ' s service afforded . I returned to my native town , feeling that my days could not be long on earth . But by what almost appears an interposition of Providence my attention W 8 B directed to Parr ' s Life Pills , and by taking- only two 23 . ' 9 d . boxes , I was completely enred , and am thus a living monument to the good effected by this most valuable medicine . Within the last few days 1 hate been on a visit to some of my friends in a neighbouring village , where I was told that 'It was like seeing one risen from tho dead , to see me walking through their streets . ' I have recommended them to my neighbours , and many of them have experienced very great benefit from their use . M , gentlemen , yours , &c , "John Osbobne . " Witness—James Burgess , Bookseller , Hinckly . Mr . John Osborne ' s case was pronpnnoed , by tha regimental doctors to . be . incurable consumption . By the aid of this . wonderful ; medicine , he is now so hearty and active , as to be enabled to travel on foot siace the date of his recovery upwards of 1200 miles . IMPOBTAHT CAUTION—BBWABB-OF IMITATIONS . In order to protect the public from imitations , the Hon . Commissioners of Stamps have ordered the words "Parr ' s Life Pills' * to be engraved / on jthe Government Stamp , pasted round the aides of each box , in white letters on a red ground . Purchasers arealso requested to observe that afaniimile ofitbff Pjropnetors * signature , % Rd » EBi 8 and Co ., Grjine Court , ; FleetrSlfeet , 'London , " is printed © nrthei di- ; recHons " , wrapped" round leaoh ; ' box ^ without whioh * none are " genuine , - •* -- ^ - '¦ ¦• ¦ ^¦ ¦; ¦ ¦¦•¦ j Sold Wholesale by E . Edwards ; 67 , St . Paul % Churchyard ; : Barclay and'SonB ^ Farriagdqn Street ; Shtton &a& C 6 . t Bow . Churchyard , London- j Mottershead' and Co ., Manchester and J . and ' R . Raimes , ' and , Co ., ^ Edinbur gh j > and retailed by at least : one \ Agent in every Town inthe United Kingdom , and by most respectable dealers in medicine . Price J 3 id ., ~ 2 s . 3 d ., arid family , packets Us . each . Full directions are given with each box . -
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THE NINTH EDITION . Just Published , price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free " enclosed in a sealed envelope" on receipt of a Post-office Order for 33 . 6 d . M ANLY VIGOUR : a Popular Inquiry into the CONCEALED CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE ; with Instructions for its COMPLETE RESTORATION , addressed to those suffering from the'Destructive Consequences of Excessive Indulgence in Solitary and Delusive Habits Youthful Imprudenoe , or Infection ; terminating in mental , and nervous debility , looal or constitutional weakness , indigestion , insanity , and consumption , including a comprehensive Dissertation on Marriage , with directions for the removal of Disqualifications , and remarks on tho Treatment of Ghonorhv , Gleet , Striotureand Syphilis . Illustrated with Case 3 , ice , THE NINTH THOUSAND . BY G . J . UJCAS . & CO ., CONSULTING SURGEONS , LONDON \ May be had of the Authors , 60 , Newman-street , Oxford-street , London ; and sold by Brittan , II , Pateruoster-row ; J . Gordon , 136 , LoadenhaU-street ; G . Mansall , 3 , King-street , Southwark ; C . Westerton , 15 , Park-side , Kuightsbiidge ; H . Phillips , 264 , Oxford-street , London ; S . Backton , Bookseller , 59 , Briggate , Leeds ; Journal Office , Wakefield ; W . Midgley , Halifax ; J . Noble , 23 , Market-plaoe , Hull ; W . Lawson , 41 , Stons gate , York ; W . Barraolough , 40 , Fargate , Sheffield ; T . Sowler , Courier Offioe , 3 , St .. Ann ' s-square , and H . Whitmore , 109 , Market-street , Manchester ; W . tiowell , 75 , Dalestreet , and J . Howell , 44 , Waterloo-place , Churchstreet , Liverpool ; W . Wood , 78 , High-street , Birmingham ; W . it H . Robinson , 11 , Greeusidestreet , Edinburgh ; T . Price , 93 , Diaxe-strtjet , Dublin ; and by all Booksellers , in th « United