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NICOLL ' S NEW REGISTERED P ALETOT HAS all those advantages which secured such eeneral popularity to Messrs . Nicoll ' s original paletot , ? h » t is to say , as it avoids giving to the wearer an outre appearance , that professional men , and all others , can use it Kmc morning and afternoon , in or out of doors . Secondly , thrt-eis an absence of unnecessary seams , thus securing a more graceful outline , and a great saving -m wear ; the latter advantage is considerably enhanced by the application of a peculiar and neatly stitched binding , the mode ^ fSfonl ^ N ^ RlGISTERED PALETOT can alone be had of H .-J . and D . NICOLL , 114 , 116 , 118 , and 120 , Regent-street , and 22 , Cornhill .
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ANEW DEPARTMENT FOR YOUTH fcc HJ . and D . NICOLL recommend for an out-• side Coat the Haveiock and Patent Cape Paletot ; and for ordinary use the Cape Suit , such being Well adapted for young gentlemen , on account of exhibiting considerable economy with general excellence . Gentlemen at Eton , Harrow , and Winchester , the Military Naval Schools , waited on by appointment . A great variety of materials adapted for the Kilted or Highland Costume , as . worn by the Royal Princes , may lie seen at WARWICK HOUSE , 142 and lit , Regent-street .
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FOR LADIES NICOLL'S PATENT HIGHLAND CLOAK is a combination of utility , elegance , and comfort . No Lady having snen or used such in travelling , Tor morning wear , or for covering full dress , would willingly be without one . It somewhat resembles the old Spanish : Roquelaire , and has an elastic Capncine Hood . It is not cumbersome or heavy , and measures from 12 to 1 G yards round the outer edge , falling in graceful folds from the shoulders ; but by a mechanical contrivance ( such being a part of the Patent ) the wearer can instantly form semi-sleeves , and thus leave the arms at liberty : at the same time the Cloak can be made as quickly to resume its original shape . The materials chiefly used for travelling are the soft neutral-coloured shower-proof Woollen Cloths manufactured' by this iirrn , but for the promenade other materials are provided . TUe price will be two guineas and ahajffor each Cloak : but with the Mecanique and a lined Hood a few shillings more are charged . This department is attended to by Cutters , who prepare Mantles of all kinds , with Velvet , Fur or Cloth Jackets , either for in or out-door use . These at all timeslike this Firm ' s Riding Habit—are in good taste and fit well . Female attendants may also bo seen for Pantalons des Dames a Cheval , partially composed of Chamois . As no measure is required , the Patent Highland Cloak can be sent at once to any part of the Country , and is thus well adapted ° iL ? . and D . NICOLL , Warwick House , 142 and 1-14 , Regent-street , London . . ¦
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NICOLL'S PATENT CAPE PALETOT offers the following desideratum : the Cape descends from the front part of the shoulders , and forms a specie ^ of sleeve for each arm , both are at perfect freedom , having to pass through-enlarged apertures in the side or body or the Paletot ; these apertures , however , are . duly covered by tlic Cape , which does not appear at the back part of the Faletot , but only in tho front , and thus serves to form hanging sleeves , at the same time concealing the hands when placed in the pockets . The garment is altogether most convenient and graceful in appearance , and can in London alone be had Of H 7 . T . and D . NICHOLL . 114 , 110 . , and 120 , REGENTSTREET : and 22 . CORNHILL .
Untitled Ad
CAUTION . I IT consequence of many impudent attempts to deceive the public , it is necessary to state that all Messrs . Nicoll's manufactures may bo distinguished by a trade mark , consisting of a silk label attached to e ich specimen ; to copy this is fraud , and may be thus detected : if tho garment is dark-coloured , tho label has a black ground , with tho flrras name and addross wovon by the Jacqunrd loom in goldcoloured silk ; if tho garment is light-coloured , tho label hns a palo drab ground , and red letters . Each garment is marked in plain figures , at a fixed moaorato price , and is of tho best materials . H . J , and D . Nicoll have recognised agents in various parts of tho . United Kingdom and Colonies , and any information forwarded through . thorn will bo thankfully acknowlodged or paid for , so that tho same may load to tho prosecution of nny person copying their trade mark , or making an unfair uso of thoir iiamo ; that ia to say , in such a manner , as may bo calculated to mislead , - * -. „*¦ , t-( Signed ) H . 3 . and D . NICOLL , REGENT-STREET and COLIN 111 LL , London .
