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Y^i 4 6o The Publishers' Circular April ...
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Y^I 4 6o The Publishers' Circular April ...
Y^ i 4 6 o The Publishers' Circular April 15 , 18 90
No . 1 will be ready FRIDAY , APRIL 25 , 1890 . PEICB HALF-A-CaOWN . SUBJECTS OF THE DAY . H IWew © uartertp IReview of Current Gopfca , MESSRS . GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS beg to announce that they are preparing for publication a new Review with the above title and object , and that they fo have rme secured r Editor the services the Quarterl , as EDIT y Journal OR , of of MR Scitmce . JAME , Author S SAMUELSOiN of ' Roumania , " Past ( Middle and Temple Present ) , , ' * India , Past and Present , ' and of other works of Social , Political , and Historical Interest : and as CONTRIBUTORS many of the most eminent Writers of the day . THE PLAN" of the new Review will be to deal exhaustively and systematically with every important subject of the time , one by one and as occasion requires , and the first Number ( of which the contents are annexed ) indicates in a general manner the lines upon which the Periodical will be conducted . When it is deemed requisite , articles will be illustrated by the most recent and improved methods , and reviews of works on the questions under consideration may , from time to time , be appended . position THE renders ARTI th CLES at undesirable will be ) , si and gned th ose y the will Authors be the most ( unless trustworth their y professional experts on the or various official subjects treated , and their names will be a sufficient guarantee for the sterling character of the Review . ONE OF THE AIMS of * Subjects of the Day ' will be to enable the reader to form a guided clear and to a independent conclusion by jud a careful gment on and the impartial most important summary movements , to be writ of ten our either time , y the Editor will be or by some trustworthj' critic whom he may select . THE PUBLISHERS will be prepared to furnish suitable cloth covers for binding every Number , so as to form a continuous series of Volumes , each treating of one or two specific subjects . PUBLISHERS , BOOKSELLERS , and others , will find * Subjects of the Day ' a convenient medium for advertising , as a bibliography of the subject treated will be appended to each Number , and that , along with other distinctive features in the Review , will promote its circulation in the various professions and in special industries , as well as generally in the social , scientific , theological , and political world . CONTENTS OF NO . 1 . SUBJECTSTATE EDUCATION FOR THE PEOPLE . INTRODUCTION . J'AHT I . —ANCIENT CIVILISATION AND MODERN Kl > U ( , 'ATloN INDIA . By Sir WILLIAM WILSON HUNTER , K . C . S . I ., & c , President of the Indian Education Commission . II . STATE School EDUCATION Board . IN ENGLAND . By EDWARD M . HANCE , LL . B ., Secretary to the Liverpool Hi . STAT » EDUCATION IN { SCOTLAND . IV . NATIONAL EDUCATION I N IRELAND V .--THB ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL SYSTEMS UK ELEMHNXAttY EDUCATION COMPARED . ( A . nw . nv-MOUH , TWO WlUTERH . ) VL WESTERN STATE EDUCATION ( UNITED STATES ) . By the Rev . E . F . M . MACCARTHYM . A ., Principal of King Edward ' s School , and Vice-Chairman of the School Board , Birmingham , . VII .-NOTE ON THE CANADIAN AND AUSTRALIAN SYSTEMS . ( Samk Autiioh . ) V 1 IL—NOTE ON COMMERCIAL EDUCATION . ( Anonymoi ; h . ) IX . —THE EDUCATION AND STATUS OF WOMEN . By Mrs . EMILY CRAWFORD . X . —TECHNICAL to the City EDUCATION and Guilds ; of AND London PAYMENTS Technical ON RESULTS Institute . . By Sir PHILIP MAGNUS , Secretary XL—THE NEW CODE . XII .-EDITORIAL SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION . BIBLIOGRAPHY . INDEX . London : GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS , Limited , Broadway , Ludgate Hill ; Glasgow , Manchester , and New York .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 15, 1890, page 460, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15041890/page/28/