Kingdom . " The various forms of bodily and mental weakness , incapacity , suffering and disease , faithfully delineated in this cautiously written and practical work , are almost unknown , generally misunderstood , and treated on principles correspondingly erroneous and superficial , by the present race of medical practitioners . Hence tho necessity for the publication of a timely safeguard , a silent yet friendly monitor , or , where debility has made threatening inroads , the means of escape and tha certainty of restoration . The evils to which the book adverts are extensive and identical in their Heorot and hidden origin , and there are none to whom , as Parents , Guardians , Haads of Families , and especially of Public Schools , is confided the care of young ; people , who ought to remaiu for a moment devoid of that information and those salutary Cautions this work is intended to convey . Not only aro tho most delicate forms of generative debility neglooted by the family physician , ' but they require for their safe management the exolusive study of a life entirely abstracted from the routine of general practise , and ( as iu other departments of the profession ) attentively concentrated in the daily and long continued tbsarvation requisite for the correct treatment of sexual infirmities . 11 If we consider the topics upon oUher in a moral or social view , we find the interests and welfare of mankind seriously involved . The effects of lioontious , indiscriminate and secret indulgence in certain practices , are described with aa accuracy and force which display at once profound reflection aud extensive practical expnrienoe . "—The Planet . " Tho best of all friends is tho Professional Fbiend , and in no shape can ho be consulted with greator safety and seorecy than in "Lucas on Manlt Vieoua . * The initiation into vicious indulgence—its progress—its results in both sexes , arc given with faithful , but alas 1 for human nature , with afiltoting truth . However , tho Authors have not exposed the evil without affording a rotnedy . It shows how " Manly Vi » odr" temporarily impaired , and mental and physical emasculation , produced by uncontrolled iudulgouco of the passions , can be restored ; how the sufferer , who has pined in anguish from the consequences of earlj indiscretion—afraid almost to encounter his fellow-man , can regain the vigour of hoalth and moral courage . The work is written in . a concise and perspicuous stylo displaying how often fond parents are deceived by th 6 outward physical appearance of their youthful offspring ; how the attenuation of the human frame , palpitation of the heart , derangement of the nervous system , cough , indigestion , and a train of symptoms indicative of consumption or general decay , are often ascribed to wroug causes ; and instead of being the natural results of congenital debility or disease , aro the consequences of an alluring and pernicious pactice , alike destructive to the mind aud body . " - ^ Bell ' s New Weekly Messenger . " lk Although a newspaper js not the ordinary channel j for the expression of opinion Upon the merits of a medical work , this remark is open to exception in any instance where the public , and not the isolated and exclusive members of the profession , aro the parties addressed . Upon that which is direoted to men indiscriminately , the world will form its own opinion , and will demand that medical works for popular study should be devoid of that mysterious { technicality in which the science of medioine has hitherto shrouded its own ignorance . The work before us treats of subjects we believe generally , yet very strangely , uegleoted by the medical attendant , and requiring doubtlessly ( as in operative widwifery and the surgery of the eye ) an entire deve ted ness to j a deeply important branch of study . The tone of this book is highly moral , and it abounds in wallwritten , harrowing , yet correct displays of the suffering consequent upon