Untitled Ad
VISIT THE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT OF LAWRENCE HYAM , MERCHANT CLOTHIER AND MANUFACTURER , CITY —! J 0 , Grnooohurch-stroet , \ t omdon WEST—180 and 100 , Tottonliam-courb-rond , / w ^ wn . In tho RBADV-MADE DEPARTMENT , such nn immenso assortment of MEN'S , HOYS ' , and YOUTHS ' CLOTHING , consisting of garments of tho most novel , durable , anil olopjant designs , can raroly bo scon . Tho Pnblio will effect a groat saving , tho prices boiu « 'basod on tho most economical principles , consistent with sterling quality—tho only tost of ohoapuoss . BOYS' AND JUVENILE I > EPARTM 1 UNT . — Nothing can . exceed tlio variety and novoHy of doslgn in this doparfcraont . For tho wintor soruion , nuon an iminoagfc assortment ) lq provided as to oxcood all L , nYAM / S fonnor efforts . Tlio prices , as usual , nro franiod upon tho most economic soalo , and havo only to bo soon to otmuro that patronago which their intrinsic niorlts so woll deserve Tho O RUE HE I ) DK PART ME N'T contains-a mnpnincont asBortmonfc ofovory novolty Tor tho Honson . Tho Artistes , who aro eolobralou forrollnocl tusto and stylo , are guarantees for a good At . Economy lu tho loading fouturo . , CLERICAL and PROIM'JHSIONAL M ^ EN aro specially invited , tho Black rind Mlxturo Cloths boing of a FAST PY 13 . An ordorod fiulti of liluck for « M » s , Also tho celebrated . SEVENTEEN SHILLING TROUSERS in groat variety . . L . IIYAM marks every Gnrmout In PLAIN FIGURES , nrom which no deviation \ h nintlo \ nud no garmont noon BoKopt , when soon nt homo , if not satisfactory , but can bo ^' . yu'Kod within any roauomablu time , it' returned in good condition .
Untitled Ad
SYDENHAM TOP-COAT , 42 « . Easy , warm , watorproof , and elegant i the most norfoct ovorcoafc out .- SAMUEL BROTHERS , Merchant Tailors , SO , Ludgatc-hlU , SYDENHAM SCHOLAR'S SUIT , comploto for 43 n . ( HI ., comprising TrouRorB . 17 s . fld . i Waistcoat , 8 s . 6 d . t and coat , 17 s . Cd—SAMUEL BROTHERS , 20 , Ludgato , hlll . SYDENHAM TROUSERS , 17 s . 6 d ., " universally admitted to bo the most elegant , comfortable and durablo thnt can bo made—SAMUEL BROTHERS , 20 , Ludffafie . htll . Patterns and Guido to Self-Moaauroment sent froo ,
Untitled Ad
GENTLEMEN'S FASHIONABLE OVERCOAT 8 at HYAM and CO . 'S ESTABLISHMENTS , 80 , OXFORD STREET . Tho Now Inverness Capo . Sleeve Cnpo , Rodlngoto , and Silk-Lined Over-coats at a ( guinea , Guinea and a Half , and Two and Thrao Guineas , aro designed and mode in nil tlio Winter Materials by cutters and workmen in constant practice on this desoriptipn of dross , and superior stylo and quality are guaranteed . Tho order department in connexion with each establishment is under olUcient management , and offers various inducements to gentlemen . SPECIAL ATTENTION is dirootod to the following Establishments with whloh HYAM and CO . alone aro connected , London , 80 , Oxford-stroot , Wost Endj Birmingham , 21 , Now-slroct ; Leeds , 43 , Briggato .
