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l|8 The Publishers' Circular jaa; is, is...
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L|8 The Publishers' Circular Jaa; Is, Is...
l | 8 The Publishers' Circular jaa ; is , isi'fl
CXOSBY LOCKIVOOD & 1 IK . DE FIVAS FRHCE CUSS BOOKS . CIVIL SERVICE HAKDBOO & l De 46 th FiYas Edition ' much New enlarged in Grammar leather , . 3 s . 6 d . strong of French ly bound T 1 2 Thomas . Sa . ^ Board E £ of Trade Ps ? j ? ffi Edition ' M G „ rammars . Compri ~ . sing . A the , substance , t of all the , to the present Gray , time , with Maps . Eighth Fcp . 2 s . 6 & ctotfcT , oil M Dr most . V . approved de Fivas French M . A . F Grammars . E . I . S . Member extant of . the By present « a good state manual of knowledge for practical . ' —Athknjtom purposes . , adapted km fl A OTammaucai Grammatical ppendix on the society SnciBt , History v , oi of jrans Paris and , , Etymology ccc fee . " With witn an an of pendium ? * A thoroughly of Geography . reliable . '— , Civil as well Service as a most Gazbtttb ing entoa . , S — m ] issued Note the a . — New French The Edition Academie Language of their Francaise . Dictionary having , introducing recently The Extended Civi F . A . l White Service H . A , . B Dobso . A . Histo Fourth n , Board ry Edition of of Trad , EnglaJ e C . orrect Wiflfl ™ many innovations , the opportunity was taken to if *? 8- Fcp . 8 vo . 2 * . 6 <* cloth . m \ thoroughly revise this Grammar in accordance therewith . on ^ com ^^^^ ££ Many the same other time improvements effected M ; whilst and the amp addition lifications of a History were at use ' . There '—Athen is no -3 bum other . handbook on English History at tm m akd Etymology of the French Language will At is Dobson before the ' s book public . *—Civilian which . can compare with Messrs , W W 9 believed , add to the usefvliiessand popularity of the work . The Civil Service CoSLCti ' a Piacfl language * The ever best prepared and most for complete the use of grammar English students oi : the / . French the Exposition Lower of Division the Civi 6 f l the Servi Service ce Curriculum and its aid Compflfl CmM ' * This French Grammar has for a long time been Scotsman recognised . .. cloth Examinations . . By Stanley ¦ Savtlle . Fcp . 8 vo . fefl work superseding as - the « More leaves best than most the we 440 have others pages littl in . ' — of England e Educational to most learn accurate , and . . It it would Times French seems . be to grammatical diffi be rapidly cult to * * WiU ' ives ^ many atiy vaiu economise able hints the and time much of those good who advice AthemJ vnxSM . ^ I name a grammar pupil better suited for instilling a sound knowledge obtain the services of a professional crammer / Schooljusm M % of the S The ? ffl French addition & S language 2 X && an Appendix L Schoolmaster ?^ l £ the . $ History !^ of the ^ rench new ^ % H < * - UldbOOk V ^ SSS ™ "' Board Of EnCTl of Trade > *"" LltCfatOB """" m I Etym deBired ' The ology . addition It of is certainly the of French an interesting one Langu of the ag treatise e best leaves , if on not the nothing the History very to best and be , [ \ ^ ? excellent ^ uth , \? of \ handbook criticism ' 7 . , , — it Athe A is about ^ , ^ ett I , TT the ? , * - best bookoffleH M 1 text-book of its kind . Those who master its contents need going/— , Westminster Ercvncw . « . v 8 De Universities have FiYas no fear /— ' Educational New failure Guide in the News examinations to Modern of any French of the T 1 Possesses Le cJT tlie / oi indispensable « i 2 LJS ° A rare A merit -2 L « accnra ' _ " ^ ^ B Fr conversation ConvBrsation encli Vade- , Mecum or or , tn rh . e atuaent fitnrl 29 tb ««< Edition •' s ana and . Tmiri l 2 ounsts s . 6 d fl . . Edition Bv w * . C Fcp ° . 8 vo Monkhouse . 2 * . 6 d . cloth , . Board Key , 2 * . Trade & Z . . BtfH 1 strongly half-bound . . all < excellent The examples /—Civil give Services n , and Gazette the hints . and 8 o « g « tt « * l ^ * De Fivas has the advantage of indicating the liaisons , * Mr . Monkhouse ' s expositions are very clear , the n » B a nd giving FiYas ^ other , helps Introduction to pronunciation vi . '— a Academy la nu Langue . lay The s down AcmLLE civil are distinct service Motteau and ¦ . intelligible Second First Edition /— French Scotsma . -N * . 8 bJ mi « dote I ^ ran s ^ Ins aise ; al truc ; ou tiv , e Fable s , Fai ts M Contest n emorables , , Choisis , & c . , An a Av ec ec - < it cloth By 8 arrangement . Key , 2 * . is 6 d admirable . / - Standard . I I un Dictionnaire de tous les Mots traduits en ' A clear and compact little treatise /—CivnjA » . m * We Ang strongly lais . ad 26 vise th Editi students on . who 2 s . 6 h ave . leather read carefully . a The — ,- ClVll *¦*••« SeiTlCe « XHlgllSn t- <• i « U s + raHU < . ~< tittM «« good Opinion French . Grammar to use this excellent book . '—Public 'We By W cannot . V . Yates call . to Fcp mind . 8 vo any . Is . single 6 d . doth work . wWch JM M 1 11 0 0 rilCld tfilTQC DCCLUIC HflCI lit AC ! UGl AikO JutllldiliO lf /> l > liraiTICl examination render so much in grammar assistance to the language student preparing nittifl w rtJ ^ edition Fran ¦ r , ^ ais , augmentee , Anciens a \ de Notes Mod - % ir j Histori ernes . ques Quinzieme ^ , Geogra ., - The Civil Service , Chronology School Board Chbgshw ° \ ? J p cales hiqiies , et , Biograp Philosop hi hi ques ques . , Li 3 « . tt 6 erai d . leather res , Gr . ammati- * Ac tory cu , rate Art , w , Literature ide , and thorough , and Progress . Most . useful Fcp . 8 to * - tbo W- « ** - jL " De to have * A Guide bett FiYas /—Teacher er to bo , the k for Le . Translation advanced Tresor students of Eng National it li would sh into be ; French difficult or , reading " " S £ fxcellet up ^ ffl examinations t ' ' practical ^ gsSt manual /—English -S * Ohurohkan The ^? * fiir kfl 'fl I at Sight . 6 th Edition . 2 s . 6 d . leather . Key , 2 « . sensible and effective /—Public ¦ Opinion . „ UC llfl „ ritJilWI HTHnPn _ Ldil _ u anrfllddA - gUd cloth gV - a Complete n 1 4 . The BQtry Prlnclplea C Lialysed ivil Popularly S . ervice Byan Explained ^ PBBimGB d Bookrkeep , And ^ BooK the Taoory . iSB iD « 'V ™ jl Ep New ¦ Compen wr" K ? Edition J J ? dium A . . ^ > of of - T r De its * ^ V / History Fivas u ? 6111 « . ' ? French - ^ and u he Appendix A Etymology «« Grammar A ^; J fA to ) . . , the By faroe , We J ^ have ° plalnne n ' never 88 * tne soea * mode u ' work ot ' t keeping ^ wMohexpresaea C Qtvil * * accounts ^ SKRV ^ d / vd wi g *^ JM M ^ J CBOSBY LOCKWQQD & CO ^ J me - . ' . . ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ~ " ^^ M
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 18, 1884, page 48, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_18011884/page/48/