unbridled sensualism . No human being can be the worse for its perusal ; to multitudes it must prove a beacon , a well-told appeal to reason , a permanet blessing . It is written in a clear intelligible style , and is evidently the production of a mind long and praotically conversant with the diseases of the most delicate division of the human organization , "— The Magnet . "The secarity of happiness in the marhia « e state is the chief anxiety of all ; but many dread entering upon wedded union , through a secret fear of unfitness for the disoharge of matrimonial obligations . This essay is most particularly addressed to all suffering under a despondency of the character alluded to ; and advice will be found calculated to cheer the drooping heart , and point the way to renovated health . " ' ¦¦ Mesars . Ldcas & Co . are to be daily consulted from ten till two , and from five till eight in the evening , at their residence , No . 60 , Newman-street , Oxford-street , London . Country Patients are requasted to be as miauteas possible in the detail of their cases , as to tke duration of the complaint , the symptoms , age , general habits of living , and occupation in life of the party . The ctmrnunicationsBUBt be accompanied , by the usual Consultation fee of £ 1 , without which : no notice whatever can be takeh of their application ; and in all oases the most inviolable secrecy may be relied on . Sold by Mr . Joseph Buckton , Bookseller , 50 « Briggate , Leeds ; Mr . W . Lawson , 51 , Stonegate , York ; W . Langdale , Kaaresbro ' , and W . Langdale , Harrogate ; and Fox and Son , Pontefraot , * by whom this Work is sent ( post-paid ) in a sealed envelope , for 3 s . 6 d . . '" '
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INSTANT RELIEF FROM PAIN . T EFAY'S GRANDE POMMADE cures , in most Ju oases by one application , ticdouloureux , gout , and all painful affections of the nerves , giving instant relief in the most painful paroxypma . Patients who had for years drawn on a miserable existence , and many who had lost the use of their limbs from weakness , brought on by paralysis and rheumatism , to the astonishment of their medical attendants and acquaintance have by a few rubbings been restored to strength and comfort , after electricity , galvanism , blistering , veratrine , colchicum , and ail the usual remedies had been tried and found useless . Its surprising effects have also been experienced in its rapid cure of rheumatic pains of the head and face , paralytic affections , weakness of the ligaments and joints , glandular swellings , sore throat , ohronio rheumatism , palpitation of the heart , and difficult respiration . It requires no restraint from business or pleasure , nor does it cause any eruption , and may be applied to the most deli ' oate skin without fear of injury . Sold by the appointment of Jean Lofay , the inventor , by his sole agent , J . W . Stirling , chemist , 86 , High-street , Whiteohapel , in metallic oases , at 4 s . 6 d . and 2 a . 9 d . eaoh . N . B . A post-office order for 5 s . will pay for a 4 s . 6 d . case and its carriage to any part of the United Kingdom .
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O GRIMSHAW arid Co . 10 , Goree Piazzas , Liverpool , despatch fine first class American Ships for NEW YORK * every . weeks and occasionally to New Oblbans , Boston , Philadelphia , and Baltimobe . Also , British Ships to Quebec , and to New South Wales , aud Yam Dieman ' s Land . If Emigrants make their engagements by letter from the country , they need not be in Liverpool till the day before the sailing of the Ship ; they will thus' save themselves expense in detention , secure passage on lower terms , and have the best Berths marked and reserved for them . Every information given by applying as abtve .
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Messrs . Perry and Co have removed their Estmb Hshment from Birmingham to No . 19 , Bernefs-street Oxford-street , London .