Untitled Ad
HYA M and CO . 'S CONJOINT GARMENTS for Gontlomon , These consist of the Guinea Coat and Yosts . The True-fitting Trousers and Vest at Qno round ; and tho Coat . Trousers , and Vest , or suit conjointly , nt Thirty-eight Shillings . Tho New Pagct Jacket , Sao . Tuokot , Di-css and Surtout Coats , half Dross and full Dress Suits . &c , nro cut from materials which vary as much m quality and texture as in pattern , so that Gentlemen -will llnd no difficulty whatovor in suiting their tastes to tho utmost nicety .
Untitled Ad
TUVENILE OVER COATS at HYAM and ei CO . 'S ESTABLISHMENT . 8 C , OXFORD STREET , are realising a merited amount of favour . New patterns havo been designed , and a much greater variety of sizes have been introduced so as to adjust the Garments to tho slightest possible variation in age , growth , and figure , Bell Sleeve Capos , Poncho Capes , and College Capes , for Children , 10 s . 6 d ., 15 s . 6 d ., and 21 s . Winged Capes , Sao Capos , and Osborrio Over-Coats , for Boys , 12 s . 6 d .. 18 s . Gd ., and 25 s . Inverness Capes , Sleovo Capes , and tho New Close-fitting "Redingoto , " for elder youths , 21 s ., 80 s ., and 36 s .
Untitled Ad
HYAM AND CO ., 86 ^ OXFORD STREET . CLOTHING for the YOUNG should correspond with nere , and juvenility should be studied in dress for Children . JJoys , and Youths . Parents and Guardians are informed that HYAM and CO . ' s Juvenile Suits and Separate Garments display adaptation in stylo and make , besides being durable , protective in material , and economical in price . Belt Suits for Children at 10 s . 6 d ., 15 s . < 3 d ., and 21 s . School Suits for Boys at 15 s . 6 d ., 2 ls ., and 25 s . Cape Suits and Osborno Suits , newly introduced , 25 s ., S 2 s ., and 38 s .
Untitled Ad
132 , RECENT-STREET , W . W JI . CLARK'S CLERICAL SUITS , at 84 s . Hade from the permanent finished cloth , that will neither spot nor shrink . Clerical Gowns and Surplices equally moderate in cost . VH \ r . CLARK . Clerical Tailor , 132 , REGENT-STREET , W .
Untitled Ad
132 , RECENT-STREET , W . WM . CLARK , from H . J . and D . NICOLL . The XON-REGJSTERED PERMISTIO CLOTH PALETOT : the cloth used for this graceful garment being made from the Llama and Astracan wools , has a great advantage over the ordinary Llama cloth , being finer and stronger , with a permanent finish , retaining all the softness of the Llama ; it is an article of clothing that illustrates , botli in material and design , perhaps better than any other garment of the season , the prevailing and growing taste amongst the well-dressing part of the public for chasteness and simplicity of style in dress . It is made only in dark , fine cloths , or in dark colours slightly mixed witna lighter shade ; some of these plain colours are of distinctly novel tints , and the few sprinklings of mixtures added in others to these original shades * produce a variety quite sufficient to give ample choice without impairing in the slightest degree the character required for a quiet and gentlemanly garment . ' _ , Two of these latter are especially adapted for Frock Coats for clergymen ; one of them is so dark aS not to be easily detected from black , but affording more durability for wear than can be produced in plain black . The ^ other is a little lighter , an « while it is equally well adapted for Frock Coats is also peculiarly suitable for clerical ana otner quiet professional paletots . . Wni . Clark has also a very strong fabric of fine Doeskin , in exactly the same colonrings for trousers , and which is more durable than ordinary cloth , in plain colours Or mixtures : the price is alike for the Paletots , Morning , or Frock Coats , 42 s ., and the Trousers , 21 s . ; for Lounging , Travelling , or Business Suits , made from the Patent finished Cotswold Angolas , at 60 s . ; Waterproof Capes and Overcoats of every description and novelty in material , froni 21 s . _ Full dress Evening Suits , Black cloth Dress Coat , "White Vest , and Elack Trousers , complete for 75 s . ; every other article of Dress equally moderate in cost . Ladies' Riding Habits , in Waterproof Tweeds or Melton Cloths , for morning wear , 60 s .: do . do . in superfine cloth , 5 ? . to 11 . 7 s . WM . CLARK , Military and Clerical Tailor and Robe Maker , 133 , REGENr-STREET , W .