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THE THIRTEEKTH EDITION . Just Published ^ Price 2 a . 6 d ., in a sealed envelopa , and seat Free to any part « f the United Kingdom on tho receipt of a Post OEc « Order for 33 . Sd , THE SILENT FRIEND , 4 MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES iL of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry int « the concealed caus « that destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere yigour has established herempire : — with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; looal and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION ; CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total EXTINCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ;• with means of restoratien : the destructive effects of Gonorrhsea , Gleet , Stricture , aud Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner ; the Work is Embelmshbp with En « uvings , representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skid , by eruptions on the head , face , * and body ; with approved mode of core for both sexes ; followed by observations on the Obligatioss o ? MARRIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; With direotioris for the removal of certain Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to suffering hamanity as a "SILENT FRIEND" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confidence of sucoess . By R . and L . PERRY , and Co ., Consultino Surgeons , London . ' . Published by ; the Authors ; sold by Heaton , and Buokton , Briggate , Leeds ; Strange , Pateruosterrow ; Field , 65 , Quadrant , Rtgent-street ; Purkis , Compton-street , Soho , London : Guest , 41 , Bullstreet , Birmingham ; and by all booksellers in town and country . THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM . I Is a gentlestimulantand renovator of theimpaired functionsof life , and isexoluaivoly direoted to the cure of such complaints as arise from a disorganization of the Generative System , whether constitutional or acquired , loss of sexual power , and debility arising from Syphilitic disease ; and is calculated to afford deoided relief t « those who , by early indulgence ia solitary habits , have weakened the powers of their system , and fallen into a state of chronio debility , by whioh the constitution ia left in a deplorable state , and that nervcus mentality kept up which places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder Of life . The consequences arisiig from this dangerous practice , are not confined to its pure physical r « sult , but branch to moral ones ; leading the excited deviating mind into a fertile field of seducive error , — into a gradual but total degradation of manhood—into a pernicious application of those inherent rights whioh nature wisely instituted for the preservation of her species ; bringing on premature deoripitude , and all the habitudes of old age . Constitutional weakness , sexual debility , obstinate gleets , excesses , irregularity , obstructions of certain evacuations , total impotenoy and barrenness are effectually removed by this invaluable medicine . Sold ia Bottles , price II a . each . ' or the quantity « f four in ono Family bottle for 33 s ., by which one lls . bottle is saved . ! Prepared only by Messrs . PERRY & Co ., Surgeons , 19 , Bernera-street , Oxford-street , London . None are genuine without the signature of R . and L . PERRY and Co . impressed in a stamp on the outside of each wrapper to imitate whioh is felony of the deepest dye . The Five Pound cases , ( the purchasing of whioh will be a saving of one pound twelve shillings ;) may be had as usual at 19 , Barners-street , Oxford-3 treet , London , Patiouta in the country who require a course of this admirable medioine , ohould send Five Pounds by letter , which will entitle them to the full benefit of such advantage . May be had : of all Booksellers , Druggists , and Patent Medioine Vendors in town and country throughout the United Kingdom , the Continent of Europe and America , of whom may be had the " Silent Friend . " 1 Messrs , PERRY expect when consulted by letter , the usual fee one pound , withont whioh , no notice whatever can be taken of the communication . Patients aro requested to be as tniaute as possible in the detail of ' their cases . PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 s . ] 9 d ., is . 6 d ., and lls . per box , ( Observe the Signature of R . and L . PERRY a » d Co . on the outaide of eaoh wrapper ) are well know * throughout Europe and America , to be the mtst certain and effectual euro ever discovered for erery stage and symptom of a certain disease , in both sexe 9 , including Gon # rrh » a , Gleets , Secondary Symptoms , Strictures , Seminal Weakness , Deficiency , aud all diseases of tho Urinary Passages , without loss of time , confinement , or hindrance frem business . They have effected the most surprising cures , not only in recent and severe cases , but when salivation and jail other means have failed . ; they remove Scorbutic Affecti « as , Eruptions on any part of the body , liberations , Scrofulous or Venereal Taint , being calculated to cleaas * the blood from all foulness , counteract every morbid affection , and restore weak and emaciated constitutions t « prig tine health and vigour . i Messrs . Perry and Co ., Surgeons , may be consuls as usual , at 19 ; Bern « r 3-3 treet , Oxford-street , Lov dou , punctually ^ from Eleven in . fefee Morning , untu eight ia the Evening , and on Sundays from Eleven , till Ono . Only lone personal visit is required from a country patient , to enable Messrs . Perry and Co ., to give suc ' i adv ) oe as w < ll ba the means of effecting a permanent and effectual cura , after ail other means have proved ineffectual . N . B . Country ; Druggists , Booksellers , Patent Medioine Venders , ico . oan be supplied with any qsantity of Perry ' s Purifying Specific Pills , aud Cordial Balm of Syriaoam , with oho usual allowance to , the Trade , by most of the principle Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses ia London . I Sold by Mr . Hkaton , 7 , Briggate , Leuk .
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" FACTS ARE STUBBORN : THINGS . " THE following testimonials from respectable per . sons , in addition to many hundreds of DECI . DED CURES—particulars of which have been already published—established the -character of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , as the Best Medicine jn the World : — IO THE PE 0 PBIBT 0 R 3 OF PABB ' S LIFE PILLS . Gentlemen , —This is to inform you , in detail , what OLD PARR ' S LIFE PILLS ( or Pills of Health ) , have done for me . " First . —Tbey have cured me ofaCcugh . of about three years duration , by which I could sleep very little ; but the third night I took them I slept com ' fortably . Secondly . —Of a Nervous Affection , with which I have been troubled for many years . Thirdly . —Of Costiveness , from Which I have suffered much for many years , having been , except at intervals , for three , four , five , bix , seven , and eleven days in torment , previous to going to the ground . Fourthly . —Of the Rheumatism , from which I have suffered much , for . upwards of 40 years . Fifthly . —Of a Scorbutic humour , with which I have been tormented at least 44 years , having been lame with it , several times , for months together . This has been a very stubborn case . I do not know what I may have , but at present , I have sot a sore spot , or a pain about me- I am now enabled to bless and praise Ged for his mercies in bringing to light such a restorative health and soundness of body . I am not like the same person as I was a year ago being so much altered for the better . All these cures have been effected in me , by the usof PARR'S LIFE PILLS . And lastly . —I believe them to be , a safe preveata * tiye of the Bowel Complaint , for , neither I nor my wife have had it , since taking them ; she having frequently had it previous . I am Gentlemen , your humble Servant , R . W . RICHARDSON , Schoolmaster . Red Lion-street , Walsall , Staffordshire , January 30 th , 1843 . Witness . —R . Richardson , his present wife , caa vouch to his being afflicted as above , for more than 22 years . Nqte . —You are at liberty to make use of the above statement , in any way you please ; I am ready to answer any question put to me relating thereto . R . W « R * Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ., London To Mr . James Arthur , Bookseller , Rickergate , Carlisle . Sir , —I cannot refrain from expressing the deep gratitude I feel , for the great benefit I have derived from taking Parr ' s Life Pills . For the space of eighteen months I was seriously afflicted with a complaint of the stomach , accompanied with severs pain and flatulency . During that time I had much medicaL advice , and was a patient at the Carlisle Dispensary , for six months , but without deriving the slightest benefit whatever . . I also tried several patent medicines , but without experiencing any benefit . I was worn out to a complete skeleton . —had a severe cough and spit , and was also troubled with Diabetes , and had no hope of ever recovering ; fortunately , however , I was informed by some of my neighbours , of the great benefit they had'de * rived from Parr's Life Piils , purchased from you j I accordingly agreed to give them a trial . I did so , and during the last eighteen- months , I have taken about twelve boxes , whioh have been , attended with the most happy results . I am now quite well in health , and am labouring very long hours . I have considered' it my duty to recommend this excellent medicine to others , and am happy to be able to stats that it has been attended in many cases , with very favourable results . I remain , Sir , your obedient Servant , JOHN DAVIDSON , Slaymaker , Bigg-street , Caldowgatg Reference can be made to Mr . James Arthur Bookseller , Rickergate , Carlisle , who can ^ bear- ' testimony as to the great benefit derived by many others from taking the above-named medicine . Carlisle , Oct . nth , 1343 . The following letter , just received by the Proprietors from , the Rev . David Harrison , Independent Minister , Whitstable , near Canterbury , is a further proof of their efficacy in cases of Indigestion , Liverand Stomach Complaints , &c , &c . : — Whitstable , Sept . 