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132 , REGENT-STREET , W . N EW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT for the Professional and Commercial Public , Clerical , Legal , and Court Robe Maker . ^ 132 , REGENT-STREET , W ., WM . CLARK , from H . J . and P . NICOLL .
Untitled Ad
132 , REGENT-STREET , W . N EW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT for the Nobility and Gentry . Naval , Military , and Clerical Tailor and Outfitter . , — 132 , REGENT-STREET , W-, WM . CLARK , from H . J . and D- NICOLL .
Untitled Ad
HOT AIR , GAS , VESTA , JOYCE'S STOVES . Stoves for the economical and safe heating of balls , shops , warehouses , passages , basements , and the like , being afe this season demanded , WILLIAM S . BURTON invites attention to his unrivalled assortment , adapted ( one or the other ) to every conceivable requirement , at prices from 10 s . each to SO . guineas . His variety of register and other * stoves , fenders , and kitchen ranges , is the largest in existence . THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR SILVER . The REAL NICKEL SILVER , introduced more than twenty years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when plated by the patent process of Messrs . Elkington and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can it be distinguished from Teal silver . A small useful plate chest , containing a set , guaranteed of first quality for finish and durability , as follows : ~ [ Fiddle or JTbretd or I lOldSilrer Bronnrick Kin E '» I Military i Pattern . Pattern . Pattern . ( Patten .. \ JS s . d . £ s . d . £ s . & \ £ s . d . 12 Table Forks ' 1 18 0 2 80 3 0 0 3 10 O 12 Table Spoons I 118 0 2 803 0 0 , 3 10 O 12 Dessert Forks 1 10 0 1 15 0 2 2 Oj 2 10 a 12 Dessert Spoons ' 1 10 0 1 15 0 2 2 0 2 10 O 12 Tea Spoons 0 18 0 1 4 0 1 10 0 j 1 18 . 0 6 Egg Spoons , gilt bowls 0 12 0 0 15 0 0 18 Oj 1 10 2 Sauce Ladles 0 7 0 0 8 6 0 10 6 , 0 16 O 1 Gravy Spoon 0 -8 0 - 0 11 0 0 l < 3 6 0 16 O-2 Salt Spoons , gilt bowls ... 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 o' 0 7 6 1 Mustard Spoon , gilt bowl . 0 20 0 26 ! 0 30039 1 Pair of Sugar Tongs ....... ; . 0300 390 5 0 , 0 70 / 1 Pair of Fish Carvers 1 4 . 0 { 1 7 6 l 12 0 1 IS 6 1 Butter Knife 0 3 61 O 5 9 « 7 00 81 1 SoupLndle 0 13 O 0 17 6 1 0 0 1 Xi 1 Sugar Sifter ~ 0 4 Oj 0 4 9 0 59 0 8 O Total . i . 11 14 6 ' l 4 11 3 17 14 9 21 4 S Any article to be had singly at the same prices . An oak chest to contain the above , and a relative number of knives , &c , 21 . 15 s . Tea and Coffee Sets , Cruet , and Liqueur Frames , Waiters , Candlesticks , &c , at proportionate prices . All kinds of replating done by the patent process . DISH COVERS AND HOT WATER DISHES , in every material , in great variety , and of the newest and most recherche patterns . Tin dish , covers , 7 s . Gd . the set of six ; block tin , 12 s . 3 d . to 27 s . the set of six ; elegant modern patterns , 35 s . 6 d . to 62 s . 6 d . the set ; Britannia metal , with or without silver plated handles , Si . lls . to 61 . 8 s . the set ; Sheffield plated , 1 QI . to 16 / . 10 s . the set ; block tin hot water dishes , with wells for gravy , 12 s . to 30 s . ; Britannia metal , 22 s . to 77 s .: electro-plated on nickel , full size , 11 / .- 'lls . W ILLIAM S . BURTON'S GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE may be had gratis , and free by post . It contains upwards of 400 Illustrations of his i I limited Stock of Electro and Sheffield Plate , Nickel Silver and Britannia Metal goods , Dish Covers and Hot-water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Chimney-pieces , Kitchen Ranges , Lamps , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Tea Trays , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bedding , Bed Hanging , &c . &e ., with Lists of Prices , and Plans of the Sixteen large Show Rooms , at 39 , Oxfordstreet , W . ; 1 , 1 A . 2 , and 3 , Newman-street ; and 4 , 5 , and 6 , Perry ' s place , London . *—ESTABLISHED 1820 .