5 , 1842 . " My Dear Friend " I received the box of PARR'S LIFE PILLS you so kindly sent me , for whioh I beg you to accept my best thanks . They could not have come mon opportunely , as I - was suffering considerably fron indigestion at the time . I immediately commenced taking the pills , and found great benefit in a few days , I "have taken them subsequently , with-tha same happy effect , which induces me to believeth&t they are an exceedingly beneficial remedy in indigestion . A friend of mine has found them of great utility in an obstinate liver complaint . If my recommendation can be of any service , you are at liberty to use it as you please . ** I am , my dear friend , " Yours , very truly , " DAVID HARRISON . " From Mr . D . Cusions , Horn < jastle . Hornoastle , Sept . 30 , 1842 . Gentlemeu A most extraordinary Case of Cure communicated , by Mrs . Moxon , of York . Mrs . Mathers , of that City , had for many yean been affected with a most inveterate disease , which her medical : attendants pronounced to be Cancer . It originated in her breast , and continued to spreid nearly all over her bo . dyi'defying every effort of surgical skill . ' Parr ' sr Life Pills being recommended to her . she resolved to give them a trial ; and , speaking of the result , she says she cannot express the inogaceivable adoantage which she has already derhd from them . She farther states . that she Is no » almost well , aud ascribes her convalescence solely to the persevering use of that sovereign medicine , Parr ! Life Pills . Communicated by Mr . Bawdcn . Gentlemen , —At the request of Mr . Thomas Bw ret . Farmer , of Menally , parish of St . Veep , Corn- : wall , I send you the enclosed , and beg to state thri you are quite at liberty to publish it , if'you think proper to do s 6 . Since I have been yjftnr ageM , ! havereceived numerous testimonials'Tff the benefit PARR'S LIFE PILLS have conferred upOH the afflict od . .... I remain , Gentlemen , respectfully , H . BAWDEN , ChemiBt and Druggist . Fowley , Cornwall , Gentlemen , —I feel it a duty I owe you to express my gratitude for the great benefit I have derived bj taking PARR'S LIFE PILLS , I applied toyoar agent , Mt ^ Bawden , Chemist and Druggist * Fowlefi for Parr s Life Pills * for a Swelling I had jam ! Groin , which extended to my . ancle , and I coaJa scarcely walk from the' pain and swelling . It arose about an inoh in thickness ,-descending iira linefroia the top to the bottom of iny leg , and was quite blM * and painful to-the . touch .. After three boxes of PARR ^ S LIFE BILLS , it quite disappeared , and I have not had a return of ifc since ; I am determined not to be without" them , for I shall always hare * box continually in the house , In readiness forauj complaint with which I may in future be afflicted . I remain , Gentlemen , Your most obedient Servant , THOMAS BARRET , ] OfMenally , Parish of St . Veep , Cornwall . Cirencester , Jan . 1 , 1843 . Gentlemen , —The wonderful effects of PARB'S I LIFE PILLS have been felt by the poorer class * in the parish of Cironcester .. Scarcely a family bat ; what has taken them , one and all . declare the won * t derful efficacy resulting from their , use . In fact , ft is gratifying to me to say to theProprietors of tha Pills , « ny sale iaoreases daily . Some days I sell 59 boxes . Yours , W . WHITE . Agent for Cirencester . Many persons , after learning that so many wo £ derful cures have been effected by PARR'S 'L }* PILLS have a great desire to procure the me&cw which has done so muoh good . In doing this , how * ever , caution must be observed , as certain indiT *' duals without honesty , are offering a dangerous Bubsitute , instead of the genuine medicine . ' 1 " ' proprietorg cannot , of course , be accountable for WJ untoward resuit 3 that may . ensue , to those who n »« been thus imposed upon , but they can point o ° * % a effectual means to prevent further imposition . CAUTION—BEWARE , OI IMITATIONS . In order to protect the public from imitations , tw Hon . Commis 8 ioner 3 of Stamps have ordered tn « words Parr ' s Life Pills to be engraved on w Government Stamp , which is-pastei round