Untitled Ad
FURNISH TOUR HOUSE WITH THE BEST ARTICLES . THET A . EE THE CHEAPEST IK THE EOT * . DEANE and Co . ' s Priced Furnishing List may be had gratuitously on application , or forwarded by post . free . This list embraces the leading articles from all the various departments of their establishment , and is arranged to facilitate purchasers in the selection of their goods . Ifcomprises Table Cutlery—Electro . plate—Lamps —Baths—Fenders and Fire Irons—Iron Bedsteads , and Bedding—Britannia Metal , Copper , Tin , and Brass Goods—Culinary Utensils-rTurnery—Brushes—Mats , &c , — Deano and Co . ( opening to the Monument ) , London Bridge . Establiahed a . P . 1700 .
Untitled Ad
THE 35 s . INVERNESS WRAPPERS , THE 60 s . TWEED SUITS , & THE 16 s . TROUSERS , ARE all made to Order from the New SCOTCH CHEVIOT , all Wool Tweeds , of Winter substances , thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant and Family Tailor , 7 < i , Rogent-street , W . Patterns and Designs , with directions for Measurement , sent free . The TWO GUINEA DRESS or FROOK 00 AT . the GUINEA DRESS TROUSERS , and the HALF GUINEA WAIST 0 OA . TS . N . B . —A perfect fit guaranteed .
Untitled Ad
VALUABLE INFORMATION ! GRATIS ! A neatly printed book , 100 pages , TEN THOUSAND COPIES of whtoh are being Issued GRATUITOUSLY , by tho " A NATOMIOAX AWD PATHOlOGflOAI , SOCIETY OV GRHA . V Britain . " Tho Society presents this Important work to the public gratuitously , for tho boneflt of those who aro suffering from debility , nervousness , loss of memory , dimness of sight , drowsiness , indigestion , irritability , ana general prostration of tho system , incapacity for study , business , or sooloty , ACT ) espeojcaxlt recommends it to Young Mbn . " Moat valuable to those who feel an interest in the subjects treated of , showing sufferers the most certain moans of recovering perfect health . "—Medical Journal . Enclose two stamps to prepay postage , and address Dr . W . B . Marston , Anatomical Museum , 47 , Bcruorarstroot , Oxford-stroot , juondon . ___«_^ .
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HALSE 8 SCORBUTIC DROPS . TpHIS old-established Herbal Preparation has JL ¦» naiwwulous effect In all Scorbutic OompWnts , quioWy cmUoatinfc all impurities flrora tho Wood . Indeed , a flnor purifier of tho Wood oannofc irell be conceived tho . palo , alokly complexion speedily bolnff oonvertwd ; to tho roaoata hue of health . Ludtee uhould hnvo roconrso to JW * preparation , instead of using tho dangoroua ooBmotlosnovr bo much in vogue . Price St . W . «» dl *» v » ^ l& . fc ''^ , ?? : AKents—Barolfty and Son » , W . Pwnringdon-strocfc j -Hanmy and Co ., OsToxford-fitroot . Any London or country modlolne rendor will procure tho above for any oustomor ,
Untitled Article
Ko , 455 , December 11 , 1858 . ] T H E " Ii E A P E E , 1367
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 11, 1858, page 1367, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2272/page/31/