toe sia » of eaoh box , in white letters on a rkd gnu ™" Without this inai-k of autheutibity . they arespuno ^ and an imposition t Prepared by the Propnetprsi T . Roberts' atfd Co ; , 9 , Crane -Court , Fleet-stre ^ Lonrioa ; and sold wholesale by their appomtmenH by E . Edwards ^ 57 * St . Paula , also hy BaFcteys « £ Sous , Fartingdoa-street , and Sufctoa and Co . * . v ^ Churchyard ; Said by Joshda Hobson , ^ Vor / A ^ $ t * r Office , "Leeds ; and at 3 , Market Walk , ; uw dersBeld ; and retail : by atleasfc one ' agent in ever ; town in the United Kingdom , and by most respaota ^ pealors in aiedicine . Price Is . lid ,, -2 s . Wvrr faaiily boxes lls , each . Full dktct-ous ato gi « ° " with oach box . I
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FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH Price Is . lid . per box . Hp HIS excellent Family Pill is a medicine of long-X tried efficacy for correcting all disorders of the stomach and bovpls , the common symptoms of which are costiveness , IfliSulency , spasms , loss of appetite , sick head-aohe , ' giddiness , sense of fulness aftei meals , dizziness of the eyes , drowsiness and , pains in the stomach and bowels . Indigestion producing a torpid state of the liver , and a consequent inactivity of the bowels , causing a disorganization of every function of the frame , will , in this most excellent preparation , by a lutle perseverance , be effectually removed . Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects . The stomach will speedily regain its strength ; a healthy action of the liver , bow « ls , arid kidneys , will rapidly take pliace ; and , instead , of listlessness , heat , pain , and jaundiced appearance , strength , activity , and renewed * health , will be the quick result of taking this medioine according to the directions accompanying each box ; and if taken , after too free an indulgence at table , they quickly restore tho systeai to its natural state of repose . j : Persons of a FULL HABIT , who are subject to head-ache , giddiness , drowsiness , and singing in the ears , arising from too great a flow of blood to the head , should never be without them , as many dangerous symptoms will ba entirely carried off by theii immediate use . j FOR FEMALES these Pills are most truly excellent , removing all obstructions ; the distressing head-ache so very prevalent with the sex ; depression of spirits , duiness of Bight , nervous affections , blotches , pimples , and sallowness of the skin , and give aheatthy and juvenile bloom to the complexion . As a pleasant , safe , easy aperient , they unite the recommendation of a mild operation with the most successful effect , and require no restraint of diet orconfinementduringthoir use . AndforELDELRY PEOPLE they ] will bo found to be the most comfortable medicine hitherto prepared . Sold by T . Prout , 229 , Strand , London , Price 2 a . 9 d . per box , and by his appointment , by Heaton , Hay , Allen , Land , Haigh , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Baines and Newsome , Smeetoa , Reinhardt , ~ Tarbotton , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; . Dennis and Son , Burdekia , Moxon , Little , Hardman , Liuney , and iHargrove , York : ; Brooke and Co ., Walker ; and Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doncaster ; Judson , Harrison , Linaey , Ripon : ; Foggitt , Coates , Thompson , Thirsk '; Wiley , Easlngwold ; England , Fell , Spivey , Huddersfield ;• Ward , Richtaond ; Swejeting . Knaresbro '• ' , Pea 3 e , Oliver , Darlingtmi Dixon , Metcalfe , Langdale , Northallertofl ^ , Rhodes , Snaith ; Goldtjhorpe , Tadcaster ; Rogersoa , Cooper , Newby , Kay , Bradford ; Brioe , Priestley , Pontefraot ; Cofdwell , GiIIf LawtOn . DaWaoti , Smith , Wakefibld j Berry , Dehton ; Suter '¦ , Ley land , Hart ^ Jeyj Parker , Dunn ,- Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert jBoroughbridge ; Dalby , Wetherby ; Waite , Horrogate ; Wall , Barnsley ; and all reerpeotable Medicine Vendors throughout the kingdom . Ask for Frampton ' s Pill of Hoalth , and observo the name and ( address of "Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " oathe Government Stamp .
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SUFFERINGS OF BLEACHERS . It is understood tost Mr . Wallace ' * motion , to haTe the bleaching works in Scotland brought within th * Factory Bill , now in progress through the Hobm of Commons , -will be brought forward by him on Monday next , and that it trill hays the rapport of lord Ashley . Mr . P . M . Stewart , -who hid promised his aid to the operatives , ia bow in correspondence with the master bleachers , and "will support a petition to be presented by them , praying that , before legislation , a Government Commissioner may be appointed to Inquire into the system of labour in the bleaching -works . The masters postponed iheiz opposition until they aaw that , threngh the exertions of Mr . Wallace , theoperaUTea were about to gain their object , and the demand at the eleventh hour
for inquiry , is comidered by theoperaUTea as altogether » ehain , and used merely for the purpose of delay , and thereby preventing them from obtaining an imnwiiate redress of their grievances . The operatives made the same allegation of cruelty * nd oppression in their petitions to Parliament list session , and prayed for inquiry by Government ; but the masters were then silent—they acquiesced in , or at least never contradicted , these allegations , and certainly they did not then invite inquiry ; and it is only when the operatives are seemingly about to sttaln their object that their employers interfere , and , on pretence that the operatives ' petitions contain somewhat exaggerated statements of their wrongs , and that inquiry ought therefore to be made into them before legislation , pray that the opera
tives * claims to legislative protection may be postponed The delay and the inquiry sought for by the masters will however be useful to the operatives ; and we trust they will make out such a cafe ai will not only secure for them public sympathy , but also a full measure of Justice from the legislature . We kaveno wish At prssent to enter into any detail of the evils of the system of labour in the bleaching works , but we cannot refrain from stating whit has just been communicated to us , that in a bleaching work not a great many miles from this city , and connected by a gentleman as respectable as any in the trade , the workers were employed for three days successively last week , from six in the morning till twelve at eight , in drying houses heated to 120 degrees of Fahrenheit ; the arersga hours for the whole
week being tnxtren per day—a length of hours and severity of labour , more than sufficient to Exhaust their strength , and seriously to affect their health . This is not a solitary example of the system , and its -effect upon the physical and moral condition of the workers ; and yet the masters require farther inquiry before it be interfered with . We have be ° n amused to hear of the salutary effects produced is certain bleaching works by our public advocacy » f the right of the operatives to protection from the Legislature . There has been an active setting of the works in order , preparatory , no doubt , to the visit of the Government Commissioner
Sells have been hung up to ring at meal hours—clocks set up to regulate the hours of labour—the wearing of watches by the men is not prohibited—and , except in cases of urgency , the hours of labour have been limited to thirteen hours per day ; -while the kindest expressions of sympathy have been used towards the workers . This is silvery well , and as it should be ; and we trust that , now the reformation has begun , it will go sn , and that before the " Bleachers * Protection Bill" shall have come into operation , tha masters will have brought the entire system into accordancs with the principles of humanity and justice . —Glasgow Saturday Evening Post and Benfreteshin ULtfrnvar .
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BxiUBKABit ; Tboct . —The largest fish of the above description taken from tha river Thames for some years -was captured by a gentleman , whilst casting bis line upon the waters at Hampton , on Friday last . It measured 2 feet 6 inches in length , and weighed 13 ! bs .-2 oz . The parties submitted their prize to Mr . Groves , the fishmonger , at Cb&ring-cross , with the artificial fij fixed in the captive ' s month . Thelly "was the ** red palmer . " Had this fish been in full season , it 13 considered by piscatorial judges that it would have attained the great weight of I 51 b 3 .
The Fibst Repeal . Mabtyb . —Mr . Jackson , the © nee spicy correspondent of the Morning Herald , we are sorry to hear , has been compelled to walk fee plank—or , to speak less in seafaring phrasedischarged—having first been paid his wages . Few of Mr . Jackson ' s Kilrash litigants ever got into a more laughable scrape thsn himself . —DubUn , . World Phisoh Discipukb . —Stolzsr , who was capitally convicted at the Central Criminal Court last October , and sen t to the Millbaak Penitentiary wh en reprieved , has became insane , and has been sent to the criminal " wing of Bethlehem Hospital . Waixack , lays tie New York Herald , is lecturing and giving dramatic olios at New Orleans .
West Riding Of Yorkshire.
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2 THE NORTHERN STAR M * RCH 16 > 1844 -
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Northern Star (1837-1852), March 16, 1844, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1256/page/2/